Getting My ENTIRE Body Tattooed! 😭

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should i do like show you got that i think it needs to be a little lower damn queen yeah [Music] so straight of you james me being an empath can sense you're going through an identity crisis this comment just says james and has 6 000 likes hi sisters james charles here and welcome back to my youtube channel for today's video i am absolutely horrified literally cannot even believe that this is actually happening because for the first time ever i am about to get tattooed in fact not one tattoo i'm about to be covered in tattoos so for those of you guys who've been following me for a while i have a very interesting kind of history with tattoos um i love tattoos i think they are such a beautiful art form literally every single one of my friends is like covered with cute little different tattoos everyone has their own different unique style except for me i am the only one out of my entire friend group without any tattoos actually i should not say that i do have one tattoo i do and you might not even know about it because it was actually for a youtube video that is now deleted from this channel for a lot of different reasons but uh if you look on the inside i live it says sister well actually the s rubbed off but it really only says esther don't call me sis cause i'm not your sister ryan right there put the don't call me sis cause i'm not your sister but then just cut out the first ass so i was like don't call me sis because i'm not your ester it'll be funny anyway even though i have not gotten any tattoos in the past i'm not gonna lie to you guys i have gotten very very close i've done full-on drawing sketches pinterest boards like meetings with tattoo artists to see what i could actually come up with and every single time i have chickened out but i've always been so curious and today's the day that we're actually going to make it happen so i found a really cool company online that does these like semi-permanent tattoos and in today's video we're going to see what i would look like if i was covered head to toe with some tats please never say that again so i have my laptop right here and we're going to head on over to this really cool website that i found called inkbox now just to clarify this video is not sponsored i'm not getting paid to promote this in fact this might be an entire flop i really have no idea but we're going to try this so basically this is like temporary tattoos that just like last for two weeks so basically there's a hundred different designs options bits and bobs that you just like put on yourself i actually think this is such a fun way to try out different tattoos and different styles and different like vibes to see what actually works for you on your body before you get anything permanent especially for somebody like me who's obviously scared to do that so i'm definitely really curious to see what kind of things that they have so when it comes to like my vibe or like what i'm interested for i feel like i definitely love the idea of like more like minimalism line art style moment this one of the planets is kind of fine so i guess i'll throw this in there oh okay i do love a jellyfish that's pretty astronauts cool right you need to fill up your body i know i need to get a ton of i don't know why i'm being so particular if i'm trying to cover up my entire body also these are only going to last for a week so it's really not that deep i guess i really should just be putting a ton of stuff in there oh my god oh my god the mockingjay that's so that's so ugly but i'm literally obsessed with hunger games maybe i should honestly i'm putting up some pixels oh very minecrafty i'm that one's cute okay well you know what too this so this website does have a tattoo marker that you can get and you can freehand in your own tattoo so i definitely think that i need to put a few of those in my cart for sure all right you guys that definitely took longer than anticipated but we did go ahead and place our order on inkbox as well as the custom ink markers as well i will see you guys in a couple of days once everything comes in and i'm going to look like a very very very different person [Music] hey how do you feel in my shirt i just don't think i'm just not a tank top type of girl oh bro good community guidelines community guidelines community guidelines community guidelines community languages you're supposed to leave these on for 60 minutes before you take them off oh no we have lots of big ones we have lots of small ones so i guess should we go ahead should we do like the bigger tattoos first or the smaller one actually definitely tastes better too oh yeah we do the butterfly on the next butterfly yeah should i do like should i do that there i think it needs to be a little lower yeah right there yeah yeah yep anything you could just keep going oh they told i'll bring it back okay oh it's called a jelly birthmark so this is most likely going to take a little bit longer than anticipated considering we have to cover my entire body with these well not my entirety my arms hold my arms so we're going to time-lapse that so you guys can enjoy us applying these tattoos i'm going to ask the team for some help because i'd be here for literally hours if it was just me play what you want to slay and let the slay slay okay so at this point we've officially finished all of our tattoos so i think what'll be really really cool i've been brainstorming the tattoo pens okay i am going to pretend like my body is a cast and i broke my leg in third grade and now all my friends are going to will not sign me but draw a tattoo all right who wants to go first [Laughter] i need to look up some inspire no oh my god i wanted to look good and you're going to be the first to yell at me it doesn't that's called font very