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bro it's not letting me pass the ball wait hold on somebody's gone hello party at 9 30 amp world be there wait oh what do i wear dress to impress what wait hold up brian wants me to go to a party tonight do you think this is fine what i'm going to party tonight you think this is fine yeah bro yeah you're really good all right let's keep on playing hold up [Music] yo what nothing come on [Music] [Music] bro what the [ __ ] are you wearing what are you doing get out of here andrew are you okay hey don't listen to what they said in there okay if you want i can help you no i can give you a makeover oh well i know just the person to call okay you stay here [Music] lexi rivera hello hi james hi sister how are you i'm good how are you i'm good just chilling okay so i really need your help i need a makeover oh my god literally anything for you of course well um it's not for me it's for andrew oh um you know on second thought i'm actually really busy today pretty please james he really needs help okay i'll see what i can do okay thank you so much yeah of course okay bye bye what's popping guys we're here with lexi and a very special guest james charles dickinson oh my god somebody did a wikipedia search before we get here yeah today i'm going to be getting the ultimate makeover so obviously james here is a beauty guru as all you guys know so he's going to be giving me a makeup look and lexi here is the fashionista so she's gonna be picking out an outfit for me i honestly don't know like i just found these shorts and i just threw this on this outfit is giving wannabe hollister 2016. hey stop blaming me so the scariest part about this is i have no idea what they have in store for me um so you guys could plan and discuss and i'll be right over here okay that sounds good honestly lexi where do we even start i have no idea we're gonna need a miracle today like what are we even going for so i'm thinking something purple okay so we have like he actually wants makeup yeah this is new yeah this is very much like makeup wish like charity donation vibes right now okay so i'm gonna get the outfit and i guess i'll go do the makeup in the studio all right great here we go is there like a special look you have for me or i i don't know i don't even know you like wanted like makeup but yeah you want a full look a lot of work to do here mixed together have you ever had makeup on everyone never no thank you i'm just so good at my job wow saw myself for a second and i look like i look like tanner you look exactly the same literally nothing has changed yet but i feel like you actually already have a really good facial structure going on so we don't have a lot of work to do yeah i try to chew like a lot of gum so my jawline gets like better what i know that works what doesn't yes i promise you like i've been doing this since like middle school every morning i put like two pieces of gum and i chew them like all the way to school ends i mean it's like i take pictures from before and after and then actually like there's a lot of improvement i'm kidding i don't do that very much give me like pathological liar vibes yeah andrew literally text me when he was over here be like you guys i'm so sorry james we're gonna wait is this supposed to like burn your eyes no because my eyes are burning no they're not see i've already caught on now you can't lie so i have a question for you james okay what would you think of me like the first time we like ever met i don't remember the first time that we did it for me was the first time we ever actually met at brent's house a couple of weeks ago i think so yeah i think it was yeah no because we the end before but it wasn't like we never met i don't know i remember i stood in to your dm's in like 2018 when we were both a lot younger would you say i forgot i just said that you were cute you were really nice was not interested but just totally fine no because we had like a lot of mutual friends like ben i think it was just ben but i knew like other people that knew you too yeah but the first time i ever actually met you was like at the squad game video you know what i thought like the first time we met what did you think i'm scared i need a cough oh my god so dramatic come on babes let's go look sorry oh sorry about that you're done yeah okay i used to be like god are you good bro oh my god do you have water by any chances like oh my god so dramatic i'm sorry like i just have like something stuck in my holy is there poison in the makeup thank you what was your actual impression though i want to know now i mean you look just like what you look like in pictures and stuff you know how like other people like there's a lot of people that do not look like like yeah yes no but you look like exactly the same like i don't know it wasn't like awkward or anything i feel like that's the best one you don't have to like work to get to know somebody you're just like you're able to help us yeah yeah exactly conversation okay so i think that the touch of purple we might move away from and i think we're gonna try to do an all leather look when i was like in high school i was like five four what actually you do give me that five i couldn't i definitely could see you being five four in high school really yeah yeah i was like super short and i was like scared i was like ah like i'm not kidding this for real