GAGO - One Last Prayer | Full Drama Movie | Family Faith | Rare Cancer

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foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] can I open one Daddy of course live it's your birthday go for it hey who is Miss Willis isn't that your teacher live Miss Tina oh that's right her last name is Willis she caught me the Arts that I wanted this is the one I was talking about see yeah thanks babe Olivia we can draw a poster for a dog Walking Company can I help I'm a really good drawer okay where is this balloon delivery Lex did they call Party Palace they should have been here [Music] they're here they're here happy birthday Olivia babe Auntie Pat hey birthday girl hey legs hey well Alexis ah Patricia hey David how's my favorite teacher oh geez don't remind me about work this is a celebration not a therapy session all right get her going about Cleveland Public Schools you will hear the end of it good to see you will good to see you too bro children's bedtime prayer my mom picked out she got it for me when I used to have bad dreams there's a prayer for different situations when you're afraid when you're lonely when you're sad this is so nice have you read all of them not all of them some I read over and over again sometimes my mom raised them to me David you look bad are you okay Alexis are you taking care of your man I know how to take care of my man okay and what's the deal with these saggy bags look I just haven't been getting a whole bunch of sleep that's all insomnia it's no good can't keep on like that ah tell me about it is it a boy or a girl so pretty it looks like a boy what do you think Eric Yep looks like a boy to me what's his name I'm gonna call him Henry Henry no not Henry Gabriel Gabriel's a good name come on let's go look at my daughters man I don't believe this what's up waiting on this delivery balloons for the party I should have used party Powers I'll go Fair Frank is the owner it was Party Palace oh man we'll uh call them up ask for Frank mention my name he'll take care of you because this is ridiculous Connor excuse me I just wanted to wish my goddaughter happy birthday long time let's go oh sounds like fun over there yeah yeah well great to hear from you all right you'll be giving us a refund today [Music] what happened to morning delivery we had like 20 parties this morning yeah well I had one party and I ordered express delivery so do you want the balloons or not I want the balloon six hours ago party's almost over I'm sorry sir I've had a real tough morning please don't make it worse I just need a signature what okay David fine gold wait bro you get your money back yep yo what are you looking at dude that's my wife man it's a little disrespectful yo get him out of here man call the number on the back for customer service yo you need some help I said get out gonna ruin this party the party's not ruined the kids are still having fun let me help you with that he's been waking up in the middle of the night it's irritable all the time I don't know what's wrong with him I can tell himself he's definitely gonna ruin this party keep it together relax you want to talk about it I'll call Frank myself I text him now why did you just have to go off on somebody today why listen we can deal with this later you know what time it is time for cake time for cake time for cake girls all right come in here we're gonna Cut the Cake come on call the boys in David we'll get in here we're gonna sing Happy Birthday okay you like it baby baby good all right let's sing happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday to you [Music] baby [Music] this is taking them so long we know how this goes babe it's been almost 30 minutes So based on the CAT scan it looks as though we have a serious situation here there's a growth in her brain tissue and that explains why she's been blacking out growth you mean tumor like another tumor growing on her brain now yes brain cancer is that treatable I mean is it curable we're very concerned and need to do our biopsy as soon as possible so what you're telling us is that the treatments didn't work last time no they were successful the cancer retreated before is in remission but well it's come back in a completely different area so so what do we do now she's not eating and she's been losing weight what do we do and she's been complaining about headaches lately she's been telling me she's in spots those are not good signs we'll give you a prescription that should help with the headaches ever again David we feel that we can successfully treat this so what do you want us to do let's schedule the biopsy wait what alternatives do we have I don't know if I want to put her through that treatment again let's do the biopsy and then we'll know what we're dealing with this is a nightmare we can't put her through this not again David tell her we'll do whatever it takes to save our daughter I understand your concerns Alexis I can refer you to a doctor who specializes in treating rare cancers it's experimental but there have been some amazing results no promises though you may feel more comfortable going in that direction but it would not be my first choice