Weird Things I Find on Garbage Day

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really first stop of the morning and there's a toolbox think it's full do you think it's fight trash the spouse just took the guys I shouldn't say guy could be a gout - you never know whoa Garson gardens already been here in vintage tools keys wait is it it's a ch2 so it's two different things done hey comes with a tool and some frozen yuck drill bit thanks folks you are all so close P got me a dryer looks like a dryer homework didn't really leave Park in front of his Drive I'll be quick catching on oh it's frustrating that I guess can I tap it up without a phone back on the truck that's what caught my eye now I've already got a mess started let me see that's better that's the way I like it it's supposed to be a snowstorm here by noon so that's a few hours away four hours away now is this one of them Wacken smacks I think it is yeah DP whack and smack see how so it's about 15 Fahrenheit but there's like no wind yeah I'm cool with that that's a lot of air conditioners listen up several apartments over here and those are the garages yeah that's an example of something that both that someone wants to keep yeah it looks like steel that's right [Music] we see probably over here by doing a rectus that's keep well not the spider legs here comes the Sun and I see it's alright no sir anyway this copper where's it the biggest chunk of coax in the world yeah that was straight-up dumped morning Ralph morning Sam so here's a quick snapshot of the the map my ride app it's by Under Armor and it's really it's an exercise app and whoo okay so I have driven it average speed of 8 miles an hour for an hour for 9 miles so with my calculations it's about 8 cents per mile so whatever 9 times 8 is 7 so I've used up 72 cents of gas in these nine miles so a lot of people I should say a lot of people some folks that don't watch my channel very often will chime in hey you're wasting more gas than you're making well that's not the whole point of of all of this but I've got a truckload of scrap and I've used up 72 cents worth but the cool thing is it just shows you where I've been and where I haven't been like I haven't been down this neighborhood but sometimes you think I haven't been down a street well actually when I'm driving I can just look to the left I can see down that Street or driving here before I made it right I can kind of see down this year I know there's a bit of curve but there's like lawns and stuff and you can see to the end of this street here but there's yeah I did not go in this direction I like right now I'm sitting right here so I'm gonna make a right and then a left and then a right again to that neighborhood so I'm gonna go right left and then right again to this neighborhood right here and so I'll just set my phone right here and just kind of keeps track of where I've been like in that Sun what if I sound like a lounge act here comes the Sun hey and it's all right yeah um it's separate from the trash I like that Ida scrap pickup just a second ago from my friend's house so I picked up these these are and you can tell they're rusted up pretty good so they're gonna go for scrap yeah I got a clip some chords got some um I think they're alone them yeah baking sheet sir they look like industrial type stuff so thinking about doing a wire run today she would go to the scrapyard and bring in all my my cords all my clippings I saw this the other day someone ran over a sign yeah I have a feeling that's a that's a no-go if one of these signs gets ran over did someone take it for scrap I'm guessing cuz that's a municipality and you don't grab municipality stuff really really really wait a minute there's something in the back there yeah there's like some drill bits or something in the back someone grab the other piece of the toolbox but maybe I doing a wire run because I got a bunch of just cords and extension cords and stuff I've clipped off of appliances and I did a little bit of wire stripping yesterday a little bit a little bit of me scrapping before painful boredom kicked in well yeah I got a decent amount of stuff that's totally strippable yeah this stuff is will turn to bear bright copper because I'm like this solid core stuff because there's a solid core of copper inside that romex and in definitely in this 8 gauge stuff or 10 gauge stuff I mean it's really thick but if you strip this stuff it is stranded wire and stranded wire will never get you the top price at a scrapyard they always consider that number one copper even though it's nothing but copper but they consider this stuff if it's the diameters you know kind of like a number two pencil lead that are bigger they consider that can be bear bright copper you get two dollars and twenty-nine cents per pound or whatever it is right now yeah here's an example that it is a solid core it's just one piece of copper yeah all right somebody get that other toolbox thing in here I did a little bit of scrapping yesterday I didn't film any of it I attached this vise this vise was not attached to the workbench I attached my little bench grinder so now I can just make sure it is that perhaps I think they all are this is pregnant a spark yes that's steel it sparks its steel like you can't tell with a stainless steel because it's not magnetic