How to Become the Person You Were Created to Be w/ Steven Furtick

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he is the pastor the lead pastor of Elevation  Church he's also the most musically beautifully   Gifted Man I know today guys is really going to be  a ride of really discovering I think the true you   I know what advice people give all the time that  I wouldn't give you and that's just do you what   we normally mean when we say that like just do you  or I'm just doing me is I'm settling and I think a   lot of people live their life cheated you haven't  fully Met You Yet like you've seen glimpses but   my belief is most of us haven't fully met the  version of us that God knows yet so to say just   do you that's a trap because now I'm just doing  the me that I know the me that I see the the me   that I've experienced up to this point if do you  is the Trap then what's the opposite of that I   see a lot of people that are basically stuck in  striving to be something that they think they're   not so I call that the treadmill then you start  chasing something that you think is out there   somewhere one day when I hit this point I'm going  to be happy so now you're out of the Trap of just   do you which is living cheated now you're on the  treadmill a future you which is some version of   you that you think would be actually acceptable  and a lot of times what you're chasing isn't what   God has put inside of you it's what you see around  you from the fake images that are being being fed   to you so that's to live your life chasing you  don't have to live cheated you don't have to live   chasing some version of you that doesn't really  exist that you could become one day because you're   chosen I take the word new NE ew and I change it  a little bit I put a K on front of it and I I say   the new you neew the you that God is calling  you to become is the KN NE W new you because   God told this messenger that he was calling in  Jeremiah 1:5 in the Bible he said before I formed   you in the womb I knew you the you that God is  calling you to become is the you that he already   knows you are that answer right there is uh why I  started a show and I've done 600 interviews which   just came through you right now I'm telling  you that was absolutely amazing [Music] so hey guys are you frustrated with where you're  at right now maybe stunted in your progress well   if you are I want to recommend a place for you to  go called growth day growth sled it is the   number one personal development app on the planet  it's got all kinds of high performance techniques   in there courses accountability journaling live  speeches from some of the top influencers in the   world including me it's an overall environment to  change your life growth sled welcome back   to the show everybody so so have you ever just  met somebody and the minute you meet them you   love them and you just feel bonded to them almost  like Kinder Spirits immediately when you meet and   uh I was a huge fan of this man prior to meeting  him and I think we both kind of wanted to meet   one another so we were sat together one night at  a dinner table and uh about 2 hours later I poked   my head up and there ended up being other people  there because we were so glued in on one another   uh I loved him the minute I met him and as I've  got the kn better um I consider him a brother a   brother in Christ and somebody that I admire very  much he is the pastor the lead pastor of Elevation   Church he's also the most musically beautifully  Gifted Man I know he's got a new book out right   here called do the new you I've been waiting a  while to have him on the show and share him with   all of you and I'm so grateful he's here today  so Steph fdick finally welcome to the show great   to have you thank you Ed thank you man I'm I was  thinking today to get to cook with you like this   and help people together I mean this is this is  a dream man this is a dream same same for me as   you know and I got to tell you I thought isn't  this cute my friend wrote this book it's good   that he wrote a book I'm so proud of him and I'm  going to have him on the show because I love him   and then I read the book and I went whoa okay  this is not just another book this is special   you're very vulnerable and very honest in this  book and so today guys is really going to be a   ride of of really discovering I think the true you  which is really the theme for me that I got out of   this book so it starts out I want to ask you first  brother it starts out in the very beginning of the   book you talk about your son's getting ready to  go off to college he asks you for advice and by   the way I remember Max asking me the same thing  I'm like wow I I'm sort of known for advice and   I don't have my aame right here with my kid but  you say in the book I know what bad advice would   be and so let's just start there what would not  so good advice be I know what it is but I want to   share it with everybody listening or watching yeah  cuz like my oldest he's my workout partner and we   were finishing a workout one day and he's like  oh you tell me so much great stuff down here but   like before I leave for college Thursday what's  the best advice you could give me now and anytime   somebody asked that it just it feels like the  pressure of having to come down the mountain with   the Ten Commandments like Moses like I don't have  any tablets there's no best advice and I sat down   after and I was like um I'm gon need a minute  I'll get back to you and and then I thought   well I know what I know what I wouldn't tell you  I know what advice people give all the time that I   wouldn't give you and that's just do you and um or  something like that you know that that's one way   of saying it um just do you like that phrase as  far as it relates to Fashion is fine like there's   one of our staff members here who's been um he's  been rocking a man bun lately and um and there's   a very divided opinion if he's pulling it off or  not if I heard somebody say to them the other day   they're like hey man do you and it kind of means  well I wouldn't do it and and I secretly think   you look like an idiot but if it makes you happy  do you right so that's fine like you want to wear   the Crocs do you I think a 43y old man in Crocs  is kind of a lot but do you right so I get it in   that way and self-expression and uniqueness and  you know if you say that to somebody and you mean   live out the most authentic integrated version of  you that you can live out and and don't live your   life trying to perform up to something that God  didn't call you to be or trying to combine all   of the the highlight reels of everybody else that  you've seen and and live a life that you weren't   even called to live then great do you but what  we normally mean when we say that like just do   you or I'm just doing me is I'm settling and I  think a lot of people live their life cheated   like I start the book by calling that the Trap  the the Trap of just doing you because my belief   for everybody listening is you haven't fully  Met You Yet like you've seen glimpses you've   seen glimpses of a you that is kind and patient  and tenacious and loving and and and maybe maybe   you live in that space a lot of time but my belief  is that most of us haven't fully met the version   of us that God knows yet so to say just do you  that's a trap because well well now I'm just   doing the the me that I know the me that I see the  the me that I've experienced up to this point so   then Ed