A Day in the Life of Scrapping

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thanks again are you - she was kind of heavy that's what I'm talking about yeah this isn't just kind of heavy it's really heavy it's like a whole kitchen like Gordon Ramsay stuff going on here alright I'm wrecking it it's a lot of nasty water trucks full thanks for watching see that's what I'm talking about they put the scrap separate from the trash you are awesome should probably make this thing okay yeah that's what I'm talking about good stuff morning Ralph morning Sam eyes got flagged down by this homeowner he said hey I'm like what's up once I got another girl if you wanted you're gonna go pick it up I got a mission on the side of the house I would love it man yeah let's do it thanks for flagging me down yeah boom it's in the garbage truck now I'm I turn around here yeah all right Obie's not one of those 300 pounders maybe Zimmermann is closed yeah so uh I'm gonna take it to UM decal buyer in a metal yeah yep all right man that transmission was heavy definitely was I'm really glad I got um I got some homemade masks yeah it's covered up with all the even the beard charred griller see you guys are awesome don't even go to it some of them something like that I think that's the only second transmission I've ever had after these messages we'll be right back I was watching a live stream the other day and they were doing that well because I was taking this live stream break thought it was funny hey what's going on there now all right hmm looks like scrap metal on the curb Oh get in my truck look like a bandit scrap bandit here just might be just too bulky but this has some weight to it so I'm thinking something right here yeah let's try that lose this thing wow it's a smoker it has its little pellets in there man I wish it didn't have those pellets are together they're gonna get everywhere yep they will are all the birds hmmm so quiet it's a grackle bird what's up grackle bird they're kind of like small crows i don't maybe they're related her really sure here's the part that she's not looking forward to having a bunch of wood chips everywhere first smell great now I think the only way is to put this in here with the legs sticking out like that to have the tailgate closed not happy with that though no I'm not [Music] that's kind of cute nope sorry Illuminati you're sticking around pally well is that copper sure is sho'nuff mines alright kidding me well it stuff it's a grilled a what's that right okay and and that's the other cul-de-sac on that side do I go I make it right okay okay perfect thank you all right just grab everything except for the grill okay there's a dog crate out but his behind neighbor starts waving hey I got metal for you good so we'll go over there and see what we can squeeze in yeah there's still that that aluminum TV antenna yeah we'll see what what he has in store for us I normally don't scrap in this area at all it's all kind of new you know of Public Works yeah I'm actually at a different town I got a text from a guy today man there's a bunch of scrap here exactly he said it's a cut-up Jeep and said drove out here and it was all gone yeah there's the guy right there waving me down hey what's going on good I'm not sure how much room I got what you got a furnace hmm right yeah yeah I did yep if you want to bring it out to it to the curb or eat least close to it I can come back and grab it not sure if it's gonna be today but I'll definitely be back and grab it so and you can you can leave it kind of close here to the curb and and here's why if if I don't grab it another another one of us scrappers will grab it which is a good thing so but and I know the garbage man they're not taking nothing and so okay thank you so I talked to him and he is a here's a furnace so he's gonna be setting that out but I heard something in my tires okay good it's a rock I thought it was a screw or a bolt or something no I'd have time for no issues with tires I'm a sucker for a lo dumpster I've got a look a pallet Oh nothing I've got all bunch of all carpet pieces you didn't stop for the dumpster Paul we know what you stopped e you want to go for a ride floor jack let's do it okay problem let's go can't forget look the only thing in here is scrap okay let's do it oh yeah so I've never scrapped in this area before so just looking at like this Union Pacific Railroad goes above that cool little walkway yeah dad out with a son it's good stuff right there that's good stuff it's at a door yeah that's a door yeah I should now this town is about a 20-minute drive to get here it's like yeah just it's a town away and I rarely ever come here this is the town that I would take my palettes and but that palette place closed down yeah it's kind of a bummer as a water heater right there but at this point I'm just looking for a scrap kind of like this just little stuff that I can kind of find a little home for somewhere yeah so I got to remember that Genoa's little gold mine scrap a little gold mine thank you scrap friendly neighbors y'all are awesome versus going here perfect I know I'm gonna cross contaminating take my gloves off and on kill germs it says 99.99% sounds good to me that last neighborhood I was driving through there's a whole bunch of families out playing and and I can tell they're kind of staying separate and they're like their own little family groups but yeah it was awesome and I ought to say I know I think a lot what I'm driving and a lot of times I clip out the when I'm doing my editing I actually will clip out my ramblings so those are just they're just out there and you know once I'm back home and I'm editing how do I get over there because that road dead-ends doesn't so sometimes in my what I'm editing after the fact I'm like that was kind of stupid but I was thinking back there that you know some of the some of the women the other their hair was you know a lot grayer than normal and I just want to say ladies that gray hair it's beautiful don't you worry about it I'm hoping the whole truck weighs 4,400 pounds because weighing out is 4300 I'm sorry 3900 it's about 500 bucks worth 46 what's up Peter no I been so 1640 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Hartman ok so I see 3,900 or let it go I can't think 3900 Oh good stuff yes so I'm not actually going to go in I'm just gonna weigh and leave man I'm seeing a lot of scrap there's a stove sitting right there they're working on that house I can't tell if what they're gonna do with it no man I'm tore up my hair's tore up I haven't combed it in a week yeah so I was thinking as I'm driving around as I often do I'm like you know instead of me worrying about how other people are irritate me during this whole quarantine time I'm like how am I being and it's a complete change of thought you know am I being the guy that's chewing too loud am I the one being irritating am I the one so I'm trying to look at my behavior and see what I can do to not be that guy that's irritating everybody yeah it's not an easy thing to do I think about my buddy big Shane give me a haircut he does haircuts yeah see if we can work that out God thank you for this day thank you for this time Lord thank you for having it room temperature outside this is amazing God thank you for that Lord continue to protect us Lord I'm gonna ask for a special blessing on on those essential workers especially in health care God we need your help the name of Jesus we need your help with our own behaviors and our own quirks and things and Lord let us say let us give each other a break give it put it in our hearts for us to give others a break and not be so irritated with them the name of Jesus green light time to go [Music]
Channel: Scrap & Pallet Man
Views: 95,423
Rating: 4.9197206 out of 5
Keywords: Make Money, Garbage Picking, Dumpster Diving, Trash Picking, Trash Day, Garbage day, Found in the Trash, Treasure Hunting, Treasure Picking, Scrap Metal, Scrapping, Junk Man, Junker, Junk Collector, Dumpster Diving Hauls, Dumpster Finds, Found in Dumpster, trash man, Recycle Metal, Trash to Cash
Id: GrFpaA4A0s4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 56sec (1376 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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