but if it sparks it is definitely a steel let's see this it's with if you do it up here it's in a grab if you do it down here we find [Music] this is aluminum you tell aluminum does not spark well neither does a brass but brass has a yellow addition to it some of the brass seems from kind of white I don't know all right what was I doing yeah I just get distracted oh yeah tool box and then go finish scrapping okay it changed my mind with these shelves I got a bunch more shells hmm remind me later when I'm scrolling through the comment section to stop what I'm doing and go on Amazon and buy the clips for this yeah and let's measure that real quick where's my tape measure and hurry my tape measure really that makes no sense thousand tools all right let's see what the diameter is here it is one and one two three three eighths so one in 3/8 inch diameter all right I'm counting on you remind me to get one in 3/8 inch is this one two three seems too it's one no maybe how is that different that's like one and a half and this is toes one in three eighths what is this one back here I'm different this one is own definitely one and a quarter one and a quarter one and a half of one and three-eighths okay Shay measure twice now I'll cut twice sweet deal how do we get that stuff that's hanging out in the bottom a little button to press to open this there's some tools in the back of that okay I'm pretty sick of this thing this it's kites rickety I mean look at this watch it's yeah it's like made of aluminum foil that's steel foil so that thing's got to go should I take it out now baby yeah why not brass brass stuff go on my brass bucket you know that is a Crippin tool some sort well that's a good symbol to go to my house on my drums me mmm there's no that for a few uh videos ago got a list that for sale single looks like yeah looks like a decent shelf but it's so not get out well they're getting ready for tonight they say five inches of snow all right 4300 is that no 4180 all right this is gonna be 10 bucks 11 12 I feel like snooping right now do you ever just feel like snooping through scrap Hey what's over here that's some heavy steel right there that's a lot of heavy steel those grates uh yeah some places don't take the chain-link fence not really sure why yeah I kept a few of those then go very far we already clip some wires I don't know shouldn't go scrapping some more should I do a wire run or should I do both all right let's get these out of here Wow that's cool the cab raises and lowers or whatever that thing's called you you go you go now they don't wanna wreck my tailgate by just slamming it as awesome sweeping up the place this is beyond cool yeah it's well below freezing out here cold and dry I'm okay with that wet windy nope and my weight three eight eight zero [Applause] hi y'all's good how's it going with you guys happy Friday unless you're working Saturday hammy all right yay all right have a good morning see you box all right so $12 I had 300 pounds exactly weighted 4180 weighed out at 38 80 and $80 in that time that's not bad price so high I am not done scrapping nope definitely not I got all kinds of energy I'm excited so I'm gonna do here's my goal we'll see if this works out I want to finish the Friday route because I'm only about half done with it but I had so much stuff in the back it's gonna get it all awkward and I'm right here anyway so I just dumped it got 12 bucks now I have an empty truck I can go fill up and I want to do a wire run as well I want to at least the cords so that's my goal God thank you for writing scripture on my heart though your word is on our hearts God thank you for that thank you for taking all the spooky weirdness away they just want a relationship with us and just like a kid just wants a relationship with with their parents and their family I just want to relationship with you God thank you for that thank you in the name of Jesus the one that you sent and I'm still blown away God do you know what it's like you've been here yeah thank you God amen I see a refrigerator now I take refrigerators yeah this does creep me out just watching a video yesterday haha Mike he was like I certainly am NOT taking refrigerator that's full of food or something that's not bad [Music] okay hey it's not what I want was that something went flying out my face oh it's a little water thing actually broke a little piece of plastic went and hit my ear and if you saw that in camera or not Oh it's tied up six see oh this way so through the hole around the tree back down the hole that is a proper bowline that will is always easy to untie see that that's the trick it's a super strong knot and always easy to untie she'd do a trucker's hitch for my version of a trucker's hitch just put loop in it and now I have the mechanical advantage of a two-to-one when I pull it do that and then just tie it off somehow now we want to do it I think that's fine yeah now come on down it easy to untie watch to bring hey it's a scrapper bro I already got one thank you though you know what before I forget let's get that cord take it nothing plus nothing is nothing Wow not as light as I thought it was gonna be yeah I might die just lift it over that's a Ford Ranger are you kidding me sorry just have to stop I've not seen the brand-new Rangers yet it doesn't even look like a