and I don't want to talk too much at the  beginning because I hope that I hope that we'll   riff a lot today because yeah yeah I'm a huge  fan of you man I was like if we start tag team   preaching today speaking and I know I know there's  a difference between preaching and speaking but we   kind of operate off the same energy so when I set  up a metaphor I'm like okay if do you is the Trap   then what's the opposite of that well I see a lot  of people that are basically stuck in striving to   be something that they think they're not so  I call that the treadmill yeah treadmill the   treadmill so like you get motivated you listen to  Ed mlet you you go like okay I'mma do it this year   this is my year you know I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm  turning my ceiling into a floor in 2024 like   you get these motivational aspirational and all  that's great because you're like all right I'm   not settling for where I am there's more in me and  there's more to me and I have something special   and so then you start chasing something that  you think is out there somewhere like one day   when I hit this point I'm gonna be happy I'm  gonna be worthy I'm gonna be deserving I'm   gonna be peaceful I'm gonna be at ease one day  when so now you're out of the Trap of just do   you which is living cheated but now you're on the  treadmill of future you yeah which is some version   of you that you think would be you know actually  acceptable some version of you that you think you   could actually live with yes but you don't really  believe it's you and a lot of times what you're   chasing isn't what God has put inside of you it's  what you see around you from the fake images that   are being fed to you of people at only certain  slivers and and moments and slices of their life   so so that's to live your life chasing so the book  is written to remind you whoever you are wherever   you are whatever insecurities you're dealing with  whatever Happ habits addictions inertia whatever's   going on in your body whatever's going on in your  mind whatever attacks you feel like you're under   whatever dreams you have that you don't have to  live cheated gosh in the Trap you don't have to   live chasing some version of you that doesn't  really exist that you could become one day   because you're chosen and so I do a little word  play in the book Ed where I wish I could write it   down and I know a lot of people are listening so  they can't see it but I take the word new NE ew   and uh I change it a little bit I put a K on front  of it and I I say the new you NE ew the you that   God is calling you to become is the KN NE W new  you because um God told this this messenger that   he was calling in Jeremiah 15 in the Bible he said  before I formed you in the womb I knew you and so   the you that God is calling you to become is the  you that he already knows you are so you're chosen   you don't have to live cheated you don't have to  live chasing and I've talked way too much but you   got me fired up even looking at you fires me up  and and so no I I I got to tell you so and by the   way the third choice really what he says in the  book is the true you and this is what you know he   references Jeremiah in the Bible that's exactly  what he's talking about the true you is the one   that God knows that he knew when he formed you in  the womb and you're so right cuz I live in this   world right so there are the groups of people that  are just like hey man I'm doing me whatever it   is whatever it is you get what you get that's one  crowd then there's kind of the crowd that that you   know sort of is involved in my world here which  is we're chasing the best version of ourselves   and I think the the challenge with it and was so  profound for me to read it is this Chase idea I   talk a lot by the way I'm super unqualified to  cover a lot of these things but I do talk about   vision and and how B the Bible talks about where  there's no vision the people will perish but I got   to tell you when I meet most people they have some  sort of a vision in my opinion I don't think it's   always just a lack of vision it's actually a depth  perception problem meaning we believe it's outside   of us it's further away than it is it's something  we're supposed to be pursuing or chasing so we   have this depth perception that it's 5 years away  10 years away 20 years away and that's the great   lie the the truth is that version of you exists  right now and you just say it more beautifully   than I do for me it's a depth perception Vision  issue for you it's it's God wants you to see   you he says in in his book the way that he sees  you and I want to ask you about something I was   watching something from Rick Warren a while back  and it just dawned me this is some I'm just being   vulnerable I'd like you and I to go back forth  on this because I think it gets to the root of   a lot of the work in the book which is so good  I'm watching this clip from Rick Warren brother   and he was talking about you know the modern-day  person of Faith it's we're worshiping God all the   time we love God we love the Lord but yet he said  how good are you at letting the Lord love you and   it struck me because I think for me that's just  been a metaphor for my entire life I've Loved God   all my life I've Loved other people all my life by  the way I have a little clue about you on this too   and if there's something I have struggled with  it's my acceptance of the love of other people   that God's put in my life and often times if I  really get to the root of it it's the acceptance   of of God's love for me and it there's a little  bit of a block there there has been for me as I'm   always almost trying to earn other people's love  or I can feel it when I give it to other people   but I often don't just allow myself to just  bask in the glow of how much God loves me or   even my family sometimes just actually feeling  loved and when I was reading your book I think   it's the great conversation I've been having with  myself for quite a while now if I'm being honest   and since I've got you here here today I'll have  it with you but do you struggle with that at all   and do you do you think maybe that's correlated  to what we're talking about here I didn't I didn't   know we were gonna go here but let's go here  okay I I sat down when I met you a few years   ago and when I saw that we got to sit next to  each other I was so happy because I wanted to   meet you because I had seen your stuff I had no  idea we were sitting together you didn't either   I looked at you and I said um oh my goodness  I've wanted to meet you for for a while I've   wanted to meet you really bad I'm really excited  about this and you looked at me and you're like I   feel the exact same way about you and my initial  response to that was shock I honestly would have   never thought that you would know who I was care  who I was seen any of my stuff and as we talked   that night the reason like you said earlier that  we looked up you know two hours later and our food   was cold and there were other people too is  because we started to talk about things that   I think a lot of times would surprise people that  you struggle with um we were talking specifically   about when we speak and beating up on oursel  and replaying the tape of what we said and you   know going home and and for the next two days just  feeling like we completely failed and um you know   sometimes it is better that we connect through our  vulnerability rather than trying to impress