Will She Stay Or Leave??? - "Imprisoned By Love" - Full Free Maverick Movie!!

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[Music] you you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] yeah I know hi this is Brittany's personal assistant yeah okay didn't I tell you I was going vegetarian good morning daddy you're looking exceptionally handsome today Thanks now how much is this gonna cost me 20 dollars which the investing and saving of the Amazon rainforest sure whatever you just make sure you home by 11:00 11:00 all my friends have a curfew of 12 you never know your father so unfair hey we love you too baby have a good day at school and don't sit by me again yeah I mean you know that Brittany's gonna be asking us for a car so you imagine her on the highway alone it's crazy can you bring me some bacon sure honey oh and don't forget to get your nothin soccer practice later cuz I can't do it today god damn it woman it's cold [Music] I'm sorry just let me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] hello mrs. Malone yes this is Tracy I apologize so much for missing our appointment this morning and I was wondering if we could maybe me schedule it for later this afternoon [Applause] great 4:00 p.m. is perfect thank you I'll see you later today bye bye okay Tracy what's really going on what are you talking about you know damn well what I'm talking about you've been late three times this week and missed several appointments Heather you know this has been a crazy week for me and you know I have a real estate agency to run anyone else would've been fired a long time ago I know but you love me and you're not gonna fire me right yes I do but that doesn't mean that wait a minute what on earth happened to your face this is nothing nothing no I was I was playing with Jordan again and you know how wild she can get and I bumped my face and it just really bruised badly Yeah right last time I was helping Britney with the cheerleading routine now it's chasing Jordan I'm telling you the truth of it what do you do this time forget to pay a bill put it in the car no Bert the toast it's not like that then what the hell is it like he is under a lot of pressure at work okay and I've just been making way too many mistakes at the house the only stupid mistake you're making is not busting his head wide open me and the girls you know that Tracy Jerell needs to get some help before he kills so he would never do that he loves us ever look at me love doesn't hurt [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jesus for you [Music] which is my way of saying son [Music] that's what starts tonight why don't you go upstairs to slip into something a little bit more comfortable what about the curse they're Kim's house well I guess you thought about everything right I'll be right back [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] did I tell you guys with Gerald did Velocity's know it was so romantic hmm okay well don't stare the detail okay he cooked for me and he and I danced and we went up there and it was just like old times Wow you see that's what I'm talking about a man that could cook in the kitchen and bring it home please last week he almost broke her jaw wait a minute he did what Heather is over exaggerating what we had a little argument then things got out of hand what do you mean a little argument Tracy did he put his hands on me it was an accident oh my goodness it was my goodness Tracy an accident I don't believe Gerald putting his hands on you was an accident really you need to get your head out of the clouds and get a grip on reality Oh Tracy you can't allow a man to put his hands on you are you crazy you know what you know that I'm trying to keep this Mary so I like to think of the hush the girls yeah the girls think of the message you're sending to that message if you let your daughter see that you allow their dad to beat you then they'll fall for the same kind of man is that what you want and I totally agree what is wrong with you I know that both of you cares about us but he has never done this in front of girls yet Tracie's does that that doesn't mean a damn thing okay they know what's going on trust me those girls they know what's going on and if you think it's not that bad now just wait until the next time and there will be a next time yeah I'm worried about what he might do to you Tracy and so am I you're my sister and I love you [Music] see Heidi Kos is gone him Baker's gone Bonnie Warner hmm she's gone too Chris Lee yeah he's gone who's next Gerald Wilson I can't play Cheryl Wilson thank you ah mr. Wilson how are you this morning I'm well you I'm fine I'm fine listen I'm gonna I'm gonna cut straight to the point here as you may or may not know we've had a lot of a lot of cutbacks in the company this year and IT business just isn't what it used to be he'll everybody's outsourcing nowadays yeah that's true mr. Holmes but nothing beats the person with such a true customer service all right I agree but basically we've had to cut some departments lately and unfortunately your department was the first on the chopping block I'm really sorry gerald so you letting me go yeah but listen if it'll help your situation at all I'm willing to accept your letter of resignation letter of resignation you must be out of your damn mind mr. Holmes again I'm sorry I have a job to do and those are my orders orders Errol you'll tell you order Errol you know how many years I've put entails company this wasn't my choice so choice was he ever manage it was upper management I'm just the messenger okay [Music] okay okay anyway okay okay all right okay so you could manage me guys crazy crazy who's next Michael Michael Angelo Michelangelo's next easy hope Michael Angela's not crazy hey all right man closing time go ahead drink up one more for the role dear don't you think you've had enough I'm a big boy I can handle my liquor all right this last one but once you finish this one I'm gonna need you hit the road all right last word promise look Jarrell you've been here all day we've had enough it's time to go home man who the hell are you my dad no I'm not but let me go ahead and get you home safe let me call you okay don't say you're no condition to drive yeah here let me get you Jeff come on Jeff who are you going with the ball Jer come on man really I'm gonna Jerry you already owe me 300 of them put it on your tab I'm putting this one on your tab Gerald let me call you a cab man Gerald whatever [Music] mom I'm starving can we eat now you have me too where's dad your father will be here in a minute okay let's take this stupid house now please indulge mommy for five minutes sure thank you why is he taking so long I'm not sure should've been here by now let me check and see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know it's gonna be okay right baby I can't believe depth it's out like that his father's under a lot of pressure under pressure big deal watch your mouth young lady fine but what about Dorian's arm how she gonna explain that to our teachers she's not going to explain she's gonna wear this sweater all day baby okay the public's arm what about your neck it's nothing a little make-up you got that right hey baby girl sorry about last night okay [Music] okay morning free come on Jordan and sing baccarat the bus get your boat back my girls I guess I deserve that well I guess I'll make you breakfast ready for you I'm sorry about last night girls I don't know what got into me last night look I'll say that sorry shouldn't you be getting ready for work today as you say I got the rest of the year well don't be because I don't need to pee just knowing that you love your job that's over now so that means that we have to watch every penny that we spend no I could just take my hours at the office it's fine like here you will you're gonna be right here with me and the girls and while making myself clear am I making myself clear yes isn't this beautiful oh my goodness that is beautiful girl it's gonna be beautiful or not no Tracy don't you think so Wow I love that Tracy hello Tracy the question is what's going on with you nothing we've been shopping all day and you didn't buy single for me no not even that beautiful scarf that was on sale hello me - Tracy listen if you need anything let me know my asking radius sure you know I do recall Randy telling me that they were hiring an assistant manager for the marketing department really yeah cuz you ask for anything a favorite of course I'm sure you've added Gerald something ready don't want to read thank you I'm so excited yeah and you can go back and get that beautiful scar of your iron [Music] [Music] hey honey hey wassup nothing must ready girls surprise yeah would be cancel my membership what if I told you that I had great news that could get your membership back a bit less today with Heather and Kim because you lost your job and all really yeah and guess what work right they said that you could get you a job as an assistant manager where he works isn't that great news I thought I told you that I didn't need no pity from anybody [ __ ] all up in my damn business I thought I'd keep on repeating my dance next time you keep your damn mouth closed [ __ ] hey girls how's the pork it's fine daddy we glad you had a good time what about whatever Brittany spent all of her time talking to this really cute boy shut up you little snips well we make me stupid all right cut it out you two she's upstairs resting resting in the middle of the day yes you had a long day shopping [Music] I'm gonna see what she bought daddy can I have a chat sure baby do you want you're welcome baby hey baby yeah okay just exhausted baby I know I heard you been shopping so did you get me anything uh yeah I did but I put it all back I got me something for a change what do you think I'm gonna remember that when your birthday comes out oh really anything tell me other Parker it was amazing mom amazing we must have met a boy okay yes I did but you can't told Dad promise [Music] so tell me about what for starters his name is Carl and he's so sweet oh really so is he smart too of course he's hot excuse me hot yes ma'am hi you're not that old that you don't know what hot means right I'm not old at all that's 30 you said and guess back in the old days the word for hot was fun just play mom what's wrong nothing hey that's just a start painting my back laughing well I mean massage your foot it's okay it's not necessary Yeah right dad did it didn't he it's not it's exactly what I think he beat the crap out of you again didn't know I'm not what is it gonna take mom does he have to kill one of us father loves us he would never I can't we just pack up and leave no it's away from that don't you love this house and the school that you go to of course I do let your father and me worry about our problem worried about me whatever because as soon as I finish high school I'm outta here mrs. Felson how are you I'm doing really great big how are you great and thank you for coming in on such short notice I really appreciate it oh not a problem at all I mean I was actually really surprised to get the call from you