A Day in the Life of a Startup Intern in NYC

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I got the bag to the front she got some eyes bringing it something no she annexed related I got the bag to the friend she got [Music] tell me where you're going tell me where your heart tonight I go hazel eyes when you're by my side everything I do tell me if you have been dancing so as you're looking I don't feel this music just been going on going on but it's not measured again I'm not going home up and dancing [Music] I don't [Music] I'm not calling it's a pretty nice day here in the city I'm enjoying my Cheerios and my view of New York here let me show you we've got the entire New York City skyline here we got the World Trade Center right there Empire State Building right there Midtown and then Central Park today's a Friday so I'm not going into the office until around like 1:00 p.m. actually and honestly today's a really busy day I usually don't have busy Fridays but today is one of them there's so many planes that go by right here it's going to ruin my audio but pretty sure it's because there's like JFK right there and then LaGuardia is over there so all these planes just go by and they'll probably ruin my audio so forgive me anyways my summer internship here in New York City is coming to a close so I thought I'd make a video since now I don't care about being embarrassed in front of my co-workers so that way when I bring this giant camera Reagan to work today even if I get judged I'm leaving in a week so it's ok it's like 9 a.m. right now and I have to edit a video I've got one that I want to post today and then I'm gonna go into work later and then after work I have a lot of way about these planes and then after work I've got a company party I'm gonna go to there's a booster board group ride there's a pop-up shop that david dobrik is holding there's just so many things going on I'm gonna try to do it all I won't have any time to add in my YouTube videos so I'm gonna have to edit right now forgot my Cheerios yeah they're soggy now [Music] [Music] all right so I'm editing right now and I'm just gonna be completely honest I want to show off the cinematic sequence of New York that I put together so I'm gonna play it right now roll the clip [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so I don't really have time to make lunch so I'm just gonna go grab lunch right now and I am heading to work right after [Music] this one's for you this one's for you [Music] I think I made it I think I'm acing this reveal about the hum it's like a blog until I get a second I just met my new guy here and we're going to be bested phrase this is like this is like Russia before but we've just got more monsters don't you share your truth with me and that fine I'm sure amused all right so work is about 20 minutes from where I live in Brooklyn I work in Williamsburg I live in Bushwick and I am headed to work right now I always take my boosted board to the subway station and I ride the subway to Williamsburg and then I take my Bruce's into the office I always think if we said because it takes me like ten minutes of time just really convenience with me cancer the time on the nickel and diming I got me a girl she told her time is a daily reminder how that guy like what did you find her go look at my [ __ ] everything around me on to you only a few [ __ ] I thought I knew better let go my [ __ ] do better [ __ ] yo multi-panel on my next 5-years step back maybe the best actors I'm done with all that tough acting da man with a saw happy so happens my [ __ ] wanna life's gonna change they still dreaming and you deserve to imma do it just so happens I think I made it I think I made it cuz I'm always smiling and you're the reason I'm here I can't explain it it's all in the time and I had to get low I had to get low I had to get back I had to report I had to get facts cuz you understand you there you share your troops with me and I find them true amuse you in the booth with me No I snuck out onto the roof of our office so so we can chat a little bit let me step into the shade here it's too hot for this it's not okay let me check inside hopefully it's fine all right so I'm sure you guys are wondering what I do for my internship where do I work what am I doing this summer all right so the startup I'm working at the summer is called H it's also called H collective we call it a number of different names but basically the summer for my internship I was working kind of like a PM like a product management role like yeah basically H has this really cool app it's a platform and I was working with the mobile team this summer to really figure out how do we drive users to the platform I was working with developers as they kind of like built out new features for the app it's been a really good summer working here it's sort of like around 10 to 15 people actually working here I didn't really get to film them went to the office because I felt awkward but I think I did film so himself which you guys saw and there's actually like a company party that I'm gonna go to later tonight for a little bit about a week before I'm a watch on it's about a week before my internship actually ends it's been a really good summer because it is a startup they're very flexible with me and they let me work from home they let me work my own hours and it's just been really really good especially for what I do when I'm trying to balance YouTube and everything I needed a company that was willing to be flexible with me and so this company definitely did that for me and I'm very grateful for that I guess I'll talk a little bit about how I got this internship and also how you might go about getting internship if you want to try it for a summer it's kind of crazy how I got this internship actually I basically just emailed James the founder of the company and he basically got on a call with me we talked about age for a while and I was really interested in like his journey specifically as an entrepreneur and yeah at the end of the call he was like do you want to work for us this summer and so I said yes I think big things are happening here and I get to be a bigger part of that that I would add like a big large company but my recommendation if you're trying to find an internship definitely talk to a lot of people in different industries I would definitely start with your current circle and your current network so start with who you already know and