each   other with our strengths yeah and isn't it crazy  that I had watched uh several of your uh I guess   I'd watch several of your interviews several of  your talks and the thought that you would want to   have me on would have never occurred to me like  wow I would love to share in this conversation   with you but I wouldn't have felt like I had  what I needed so what what I'm learning Ed and   um man I really hope somebody can get this today  because I was praying on the way in somebody is   going to hear this who really feels insufficient  who really feels like no I can't let God's love   in I'm not really going to let you in but actually  with God's love it's exactly the opposite because   he's the one who knows you that's what he says  to Jeremiah right before you were born I knew   you so the one who knows me the best loves me the  most and that sets me free because if he chose you   knowing that you would go through the divorce if  he chose you knowing that you would struggle with   managing your money or knowing that you would  have the learning disability or knowing that   you would fail at the first business or knowing  that you would struggle to get it off the ground   if he chose you knowing that if he put you in the  situation this what I've come to believe Ed if he   put me in it then he put it in me and I know not  everybody listening has the same type of Faith but   to believe that you were created see that's that's  the key for me that I was created in the image of   God and so I like to go to the biblical story of  Moses and y'all Ed told me I could preach a little   bit today because that's that's the only thing  I know do yes and I hope you'll forgive me if   just kind of gloss over these Bible stories but  Ed I was going up to preach about Moses couple   years ago it was during covid times when we were  only allowed to let like a hundred people in the   room and space them out and it was a weird time to  preach because the auditorium would feel so empty   and my um my oldest son the one that we talked  about Elijah he was he was there on the front row   with me and I was talking about how God chose  Moses and called him to go lead the nation of   Israel out of slavery and I was saying you know  like I'll say to you today you probably haven't   been chosen to lead an entire nation through the  Wilderness and you know probably what you've been   called to do is different to raise that kid or to  make what God has put in your heart to make the   dream that you have happen but God has called you  and chosen you for something right and I talked   about that feeling that Moses had because he's  like but God I I can't go to pharaoh and tell   him let my people go I can't speak I'm not a good  speaker and all I have in my hand hand is a staff   and then God asked Moses who made man's mouth all  right so at that point in the sermon something   really cool happened before I got up to speak  and I get chills remembering this I had handed   my oldest son my wallet and before I handed it  to him I didn't tell him why I was handing it to   him he just thought I was trying to get it out my  pocket to put my microphone on probably and when   I handed it to him I had counted that there was  $432 or whatever in the wallet and so at the end   of my sermon almost as if it was an afterthought I  said Elijah get up here get up here and the band's   playing you know and we're closing so almost like  we're closing in prayer and I said I need $432 and   he looks at me blank like just Deering headlights  like you think I have $432 I'm 16 you know and I   said I need $432 and Ed I wish we could play the  clip for everybody you can see the moment in the   video where his eyes light up and he remembers  that oh my dad gave it to me before he asked it   from me and he pulls out the wallet yeah yeah it  was a moment of Revelation it's like my father   gave it to me before he asked it from me so that's  what I have to remember every time I step into a   Moment Like This moment with you today this is  this is challenging for me I get nervous before I   come and share with all the thousands or millions  of people that you impact but I have to remember   if God put me an ed together today whether at that  table or whether on this conversation if he put me   in this situation he put it what I need to deliver  in me and I think you can believe that about any   season of your life if you choose to but you have  to step into it and realize that he won't ask it   from you if he didn't give it to you so good oh my  gosh I so hey guys as you know I've partnered Ed   up with my good friend Brennan brard who's created  the greatest personal development system that has   ever been designed called growth day there's  everything from journaling to accountability   programs live messages every Monday for myself  and other influencers There's an opportunity   for you to get courses that would cost thousands  of dollars completely for free it's incredible   go to sled and check it out see I  knew when we did this today something really   great would happen but I didn't know how early in  the interview just to really be honest with you   because that dinner that I by the way he is right  when we when we talk that night what bonded me to   you one you're my kind of dude he's a workout  guy right he's a dude so when you meet someone   that you've admired for a long time um I you know  I I don't want say put him on a pedestal but you   put them on a pedestal and then when I met him I  thought the pedestal just got higher even though   he was willing to be vulnerable with me somehow it  got higher when we sort of revealed to one another   our imperfections about you know every element  of our are speaking and how we beat one another   up and I think I've always struggled a little bit  with impostor syndrome just a little not to the I   think everybody has some of it I mean I've I've  coached former leaders of countries brother that   like have told me they struggled with it and told  me some incredible stories and I've never really   been helped with it until I read his book and I'm  serious there's a part of the book where you talk   about the Apostle Paul I never really looked at it  this way but he really had impostor C we actually   verbalizes it right so and it it's connected to  the piece that you just said but if you would   just tell that story for a second for everybody  whether you're a Believer or not everyone you'll   resonate with this version of the story and and it  did for me anyway and it's something I've repeated   to my son now I think my son's a golfer and so  he struggles with that before tournaments I've   repeated the story to him now I think four  times in three weeks so if you would share   it with everyone here that'd be great yeah the  thing I love about these great Bible characters   and the reason I love talking about the Bible is  because it doesn't hide their imperfections like   you read the Bible you read about the greatest  characters and you're like okay if God could use   them maybe he can use me too you don't come away  from the Bible going well there's no shot for me   it's like well you know Peter was one of the  main disciples and he was cussing and cutting   off somebody's ear while Jesus was going to the  Cross trying to forgive sin so like that's what   I mean by chosen okay and if you think about  the Apostle Paul he was brilliant I mean he was   he was brilliant don't get me wrong it wasn't like  it wasn't like Paul didn't have a great intellect   but