like i know i joke around a lot but in bed i would pray before i would go to sleep to god and i'd be like yo like i don't want to be this short really yeah oh my god from like out of nowhere i just hit a growth spurt and i like i grew i think i'm six six one who's your favorite out of like the amp squad well i've known ben the longest out of all of you guys i clicked really really well with pierson when i met her at yeah friends squid game video then tell me like young man on tinder me and ben yeah what no just kidding black with a white turtleneck get some black pants okay and uh maybe like a touch of purple if we can find something thank you all right guys got the goods i've never like looked this good ever like you're looking really good i've never felt this pretty in my life holy crap for real like you're super talented it is my job thank you i appreciate it okay so i'm looking for some accessories for andrew's outfit since i did go with more like black and white neutral colors hopefully if we can find something purple let's look what's your favorite color periwinkle perry wrinkle periwinkle have you ever had it's like a light bluish purple okay keep your eyes open just stare right into my soul i'm gonna get up and then you're gonna be bad so don't let me call lexie see how she's doing okay andrew's calling hello how's it going it's going it's gone no it's really coming together james like messed me up why you are so weird why are you lying you're just a lot you're a liar you use your debit card right i'm not spending money on this you're making her spend her own money on your outfit yeah well lexi we really are doing charity work today turn towards me you're moving your face too much you're like scrunching and flinching and crying and at least you look really pretty okay so we have pretty much the eyes all done the base is looking gorgeous you're just staring at yourself in the moderator i am yeah so now we're just gonna pretty much do a lips and then andrew's gonna be all done let's get it this is perfect right we're gonna make this jewelry work because it's gonna have to every morning like when i wake up i'm just come so you could do my makeup real quick and then i'll just dip okay i'm busy at that time sorry wake up in the morning brush my teeth before i see my queen because usually you know like get this off your laps do this yourself yeah you literally have like the perfect hair like this is what i want like on my hands bro have you ever heard of a chapstick look how crusty your lips are it looks like on the tooth job all right we got it let's see if andrew likes it i was a little upset that there wasn't a lot of purple options but i did my best okay andrew i think we're done this looks amazing you're not you literally aren't even looking at the camera oh you're just sorry thank you james you honestly look you look like pretty and i think now it's time for me to do your makeup oh i really have to go all right okay so i have andrew's outfit so let's meet up with andrew and see how his makeup's looking so i think lexi is here actually so i say we go upstairs to get the fit and see the full makeover okay let's go let's do it close your eyes ready yeah i will say the makeup one turned out really good really okay honestly yes i was pleasantly surprised okay i'm excited you're ready to see it i'm ready to bring you forward keep coming keep calling okay i'm excited okay yeah okay three two one oh my god wait it literally looks so good oh my gosh it looks amazing really i love it so andrew here's your outfit don't get changed and we're gonna see it all come together all right guys i'll be right back i'm gonna take a little longer because i need to take a dump but okay you know what i take it back you look horrible oh my god i look like i kind of look like a change so fast [Music] all right guys so james i'd like to go downstairs and go down there into pricing with the final look but before that it's actually james's shoes i'm gonna take these off steal them he's gonna have no idea so let's do this all right keep your eyes closed boom boom watch me be like in my underwear [Music] oh my gosh you actually got to look good i love it are those my shoes this looks great it's getting very the dwayne the rock johnson meme put the picture up i feel like we picked the perfect team to do this so now we can prove the haters wrong remember lexi they're all laughing at me yeah now they're going to be laughing with you now you're good all right guys well that was it thank you james for making me look like a sister i really appreciate it thank you lexi for picking my outfit and honestly like made the full look with both of you guys talents i think you honestly look really good like i was pleasantly surprised with our work today we did a good job thank you guys so much for watching make sure to go follow james and lexi i will put their social media links down in the description make sure to leave a like comment subscribe without further ado catch you guys next week peace [Music] you have a pink tongue do i what's your i have a look up my tongue's always white for some reason because you need to brush it i [ __ ] i never have bad breath
Channel: Andrew Davila
Views: 10,395,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YZulBGsCWio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 23 2021
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