then see like who might they know and that's how you should get in contact with people I won't drop any names but there are some companies out there that barely look at your applications unless you have like a referral or if you know someone in the company so if you like submit an application online without having any connections to the company without having any contact to someone at the company then your chances are getting rejected are pretty high you're gonna have such an easier time getting internships and doing work that you actually want to do if you know people that already work at the company or know people in the space so reach out to people and kind of build those connections early on but try not to be a snake about it everyone is just like a business connection anyways the most important thing that I want to talk about is don't do an internship that you're gonna hate your summers are valuable you want to actually spend your time doing something that you're interested in and something that you're passionate about I also don't mean like go play for night I mean go try something new learn something about yourself and try to grow as a person alright that's my spiel I've been I don't have a watch I don't know why people get my wrist but I've been away from work so I'm gonna go back to the office actually it's already past 5:00 yeah I was out here after work and then I'm not going back I'm gonna leave now [Music] all right I just got back to my apartment I wash my face because I was sweating so much and I'm off of work so you know what that means yeah time for my second job YouTube but no joke YouTube is like my second job so I always edit or shoot something after work also this is really really random I don't know why I thought of this while I was washing my face but you guys know how like people say tags in the back of your books like you have a great summer have a good summer that was always such a sad time because the age when you're ready hikes is probably like around middle school where you can't drive or see your friends over the summer as much I don't know at least for me like I feel like over the summer I didn't get to see my friends often other than the ones that were like living in my neighborhood and so it would be like oh my god hags like I won't see you all summer maybe it's also because I grew up in a time where I didn't have a cell phone so yeah as you guys get to know me better you'll realize I'm extremely random so that's my random thought of the day I'm actually really hungry but I'm gonna hold off until the party because there might be food there and I need to try to edit this video and post it before I leave for this party [Music] so I finished my edit but it's gonna take me a few hours to export and then upload so I'm not gonna get to upload today which is anyways I'm already late for this party is company party I'm supposed to go to so I'm gonna change real quick and I grab my stuff go to the party which is actually like surprisingly like only three blocks away so I'm gonna go wait it's three blocks away why would I bring my stuff I'm stupid okay I'm gonna go to that party and then come back home and then go into the city because I have some stuff to do in the city so yeah I'm stupid okay I'm going to change all right I'm will change but before I leave I want to show you this view from my apartment subtle flecks but [Music] I know I know you guys saw it this morning when I was eating Cheerios out here but during sunset this is the most amazing view that's where I'm going to miss bite here [Music] [Music] I feel really bad leaving early because I was there for like ten minutes but I have to head into the city because I'm going on a booster board group ride I don't even know if I'm gonna make it but hopefully I will but I've to get into the city which is like at least a 20-minute commute so this time I'm actually wearing a watch and I'm running late so let's go I'm gonna be the greatest [Music] [Music] apparently there's like 3040 people out here today I've never seen so many booster boards and let you skateboards in my life we're all discharging at this cafe right now it's my baby user hip good time good this is so different the turns are so hard how fast does it go like 21 'yes this goes 20 oh [ __ ] oh are you I'm good are you going yeah I'm so hungry right now it's 9:30 and the last time I ate was that chick Doba at around noon so yeah I'm really hungry and now I'm about to go eat yeah good research group ride was insane there's so many people there it was like my heaven it was so cool I got to try out that one wheel which is pretty awesome and now we are trying to get thinner and then we're gonna go to three six eight which is like KC's nice that's office and david dobrik doing like a hop up shop there so hopefully we get to see him I was thinking there would be a line here but there's no way [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] alright guys that's a wrap today was a crazy long day oh my goodness it's currently like 11:30 p.m. again this was like a really really busy day normally I'm not this busy but I do come into the city and random stuff happens so that's why I freaking love the city so damn much and I'm so sad I'm leaving I'm also excited to be going back to school so it's like it's like bittersweet I love making these videos but honestly they are a lot of work to make so if you're new to the channel please don't forget to subscribe press on notification bell and I'm posting a lot of new videos soon so definitely stay tuned for that if you want to see a sneak peek into my life and also want to see behind the scenes photos and videos and don't forget to pick up my Instagram again thank you guys so much for watching [Music] [Music] things coming up
Channel: Elliot Choy
Views: 790,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elliot choy, nyc, new york city, intern, internship, summer internship, summer intern, nyc internship, nyc intern, new york city intern, new york city internship, startup, nyc startup, startup nyc, elliot, day in the life, nyc day in the life, day in the life nyc, intern day in the life, day in the life intern, day in the life startup, startup day in the life, day in my life startup, day in my life intern, david dobrik, boosted board, first day, google, start up, 368, choy
Id: e4_3XOKUW0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 02 2019
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