Oliver neighboring the information we still want to schedule the biopsy in the meantime try to keep her in a routine as much as possible I'm so sorry you have to go through all this she's such a sweet girl [Music] foreign [Music] I'm scared David I think I'm not do you not want her to go through chemo again it crushed her the first time I mean do you remember how long it took for her to recover from that the side effects were horrible but it worked I mean we're not going to sit here and do nothing I did not say do nothing I want to look into the alternative medicine live needs serious medical attention I'm just not thinking clearly listen I am not trying to argue with you I'm just telling you how I feel look whatever I have to do for live I'm gonna do it oh you're gonna do it huh you're gonna do it all by yourself you're not the one who's been with her when she's been throwing up in the middle of the night or when she falls over in the bathtub do you really have to make this about you and me it is so hard to talk to you right now look I'm stressed out just like you are foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign hey watch it you watch it and stop going through my trash stay out of my yard [Music] blue everybody's watching and I know they're waiting the pressure's heart for me to take I work too hard for me to break sometimes [Music] cause I know that everything will be all right some days [Music] [Music] you look like hell are you still not sleeping what can I do for you Tyler what's the word on the read situation I'm just waiting for a contract to be faxed over good that's a big one don't blow it excuse me David this is Major we need this have I ever blown a deal I mean in all my years here have you ever known me to mess up a deal or lose a client hey take it easy you know I always thought my dad made a mistake hiring you but lately I've been seeing your performance and uh I'm starting to see the light you were a diamond in the rough and uh the steel is going to save our company so I just want to make sure that nothing's going to go wrong I know how to do my job Tyler that's why your father hired me just remember to log your delivery electronically I know how to schedule I didn't say you didn't know how but last month you entered the info wrong and if I wouldn't have found it we could have lost a lot of money you know what you changed the info and didn't give us the new skus that could have cost us the company listen we can do this all day but I'm busy just make sure to have your skus this time thank you hey Lex good to see you I love this place would you order ah my usual it's got a white mocha so how are things are falling apart with I can keep fighting with David about everything I mean lately we can't agree in anything all right on all of you you have to keep that in perspective handles it differently than you but I know it's hurting him just the same it's like deja vu chocolatino thank you I can't even imagine what you're going through but I want you to know I'm here for you my co-worker's daughter went through this last year they found this great program called angel wings I got you an application you know it's hard enough to deal with Olivia's diagnosis let alone navigating around David's attitude lately I mean I'm so sick of it set up I can't do this Pat God is your strength he's your Shield you have to trust in him I mean I'm getting no emotional support what am I supposed to do you know what you have to do legs walk away no well then what because I really don't know this is a season it's going to pass we'll see you've got to keep it together Lex don't you have someplace else to be yeah will you please pray with me before I go you should try to lay down and get some sleep sleep the doctor calls today yeah I made an appointment for next Tuesday you don't take off work of course can you come with us I'll be there she is getting weaker David I mean it is coming all back to me like it was yesterday with the hospital visits and the medicine and I hate the thought of Olivia having to go through this all over again she's been through so much already you know I called about the alternative medicine sounds incredible David I mean the doctor was right they've had some amazing results and I know it's really expensive but I think I just don't know about this okay I think we need to just let the doctors do what they do just look it over at least it could say live from so many side effects we even talk about all these natural remedies and herbal medicines and everything okay now it's just not the time to experiment okay we we need to let the doctors do their job [Music] ah shoots oh what are you gonna do about you not sleeping David did will call you yet yeah he called and well he told me about some group or something he called it a life group or something I'm just not interested yeah I mentioned that to you earlier Pat invited me to hers and I thought it was nice babe I'm just not interested in sitting around with a whole bunch of dudes I don't know you know will well I'll call Will up and invite him to watch the game on Saturday I just think if you talk to [Music] talked about you I'll be fine foreign [Music] I mean