CONTROL YOUR MIND - Motivational Speech Compilation

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there's a war going on good versus evil light against Darkness truth against lies I'm talking about the war in your head this hard it's uphill battle it's a path less taken not the beaten path everyone else takes it's a path that leads a character you got to earn that if you constantly keep throwing [ __ ] against the wall eventually something will stick never give in what you want We All Fall Down in life the question is who gets back up are you going to say you want to do something do it for 2 weeks and then quit like you did last year like you did the year before last you say you want to lose weight get in shape get your business off the ground and then turn around and party get lit drink alcohol eat like crap and continue to live below who you were created to be no no no no no it is time to go from mediocre to meteoric it is time to go from being counted out to being counted on what is it that will make it worth it for you to face the rejections what is it that will make it worth it for you to brainstorm and not be intimidated and say I can do this what is it that will make it worth it for the you to raise the bar on yourself and say I got some more stuff in me what is it and the problem with most of y'all every time something go wrong you start running and doing what other people tell you to do and what you need to learn how to do is you walk into your belief system look at your belief system every single day and stick with it don't rush the process trust the process a man's character is not judged after he celebrates a victory by but but by what he does when his back is against the wall so no matter how great the setback how severe the failure you never give up man stop bullshitting if you really got a problem with your life you'll change it you're not tired of being broke you're not tired of being stuck you're not tired because if you was tired you would actually do some [ __ ] about it excuses sound best to the person that's making them up anybody who is determined to do something who wants something to be different it will eventually be different where will you be in your business and your life at 36 months not because you hope because you decide if there's something you once envisioned and now it's real it's cuz you decided there's something you wanted so bad that you Unleashed all your desire you became obsessed with it you didn't just Envision it you brought so much emotion to it that now it's in your life it was once a dream it was once a goal and now it's in your life may have seemed impossible at one time so how did you do it you started with a concrete vision of what you wanted and you focused on it continuously didn't you you have got to make a declaration that this is what you stand for you're standing up for your dreams you're standing up for peace of mind you're standing up for health you want it and you're going to go all out to have it it's not going to be easy when you want to change it's not easy if it were in fact easy everybody would do it but if you're serious you go all out and say in spite of this I'm in control here what makes some people leaders and other people followers which makes most people talk about a dream and never follow through and other people just a small percentage kick ass take names you can throw any obstacle at them they find a way to break through what's the difference it's it's not Talent it's not skill it's hunger if you get enough hunger going in you for an answer you'll find the answer if you get a hunger enough inside of you that says I got to take things to the next level I got to achieve I got to make a difference I got to expand you will find the answer people's intelligence will expand if they got enough hunger but if you got everything and you're not hungry you're not going to have much if you stay in your comfort zone that's why you will fail you will fail in your comfort zone success is not a comfor comfortable procedure so you got to get comfortable being uncomfortable if you ever want to be successful let me tell you something you already know the world ain't all sunshine and rainbows it's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it our world wants to try and tell you who you are but you can't listen to the world you can't have a faith that's dictated by the world you got to have a faith that dictates this world the enemy is going to try to label you you're a loser you're a failure your past is too big but you better know who you are I want to see how far I can go I want to see what I can accomplish I want to see what I can do what I can be what I can have I want to see when you want something bad you can't count the cost because if you count the cost and you see how much it costs you might quit you might give up so you got to go in knowing I don't count the cost I do as many push-ups as it Tak as many situps as it take as many reps as it takes I study as long as it takes I pay whatever the price is why because if I start counting the cost I might quit I might give up I might surr don't count the cost you get to a point where you don't count it you just do whatever it takes to get whatever you want there is nothing in your life that's worthwhile that's quick and easy everything worth T is uphill does it come to you you have to fight for it every day you have to climb for it every day I want to ask you what are you going to believe are you going to believe in yourself you going to believe everybody else's judgment on you you see I will try 100 times to get up and if I fail 100 times if I fail and I give up do you think that I'm ever going to get up no but if I fail I try again and again and again for as long as I try there ways that chance of getting up there's two sides of pain there's one side of pain that's the suffering and the discomfort side of pain but then there's another side of pain that's called effort it's called glory and if you never tap into it it's because the first time you felt that you backed off the first time you felt ah that burn the first time you felt like it's too much and we rationalize with ourselves to where we automatically stop that's why a bunch of us give up so much in life so quickly but suppose I told you the greatest pain of my life is the reason I'm standing here today see sometimes