Pro Footballer Vs D1 Footballer: Day In The Life

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millions of kids all over the world dream about playing professional football but a lot get overwhelmed with what path or journey to take should they play in an MLs Academy go to England at 13 or should you play in college well here is a comparison of two players with the same goal but two very different passs giving you an insight into the possibilities in the football world so without further Ado welcome to a day in the life of a English professional versus a D1 American college soccer player it is currently 6:30 a.m. I'm just about to get some breakfast and then I'll talk more about what this video is going to be so so let's just get some breakfast and get started with the day breakfast is done 700 a.m. just woke up so yeah we're going to put this on and get an ice tub the pool is currently 48 so yeah let's hop in been doing this for like the last month and a half and trust me it doesn't get easier but feels so good after great start to my day feel energetic feel ready to go and after I do this I feel like I can do anything let's [Music] go it is currently um 8:30 about to head into the gym this is a day in the life versus America and yeah let's just get on with the day obviously Liam here has a game tomorrow so at the gym he's just doing some light exercises he's doing some core he was doing some activation on the bike and then he's just doing a little bit of upper body just cuz he doesn't want to stress its body out too much before the game and he still wants to get some strength in and move his body a little [Music] bit it's going to be a great session probably going to be out here for like an hour 30 the session today was just super simple and straight to the point we started off with some OneTouch passing and then some two touch passing just trying to get the fundamentals down and just get back into the groove of training and then we kind of got into a drill that I made up which was just passing into the wall a couple times receiving turning and then attacking the red flag and then attacking into the space and just dribbling away this was really just some freestyle type of training just doing whatever comes to mind and yeah I took a Bad Touch there but I made it work it's currently half 10 now I'm just heading into the SAA so yeah I just got back from the store and I wanted to show you guys what I tend to get when I go grocery shopping so maybe you guys can make some healthier choices so I got two Cottons of eggs then we got some lean ground beef I love red meat gives me a lot of energy lean turkey as well two beef cin steaks and then one of my favorites cafir it's packed with protein and super good for your gut then for fruit I eat a lot of berries so raspberries blackberries blueberries we got some more fruit some bananas and we got a nice little papaya two mangoes so yeah again Whole Foods are the way to go back at home now just making up a kind of post gym snack not a whole lot of yogurt in here probably about a quarter of the container so I'm just going to add in one scoop of protein in here then simply just going to add in some frozen blueberries in here frozen raspberries in as well since I'm heading out to training in about an hour or two I'll just let this go down so I'll eat this and let it let it kind of digest so yeah this right here is one of my favorite ways to break my fast some fruit some protein some nuts some healthy fats and then I fried up some eggs four eggs or three I think and yeah this was an absolutely amazing breakfast it hit the spot I was super hungry and this is literally one of my go-tos almost every single day so now I'm just going to sit down and do some work on my computer edit some stuff answer some emails check my grades cuz we just finished finals so I am just currently working on just responding to some emails currently uh from a few different brands so I just need to get responses to them respond to their emails and then also um go into my app log into my app and upload the videos that I filmed just from the gym session got to edit them a bit so I'll pick up the camera again when I'm heading out to training so I'm just about to get the balls in the car and head off to training um and just just get the little light 45 to 60 Minute session underway track my data with my player make on my boots again like I mentioned Liam has a game tomorrow so the point of this training isn't really to really stress his body too much it's just to stay sharp get some touches in and just feel good for tomorrow so here they're just doing a simple passing sequence right here another passing sequence and then to have finish the goal or a little strong pass and then obviously he's doing both sides because as footballers being amodestri is super important it's a great tool to have on your locker and then here they just did some simple 1 V ones with his brother just attacking going out each other and just having some fun okay so you may be wondering why I'm training by myself or with my brother I just recently left my team bornwood football club so it was a pro team so I can get more game time because honestly I was sitting on the bench for the first team I made my professional debut there this year yes it's a professional level professional team um but at the end of the day I wanted to be getting game time men's football experience I'm only the 18 so Dro down a few levels they're not fulltime this team so yeah got a game with them Tuesday tomorrow so yeah I've just been working for a couple of hours I'm about to cut up some mango it's going to be my pre-workout before the gym super excited for this s can't even speak super excited for this session got a couple mangoes to pick from so let's see which one feels the best this one feels nice and juicy so obviously me and Liam's session is going to look different in the gym because he's in midseason and I'm in the offseason here we start off with some warm-ups and band exercises and then we got into some explosive movements we did some drop box jumps so we Hop Off The Box and then jump over these two work on that explosiveness and then we also did some weighted box jumps we rock back and then just explode straight up then we did some Farmers carries these are great for your core for stability and just your overall strength as a footballer and then the same goes for these medball slams we did some half kneeling and we did some standing and just working on bringing that ball down as fast as possible so just jumping on my normat tech back home from training just had a little snack to eat as well I have just made this banana Sushi here absolutely looking amazing my leg compressions on whilst I'm doing my work I'll take these off in 45 minutes and just continue with my work so yeah we're now in the recovery room as you can tell they got four cold tubs and then they got a sauna over here so we're going to sauna first for around like 10 15 minutes and then we'll hop in coold plunge going be in here for like 15 minutes and I'll catch you guys after so yeah this is all out a new gym that just opened near my house and it had literally one of the best recovery centers I've seen for anyone to use and they had much more rooms that I didn't explore but this ice bath was cold when I tell you it was cold it was freezing trust me uh I was in there for like 10 minutes and then I got out and headed home so guys I forgot to film my dinner but basically had some roasted vegetables so some roasted sweet potato some roasted cauliflower um and then also had some lamb so just got back from the gym had an amazing lift had an amazing recovery session I'm just going to get to cooking now about to have my second dish meal the day I guess and then my dad will be making some octopus for dinner after we got some Spanish stuff over here as well hono for those of you that know you know for those ogs that follow me on Instagram you guys know I love cooking so here I'm just Shing up a little stir fry got some green pepper some eggplant and then some asparagus threw on some fried eggs and then some steak and this was absolutely fire some avocados too for some healthy fats it's been a prettyy busy day I'm about to chill now get some more work done eat this meal and then I'll have my dinner with my parents in like 2 hours um so yeah get some work done and catch you guys in a little after I finished working I had some dinner with the fam some Spanish food like I told you guys some Kon and then some octopus it's actually fire guys trust me been working since then nothing else is going to happen tonight so that is my day done I will leave a link in the description if you want to get in contact with me or Hector make sure if you did like this video on the kind of collab we'll do more in the future like this so let us know in the comments give this video a thumbs up so we know you liked it peace out guys and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Hector Serrano
Views: 51,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: day in the life of a footaballer, football, soccer, best home workout, home workout for athletes, best football drills to do at home, pro football journey, how to train like a footballer, footballers diet, footballers workout, footballer leg workout, footballer workout, day in the life, shooting drills, cristiano ronaldo, training like cristiano ronaldo, cr7, match analysis, winger analysis, footballer match highlights, footballer match analysis
Id: 9DOEZNh-blk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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