A DAY IN THE LIFE | Pro Triathletes | Team Charles-Barclay

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okay so we've had a ton of requests for a day in the life video to give you guys an insight of what we get up to from morning till night so we've finally done a day in the life video which was one of the days where we had the zpro race. Now obviously as an athlete every day of ours is very different and varied so it's difficult for us to kind of say this is a typical day this is what we do so if you guys like this video then we will do some more of these in the future to give you a better insight of what a day looks like for us but for now this is what a day in the life looks like okay so on our day in the life we got up around i think it was about half past six and we had our typical breakfast so Reece and I both had a bowl of porridge we had some like dried fruit and nut on the top of that a little bit of honey added onto it and then we both had a cup of tea to start with and then a coffee before Holly got here to film the rest of our day so we're off to the pool we're going to do one of our standard sessions and then from there we're going to go straight to the track and do another one of our standard sessions which is a bit of speed work we're going to be doing 10 400s on the track today what was that and then we'll take you for a walk then we'll take you for a walk have a bit of a chill out and then we've got the z pro later on so hopefully we're not going to be too tired by then but big day today. This is a tornado mixer and it's basically when you're too tired or it's too early to manually shake your protein you can add a scoop i've got my pre-workout and then click the button and does it itself so we got all of our kit packed up got ready to go we put Lola into her little bedroom which she wasn't too happy about but she obviously has to get left because she can't come to the pool or to the track with us so once she was in her bed we just shut her away and then we headed off to the pool to do our first session of the day. You have to be brave. Good girl. In your shark, in you go. we're just going to do a bit of a mixed swim this morning we're actually gonna be in the diving pits and we're just waiting for the gb divers to finish and then we're gonna head in there do a bit of a swim nothing too crazy and then once that's done we're gonna head off to the track for our track session a big day but we're in a really big training block at the moment ahead of challenge miami in a few weeks time so just just pushing hard at the moment getting through this difficult phase of training and then some rest to come leading into the race okay so we've just done our core session which is a warm-up for most of our swimming sessions we're now going to do a bit of a mixed swim today so drills mixed stroke just a bit of whatever we fancy really yeah pretty much easy session loosening off and using as much toys as we can we've now been really fortunate to get access to the london aquatic centre which is through the GLL sports foundation who are a athlete supporting foundation that have supported us for a number of years now so as we are elite athletes we finally got access to a venue where we can swim and we're also sharing the venue with the great british diving team so we're kind of working around their schedule to make sure that we're spaced out enough and it's obviously covid secure so we're swimming there most days now the only downside is that the 50 meter pool has not been heated for around a year now so it's absolutely freezing in the 50 meter pool i'm not complaining because we're getting access to a pool but it is very cold so you will notice that we are also swimming in the diving pit when the divers are not using it as it's about five or six degrees warmer than the 50 meter pool so it's still a 25 meter pool that the divers are diving into so for us the swimmers i mean any bit of water is great for us to swim in at the moment it's really hard to come by so we've been swimming in there since um a couple of weeks after we got home from dubai so really really good that we're actually able to swim again and also the really cool thing is is that the super league is actually going to be at the london aquatic center which is our home pool so really cool for us to actually be training in the venue we're going to be using for that event okay so that's the session done for today just a bit of a mixed swim with drills and a bit of different bits and bobs thrown in so nothing too crazy um yeah nothing too crazy just getting ready for track which is coming up next so feeling pretty loosened off after that and ready to go then we obviously showered off because i absolutely hate training with any chlorine on my skin dried my hair because this hair is an absolute nightmare when running around with wet hair you just end up with matted ponytail which you've probably seen on my instagram a lot me complaining so yeah dried my hair got ready had a little snack and then we headed straight off to the track for our second session of the day yeah so this is my final pace session before next week i'm gonna do the 5k so today i've got Pas here on the bike he's gonna pace me for um three two k's one of them will be at the pace that i did last time on the attempt so about 5:11 per kilometer then i'm going to try and do one 2k effort at 3:05 and then the last one just see, see what we've got left um sort of a see how it feels session really i'm still unsure of what pace i'm gonna run so hopefully from this today i'll get a better idea of roughly where i'm at i'm actually too warm believe it or not so i should have brought the shorts and vests out today it's actually quite mild but this might be coming off when i start my session today so i'm going to be doing 10 400s as planned Reece is doing something else so last week when i did this i had him to chase he was probably about seven to ten seconds in