is everything okay with Jordan well usually Jordan is my best student however it appears that her academic performance levels not really been up to par I don't understand what the problem is she's such a smart little girl and she loves her class well it's shocking to me as well and that's the reason why I called you in for this meeting I was hoping you could shed some light on this situation well I mean I don't know what to tell you she she comes home and he worked on her homework she has dinner and then she's off to bed I see well I don't mean to pry but is there something going on at home that could impede her academic progress what exactly are you implying mrs. Reese nothing it's just that I've found that sometimes parents aren't aware that the slightest change at home could negatively impact the child at school I can assure you that everything is fine in my home trust me I I have no reason not to trust you right if there's nothing else mrs. Reese um I will show myself out and I'll get Jordans grades to come up okay have a good day good day to you as well mrs. Wilson well why do I have some good news for you really well go ahead and tell me cuz I couldn't really use some good news right now okay brace yourself randy was able to get Gerald that job isn't that wonderful he was it is wonderful but Gerald actually found another job so because you tell Randy thank you for really because Kim said Gerald's still looking a couple of days ago he was but I actually found another job yesterday so that's great I'm so happy for you thank you yeah see you went back and got the scarf yeah okay beautiful I loved it what the hell happen to your neck it's nothing heaven nothing nothing you must think I'm a fool it was Gerald wasn't it I think you have an appointment to go to you need to go like hell I will this is my firm I'll leave when I'm good and ready okay fine I quit no you're not getting off that easy please get out of my way over Tracy what is it gonna take for you to realize you need to leave job before he kills you I can go where anywhere about that house with Gerald you need to take your children and get out while you still can we don't have any place to go you know what that's it come on let's go hey where are you going I'm taking you somewhere I should have taken you as soon as this started get your person let's go nail come on [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I just can't believe your appointment this better be an emergency what's going on don't ask me I was wondering the exact same thing cover is coming heavy this place saved my life seven years ago what what are you talking about before I met Randy I was in an abusive relationship to Tracy yes he beat me beyond recognition and left me for dead if it hadn't been for my neighbor finding me I wouldn't be standing here today then why did you tell us sooner I was just too embarrassed ashamed right Tracy I don't have anything to be embarrassed or ashamed about really Oh show her show me what go on show your sit here your your neck what's going on with your neck Traci Gerald it's just a broom oh my god I'm about to go over there and bust a cap in his ass right now just calm down calm down did you see that I'll grant Tracie here for a reason I can tell I am NOT going anywhere oh yes you are you get your butt in that building right now or I'm gonna whip your ass but trust me you haven't had an ass whippin until you had one from me now you start walking cause I kept low you weren't raised this way I can't believe that you would let a man put his hands on that what is wrong I don't see how babies this way you guys don't want to go anywhere worth more than to help Gerald needs help yes he does and if you won't get it then you will don't want to go in here no but you're going you're going he bought me misery love doesn't hurt trust me I've had to learn the hard way myself we've all been there no me that doesn't even let me hit me it promised me they all promise that they do but they don't just gets worse I was promised a ring too and three years later I've been there I've been accused by my parents of my ex-husband you've got to get out while you can Mary don't let the delusion of a ring in a house blind you we've all been there I know you think you love him but if you stay in this relationship I'll have to ask you how much do you really love yourself but that's all the time we have so have you seen them and I want to thank you ladies for coming out and sharing your stories I just hope that each and every one of you re-evaluate your own relationships we have refreshments in the back you all have yourself Sylvia how are you finding you I'm doing great oh my bed with them agrees with your cigarette oh but I didn't expect to see you this evening well let's just say I have a friend who needs to be here oh okay me oh the man put one finger on me I'd be doing five to ten facility this is my friend Kim she's harmless I'm serious I'm Tracy hi I'm the friend that Heather kills needs to be here but my life isn't nothing like these ladies so not yet but it's just a matter of time please oh well just know that if you ever need a safe place to talk you always welcome here in a friend of Heather's it's a friend of mine oh this is the nonprofit shelter for battered women home so it's one of those places that women come to the bad memory oh no quite the contrary what we offer here is the safe haven for battered women stay tuned for the children toiletries and I hold one have arrived your services so what we're doing here this evening is providing a safe place