I think what you're referring to is there's  there's a moment in the scripture where Paul is   being challenged and they're saying like you're  not like the super Apostles they actually had a   group like this really fits in with what we're  talking about today because you know we have   influencers and people that we consider successful  and that we label like they've arrived well they   actually had a group called The Super Apostles  that's what they called them and Paul's going   like oh I know I'm not like your super Apostles  and I know what y'all say about me when I'm not   around you say that in person he's unimpressive  all right this is the guy if if you take the Bible   and take the New Testament he wrote a third of  it a third of the New Testament in the Bible is   from this guy and there were people saying in  the comment section on Paul's YouTube he's all   right you know no deal all right so so that's Paul  right so Paul says this thing he's like I know I'm   not as eloquent as Apollos who's one of the other  speakers like they were they were competing just   the same in those days none of this is new it's  just all sped up now you know yeah it's just all   glowing now but it's it's always been this way  so Paul says I know what you're saying about me   that I'm unimpressive and he basically says but  when I am weak then I am strong and I thought   about it Ed I thought about the other speaker  who was apparently a better speaker than Paul   Apollos and how he was such a great speaker but  you know there's not one book in the Bible that   Apollos wrote and yet a third of the New Testament  is Paul's letters so here's what I wonder if Paul   had been able to speak like Apollos would he have  written like Paul and if he had spoken like the   they didn't have microphones and audio recording  and Protools they didn't have equipment to record   so we have no record of what apolla said but  we have what Paul said forever wow so it is the   thing that is your limitation in your eyes that  is your greatest opportunity in God's hand I'm   gonna say that again it's the thing that is your  greatest limitation in your own eyes that is your   greatest opportunity in God's hands but you've  got to give that thing to him and say all right   I'm going to take what I have and in my weakness I  am strong I think that means that God wants to use   the things that we want to hide God wants to use  the things in our life and I know some people may   hear me talking about God and Paul in the Bible  you're like hey that's not even what I believe I   get that but the principle is still true it is in  your weakness that you lean in and find strength   that you didn't know you had and so I think it's a  great encouragement to me that if Paul was called   unimpressive and he went on to impact the entire  world that whatever it is that you're saying to   yourself about yourself I believe that if you  bring that to God and submit it to him he knows   what he gave you you know see brother see the the  contrast to that is and you have a chapter in this   book there's a chapter in the book it might be  my favorite one there's just random chapters   called the lizard is loud and so the contrast to  that and it has to do with your daughter Abby I   want you to tell this story because I think what  you just said is so beautifully true and profound   yet there's this other part of us that's always  trying to survive right and Shrink I think it's   shrink and give into I don't know this other voice  that's in our head this other notion that's that's   the antithesis of what you just described and I  just think facts tell stories sell right and so   this story with your daughter in the book I think  is really illustrative of the other side of this   thought process and so tell them about tell them  about the lizard being loud this is so Good by   the way I told you I read every word book you did  that and I I don't know if you can correct me on   my science because when she was about seven I have  two boys and my youngest child is my daughter Abby   and when she was about seven she wanted to hold  her breath and swim to the other side of the pool   underwater and not have to come up for air and I  was like well you know your brothers didn't do it   till they were nine so if you do it when you're  seven you'll beat them by two years so she's all   fired up and I said all right I can coach you and  I started telling her about the lizard brain isn't   that like actually scientifically incorrect the  way I taught it to her I I think like the good   news is I know it's a survival brain and so I went  with it so I think you're okay well that was me I   was like for a seven year old this will work like  I I know somebody will fact check this yeah I'm at   53 and it worked for me so I think you're good  was telling her you know like obviously you're   amydala and the survival part of your brain and  the fact that and I I just told her I was like I'm   I'm going to call it the lizard brain and she's  like there's a lizard in my brain like no no it's   called The Lizard brain because and I explained  her the I butchered the science behind it but I   was telling her about the survival part right and  how it kicks into fear and tells you things that   aren't true yes and I said so when you go down  the lizard is going to tell you you're going   to die you got to come up right now can't keep  swimming so it was like kind of a combination of   a pep talk and like Finding Nemo like you know  like just keep swimming so I'm coaching her up   and I'm like when when the lizard tells you you  can't do it don't listen and and you can swim   to the other side so she goes down and she does  it the first time and she pops up and she gasps   she's like man that lizard is loud and she said  she said it like in the cutest seven-year-old   man that wizard is wild so so I'm like but you  did it tell you though that lizard is loud all   the people that I work with even people of faith  that lizard is loud yeah in your life and it's you   it you drowning that out and being faithful and  tying into God's love and what God believes in   you and believes about you and what he knew when  he was forming you in the womb these are things   that you guys all of you that listen every single  week you're trying to find this hack and what I'm   telling you is the ultimate hack whether you're a  Believer or not is what describing today you don't   need the hack okay it was already given to you the  the case has already been made for you right case   is closed the sacrifice has already been made you  don't have to earn this stuff and for me when I   look at Stephen when we met that night when we've  talked since is you give me permission brother to   struggle and that it's okay that I struggle a  little bit in other words not all these people   that I've admired in every area of my life just  have it totally dialed in all the time because   I got interviewed recently at this live event  and somebody said to me um you know hey what's   the key thing that you know about all these  successful people that have been on your show   that most people wouldn't know about and I said  do you really want to know the truth and I said   I don't mean this in a demeaning way cuz many of  them are my best friends but I said um everybody's   screwed up just a little bit everybody's trying  to find their way and the screwed up part of it   the false belief is that they're not perfect in  the image and likeness of God that they have these   flawed beliefs