front which whilst was slightly demoralizing actually helps having like someone out front to chase so i'm gonna try and hit a similar time this week which i think was around 75 seconds per 400 so i'm going to see if i can try and hit that again this week without him helping me last week we had a really bad headwind feels like we've got a bit of a headwind on the back straight again today so no one to blocked the wind today so we'll see how i get on this session is disgusting it's short it's only 4k of work but it is brutal and makes you want to be sick so yeah bring it on yes they were all about 73 or under this week so quite a bit quicker considering that was on my own but last week i was really tired and that was like the most brutal thing i've ever done in ages because i haven't done that kind of session for over a year so i half expected today to be a bit quicker but just as painful and actually it was faster and a little bit less painful still pretty brutal but yeah pretty happy with that if we can keep making that kind of progress i mean on 400 it's difficult to even knock off half a second so knocking off two seconds from last week is pretty good going yeah pretty happy with that time to go and get some food very good um we did two 2ks the first one was a 3:10 per kilometer that felt really easy then we did it at 3:07 per kilometer which felt comfortable um and then the last one we did 1200 meters at three minute per k which felt surprisingly good actually that felt like the best one of the lot i think i warmed up as the session went on and it's just having the confidence to go that fast um for that duration as well so really happy with that i've got a bit of achiness in my legs at the moment i was just saying that i need to make sure that when i do the 5k next week i do my weight session well in advance of that so i haven't got any doms i did a long five hour ride yesterday as well so i'm pretty tired today so all these things will be better next week when i go to do the challenge but a massive confidence boost today i'm really happy with that okay so we're back from the track i've just had a bit of a shower so i feel a bit more refreshed i'm just gonna make a quick protein shake because i always feel a bit sick after running kind of at that intensity so i don't feel like i can eat a full meal just yet so i'm gonna make a shake head out for a bit of a walk with lola and then when i come back i'll actually have a proper meal that i can let go down before racing later so i should have enough time for that to have digested so that i don't feel sick again later um so yeah it's like a balancing act between fueling but not feeling sick at the same time so yeah i'm just gonna make a quick shake now and then we can head out with lola to burn some of her energy because i've burnt most of mine she hasn't burned any of hers yet so yeah i'm just gonna make that reece's protein conveniently my favorite flavor so i'm gonna be stealing that i don't know why he's sneezing. It's like he knows I'm stealing his protein i normally have like two scoops try not to spill it everywhere some blueberries and we can do with some more extra calories today i think can't we lola i just like oat milk better than normal milk in this it means it's not too thick so it's a little bit thinner shake That is nice We going walkies! Yayyyyyyy we have to have two balls otherwise she won't drop the one that she's got somehow the mud has flicked on my face from Lola how have you done this now i look like you i'm gonna need a bath come on so after a little bit of a walk with lola to wear her out she had got really really muddy so we had to have bath time with lola which isn't her favorite part of the day but obviously i don't want a muddy dog so yep needs must life's an itch isn't it Lola It is when its bath time! Hate bath time once we bathed her off i had one of my fresh fitness food meals so super simple just chuck it in the microwave for four to five minutes and then it's ready to eat so i could eat that nice in advance of doing the race have time for it to go down chili chicken masala roasted vegetables curry roasted cauliflower coconut aloo chat spiced coconut yogurt pink pickled onion rings yes food time so this is from fresh fitness food who deliver my food daily to the door. At the moment me and reece are pretty much sharing the meals because they're pretty big so we just heat it up, half it, eat it this is a hundred percent recyclable compostable so we haven't gotta worry about the planet these are very very good nice warm hottie! here you go Thank you! what are you up to? ummm is this yours? or is this mine? She stinks of wet dog as well! Hahaha! Oi get off! What are you doing? I'm playing pokemon... hahaha! so final details for tonight's ZPRO race so our first race is the time trial where we've non-draft on tt bikes and we're going to be doing the volcano climb tonight which actually is one of my favorite climbs so i think we have a fair bit of distance to ride up to the climb and then it's normally about six or seven minutes of effort up the climb so um i guess tactics would be be in a good position for the start of the climb and then just hammer the climb and see what happens and then we've got the same run route as last time last week i only made 2k and then threw up so as long as i make more than 2k i'll be happy but i'm gonna aim for the second points barrier bracket so that will be 18 points if i run it i think 17 kilometers an hour in fact i think week one i was like 16 and a half week two 17 kilometers an hour so last week i tried to 17.5 didn't quite work out so i'm going to go for 17 again this week and then see if i can kind of ramp it up towards the end even though i won't get more points i just want to test myself to run a bit quicker so we'll see how that goes and then finally we have the usual crit race again and i think we have by the looks of it we have the burrito and the double draft