for women to come and talk to us about the abuse that they encountered and a safe and supportive environment it's very therapeutic Wow I think what you're doing here is amazing thank you and how do you afford all these services for good people like ever who make monetary donations every month Wow do you know what my money was sort of bad our purpose here well thank you and I'll get your receipt for your taxes before you leave I would also donate but my family is experiencing some financial problems right now so okay well it's the thought that counts my friend just know we're always looking for volunteers I come in what's left and help out well thank you so I guess you're saving a lot of lives here where are you coming from so late excuse me what did you say young man I thought so you better watch it so what you're doing okay turn it back four plus eight equals Wow okay now could you two carry the one that's two plus one plus one equals four all right good job last one five plus one equals stakes all right which is 640 tips good job [Music] hey I guess as long as her family's there okay hey she said yeah you're not going ready why can't I go mom said it was okay I don't give a damn what you love to see I'm the head of this household and you will respect my decision mom say something bring what you enjoyed go get ready for dinner okay okay no you're just lovely don't go I said I'm not going like hear you not know you need to stand up for yourself oh he wants to do is control us I like prisoners in our own home like I said go upstairs and I'm not gonna tell you again fine I'll go there I'm gonna tell you something Burnett these are Sammy [Music] I feel sorry mom no better finish look eat you all junk you're not the father that I used to know and love you're not even a mean you're nothing let me see and soon as I finish high school I'm outta here and I'm not coming back hold still I told you I'm lying we don't need that even let the swelling go down Carly please not why not he hit me and that's child abuse look at my face your father was drunk do you want to see him go to prison yes and I hope he stays there you don't mean that yeah I do oh well I told you I'm fine you heard me right I'm out of here if you were smart you would come with me may we just calm down aren't you tired be this punching bag first you then Jordan and now me there's nothing left from the to kill wanna stop it no that is not true I know you're a good woman man and I know you want to keep this family together so badly let's face it it's over Britney I I don't know like without you look at yourself Mon let me just know where's the way who used to smile where's the lady who you suppress my hair at night pleased to meet Jordan bedtime stories where I don't know I don't know we'll be okay oh you are going to come that's final I think a little college bar time will be fine let's just get Jordi to get out of here please your your plan sounds great but your father would never this he doesn't have to know we can sneak out no it's crazy if you think you can keep this marriage together now are you coming with me or not [Music] [Music] [Music] nice job every last [Music] just take this upstairs for a bit [Music] [Music] just pretend like without here [Music] [Music] earth are you guys doing here at this time of the night I was just about to head out anyway are you guys okay so okay now wouldn't the hell happened and tell me everything oh no I'm about to go beat his ass and please excuse my language are you okay Brittany okay I'm just happy you got there right you can stay right here where you'll be safe cuz if he comes over here I got something boring I can't man please use the boss you sure can baby as a matter of fact Tracy we're family family sticks together through thick and thin okay [Music] you say here's all you need [Music] tres jailed I was willing to stay in a marriage in which I was being beaten continuously just as long as my girls had their mother and father in the same I love you but I can no longer stand by and allow you to abuse my babies that's where I draw the line so we're leaving I beg you to please get some help before you try to put your family back together I need this time for myself and I hope you take this thing to focus on what's really important to you Tracy girl I'm glad you got out of there when you did it's no telling what he would have done he needs help I mean serious help they've been putting his hand Brittany that's ural hello we're nearly all you need to know is that we're safe I want you to pack up your things you need to get help I don't need him I need my family by my side listen here you bastard if you come over here and put your hands on any of my family again I will blow a cap off in your ass okay the kids and Tracy they're not going anywhere they're never coming back okay you ask you beat my ass channel really come on a beat my if you think it can beat my ass come on okay I have something waiting here for you come on [Music] I cannot believe you said that damn I did and I I'm just crazy I guess I'm so glad you decided to come back to work how are you I'm really good I'm just adapting to being a single mom I know the feeling trust me it does get better I hope so for the sake of the girls you just keep giving them love and support and they'll be fine so have you heard from gerald yeah a couple of times but every time he calls Kim manages to grab the past hang up on him well you don't have to worry about him showing up here cuz I've already given his picture to security thank you I really appreciate that