MY COLLEGE EXPERIENCE (ucla film school)

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[Music] all the great college experience high schoolers dream of it college students go into debt for it and parents go to jail for it is that is that too many public skittle related jokes for one channel maybe anyways I graduated from UCLA as a film major a month ago and I thought I would take you guys on a little tour everyone buy all the water and try to do it all well now getting kicked out for not having a filming permit so it should be it should be a fun time let's get going kids what you talk about now I'm from Maryland so my first time ever coming to LA was for my UCLA film school interview they only admit 15 people every year oh my freaking Lord so they interview us [Music] so they interview everybody in person first to make sure they don't admit any weirdos now tragically that system fails in April of 2016 when they admitted me I did get into a couple other non film schools that were probably safer and smarter and objectively a much better life decision actually than blowing all your money on film school but I was very headstrong in high school and I decided you know if I had one chance to make a career out of what I love doing I was sure is how I'm gonna do it now my college experience started out a bit untraditional II I knew from the onset I wanted to graduate in three years instead of four and people always ask me like why did you want to do college so fast it's like have you heard of out-of-state tuition and the fact that it's like $40,000 so I want to save that good-good tuition money so I ended up flying out here early to take some summer classes which are cheaper than like regular tuition for some reason before my freshman year began now I didn't know a single person in LA so I ended up living here in an apartment with four complete strangers that I met off a Facebook group now this could have ended in either one of two ways I could have made some lovely unlikely friends or I could have ended up dead in somebody's basement luckily it was the former and they actually ended up all being seniors from UCLA so I kinda got like a crash course in the college experience mostly just drinking a lot of boxed wine fall rolls around my freshman year officially started hence this backpack to signify freshmen actually and I moved up to Hedrick Hall now despite the UCLA dorms being notoriously overpriced for the equivalent amount of space that you get in a spirit airline seat I really wanted that good-good college experience so I moved up to the freshman dorm head rec hall I really just wanted to be like friends everybody on my floor and have like late-night hangouts and all that fun [ __ ] my first week in college started out pretty hopeful because we had like a beach trip together there's even a karaoke night and I like screamed Avril Lavigne at the top of my lungs with some of the people from my floor I thought we were gonna be really really good friends but then as soon as classes started I pretty much didn't see anybody like ever again which I guess is just college now the one thing that did live up to my expectations was the dining halls they were pink like dangerously I think I did not think the freshman 15 was real but oh boy it was real for me this is where I went to my first ever college party I remember he's strutting in in a denim skirt and a button-up yes a button-up because I thought that was what college students award to frat parties and I felt so cool because like three guys asked me to I found out the next day that this is actually the engineering frat which explains why they were attracted to nerds and button ups and that turns out to be the only time I was ever asked to dance at a college party I'm also slowly realizing how awful my outfit is in this video so please don't unsubscribe for that right now we're standing outside mel-min which is the film school where I took all of my classes I remember my first impression of melnitz was walking into this grand entrance where they have all of the movie posters from all of our UCLA alumni proudly displayed which was so empowering until you take a closer look and realize that you have no idea what the [ __ ] those movies are because they were all made in like the eighties and everybody who graduated since is just like a full-time barista right at the onset I was a little bit like all [ __ ] what have I got myself into I'm gonna be so unemployed [Music] one thing that took me way too long to learn in film school is that opportunities are not handed to you you really have to go out and search for them for some reason in my high school brain I thought that as soon as I got into film school like my life was set they were gonna get in internships they were going to get any jobs and that's really not the case I think college is exactly what you make of it and you really have to go above and beyond to go and ask your professors if they have any internship opportunities ask the guests interesting questions and try to make connections that way if you guys are just starting school now please take advantage of those opportunities because you are paying so much for them and then you know before you know it you're gonna be a graduate and you're not gonna have access to them anymore this is where I waited to catch the bus for one of my many internships freshman year I have really seen it all when it comes to internships I have taken out the trash for free I wrapped rachel mcadams Christmas presents I met Dev Patel I've had some good bosses and some weird bosses but at least luckily nobody has asked me to watch them masturbate in their office so welcome to the bathrooms at TFT Wow luxurious this is what you wanted in a college tour lots of good men's here lots of PA some pooping also a decent amount of me just waiting for break to be over in class because my classes were like 4 hours long so the teacher would always give us a pretty long break but like I didn't have friends that I could talk to I would kind of just like hide in the bathroom and like sit on the toilet for a while so that's now this video has kind of been all like jokes and stuff up until here but I remember going home for winter break my freshman year and when I had to take the plane back to LA I like could not stop crying because this is such like a first world problem because I was so lucky to be able to go to film school and it was like my dream school to go to and I was supposed to be studying something that I loved but I guess I thought college would be this big grand fun experience with all these friends and parties to go to and classes that I loved and I just ended up feeling lonelier than I've ever felt before I felt like I could close my eyes and disappear and nobody would even notice you know like I struggled a lot in high school too and I would like come home crying I wanted to graduate early and get my GED and my mom would only say that if I could just hold out until college I would have an amazing time in college everything would be different but when I finally got to college I just felt even more alone than I'd ever felt I honestly was like [ __ ] I've peaked in high school I never thought I would be one of those people and even though I was going to film school which was my dream for my entire life I was so lucky to go I quickly learned that Hollywood wasn't really what I expected either you know I thought it was like all these fun creative people making their dreams come true but it was really just a bunch of like executives in their office doing cocaine and people getting jobs because their dad or their cousin worked somewhere coming to film school like everybody back home was just like oh invite me when you get an Oscar they were so proud of me for like pursuing something that was seemed really hard but I felt like I didn't even have a [ __ ] purpose anymore because it was