you have to see what this is doing to us it's not the time I mean you're not sleeping you're irritable all the time and it's getting worse you start drinking again it's not even connecting you know what do you want me to do huh what do you want me to do I mean I'm doing everything I can your church I want you to talk to someone about your anger psychiatrist here we go with that happened once no it happens all the time David whatever it is you were going through I am here for you know I'm gonna go to a live group foreign for me for you for us [Music] all right now watch me do this on a pocket I could do this all night girl you're so cool [Music] is so cool [Music] they've been meant for it foreign [Music] I'm having next time David Fred Marsh what's up man all right welcome baby [Music] you want a drink sure hey what can I get you guys tonight um can I get a Coke something dark neat doesn't even matter what a great bunch of guys yeah y'all always meet like this time we both it's time to hit the driving range we mix it up let's imagine something way different like what a couple grumpy old dudes sitting at a table man with big old Bibles and glasses that is funny can't blame you so they look up for those groups before now we pretty relaxed here just a bunch of Knuckleheads doing life together what happened to your hand just a little cut um stitches yeah a few man just oh hey man that was tough when you Alexis with Olivia being sick but I want you to know that I've been praying for you all I mean my daughter you know going through something like this he just I just I would do anything to take her place you know of course I do oh um I'm so sorry that she going through this let me know is there anything we can do to help no I'm serious anything we could do to help hey how long I've been meeting like this how long this is our third year my main goals with the group is to let guys be guys don't judge me you study the Bible you do our best to live by it I went to church a lot when I was a kid I didn't have nothing like this dude the biggest benefit of the group is accountability is that right yeah we keep each other on track got checks everybody's down with that yeah then it's your choice to grow to stay the same hey Liv breakfast is ready did you feed Gabriel last night yes I did come and eat he looks starved how much did you give him come in here and eat your breakfast what are we having oatmeal [Music] yeah come on babe you gotta eat your food I hate oatmeal what since when you love oatmeal what are you talking about it doesn't taste like anything hmm well let's add some strawberries to it good morning my beauties hey Daddy I'm better today over that's good I'm glad to hear that hey Daddy will you tell Liv that she needs to eat her oatmeal she 'll live eat your oatmeal I don't want oatmeal what do you want pancakes let's get some pancakes pancakes it is all right yes we gotta pick up Luke's new prescription today it should help with some appetite that's good babe she's gotta start eating I don't know she always ate like a little bird My Little Tweety Bird let's get her what she was whatever she asked for I just want to see my baby doing cartwheels again do you want to see the picture I drew for mommy yeah of course I do it you okay I can get it for you no it's fine I don't care oh that's very nice Liv look at that that is really good uh what that's I see your mom there and um it's me and Gabriel okay well yeah you know what no I see that I see that I see I'm still working on yours what happened to your hand well that well back to a fight with a toaster hey Mama I gotta go love you hey love you [Music] all right Mr Reed come on let's make this money read construction may I help you hi Mr Reed please may I ask who's calling this is David Medford easy Electronics sure David my man Mr Reed thanks for taking my call get back to you before I hit the road well great I'll get right to it well looks like we have all the items you're inquired about the color Pro 3370 um three of The Print Pro 5000s and five of The Print Pro 2500s those 2500s are the smaller ones right that's right they print up to 25 ISO and black built-in Wireless and ethernet 600 by 600 DPI resolution it's top of the line look let's go with uh four of The Print Pro 5000 four great we can do that it sounds great so everything is available now though right of course I can have it delivered as soon as next week all we need is a purchase order or a check by phone oh I've been with the company for quite a while now um they treat me pretty well anyway don't let me poison your mind uh just fax or email over the final quote I'll do it this afternoon and uh have a great trip all right talk to you yes thank you God did you close resending the quotes right now he just ordered another five thousand another Print Pro 5000 that's a huge Commission don't blow it what can I do to help I'll rewrite the agreement and I'll send it over with the quote I'm good let me know when you close [Music] foreign what's up man how you been doing oh man good good man this is a nice officey guy here man what are you doing down here man he's got some business in the area I thought we'll stop by and you know