that they have to achieve something  or get to a certain place before they've earned it   or if I get X Y and Z and then I'll be happy  and so everyone screwed up everyone's sort of   winging it a little bit we're all on this journey  of having a relationship and our faith that grows   hey everyone it's Ed mylet and if you know me you  know I'm always looking for ways to live healthier   have a little bit more energy more Vitality in my  life and so if you're like me in that way I think   I've got something exceptional for you which  is armra colostrum this is just not any Health   Trend it's a breakthrough in Natural Wellness  armor colostrum is a superfood that's packed   with over 400 bioactive nutrients it's derived  from sustainably sourced grass-fed cows right   here in the USA and since I started using armor  into my routine I can tell you I've noticed some   actual changes one is my energy levels way up my  workouts feel stronger and so is my recovery like   they're just more effective and I got to tell you  there's even kind of a glow people are telling me   to my skin so we've worked a special offer for  my audience receive 15% off your first order go   to try arm myet to get 15% off your first  order that's try TR r y a RM r myet join   me and thousands of others who are making a real  difference in their health and this is what I've   been really dying to ask you since I knew you the  relationship that I have with my with with God I   want to ask you about this for you is it a is it  a relationship in the sense for you that it es and   flows even as a Pastor do you have ups and downs  in that Journey or for you is it just a straight   up trajectory all the time because when things  happen in my life I'll have a I almost feel like   the doubts I've had or the struggles I've had in  my life have only strengthened my faith and that I   embrace it now as a relationship that's growing I  know that's probably not a pastor question but I'm   curious about that for you is yours a relationship  I don't know about es and flows but has times   where it's growing more others let's say it that  way is that true for you or or not it should be   a pastor question it should be a question that  you wouldn't even have to ask but unfortunately   you do because a lot of times what we present  to people those of us who who preach and Lead   is I don't want to say that it's a a false or a  fake expectation of a relationship with God but   we almost get people to think that you know faith  and and trusting in God I have one chapter in the   book called ugly trust and yeah the idea behind  it is like some of the times in my life when God   was doing the most I felt him the least and that  goes for every area of preaching teaching leading   like Ed I could tell you about the times where I  finished delivering God's word give an invitation   ask people do they want to give their life to  Jesus and people raise their hands and I can see   Tears in their eyes and go back and collapse on  the floor and feel no God anywhere in my body no   no trace and and I don't know if this is I don't  know if this is something that I don't know if   this is something that makes people feel afraid  that those of us who are pastors and spiritual   leaders have moments where we feel completely in  the dark we don't know what God is doing either   we're sharing in encouragement with others and  we're not being Hypocrites but we're humans and   while we're up encouraging you about your kids are  going to be okay and God's protecting your family   we're worried about our kids being on drugs and  while we're up encouraging you about like rejoice   in the Lord and we're struggling with depression  um depression has been a part of my life and my   journey so has therapy um not I went to therapy  for three sessions and they gave me a Bible verse   like real OG twice a week therapy and I didn't  understand and here's why because I was taught   almost that if I had faith in God and trust in  God that some of these things like anxiety and   depression they were almost taught to me like  they were sins Ed like they were actually sins   to to deal with those so now you feel like well  what right do I have to help others what how can   I introduce other people to to Joy when I can  barely get out of the bed and I've had those   days and I remember specifically a time when  the church was really growing our church is   just just turned 18 years old and we moved  here with just a few families to start the   church and we had no idea what we were doing  and God really grew it and it was thousands of   people I I remember sitting down with Holly one  night and we were having dinner and it had been   really horrible day in the office and this  person quit and that person needed to be   fired but we didn't have anybody to replace them  and everything is going on and I told her I said   the town I grew up in had less people than the  church that I Pastor I'm not prepared for this I   don't know how to do this I'm not the leader  that we need and Holly goes well you're the   one we've got and I just I just like pushed  back for the rest of the meal and I'm like I I don't think that the reason that God uses  certain people and calls certain people is   because of their Perfections or because they have  it all together I think it has to do with their   availability their willingness to let him into  those cracks I love what The Lyricist Leonard   Cohen he said there's a crack in everything that's  how the light gets in that's how the light gets in   through that crack so you keep talking about  your cracks all you want but you still have   a calling you still have a calling even though  you struggle with maybe even Suicidal Thoughts   you still have a calling even though some of you  this week you thought to yourself I don't even   know if I want to go on living anymore you still  have a calling God's calling on your life is not   cancelled out because you have low moments and I  want you to write this down somewhere where you   can see it in the future okay great faith has  low moments those low moments where you don't   feel God where you don't feel hope those are  the moments that teach you to go by faith if   you always felt it you wouldn't need Faith so  I understand that EB and flow Ed almost like   not God leaving me but that's God leading me not  by my senses but by my spirit so those moments I   found out that I can't feel him I can't sense him  I'm foggy I don't understand it I'm struggling   with my own stuff all of those moments that's  where the light gets in that's where the growth   happens and I know there are thousands of people  today who are listening to us and they're like   well I guess the dream wasn't real I guess I  was just delusional look at everything that's   happening to me but we don't walk by sight we  walk by faith and in my experience Ed that's   where God has broken through the most it's it's  I just wrote a song this week I'm GNA send it to   you it's not it's not mixed in everything  yet but I'll send it to you and it says   um I remember God how you carried me when I  couldn't take a step and I remember how you   loved me when I couldn't love myself and I wrote  that lyric because I felt that way at times like   isn't that how the grace of God is it comes  in when you can't find a reason to feel good   about yourself that's where I've experienced his  presence the most even though I didn't feel it   at the time that's a this uh last five minutes is  why I'm doing the show I'm going to