no problem now enough about Gerald what are you doing tonight um I don't have any plans well you do now I do what are those it's movie tickets chick flick night I'm talking hot buttered popcorn crying juju beans more crying okay already you had me at hot buttered popcorn good I guess Kim was right she said that you could use a girls night out well she would have been right cuz I have been stuck in our house for the past two weeks Tracy that's no way to live your life you need to gain control back over your life and you know what it starts tonight okay here's two tickets one for you one for Kim don't forget to lock up and I'll see you at the movie theater later okay but wait I'm gonna exhale tonight right that's right I'll see you later see you later thank you and a tearjerker and my makeup was a mess from all that damn crying you know how much I love a love story me too it really gives me hope guys thank you well tonight's not over yet no I'm tired I'm going home no not it's time to hit the dance Brandi I'd be home by 10:00 I gave her an extra 50 to babysit until 12:00 of course she so tonight is the Sex and the City moment are you doing here I manage the restaurant and you man that girl's just what to see a movie in it's girls night out well thank you for your business now I know all of this is not invisible you better come and give me a hug thank you what's going on kid you're still crazy hm Heather this is our childhood friend James James this is Heather nice to meet you James pleasures all mine when did you move to Atlanta about four years ago to take a job as a sound engineer but it didn't work out okay so married single any kid well I have a son and I'm divorced what about you well you know me sexy and single and always ready to me and you crazy oh I'm married and I have two beautiful daughters well he must be the luckiest man in the world should have been you you know what I don't get it Tracy and I were highschool sweethearts I asked her to marry me but she turned me down the biggest mistake of her life you always supported our relationship well you're a good guy I hope her husband respects to treasure that he had you're still beautiful Tracy thank you James nice to meet you James yeah same you why don't I what lays out to you can't believe we ran into each other I know it was crazy just like walk back in time sweetie being a military wife isn't very [Music] I loved you too but hey look how things turned out you have two beautiful daughters and a loving husband do you have anybody special in your life her name is penny we want to ask her tonight thank you I just always remember sure sure I was really good seeing Tracy take care of yourself can I get by James vodka I have it nice meeting you James but yes mrs. Wilson I'm Contessa Maxwell please come in thank you so how can I help you today mrs. Luthor how can I help you today I think I want to divorce my husband well from the tone of your voice I have to ask you are you certain I really don't know I was hoping that you could give me some advice today mrs. Wilson I'm an attorney not a marriage counselor I know but not still look don't cookies shouldn't we try to save your marriage no I need to divorce him I want to divorce him may I ask on what grounds mrs. Wilson confuses me I'm so sorry I have to but now I have to do what's right for me of my car I understand are there any shared assets like property cars bank accounts etc how many years have you been - you have two daughters well you are entitled to the home and half of everything he owns no no I don't want any of that I just wouldn't I don't want to be free of this mine as your attorney I strongly advise you against this no I know it's crazy but I have to do what's right me and my girls I can't do this anymore I admire your courage mrs. Wilson well let's get that paperwork started [Music] [Music] right good [Music] Jeff Wilson yeah whoever wants to know got a package please sign using this the creative was [Music] [Music] [Music] our curds of Tracy how could you do this to our family turn my daughter's against me then you see with your hassle boyfriend [Music] my auntie's [Music] [Music] hable submarine oh I see that's what's up really can't wait to see you either got a little surprise for you [Music] sorry Raven just gonna have to wait for this [Music] nope can't tell you nope not a single clue well listen baby I've seen a couple hours alright love you bye [Music] oh well hey put the eggs down man when you don't come on Lin hey baby listen man I got this ring man please do come on man we can get engaged man I got a son man come on man please [Applause] we did that this crazy guy tried to get us killed good morning we're coming to you live from the JR crickets restaurant in Fulton County where the body of a man has been found now my insight sources tell me that the victims name is James fountain who was the manager of jr. crickets it does not appear that this crime was motivated by money as the victims watch and wallet were not taken now I'm standing here with an eyewitness who came across the body as he was passing by sir what can you tell us about the body well I was walking by and I saw a body lying behind his trashcan I noticed that his head was bleeding so I went over and I shake it to see if he was still alive and that's when I saw his face what was wrong with his face sir it looked like someone had taken a sharp object and chopped his face all up it was the most horrific thing I ever seen in my life mom guess it just makes it me who Carl he said have a good day mind when your daddy's