say what's up you still in the same business you know me I got a little uh a little bottle opening up in Cleveland I have uh some some going on Columbus some Partners you know you still with Chantel Chantelle I haven't seen them in five years man stupid kid move to Phoenix I'm sorry to hear that man I see you're still married huh yeah man 10 years 10 years wow dude Mr Family Man Mr executive salesman of the Year David D Medford you know your grandma would be proud yeah man well she raised us the best she could yeah [Music] remember that time we stole that car and we hit it in her garage do I mean that was the worst decision of my life man she keep asking for me whose Cardinals I was like that's my uncle he kept giving us fake names if she actually called the cops on us you know we would have been in juvie for the rest of our juvy life yeah absolutely man I got whooped the worst that day of my life that was probably the worst beating I ever had man that was a long time ago man Good Times see you you happy with this yeah man you know it's legit you know stable but are you really happy with the money you're making right now yeah man you know we're doing well that's cool I see you family man I see you going to church still following me dude Alexis got all of your business on Facebook they want anniversaries weddings birthdays oh speaking of birthdays also Olivia getting really big now look at her she's like a big girl how was she man you know they diagnosed it with brain cancer [Music] dude I am I'm so sorry man that is that's awful hey Lex hey you got a minute yeah what's wrong so Pat mentioned a non-profit that offers grants for medical treatments for children what's the name of the company well the company is called angel wings and we would still have to apply for it but it would cover the cost of the treatment that I want for live I thought we were going with the doctor's plan on this babe you never heard me say that okay let's talk about it when I get home all right love you all right I love you look man if it's if it's money problem I can help you out man oh man no we're we're good it's just some things we got to work through you know I mean if you if you need anything with like a medical bills or anything I got you it's not a problem no you know I just signed the biggest contract of my career dude like you know so I think we're gonna actually be okay you know we're gonna hit dude you you don't look good I can help you guys out it's literally no problem man it's it's just money yeah yeah anyway man it was it was nice seeing you man all right man great seeing you bro all right all right [Music] all right what's the word on the deal David uh we're good but what's going on oh well we're tightening up we're scaling back on a lot of things in fact I need all of my sales people to run reports this morning this morning I can have it to you by this afternoon I'm a little swamped this morning well I suggest you do what you have to do to get it to me this morning you trying to fire me Tyler can you just do what I asked well how's the scaling back gonna affect the product line I mean I can't have my customers ordering things we don't carry I won't beat around the bush the company's in trouble our numbers have been really low for the past seven months and uh this is going to come as no surprise to you but uh we're downsizing downsizing relax you get to keep your job but through any staff is going to have to agree to a 20 decrease in Pay 20 how do you expect me to live off that just until we get through the slump we should be back on track within six months to a year at least you get to keep your job well what about this deal I got on the table yeah when are you going to close that David Tyler I need this commission I can't afford to lose 20 percent but I don't believe this listen David times are tight everybody has to cut back and step up are you following me David yeah yeah we gotta cut back and step up now if you want to walk out that door if that feels better for you then go ahead otherwise fall in David Medford easy Electronics David it's Darren Reed from reconstruction Mr Reed yes it is did you get the quote what can I do for you you want me to revise the original proposal to read I mean is there something I can I can I can help you okay mystery foreign James 1 19-20 anybody want to say it be quick to listen slow to speak it's slow to get angry your anger can never make things right in God's sight great the key to Next Level breakthrough is memory verse an application whatever I'ma have mine next week you're good anybody else want to say anything before we finish up yeah well you remember how I was telling you guys about my former Network who was feeling really depressed so just the other day I asked him if I could pray for him and he asked why I was so in the church and I said it ain't about church you know I said it's about accepting God's love you know turning from your sin and following Jesus so we went back and forth a bit but uh I think I I think I made an impression everything amen I got a confession I lost my temper the other day with my wife again I called her a b man she said I was a sorry excuse for a man and that I was weak