get emotional   I just heard these words in my head this is why  you you did the show I don't mean this episode I   mean this entire podcast right for right now that  answer right there is uh why I started the show   and I've done 600 interviews is what you you  what just came through you right now wow I'm   telling you that was absolutely amazing and um  I'm so grateful that I got to be here for that   and that millions of people are going to hear what  you just said I um I'm grateful and I didn't mean   this to happen in the sequence so talk about  grateful with an eight in it but they put you   like they picked you up relocated you into this  this hypothetical thing called a bad mood and so   I I am very honest in that part of the book The  the mindsets go like this the six mindsets go   I'm not stuck unless I stop Christ is in me I am  enough with God there's always a way and by faith   I will find it God is not against me but he's  in it with me working through me fighting for me   I'll skip to the sixth one uh the sixth one says  God has given me everything I need for the season   I'm in but the fifth one my wife Holly says it's  her favorite and it's the shortest one and it   says my joy is my job and you really did read this  book because you are quoting the book like that's   amazing so thank you for reading it but yeah  I think I come from a place where I wouldn't   describe myself as naturally happy um I played  a game with the kid like a year or twoo and this   goes back to what you asked me before like as a  pastor do you struggle with these things do you   feel your relationship with God e and flows not  only do I feel that way but I almost felt like   it was a joke that I had to write a chapter on  Joy when it's something that I struggle so much   to live in because I'm more focused on pressure  I'm more focused on performance I'm more focused   on what still has to be done I was preaching um  I was preaching a sermon on this Ed and I I did   the Kobe quote from 2009 when they said aren't  you happy and he said what's there to be happy   about the job's not finished and I was like I  get it man that unfinished feeling that keeps   me from embracing today and enjoying what God has  given me and you're right like it can sound like   the most cliche thing in the world you know go to  Walmart go to Target get your gratitude journal   and do your gratitudes at night or in the morning  and I had one of those overwhelming moments where   I was feeling completely paralyzed and stuck and  I I wrote down all my morning routine things and   the list was literally filling up a whole page  and I felt God say um and when I say that I felt   God say I want to stop on that I didn't hear  anything out loud it was just like the thought   that aligned with what I believe is true that's  what I mean when I felt God say okay because I   I used to hear people say I'm so glad you said  that because people that people that aren't in   the church will often say what is that like and  I think it's different for different people but   I'm glad you just said it that way yeah I mean  it's like sometimes it's a whisper it's a whisper   inside of you it's not it's not anything that  feels overwhelming it's kind of like you just   you know it and the more you practice it the  more you walk in it the more you know oh that's   God's voice that's not the lizard you know that's  that's that's the lizard telling me to give up on   this that's the lizard telling me this person  didn't call you back because they rejected you   because everybody rejects you because you suck  and that's the lizard but the voice of the Lord   the the more that you get in tune with that and  the more you respond to it the more then you get   in a rhythm with him and you start to know like  oh that's my spirit that's God's voice that's the   Holy Spirit that's what God sounds like so in in  that moment um I felt God say you have more than   enough tools to get you out of this feeling that  you have right now choose one and do it choose   one and do it and so I decided that my gratitude  practice needed to to be more of a strategy and   Holly laughs at this Ed I I I think maybe me and  you are really messed up like really really messed   up our our personality because Holly's like you  do all these gratitude practices and activities   and everything it's like don't you ever just feel  grateful and can't you ever just feel it and I'm   like no I have to force it and and I'm admitting  that to millions of people right now whoever   will hear this because maybe you're like oh then  there's hope for me too because you know gratitude   can actually be a strategy even if it's not your  natural starting place even if it's not how you   wake up so I made up The Grateful eight thing  and like you said Ed it's it's a little corny   but I spelled grateful with an eight and I just  started doing it anytime that I need a way out   of anxiety fear a way out of only seeing what's  wrong I just do I don't know how many people watch   the video and how many people just listen to this  conversation but if you could see me right now I   take my hand and I kind of trace the outline of  my hand um and I start let me see I can't do it   real good with the microphone but I just it makes  eight and it reminds me of God's hand on my life   and I just I take eight things God I thank you  for my conversation with Ed today I thank you for   the sermon Holly recorded I thank you for the new  song that we wrote that's giving me life I thank   you that I got to ride to church with Abby today  and she's serving on the photography team and   she looks so cute and her all black photography  outfit I thank you God and I do it and usually by   the time I get to eight if you do that it's one  two three four five six seven eight I'm tracing   my hand if you can't see it doesn't matter if I do  it quick and don't filter it it doesn't have to be   grateful for world peace or grateful for you know  for the healing of the Nations or something that's   so big something real concrete something that  comes quick and I just do it and and and I say   God you've done great things for me my heart is  filled with praise today and and I do it and I   can shift it and it's one of the practices I I  know that everyone here has been exposed to a   gratitude practice but for me it is a tool and if  nothing else you might be like I don't even know   what you're talking about tracing your hand or  Aid in the middle of grateful okay just remember   this gratitude is the greatest strategy to fight  back against anxiety because a grateful heart is   a stable heart and sometimes when we have that  lizard brain I when I when I asked Abby and she   said man that lizard is loud I said what did you  say back to the lizard and she said I just told   him shut up lizard we're doing this that's so  good and I love it and it's like gratitude and   getting getting grateful not just in my in my  mind it's not just grateful for the things this   is a big shift but it's grateful to the one who  gave the things yes yeah because the things come   and go but if God is the giver then there's always  more where that came from so it is very important   that you get a strategy for gratitude especially  if you're like me and you're always thinking of   how you could be better how it could be better how  you could make it better and that one practice has   changed my life well it it's what I'm using now  and you know everybody the reason I wanted Stephen   on I've had other pastors on one I just