supple woman wow i feel bad i can i'm honestly shocked that i just did that so perfectly but thank you who wants to go next oh that already has the marker i'm just looking for a good spot here there's lots that's art wow oh wow that well i think he needs like a hat thank you something [Music] here give me this yeah oh my god [Music] that's fine it kind of looks masculine i like that that was a conjoined effort oh okay oh are you scared now it's getting it's getting eye of the storm oh that's a great one oh god where are you going not a metaphor lena what are you going to put there can you please do a heart over the no no like at the end of the e yeah yeah yeah yeah that is so good pure oh my god later hey you guys so it's been an hour so we're technically supposed to take off our first tattoos oh oh oh that's good oh okay great period nice louis do you have to put your dog that is like perfect okay great nice that's fine i'm so excited to see that one developed oh for real [Music] okay you guys good morning i clearly just woke up and just got out of bed four seconds ago but i wanted to quickly film an update showing my tattoos because [Applause] yeah well it's safe to say that they definitely worked um if i take my little robe off i have pants on don't worry you guys could definitely see like all of them have developed they're all looking like super dark which is really great however i if i was to do this again would not do finger tattoos because look at what happened first and foremost okay look at my hand with the sweets on it it's literally like my finger is black there's like a smudge here i don't even know how that happened look at this entire hand none of this was a tattoo not not a single bit of this was an actual tattoo this is just from the other ones transferring somehow to this hand like this same thing here i took a nap yesterday afternoon for like literally an hour and i must have fallen asleep like this or something like with my hand in my other hand for to like transfer because this is ridiculous and the worst part about it you guys look what i woke up with this morning literally this is my wrist tattoo so i must have been sleeping like this supporting my face this is bad it says on the website you can remove it with a sugar scrub or something but it says it also might take a couple of days before it even comes off [Music] i mean but everything else looks great like yeah so fun let me go ahead and hop in the shower and see what i can fix because this is not good so let's take a look at this i think that's also the marker because it's lovely i've been literally scrubbing this all morning i've tried scrub in the shower i've tried sea salt already i tried acetone downstairs i just got my nails freshly done literally rubbing my skin burning my skin nothing is taking this off and the fact that i can't get this off is like already making me so anxious we're going to get on some fun like mask outfits film some tickety-toppities and see what people think because it's it does look cool it's just not good so we're just going to jump into a white tank top quickly one of my personal favorites and staples because you need to recreate a little vinnie hacker in the car this is giving vinnie there's always when people watch vinnie hackers they like that because he's like hot and like looks great of course three two one come on girly girl give us estrogen from the top from the top to bottom yeah yeah trevor teach me how to be straight wow that's pretty good very good i think one i'm going to get a clown i want to say a favorite oh for real [Music] all right you guys we are ready to go for a fun day out on the town covered in tattoos i'm honestly excited for this you guys we posted a couple two talks yesterday and i'm actually surprised to say only a few people like commented about it there's barely any comments about the tattoos a few people have definitely caught on but i'm very shocked that everyone like not like looks natural what's going on like it looks like it's yeah they look like they're like part of me i guess at this point it kind of looks good kind of looks fine kind of looks fresh and honestly i am really really liking it let's go ahead and go on the top we're gonna get some custom pants made today that is our little adventure in this fun little outfit gonna take an instagram photo and show off the tattoos and we'll take you guys along for the journey james you look so cute um next to all these items here yeah i love l.a damn queen yeah [Music] lifted a little bit lifted a little higher on your waist [Music] oh is that what they said thank you [Music] she's already doing a fun thing every week where every day of the week we let a different member of the team choose lunch her first day is monday lewis day is tuesday wednesday it's thursday and james's day it's friday we get to select our restaurant and everybody else has to just accept it today's wednesday lena has been craving zing who just also happens to be my favorite restaurant sounds like insider trading no no these are like all like five but none of them like mean anything to me except except artists on the back right now thank you so much [Music] or what yeah what's the vibration oh that's good that's a dual loopholed arm yeah those are oh oh that's so cute oh my god [Music] okay you guys so it is a thursday it has been a lovely day of fun tattoos so far we haven't really done much today we had to take finnegan to the vet this morning to make sure he is good and healthy and beautiful and lovely as always and he is thank god and nobody at the veterinarian's office said anything about my tattoos because they have no idea who i was i actually just finished photoshopping my pictures that we took yesterday at lunch so i fixed the ones on my fingers good and gorgeous not rubbed off at least they look like