ranger are you kidding me really look how tall this thing is MSRP $37,000 yeah they don't make cheap vehicles anymore Wow look at the size of this thing holy moly yeah I'm all up in their business as my trucks over there running could get stolen Wow could this be a scrap truck I don't think so well it's too tall we got baby bed the bed is that big that's what four feet maybe it's wide it's like it's wide yeah it's square all right back to scrapping all right it's time for a wire run but the problem is it's a little bit too heavy I don't know should I just do one what else should I do should I do this wire my telephone wire that stuff is strippable you know I think I'm gonna do just yeah just my extension cord and appliance cords hey wait I don't know that belongs that belongs to my amplifier okay let's get this loaded up take you to the scrap guard with another scrap no line alright so I added to put those extension cords into two different garbage cans it was just too heavy for me I think this I should probably use this for aluminum or something what is that Michael what's up how you doing yeah one more yeah it is supposed to be snowing tomorrow oh yeah you had this I'm sorry yeah this afternoon so and tonight and the Terr is written on them you know it's 24 do you have a Gaylord already for this looks like you shipped some out okay what's that oh yeah like we're saying that was romex like no this size all is it dead low-grade cat5 cat5e oh it's by it more yeah oh cool yeah yeah but I've house - yeah I think that was just a mistake okay but no actually that is the same as this in a that will came out of a someone actually stripped out one of these you that was a wire okay if it's worth your time no way I wouldn't do it yeah I'm like it would well yeah yeah a lot of places across the country though they pay like 50 cents a pound for if these things are taken off really yep do it the country but I've never I don't think it's I've ever sold here in DeKalb a category that's higher than like 35 cents a pound that even with it cut off like these would be a little bigger right right it's just a few of them for this right now at 26 yeah that's what it's been for a while yeah yeah yeah but it's because though the drive yeah from here to there there are transportation matters everything everything further west it's gonna be cheaper because it's further away from yeah I have a friend in Joliet and right there I mean it's like a hundred and fifty dollars a ton for scrap steel yeah and I'm like that's like double that out but it's it's a transportation issue yeah that's to Cabo you again even more man there's all kinds of utility work going on here all right how much is a refrigerator way it's nothing to be very much 4060 pounds this is the new refrigerator area okay come with recoil guess this were they actually heat exchanging with these a frame right there well whatever that thing is called a coil oh yeah I gotta untie that right fridge get out of my truck all right the storm hasn't hit yet but it's gonna here's where I don't want to just bash my tailgate which I could I imagine I still weigh the same empty oh I don't want to get killed let's back this truck up so yeah prey still 3880 oh wait till he's done wait what's he doing is he gonna let me on the scale or is he just rating up can't tell oh he's waving me on that's a really cool dude thanks man and I weigh 38 80 that's cool dude right there okay so how many pounds 67 pounds of extension cords hello Kaitlyn how you doing got some extension cords for you it's cold out there now it's some with the wind picking up it's starting to really be miserable that's why yeah that's why I heard it said supposed to be starting at noon I'm like it's past noon yet here they are thank you I'll see you later hmm so 24 dollars and 82 cents sixty-two cents yeah so let's see it was seven dollars and 20 cents for that shred and then the insulated copper wire number two at 35% is it was 26 cents a pound 17 dollars and 42 cents thank you Jesus that looks fine I want to ride in an airplane my grandfather was a pilot yeah he had a he had his little airplane like that when I was a little kid what for ride with him but he was also a pilot in World War two was shot down by the Germans and was a prisoner of war for 16 months yeah he was yeah he was shot down on a b-17 yeah it's a for propeller multi-engine yeah and he was a the highest-ranking officer in his wherever they call that when you're prisoner of war in the camp yeah he had some bad things happen because of him being the highest ranking officer so yep you went up retiring as a colonel and was the executive officer at Indian Springs in Nevada so anyway I'm not sure how you got on that topic oh yeah attention deficit [Music]
Channel: Scrap & Pallet Man
Views: 302,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Make Money, Garbage Picking, Dumpster Diving, Trash Picking, Trash Day, Garbage day, Found in the Trash, Treasure Hunting, Treasure Picking, Scrap Metal, Scrapping, Junk Man, Junker, Junk Collector, Dumpster Diving Hauls, Dumpster Finds, Found in Dumpster, trash man, Recycle Metal, Trash to Cash
Id: Tgcw9zESgpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 53sec (2453 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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