love him  I think he's incredible but two those of you that   aren't people of of Faith or you're not Christians  specifically I want you to know like these are   real people and what I love about him is because  when you watch this man speak I'm just going to   be honest with you he won't accept this you're  going to see something that is so anointed almost   superhuman ability to communicate and he won't  accept that but it is unbelievable the anointing   this man has and so a lot of people that have seen  his videos online they they'll see that version   and so the reason I wanted them on a show with me  is for you to know no this is a real human being   with real frailties and flaws and things he's  trying to overcome in his life and that if he can   reach and help the amount of people he has reached  and you know that he's a real human what could you   be doing in your life because I think it breaks  down that barrier of it's almost intimidating when   even I think probably the reason I'm much more  vulnerable over the years on my show is I don't   want any illusion that I have all this figured out  out that I'm a work in progress I wanted to share   with you cuz I haven't told you this personally  but it fits in the work of the book about really   accepting the true me I was at a really down point  in my life many many years ago and again this es   and flows but and when I prayed I would always you  know be grateful to God and worship God and I love   worship music I love Worship in general it's just  something that my heart loves but this is a really   down point in my life and I actually got on my  knees one night I still pray on my knees and I   prayed one night I'm actually writing a book I  think that will be titled this right now but I   said Lord I said father just tonight tell me about  me tell me about me and it'll make me emotional   now but because a lot of my very close friends  know this they're like why when we're together you   always telling me about me like I'll take a minute  and go brother let me just tell you about you it's   because this particular night and it brought  me to tears and again I can't even describe it   either was it audible words I heard was it just a  feeling I had was it I can't even ex describe to   all of you how I received this message frankly but  I received it and it was my father pouring into me   how much he loved me and how strong I was and how  he gave me this deep voice to communicate and my   kind heart and that I really care about people and  that I feel emotions so deeply and that I love and   and it was it was my heavenly father pouring  into me about me and I left that prayer that   night different very different and almost like I  feel like what you write about in the book like I   heard the true me and it's not that it hasn't gone  backwards from there but it's a point I can always   go back to in my life and reference when I really  need to be grateful when I really need to remind   myself it's not that I don't Drift from that  moment everybody we always said this that moment   changed my life and then a year later it's not  changed but it really did change me because when   I do get far away from it I can go back to that  it changed especially how I interact with other   human beings but also what I've accepted about me  I want to grow and change and expand but I'm made   in the Lord's image and likeness right now as I  am I can have both I can be loved and accepted   and get all of God's grace in the moment that I'm  in right now and still want to grow and improve   and get better to be the next exciting version  of me that he also already knows and already get to grow into it you get that Glimpse and and  that Glimpse that you're getting that is loving   that is full that is free that is kind that isn't  addicted that doesn't have these chains holding   you down that's able to generate an idea you get a  glimpse of it that's your father telling you about   you that's the you that he knew k NE W that's what  you're becoming so yes you can have both that's it   Ed you can have both you can be fully accepted by  God as you are right now while at the same time   knowing I have not even started to become what he  knows I really am and I'm not chasing something   that's out there it's in me because God lives in  me Christ is in me I'm enough because Christ is in   me and for me I I I just need I need both I can't  just have this attitude of well God loves me I'm   G sneak in heaven in the back door one day so I  might as well just you know keep on being rude   keep on being hateful keep on having a bad temper  like no no no no no I I want to grow into what he   says about me so as you grow into that Glimpse  that God gives you treasure those prizes I just   had a similar thing I just had a similar thing to  what you had um a couple days ago when we were Rec   yeah we were recording um a new song and I wasn't  planning to go up on stage but the song just got   so good that I had to go up and I uh I went into  this moment and I sang a little bit and I have a   lot of insecurities about my singing voice because  usually I'm working with singers who that's all   they do is sing and I'm kind of a preacher who  sings I can sing a little bit I I know enough   music to do my songwriting but I'm usually with  some of the best musicians best singers so it   messes with me right and if I'm up on the stage  I'm like they'd rather hear one of them sing but   every once in a while I feel like it's special  for me to do it and it's a part of who I am so   I went to sing and I sang and it went good and  whatever and the next day I was reviewing the   songs like all right we got to start figuring out  how to release this stuff and I Heard a Voice on   the recording and I was like wait that's the part  I sang but that's not me singing it so I pull up   the video I went to that part on the video and the  guy holding the mic at that moment singing those   notes was me that was my voice and I zoomed it  in I was like now there's some there's something   going on here and wasn't like anybody had time to  go overdub anything so I know that's my voice I'm   looking at me singing that and I don't think  I can sing that and I thought exactly what   you said like now I have a new reference point a  new revelation of what's inside of me and when you   get those in your life you're right you don't  get to live in them it's not like I could walk   out and just do it any time but I did it that  time and if I can do it that time maybe there's   more in me and that's what that's what me and Ed  are teaming up to say to you today that Glimpse   is real that's the you that God knew before trauma  set in before AB happened before you disappointed   yourself before you learned that pattern that you  that you get a glimpse of that that knows how to   move forward that knows how to stand up that knows  how I I believe that is the glimpse of the image   of God inside of you so it's just amazing that  we both recently had that Glimpse experience and   that we get to reach out to people today and say  God is giving you a glimpse of what he sees in   you and he's inviting you to grow into and all you  have to do to start with just agree with him about   your potential okay God if you made me if you made  me like this then this is how you wanted me to be   and I'm available to you to do what you want me to  do so good I feel like um I want to do this again   with you where we have no nothing else to discuss  other than the things we're talking about