I lost it well did you go back and make it right I've been on the couch in the basement for the last two days sorry to hear that bro she was wrong I mean the stuff she said was real disrespectful well I always got to be the one to apologize yeah yeah it's rough you know but let me drop this on Ephesians 5 25. husbands love your wife just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for to make her holy I know the verse well it's just hard man I just I gotta think about my kids I mean if I'm being truly honest that's the reason I'm in it I don't know what I'd do if I lost my kids laughs all right um all right guys let's uh let's go over this memory verse over in Galatians chapter one foreign yeah man just needed a minute I bought that at auction in New York was really into Fine Arts but [Music] Pat love angels this Angel died always angels Pat thinks that there are angels watching over us I hear so much that whenever I see a picture or figurine or anything I'm gonna get it for all right does it help yeah man it helps David I know you've been going through a lot but I want you to know that I've been praying for you my pattern I've been lifting you and the family up every night I found it needs you especially now have you been praying my brain is the hardest thing I do right now it's true it's always the hardest thing but it's the best option we have you really believe angels are watching us man yeah I do let me pray for you foreign father God merciful and kind I stand here as a man who life you changed with your great power I ask that you do the same for David Show Yourself tomorrow do a miracle in his life Lord hell his daughter he'll Olivia [Music] I pray that you would give David and me the power to your spirit to control our anger and Lead our families with authority and humility we ask all these things in Jesus name amen we felt that now let me ask you something never feel like God's not listening he's always listening be strong bro and then watch the game with this man I Stay [Music] thank you [Music] Connor David my man hey man I saw you called yeah man you good what's up how's it living she's a fighter man she's tough and I know what you got that from well look if I I can do anything just let me know okay well uh Alexis was thinking we should we try an alternative medicine and how I was against it at first but you know looks like my insurance may be changing look you need cash I got you man not really sure what I'm asking man check it I love Olivia at least my own flesh and blood listen man you got to leave that job and get with me man I'm serious David you still got rap in the street not interested I saw your office I know what you're driving look that's just not me anymore all right oh yeah think about it if your family hey I gotta run foreign how was it it was good you know I had a good time yeah I'm glad to hear that Pat and Monica came over earlier and I I forgot to pick up this prescription can you all right baby I think I cut my hours what what's going on numbers are down and let a lot of people go the rest of us have to take a pay cut I'm hoping he's in trouble I don't even know how long I'll be employed this is the worst timing ever I'm talking about it you know Pat organized a collection from the other ladies in our group and um they gave us almost three hundred dollars complexion baby what'd you tell them I mean you know how I feel about having our business out there in the street Patricia was just looking out for us what did Patricia think I can't take care of my family I mean is that what you think David listen to yourself no I'm serious day let's fill it out listen baby this is our wake-up call we should be praying will happen at the same time did you hear what I said David maybe God's trying to get your attention praying I mean I'm what you want me to do I mean I I'm God really cares about us I mean if he cares about live we just need some money doesn't solve everything it doesn't it is off something I mean thank you [Music] Maddie I'm cold okay now how's that babe it's fine Daddy yeah Luke would you ever put me in a nursing home live get too young for a nursing home why would you even ask me that Faith said that when her grandmother got cancer they had to put her in a nursing home don't worry about that I'm not worried do you want to know why tell me Auntie Pat wrote in my book what book my book of children's prayers she gave it to me on my birthday what did she write look in the inside cover okay it says if you say the Lord is my refuge and make the most high you're dwelling no harm will overtake you and no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Psalm 91 9-10 love Auntie Pat I love the prayers in here yeah I do huh yeah they're really short like this one right here A Prayer for Wisdom can I read this one live you gotta get to bed but A Prayer for Wisdom grant us wisdom in time of Doubt to do the things we know we are Shine the Light upon our way and help us walk from day to day renew our minds so that we're clear to know if it's truly your voice we hear that's good I told you they were short uh I'll read this one next okay angels all around when Darkness Falls on dreary night and the