just people trying to make money in their offices like I didn't what's the point you know there like so many more important things to work on in life I would like cry on my way to class I would cry on my way to the dining halls literally the highlight of my day was just stuffing my face with Brussels sprouts before I went to work at the dining halls until 3:00 a.m. I remember spring of my freshman year I took another of a film students to take over my internship and she was just like isn't this the best isn't college best time of your life and she genuinely meant it and I don't know I guess I just clicked in my head that it wasn't all UCLA's fault I felt like I was blaming it on like school I was blaming it on not having the funnest people on my floor or something like that but really it was my goddamn fault for not getting out there and like making friends and and really trying to do the college things so I decided for at least the rest of my freshman year I would just try out the whole College thing and try to do it right I joined a theatre company on campus and this is where we performed well technically we performed like in the theater but I couldn't get in it so I'm doing my best I finally quit my unpaid internship reading shitty scripts in a closet three days a week and I used that extra time to start making YouTube videos again as cringy as my videos and my hair was back then I'm really glad that I took a step back from this 24/7 grind of going to class and internships and maxing out on units and gave myself a little time to try to build something for myself and I took my first ever cinematography class and made my first short film in film school it felt really good to get my hands on a camera again for the first time that year and really reminded me why I came to film school which wasn't this like in traitors [ __ ] or like making a lot of money it was really just to make films that I loved making [Music] my sophomore year things were starting to look up I was able to use my portfolio of my own YouTube videos to get a job editing for some other youtubers so I could finally quit my minimum-wage job and I also moved from the dorms into this lovely apartment here I lived with five other girls in a two-bedroom apartment which is actually too many people to like legally have in that amount of space because apparently it was like a fire hazard so I wasn't on the lease and I spent a lot of time here avoiding my landlord I was also making weekly YouTube videos at this point but I was so embarrassed of my youtube channel I couldn't film with anybody else around which is a hard task when you have five other roommates so I would keep a Notes app on my phone and write down every time that they like were in and out of the apartment and I would find like the two hours per week where everybody went out of the apartment and film then and then scrambles like take down my lights and make my YouTube video for the week now this giant empty closet is where I would come to film a lot of my lookbooks sophomore year I remember I would come here with my vlog camera and do like the same motion over and over again I'd be doing like this for like an hour trying to get the perfect shot for my look books this is where I would fall asleep after pulling all-nighters staying up editing and writing essays this is where her music friends smoked a blood before our class where our required class screening was to watch Twilight now I gotta say that movie is pretty entertaining well stoned but by the end of class my high was wearing off and I remember being like how the [ __ ] was I entertained for this - the other two hours this movie is awful this is where I took urban planning which I was originally so salty I had to take along with a bunch of other non film major classes but it turns out it was one of my favorite classes at UCLA and you know maybe at the end of the day there is something for this whole like liberal arts education thing the next summer I applied to another 20 or so studio internships and surprise surprise I got rejected from all of them so I hauled my ass to this lovely new apartment despite having to walk up this literal trash alley every single day to get to my apartment I was so proud to finally have a room of my own which was something really special to me that was the first summer that I started working on my youtube channel full-time and also where a lot of you guys join me on my journey this was a really good summer I hit 100k on YouTube I went on a frankly embarrassing number-10 three dates it was like a good wholesome summer wholesome if you count like holes up sleeping with oh I don't David it's moving this video I'm not gonna say for some reason I've really really liked college towns in the summer you see ladies a pretty big school so it feels like somehow more intimate to just have people around who are like taking summer classes or who don't want to go to home to their families or who have internships by the end of the summer I also met the lovely lovely David who's filming this video right now who dare I say was one of the best parts of going to UCLA [Music] during four-year year I decided to give myself one final push and load up on courses so I could graduate an extra quarter early let's mosey on over to talking more about my college education and senior year Oh follow me senior year at film school everybody chooses a concentration so like directing producing I was a screenwriting concentration which meant that I sat in this classroom every single week and went over my pages I have always been so protective of my writing so it was [ __ ] terrifying to come here every week and be like here read my pages outloud and tell me how cringy they are but by the end of the school year it was really nice to have this little like family of people that I could trust to give me criticism and actually make my writing better and it made my ego like a tiny bit less fragile too which is good because I need to work on that I also really appreciate my screenwriting professor was really the first professor at UCLA who told me that I had like some type of potential which you know I don't need like external validation but it was really nice especially in like a big school and a big city and a big industry for somebody to be like hey maybe you'll make something that people like I guess all of this begs the question do you want to regret going to college and recently I noticed this trend of influencers dropping out of high school and college and saying [ __ ] the educational system I don't need that anymore in some ways the educational system is so [ __ ] broken tuition is absolutely insane student debt is rampant but I also fear those people encourage giving up on your education just because it isn't fun and frankly it's not College has become all about the college experience rather than the college education which is what you're here to get getting a college degree is [ __ ] hard I don't even know how people who get their PhDs do it but it makes you a stronger person it makes you smarter it makes you see the world in a way that you didn't before and that for me what's the reason to go to college and the reason I don't regret going [Music] [Music]
Channel: bestdressed
Views: 2,376,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ucla film school, film school, day in the life of a college student, ucla vlog, my college experience, college experience, dropping out of school, dropping out of college, is film school worth it, graduating college in 3 years, graduating college early, graduating in 3 years, college vlog, college experience freshman year, college experience out of state, my american college experience, my college experience was trash, usc film school, college expectations vs reality
Id: mFC9NXtm9wM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2019
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