right   now just because um we're we're in a moment right  now I don't want to leave and so before we do   first off let me just say something I love you and  I'm grateful for you in my life and in the world   and if you all get a chance if you don't know  Stephen just give yourself the gift of watching   one of his messages one of his sermons listen to  one of his songs you won't be the same that's he's   so he doesn't like hearing this but you can't hear  him once at any of their music any of elevation   worships music or any of his sermons and it not  impact you whether you're a Believer or not it's   just I'm just telling you he's anointed he's given  and uh it's it's my favorite stuff to do it's it's   odd to be talking to somebody that it's the main  person's music I listen to and it's the main Faith   best message faith-based messages that I listen  to are both the same person um so thank you for   everything brother I really am so grateful that  you exist in the world and that you've pursued   your calling wow that you've answered God's  call and that you continue to and that you work   on overcoming these things that could potentially  limit that calling because God's kingdom needs you   so so badly you're so important thank you um let  me ask you this last let's say someone's listening   to this is a tough one they're listening to this  today and they've just always wondered about what   happens when they die their life the meaning of  their life why they were born and that's always   been a whisper everybody listening to this or  watching this that question's been whispering   to you all your life it's the one question that's  never gone away some of you have answered it but   some of you have not and so I'm just curious  what you would say to that person who's like   you know I've looked at Christianity before I was  a Buddhist for a while I don't know I'm agnostic I   don't know what I am but I am wondering still you  know what would you say to that person is like a   first step or a thought to hold in their mind um  that maybe they should consider today before we   end the conversation well I want to talk to you  like it's Sunday morning and we just finished   having church together and I'm like well what  do I what do I do now and maybe you're thinking   like all right all right I need God in my life I'm  gonna I'm gonna get my act together I'm clean it   up I've said I was going to do this for long time  I'm going to get my act together that's not coming   to God getting your act together because my belief  is that we couldn't come to God so he came to us   it's as simple as that for me at I couldn't come  to God because he's perfect and I'm not perfect I   couldn't come to God because even my best faith is  still full of doubt I couldn't come to God because   even the best acts that I do are attainted with  sometimes selfish motivations and so I believe   God is so rich in love and so gracious that he saw  me in my need he saw me in my sin he saw the shame   that I carried and I believe he sent his son Jesus  and the firstep step of making your relationship   with God right isn't changing your behavior it's  believing just believing and believing doesn't   mean you don't have any doubts I don't know what  happens when you die I haven't done it yet but I   believe that when I die I won't stand before God  and he'll say you know ferdi we've got a long list   to go over of reasons I'm not going to let you in  before I send you to hell because he could do that   I mean like I could make the list the list is long  I believe that when I meet God face to face though   it's going to be an Embrace because of what his  son Jesus did for me because he died for me and   I place my faith in that and I place my faith in  the grace of God the Bible says that it's not of   works that we're saved it's the gift of God so  nobody can boast so nobody can tell you hey when   you die you're G to have to spend a hundred years  atoning for the things you did wrong because of   how horribly you raised your children or or the  years you spent addicted or all of the all of the   things that you did that nobody else knew about  well God was watching you and now it's payback   time if you place your faith in him I believe  that record of wrongs is nailed to the cross   forgiven and I believe that God takes everything  righteous about his son Jesus places it on you and   welcomes you into his kingdom and you're like well  that's not fair is it no it's not fair it's faith   it's Grace and so my confidence in this life is  the same as my confidence after this life that   by the grace of God I am what I am and that by  believing in him I'm saved and I have no other   hope Ed I'm not I'm not boasting in anything that  makes me better than anyone else I just believe   that Jesus Paid It All for me and I stand on that  every day of my life and that's how I stand up   and preach and that's how I go in and apologize  when I'm wrong and recover when I'm down is just   knowing that you know I I like to say it this way  religion is spelled do Christianity is spelled D   N it's already done the price is already paid all  you have to do is place your faith in him and he   does the rest what an amazing conversation I I I'm  glad I I'm frustrated that we waited this long and   then today when it happened when it it's supposed  to happen right now supposed to happen right now   I [Music] um I'm really affected by today so thank  you brother it it you you've moved me today in a   way that I didn't expect I uh I love you and I'm  grateful for you I hope everybody will go get the   book do the new you I also just hope you like I've  said go follow Stephen on Instagram at least just   go check him out check out his stuff you're going  to love his music you'll love his his word you'll   love hearing him preach and uh hopefully today  you fell in love with him even a little bit more   like I have so brother thank you for today it  was outstanding and I want to do it again and   I'm not kidding we're going to do this again  but we're going to be doing it in person when   I'm feeling a little bit better I promise I'm in  man I'm in I I loved creating with you today and   I want to thank you for being a mirror to so many  people you know you said tell me about me you you   show people things about themselves that they  never would have seen Without You Nobody Does   it like you and I meant what I texted you a few  months ago how did you become the best inter   viewer in the world and the only stipulation I  have is at least one of the next times we do it   let me ask you this stuff man I want I want to ask  you I just feel like your gift is so endless and   I'm so thankful that we connected and I learned  from you I appreciate you and and thank you for   having me on today it's been it's been amazing  that hour flew by bro that flew by I looked up   I'm like we have 5 minutes left we've been here  for 15 minutes that was crazy all right everybody   go get do the new you follow Steven share his  message and uh and this book will impact your life   whether you're a Believer or not so go get it God  bless you everybody max out your life [Music] he
Channel: Ed Mylett
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Keywords: ed mylett, mylett, the ed mylett show, maxout, maxout with ed mylett, podcast, show
Id: fn9oltidqes
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Length: 60min 35sec (3635 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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