wind beats against my window I rest assured that even then there are angels all around when the fear of loneliness lingers and my heart begins to ache I can rest assured that even then there are angels all around it's love your love that comforts me and nothing else Compares You Are My Shelter and I know you've placed the angels all around see it's just like the one Auntie Pat wrote in my book I love this one I believe it I believe they're angels watching over us yes well I think you're right sweetie now let's let the Angels watch you sleep wait I didn't read my favorite live it's way past your bedtime one last prayer Daddy please Daddy one last prayer one last prayer yes can you read this one a prayer for God's will a grand design was set in place before the world began careful thought was given to every part it was a perfect plan though pain and tears perfect my faith and Brokenness to heal yet confident in you my Lord that you'll do your perfect will [Music] it's my favorite that and the one about the Angels yeah that that last one that's nice does it hurt when you die how old do you think I'll be when I die how does 150 sound Daddy okay yeah let's let's get some rest listen I love you love you too Daddy good night I gotta make something happen we gotta finish filling out this application for angel's wings I'm gonna sigh in a few places favor from who fine I'll throw it out and you just gotta sign okay I said I'll handle it and don't forget to pick up Louis prescription while you're out tell her to call my lawyer because I'm not giving her a penny more I don't care after everything I've given her she wants to do this you tell her to get the best lawyer she can afford it won't be on my dime yeah goodbye she's a real Beauty ain't she 60th birthday present to myself yeah she's nice get in check out the leather that's okay I'm not going to kidnap you I promise get in you're checking it out 306 horsepower 0-60 in 5.8 seconds 19 inch wheels on this beauty she's my pride and joy yes he's real nice what year brand new just got her birthday present to myself well happy birthday man happy belated birthday ah you give great gifts Peter what was that the name's Peter Popovich and uh thanks for the birthday wish oh don't mention it you think I'm wrong I'm just trying to protect what I built I'm sorry what you know what I was saying on the phone you heard me right you know my wife soon to be ex she always knows how to push my buttons I just lose it you know I mean you can't disrespect the man and then expect him to just roll over and take it you know you want to divorce me fine don't think you'll get another dime out of my money a tough position to be in finally somebody finally got it thank you you know I never should have married her my sister told me she's too young she just wants your money but that didn't matter to me you know she's gorgeous and I was always a sucker for a pretty face you should have listened yeah she's a real piece of work that one everybody could tell she was always trying to change me into what hmm change you into what whatever she wanted that's what you know eat this eat that wear this don't wear that right she even tried to pick out my friends for me you know I'm a grown man uh David I'm a grown man David I'm twice her age you don't try to change a grown man yeah hey you're not having a heart attack are you David how do you keep from losing it huh what what do you do punch a brick wall or something that why you're wearing the bandage funny you should ask we've been going to this support group recently like AAA or something me and my wife we started going to this church and they have these groups like hey like no not what kind of um it's been helping me sort some things out and see some things in a different light so you found God actually it's more like he found me I'm still learning everything but I'm thankful good for you David Hey listen it's been great talking to you hey David thanks for listening hey uh would you mind like can I pray for you uh I I'm not religious but I wouldn't take offense to the gesture what the hell father God I know you're in the business of changing lives you've changed mine I was angry and you gave me patience I was prideful and you showed me my sin and my need for Jesus and I know you can do the same for my friend here and I pray that you would in Jesus name amen thanks thanks David there should be more nice guys like you in the world [Music] all right let us know if you guys need anything else and we'll pick up the pizza on our way back okay got a good woman bro you do too and she puts up with me still not getting much sleep have you seen the doctor about it I'm study man but I just haven't had time to schedule it well you need to look into it man you're not looking good you know I've been feeling better though since I went to that group meeting you know it's I guess hearing the other guys tell about their lives and made me feel like I wasn't the only one with problems you know it helped yeah that's why we do it helps all of us hey how'd you become a leader well you know I don't know if Pat told you I did eight years or a 25 year bid five years into my sentence chaplain came to the