somewhat real i mean to be fair i posted a cute little selfie of my story this morning everyone's been responding being like what is the tattoo when did you get a full face of tattoos like what's going on oh my god did you get a tattoo oh my god are the tattoos real sister we need the tea are the tattoos real i do love them so definitely a lot of really positive feedback which we really appreciate but i think i'm actually going to post the fun little tiffany talking that we filmed a couple days ago in the car today trolling i feel like it's such a fine line and i feel like this is on the line it's right on that line of like crazy where it obviously is outside of the norm for me but it's not too crazy at the point where everyone's going to know that it is insane and absolutely one hundred thousand percent a joke okay it's posted thank god [Music] like we posted that video yesterday and i have not looked the videos at 3.6 million views okay so there's definitely a lot of people that have figured out what the video is which was to be accepted i mean at this point it's blatantly obvious we just did a week of crazy hairstyles now we have tattoos like everyone knows that we're told at this point but the top comment says i see a i got tattoos pranking friends on youtube which we love that he's been watching too much vinnie hacker has 25 000 likes i'm sensing i tried different aesthetics for a week video not exactly the theme but that's an interesting idea maybe we'll do it for the future so straight of you james me being an empath can sense you're going through an identity crisis this comment just says james and has six thousand likes it's safe to say that people have definitely noticed that something is going on it's just a lot of people making fun of it i think louis thought that this is gonna be like a miraculous thing or everyone's like this is the best thing you've ever looked you're so hot he was wrong and i was right as expected but they're fun it's been a fun week but yeah as expected people were dragging me and making fun of me we have one last thing to do on this fun little tattoo adventure and that is a photo shoot now if you guys are looking familiar with the pop culture world one of the biggest brands in the entire world obviously is calvin klein and they do gorgeous photo shoots with lots of celebrities and influencers models and stuff i'm not doing my underwear today because i don't need to be however we are going to do a fun little like shirtless photo shoot to show off the tattoos as our last and final hurrah and our debut for the tattoos on instagram which should be really fun so let's go downstairs and get ready and then get some photos what is that so you're thinking like sitting on the chair like this yeah just there's a few options you could run through it's cold that's how metal works [Music] i think what we had before the chair vibes definitely yeah those are really good a winner all right you guys it is time to wrap up today's video because a lot of my tattoos are either completely gone or starting to fade away so i thought this would be the perfect time to debrief recap the week and share our final thoughts about me having a full body covered in tattoos i was really excited for this video because like i said in the intro i have always absolutely loved and respected the art of tattoos so much but never knew what i wanted to get on myself because i have a fear of commitment when i started off this video obviously the whole point was just to order as many as we possibly could to cover my body i really didn't know what it was going to look like how i was going to feel and i do have to admit you guys about halfway through the week i was really starting to feel myself i felt so cool taking the photos and my selfies with makeup on and stuff it really pulled the whole look together and honestly by the end of the week it really felt like they were just a part of me and i honestly just stopped noticing them all together after having all these tattoos and loving the way it looks i would definitely be open to getting one in the future i will say that but the only thing stopping me which is the same thing stopping me in the beginning is i don't know what i would want on me for the rest of my life that's the biggest thing if you guys have any ideas for things that you think i should get tattooed on me and wear please leave me a comment down below because i'd be very curious to hear what you guys have to say all that being said you guys if you enjoyed today's video please please please don't forget to give it a big thumbs up down below a lot of work and a lot of time went into this and we would really really appreciate it also if you've not already of course make sure you click that bigger subscribe button and come join the family as well as that bell icon so you always get notified whenever i upload a brand new video all my social media accounts are just james charles if you want to follow me they'll be linked right here on the screen and i think that is all i have for today's video thank you guys so much for watching i love you and i will see you in the next one with hopefully no tattoos bye [Music] you
Channel: James Charles
Views: 1,645,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: james, james charles, makeup artist, mua, covergirl, coverboy, cute, easy makeup, how-to, reviews, tutorials, funny videos, beauty tips, hacks, beauty, sister, sisters apparel, morphe, james charles x morphe, guru, lips, beauty hacks, makeup routines, makeup 2020, prom makeup, tik tok makeup, tik tok hacks, tik tok beauty hacks, tiktok, tattoo, fake tattoos, temporary tattoos, tattoo sleeve, getting tattoo, getting my first tattoo, entire body in tattoos
Id: TpHY1Oi068g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 06 2022
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