How An Academy Footballer Should Train For Pre Season!

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so I received my preseason schedule from Birmingham City Academy and I still can't believe I'm about to go into under 16 and you guys actually first seen me signed for Burmingham City at under n and this summer I'm going to be going hard in preseason as us left cour right for starting now with preseason day one what are you ready for today yeah you're ready for today you don't seem to be ready you just sitting there school work school work you got a cloes book on your desk how's that school just just got on you know just got you've been up for an hour though that's the thing about it having breakfast having what do you have for breakfast tea tea exactly so you haven't had breakfast yet you got trading day one of preseason today and you teally day one cuz had thingy yeah but this is the officially day one preseason training for the channel okay so this is day one so you need to make sure you have a decent breakfast kid all right and you need to crack on with the school workor as well right first thing in the morning a weighing so all right let's have a look then okay you are 152.4 I thought you'd be Lou than that you know yeah 10 stone8 no that's not that bad is it 10 Stone eight is not bad yeah yeah obviously we're monitoring this because obviously you're going you should be gaining weight from now okay so you should be going up in weight yeah eating right gaining more muscle should be going up let's measure you as well I see how tall you actually right we got the trusty tape measure let's have a look then you ain't talling me yet are okay you you're talling me no no no just stand straight kid what we saying together uh about that's that's he's a little bit he's a little bit if I'm T I'm T what is it buy a little bit lenza honestly the same it's all right though you're still time to grow just to let you know I'm still growing up my dad's such a hater man he's obviously trying to rig the height i' say about 108 yeah 180 cm 180 cm what's that so you're 5'9 no I'm not3 no you're 5'9 okay give me give me you're 5'9 this is what I'm saying you're just a little bit smaller than me kid you know I mean you're not quite you're 511 I'm 5'11 yeah yeah I'm bigger than you I've told you this already 5' 10 it doesn't say 5' 10 it was 5'9 5' 10 in look he's M he mad because it's 59 he's mad it's all right kid so I call my mom to measure me properly hold it no you're tilted just measure him and 178 Yeah 178 I told you all right breakfast time probably eggs we literally have 15 minutes but we got to leave so quick time so today is scrambled egg on toes but of course I have to double check to make sure there was eggs recently my dad's been making so much eggs and I couldn't be bother to go to the shops hey there's got to be loads of shell in there there has to be loads of shell in there let me have a look there has to be there has to be do you know what there's no shell no shell that's not bad right I'm making some scrambled eggs just just so I can eat quickly and it probably it's super quick to make yeah and what's what's good about scrambled eggs you uh it gives you energy off for a longer period of time doesn't it does it that's what you told me I didn't say that did I you did I never said that I said I said it's high in protein if you have enough eggs you know what I mean so have to build and prepare myle yeah right here's a piece of bread here's my carb well I'm using some vegetable oil spray so it doesn't stick to the pan look at those eggs cooked to Perfection right everything is done I'm going to move this to there so it can cool down that cooked through yeah yeah it's cooked all right cool toast done my toast is is literally perfect time good should have wor the chef out with it 10 time off no butter and the bread I'm ah damn I can't believe I forgot to but on my toes Hey kid you know you're not supposed to be eating in rooms huh no B you supposed to eat downstairs at the table everybody else and we have to literally be there at 11:00 the time is now 221 so we got to go now literally all right serious what are you wearing um I got a sock dryer I'm getting sucks out what kit you should wear I don't know you wear what you want to wear B going see your training kit yeah fair enough all right what boots you wearing know these ones them ones yeah okay they're n material ZM better than the new ones you got I mean the new ones they they when I put them on yeah I feel like there's still loads of space there lots of space Oh just a little bit too big in it yeah these ones okay these ones like they fit perfectly on my feet in it yeah and my feet will go again see me when I used to play my my boots had to be literally tight yeah so you can feel the wall in that yeah phant when they too loose I don't like it all right cool right then all right I'm going to meet you with the car get out of all right let's get going so in the end I decided not to wear the BAM City kit if I'm being honest i'vegot to put it in a wash and it's Stone and I quickly prepared the last few things before I went out training so start here and go through and round start so after a few stretches we got into the first drill [Music] go the just making sure I wasn't only using my right foot we got to have that strong left foot as well just think about this guys in a game in a tight situation if you can get your feet sorted out quickly you should be able to move the ball before anybody can get near you regardless if run your right foot or left foot that yeah come man have a breae walk over to the so we had a quick break and we contined this for a few more sets I stay low in between each hle and I use my arms to generate power if you want to challenge yourself you can do this with a friend and can time each other to see if