prison just kept talking to me he would ask me questions about my life and just listen you know after a while he started telling me about this plan that God had for my life man I wasn't trying to hear any of it every time he would leave he would ask me if I want him to pray for me after about 50 times I said yeah and that moment changed my life what we went for man attempt to murder arm robbery I thought it was a lost cause after eight the court have mercy on me got a favor honestly that was probably about seven or eight probably about to turn eight [Music] it was cold in the house I always remember how cold the wood floor always was my mother she just come home from work as usual she was tired she had just gotten paid and she's gonna use the money to buy me and my sister some school shoes yeah man she was so tired she came home and fell asleep on the living room couch still in her work clothes my father came home drunk nothing new he would get so wasted and then cuss everybody out in the house and he would beat us he didn't even need a reason this particular day he came home drunk and started going through my mother's purse he knew it was payday [Music] or you just wanted to use the money to go buy his drink my mother woke up and let him have it he started yelling and cussing I've never seen her like that me and my sister were doing homework in her room and I heard my mother yelling but I couldn't make out what she was saying I don't know why but I went and hit it in her closet [Music] that's when I heard the footsteps coming closer my mother came in first throwing that stuff in the trash bag my father came in behind her yelling and screaming this is my house grabbed her one thing was yelling for him to stop I can see it was their feet like they were dancing my mother yelled to me and my sister and then all of a sudden it was like an earthquake hit our house man I saw my mother hit the floor on a black pistol fell out in front of the closet door my mother's eyes were open and her lips were moving I heard my dad yelling back at her just reached for the gun as it was closer than I thought don't you ever touch my mama or say to you again I don't know where even if I hit him but all I know is he fell back he ran ran out the house and we never saw him again to this day I don't know if that man is dead or alive well it's heavy my mother never heard from him she never said nothing man but I know she blames me it's crazy as he was she couldn't leave him and I actually had street cred after that man all the kids were saying here's a kid crazy enough to kill his own dad who would ever thought we had that kind of History oh God could change anybody well moving forward go ahead and start her up foreign [Applause] good to go great job my friend ah hey where you learn to fish cars oh man we've been taking cars apart and put them back together since we was kids man I know everything there is to know about cars well everything for a reason I don't know if there's much reason to it we just bad kids well how much dog oh man it's all good you've been out here for an hour and a half no man really don't worry about it man you've been helping me sort through my head well iron sharp and iron what's that but basically uh we look out for each other make each other stronger iron sharp design okay okay [Music] foreign Connor hey man you got a sec always what's up my man how much you need five [Music] it would just be alone dude don't worry about it I got 10 for you okay it's no big deal we good bro how soon do you need it well I was thinking uh sometime soon like uh like this week I got you you know what meet me at my girl's place tonight tonight okay now look it's it's just a loan man uh look you know I'll pay I'll get it right back to you I'm just in transition with my job and you know so dude don't worry about it things to dress down hey man thanks dude you are foreign you know a lot of people say that see you soon dude hey baby hey hey um I'm gonna be a little late tonight [Music] I I don't know I don't know if I can I'll try um how's Olivia okay you giving the medicine really hard for her to get comfortable she's probably sleeping now uh listen babe things are gonna turn around okay yeah I hope so all right I love you foreign right now you know I need this is this you just tell me if this is you oh [Music] thank you [Music] ain't no need for that bro [Applause] yeah Connor here of course he's here well you look good haven't changed much except for that ring hi Shane chill out man what's up David how you doing man thanks for coming oh I see you met my people here well you know Allison right anyway this guy right here she sets me some fire man I'm missing out with you man dude we could do work if you come back you'd be like royalty around here I'm not interested man all right Allison can you get this madness package so he'd be on his way because family probably need them huh you wanna drink more for me hey Dave so check this out me and David over here go so far back when we were like 12 13 years old all right teacher right Mr Robinson was yeah Mr Robinson told us on a box and he thought he was my uh muscle okay right we made some real money though