so different power-ups this week so slightly different tactics so we're going for the sprint points and then obviously the final finish line counts as well so kind of looking forward to it but i know that i'm feeling quite tired as well so but it's the last one so we've got to dig in and see what we can do but it should be fun i think it is time for a coffee we've obviously got the z pro starting around 7 pm tonight so it's quite late so unless i had a key workout in the evening i probably wouldn't bother having any caffeine but since we have a very big key workout tonight caffeine is on the menu lots of it oh look at you oh look Thank you Little Bub Do you want the heated blanket on? are you spoiled? are you spoiled? I'm making curry a pokemon curry this is how you chill out between training sessions and then i had about an hour or so just to chill out and then we headed to the gym nice and early because obviously there's quite a lot of technology going on with the virtual racing so we have to make sure that all the bikes are set up everything's fully charged where we want it so there's ipads tv screens internet is working so we like to get there nice and early and i mean that's just the technology side getting ready we obviously like to warm ourselves up apply our Amp pr lotion use the theragun and just get everything feeling ready to go lots of prep to be had and then yeah then we get racing feeling physically mentally emotionally parched I really hope Holly puts that in Hahahahha yeah i feel like it's been a good day this is the last round of the ZPRO so we can kind of leave it all out there see where we're at before miami and hopefully we have a good race tonight hopefully no technical errors or sick buckets so if we're not sick it's a winner really so bring it on yeah pretty good pretty happy with that i was definitely tired when i got here so i didn't expect to kind of put down that performance it was fueled mostly on red bull and candy kittens so um when it comes to nutrition do as i say and not as i do probably but um yeah i just needed a bit of caffeine a bit of sugar to do those three hard efforts tonight so first bike i actually really like the volcano climb i know it's about six to seven minutes so i could get to the climb and then work the climb because i've done it quite a few times so i kind of knew how to lay down the power get enough of a gap and then just watch the other girls numbers and make sure that i was just keeping that gap and on the run it actually felt really good tonight when i had a good raise two weeks ago i was doing at that 3:30 per kilometer pace it felt really hard this week it felt a lot more controlled so that's pretty good progress um and then the last race is just like a suffer fest like always so i knew that me and Meredith were tied on point so every banner was going to count so i think it was only two points in it at the end um and just because of what i'm like i knew i wanted to get the first over the final finish line as well so literally killed myself to do that so yeah pretty good end to the day i think i'm just gonna go home eat everything probably not sleep even though i'm so tired um yeah good day done yeah so i guess normally when we're doing the ZPRO racing we might not do as many sessions in the day we definitely wouldn't do maybe as much intensity beforehand like a track session but with the races on the horizon we thought it was really important to kind of overload a little bit on this last week and just in preparation for those races so we both went into the final race feeling quite tired we wasn't really sure how we was going to get on luckily the caffeine tends to work for us and it did allow us to get the best out of ourselves i think on that last race. These zpro series have just been really really good to find that little bit of motivation get that racing kind of buzz that we've missed for so long so it has been really good that zwift have to put this on for us as triathletes and a lot of us speak after the race and there's definitely a lot of friendly rivalry going on and it's definitely these four weeks have absolutely flown by and the amount of fitness i feel like i've gained in that short amount of time and now i'm just excited to see how that kind of pays off in the real world and training has been going really well and yeah let's just get racing yep lola's still wild we're absolutely done but lola still wants to play i'm just putting the uh post-race pizza in the oven it's now just gone 11 o'clock and i'm gonna try and get some sleep even though i've obviously drunk quite a bit of caffeine still have quite a lot of adrenaline from those three back-to-back races tonight but definitely tired from a big day of training hopefully gonna get a long sleep have a lay-in tomorrow and then just some easy training tomorrow to recover from today so really good day glad you could follow along with us and hope you enjoyed seeing some insights into what we get up to okay so that's been a day in the life with team charles barclay if you like this video then put it in the comments below and we'll probably do some more day in the life videos throughout the year showing you different kind of phases of training and different things that we get up to so don't forget as always to click like and subscribe to our channel
Channel: Team Charles-Barclay
Views: 234,687
Rating: 4.969038 out of 5
Keywords: lucy charles barclay, triathlete, triathlon, red bull athlete, ironman, red bull, swim, cycle, run, swimming, cycling, running, fitness, sports, ironmantri, lifestyle, workout, sportswatch, ironman motivation, triathlongirl, triathlon training, triathlon bike, triathlon life, triathlon athletes, triathlon clothing, ironmantraining, strength, coretraining
Id: o1dysdtYVNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 15sec (1935 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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