he gets a faster time but remember it's not just about speed you got to be tired with it as well your passes have be accurate on both feet and as we're moving on to the next drill I'm not going to lie I start to feel the tiredness right we'll go for four Sprints now right so your passes will be this side yeah so bang bang same thing Drive Your Arms left foot Left Foot Right Foot as you come back through now bang and you get this side of the spot we're sprinting through to the 18 yd box so be really aggressive with your sprinting here so it's a similar thing but this time you got to finish with a Sprint and guys I'm telling you this one kills you my throat was burning so bad I could barely breathe properly bear in mind it was 27° as well and I had to do run after run after run T yeah yeah you know you got to do is it yeah what keep it push through it a it remember mental thing is it yeah all right best players can perform with a tire they keep pushing through it all right yeah keep going try and keep the uh keep the technique up all right work right up yeah yeah so for this drill what you have to do is you have to do a quick moving to simulate getting away from a player then You' received the ball from the coach you have to take a big touch forward to simulate getting forward and you have to punch your into the goal so goal probably simulate then what you to do you have to scan see the ball in a half turn turn pass the ball into a different goal which probably simulates P back or Winger really good love your movement perfect bang your timing to come in yeah to go and take the ball perfect right what can be a little bit better here that a touch that touch now so this just as I said to you over there where you sprint I want it to be aggressive so with this touch bang I'm pushing and I'm getting off does that make sense yeah remember you you've just lost this man here so by the time you've lost me bang so I've gone here and you've come back and for me to close down you here now if your first touch and you're quick you're going to take me out the game straight away yeah so we're back in with the second set and guys my legs are starting to turn into jelly and this is the thing everyone forgets about football you might be able to do it in a part for 20 minutes with your friends but can you do it for 90 minutes on a full size p i mean considering it's day one a preseason I think I'm doing all right but the more tired I get the more the mistakes start to come ah but anyways I pushed down through the ties and I start to do a few good bits many coaches have said to me that people think when they're tired they're actually tired but they're not it's actually a mental thing turn good don't TR good decent finish right so this is a finishing draw now the ball will be played into you you set yourself up the first touch and you have to finish the ball across the [Music] go I think I did it right in this one let me tell you this secret the key to a good finish is first touch EXC every finish has to go far F confident yes [Music] good God I just Jed myself there with that final shot yeah of course guys once you didn't with your strong foot you have to go on to the weak foot for me is my left foot right so for the first few reps I wasn't shooting too bad my technique was fine just I was trying to putting in the top Co every time which means I was putting too much power on it [Music] so the coach told me to chill take a bit off the power off and you will see a difference and that's exactly what [Music] happened right next draw set yourself for a shot then come back for a volley the shot is a right foot but the Vol is a left foot good great first yeah round go go and I did the same again with this one I tried to put 20 power on it so I start to adjust myself took some power off it and I seem some changes and over the next couple of weeks I'm still going to be recording these P of football Jewels so you can see if my left foot's got better or not we go yes and guys make sure you subscribe to this channel if you want to see real tutorials that will help you get to an academy so what's the difference finish get there that's not bad that oh so tired my legs feel so heavy yeah my hip's hurting as well your hip's hurting yeah I've been telling you already oh here we go so you I've been telling you the I didn't say I'm injured I'm just saying it's hurting growing in it yeah like crazy when there's one thing wrong with my my hip it messes up like when like you twisting in it and Sh and Crossing but it'll come back yeah yeah so we got a Jack in the microwave and I'm going to make a protein shake so what I'm going to do is I'm going to fill it up to 6 600 two scoop milk yeah 600 of milk steady steady tickle tickle tickle that's not 600 is it is that 600 let me almost empty huh I don't know bang something to prepare all this is cookies and cream and it's got tea Scoops in it look that's not a full scoop got to make sure it's a full scoop you now no not not not a heap scoop that's a full scoop there we are kid that's a full scoop there we are now we're getting there and then you should all just like come together and then drink it yeah yeah tastes nice it tastes nice so what's a benefit then tell them again I I didn't mention it helps um repair muscles in it and build muscle and build muscle after it's been that's correct apart so you need that definitely after the session and the carb as well what I mean right day one of my pre-season complete
Channel: Tekkerz kid
Views: 164,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, learn, learn football skills, soccer skills, how to get into academy, pre season, how to get better at football as a kid, without a ball, at home, for beginners
Id: VL1ZaAAyRjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2024
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