hey this stuff ain't cheap what are these keys for oh you and they ain't gonna go on a little Adventure I think man favorite for favor it's not a big deal man not take this take your keys take your money and find another Aaron boy I told you it's not like that we're family come on come on you know you know it's funny how much has changed and how much is still the same man I came here thinking you would help me now I see you in no position to help me or anybody else oh it's like that huh that's right I feel sorry for you man you come to my house asking me for money and you feel sorry for me I apologize apologize to me for insulting me in front of my friends in my own house then take the package take the keys and do what I tell you to do still we're still the same I used to be like you man so glad I'm not anymore missed one minute of it oh you missed that money though huh and I know you're pretty wife and you're pretty dork and I miss that Put the gun down Put the gun down inside we're just playing we're just playing right Allison towel towel Connor you you stay away from me and you stay away from my family come on David David we're family right try me family I was I was joking I was joking man I went through okay you got my attention you got it the world's to turn no answer for that nowhere else to turn [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign why are you chasing me [Music] that's not your bag homie that's not your bag do my best that's not your bag this is a bag it's your daughter right what I've seen you and your wife here and your daughter in and out of the house she's sick she got cancer my wife had cancer too God Restless all I've been praying for your daughter keep on praying [Music] ain't nothing I ain't nobody I'm gonna take my bag going by my way foreign David what are you doing why'd you run off like that okay baby Connor went down there it went downtown oh so the nurse's here Mr Medford hey good to meet you my wife will show you in baby I gotta get cleaned up okay a beautiful home thank you please forgive me for dropping by unannounced I just have a flight to catch and I promised I would come here first sorry I thought you were someone else so you're not the nurse no no um no your your husband met my husband Peter a few days ago I'm sorry what did you say your name was Lynn Lynn Popovich my husband and I we were set to divorce next week and um long story short your husband spoke to my husband and whatever he said changed him and it saved our marriage anyway he made me promise to deliver this to your husband and um I was really hoping to give it to him personally but I could see that he was busy could you please tell him that Peter and I said thank you yeah okay anyway I should I should probably get going Peter and I are actually renewing our bows in Italy this weekend I know I know he's really extravagant yeah thank you so much for your time of course thank you foreign can you come open this letter dear David I don't know where to begin so I'll start at the end my wife and I are back together one clandestine evening while grocery shopping I bumped into a man on a journey little did he know that my plan was to kill myself to spite my wife I procrastinated long enough to run into you a complete stranger willing to listen to an old man ramble he prayed for me and something happened on my way home something urged me to pull the car over and kneel in the grass I repeated the words that you prayed for me that God would change my life I didn't know it at the time but when I got up I wasn't the same God gave me a new heart [Music] I had been afraid of not having control of my life but guess what I'm not afraid anymore I don't know why you listened to me that day and I wanted to calm and thank you I found your info on the paperwork that you must have dropped in my car [Music] I am on the board of several organizations angel wings is one of them [Music] you send your application in I'll push it through immediately you'll find a thank you note attached trust me what you did for me sincerely Peter Popovich this is real this is this a check for fifteen thousand dollars baby who does this oh my God a check for fifty thousand dollars oh my God does [Music] he asked her baby when Darkness Falls on dreary night win between beats into my window I rest assured that even then there are angels all around when the fear of loneliness lingers and my heart begins to ache I can rest assured that even then there are angels all around [Music] your love that comforts me and nothing else compares You Are My Shelter and I know you've placed angels all around please [Music] foreign
Channel: GAGO
Views: 404,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2021, 2022, Movies, Full Movie, Free Movies, Christian, Christian Movie, Bible, Prayer, lifetime, lifetime movies, hallmark, hallmark movies, LMN, lmn movies, Faith, free christian movies, 2023, Free Christian Movies, Rosary, Family Movie, great American family movies, movies 2023 full movie
Id: _-35S8Yz3cw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 49sec (5509 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2023
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