to do sweet things like that speaking of is that nice what does he do me he asked me to meet him here today are you serious hey baby girl missed you so much can we come back it's up to your mother [Music] Brittany hi dad Oh school great [Music] I really wish you guys were at home on this sure you do mom and well Karloff okay honey don't be gone long [Music] [Music] I think she'll find it in our heart to forgive me someday I'm sure she will [Music] really hurt us physically and emotionally yeah I know I can't forgive myself are you I'm good look great thank you and you said you wanted to talk so I wanted to talk to you about the divorce I was hoping that he would reconsider Gerald I thought long and hard about it and it's actually one of the hardest decisions I ever had but you don't have to I love you I don't know what I will do without you and the girls [Music] but I'm in such a different place right now me too I've been seeing a therapist for the past month and I stopped excessive drinking it's great thanks baby well I guess we can be parents that our girls deserve huh I know right isn't it amazing and when you move back in I promise you things are going to be different no more violence no more drinking Thanks that everything you're doing right now it's gonna make better [Music] [Music] confused don't be I mean I'm in everything else just keep doing what you're doing what makes this is it and death it is do you know frightening before I do when it's one last way I'm tired you mean whether they're ready to go and so you think have one last Tracy we still need to discuss that access point I don't want anything from you I just want you to take care of the girls and I don't believe you deserve and so please [Music] please [Music] tomorrow night at 7:00 later tonight [Music] [Music] we gotta get ready to go [Music] where's squirt give you old man it's over [Music] [Music] you [Music] me too [Music] Wow don't you look cute where are you off to at this hour thank you where's your house at this hour that client can wait no they can't this house just got on the market and you know I need the money to get out of your house yeah well do I need to help you get your coat whatever I think I do need you to remind Brittany to help her sister with her homework and make sure that Jordan it's her vegetables tonight go make the money I got this okay okay cuz you know that girl don't even eat no vegetables [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Taylor really need you to sign these papers now sign the papers first Missy [Music] well I mean there's been really nice dessert cake my nose okay great luckily these plates guy yeah [Music] [Music] release that thank you sound surprised [Music] this will be our last toast you okay drop two most night most everybody [Music] you hey you know time soon well sign this permission slip for this - field trip tomorrow let me see that Oh easy let me show you how it's done you can't Forge mommy's name Oh Jordan stay out of grown folks business and eat your snack before you get your butt spanked this side I've been forging noses all school are you serious yes middle school I can it's true you want to know why you're on Kim never dressed out for PE from 6:00 to the 12th grade ah it might a little something like this dare coach Hills please excuse him for dressing out for PE she's on her period right I think I'm gonna let your mom and handle that when she gets back in and showing the house okay no she's a nice dinner no baby she's out showing her house yesterday at the park daddy asthma me come over for one she said wait a minute mommy daddy park I told Tracy to stay away from him Britney is this true probably he did come to the park but I left after killer Wow you know what you guys I'm gonna run out for a few okay business just make sure she and she goes straight to bed after she doesn't okay I don't know what just today and call it a day [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and he was engaged to force you should be crafty [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] please don't make me do this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no please Gerald today [Music] [Music] I think I just killed man [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's amazing how things can turn out you can go from being married having children divorce and almost did I guess it's the circle of life I thank God from my mother's life and definitely that um Kim was there to save her we are all in counseling now but everyone is doing so much better mom has finally decided to go back to college I'm so proud of her and Jordan is doing so much better in school and I finally started college I decided to major in English I want to be a writer and this is my first skirt in prison I love it's my story but it doesn't have to be yours and one thing remember love doesn't [Music] [Music] you [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Maverick Movies
Views: 2,075,248
Rating: 4.505764 out of 5
Keywords: Full Movie, Full Free Movie, Full Free Streaming Movie, Full Free Streaming YouTube, Full Streaming Movie, Full YouTube Movie, Full Free Streaming YouTube Movie, domestic abuse, domestic abuse movie, Reece Odum, Marvin Baldwin Jr., Regina Charles, Leah Monet Johnson, Jaylin Simone, Joyce White, Michael Angelo, yes all women, maverick, maverick movie, maverick movies
Id: A2ogyo81f-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 48sec (6708 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 08 2019
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