we think the pain is what controls us is it's actually our subconscious mind that if we ever tapped into that that's what dictates most of our Lives life is rough you can allow it to just destroy you or you can allow it to build you up draw the line ladies and gentlemen and just say enough is enough you don't have time you don't have support you don't know the best way and you're too tired or you're too sore or you're just plain not feeling it lies lies lies and the list goes on and on and it doesn't stop if you don't make it stop recognize the excuses are not valid they're conjured up they're fabricated they're lies but the truth is you have time you have the skill you have the knowledge and the willpower and the discipline to get it done so many people have lost their day and thus their week and thus their month and thus their year and thus their whole life's agenda to distraction what are some things you need to IM stop doing in your life is it social media is it watching seven seasons of a show every week what do you need to stop doing to Take Back Control of Life what do you need to start doing and what do you need to start doing every day every week every month every year to be on your aame discipline buys you freedom to do what you want we do not Retreat we do not give up we do not surrender and the reason why most of you are not successful is because every single time stuff not going your way you give up you quit you let go and people feel weakness they feel it you can feel when somebody's not committed when they not all in when they're not dedicated and there's another level you get to when you go all in every day do something that moves you toward that goal that keeps that goal alive and insight and in Focus however small or insignificant that step might seem take it do it make it happen because that goal is it going to achieve itself it is all on you what's going to separate you from everybody else I do things that separate myself from everybody the passion that I have the grind that I have when I do what I do I got a different M I got a different grind you get a breakthrough when you fight that's the hardest part because the Breakthrough that last 10% is all mental toughness you should figure out what is it you desire in life and figure out the steps to get there and start working a plan to get there and minimizing everything else getting very clear on the mission very clear on the mission and working the plan everything else guess what it gets a no so if you want to win whether it's this year or next year ever you're going to have to get real comfortable keeping your head on your plan and put the time into making yourself happen you concentrate on winning you concentrate on dominating listen to me meditate on this stuff focus on this stuff and when we focus on that that's where our energy is going to go I need you to take ownership of your thoughts I need you to say with me this is my mind these are my thoughts I control what I think not the circumstances not the situations I control what I think I choose where I'm going and I will use my thinking I will use my thoughts to make the rest of my life the best of my life if you lose the job keep the faith if you lose the spouse keep the faith if you have to downsize keep the faith if you have to move in with your mama keep the Fai if you're at your wits in keep the faith if you have to catch the bus keep the faith if you have to Thum keep the faith if you get sick keep the Fai if you lose your kidneys keep the faith if you got heart trouble keep the faith you might not get a new heart but you got to keep your faith when things are going real good when you first start off life is playing with you you're going to hit a wall you're going to be going and things look great you're excited you're going to tell everybody about it and then all of a sudden you hit a wall wh and that wall shock some people that wall discouraged some people some will choose to go back they turn their power down and they have defeated heed themselves in their minds and say I can't do it and there's some small number who when they hit that wall they decide wait a minute I'm supposed to be over there this kind of person refuses to be denied this person doesn't care about the pain this person comes back again and again and [Music] again a lot of people live their entire lives not knowing entire lifetime not being happy because they feel as though they're not fulfilling their purpose and sometimes you graduate out of high school you look for that job you look for that Career College the degree you still question is this my purpose what's your purpose for living do you know your purpose what you're created to do until you find the center of your being you will continue to walk everybody just wants to be comfortable everybody wants to still in the I don't want to go outside it's cold I don't want to do this it's hot like you've got to do things that you don't want to do cuz you show your body that your mind is the boss the consistency of work Monday get better Tuesday get better Wednesday get better right and you do that over a period of time you know not like one month or two months I mean it's 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 years and then you you know you can get to where you want to go what do we do in those moments when we're feeling the most pain and we're going I cannot go one more second you have to attack you have to keep attacking through through discipline through self-discipline through repetition through tons of repetition the same thing that you don't want to do that's that's the key thing through repetition of things you don't want to do you develop mental like like an armor for your mind start to armor your mind M like okay we suffer we suffer every day it's what we do we do stuff that sucks every day so them the suck stuff comes you're ready for it my whole life I've seen people from every different strata and in all of those different groups there were some people that were successful and got the job done and some people that were unsuccessful and couldn't get it done we like to take these very quick fixes in life we want the six-minute ABS approach to life yeah no man there's no permanent in that yeah there's no permanent in that man there's no scarring there must be scarring it's about Choice the people that are successful decide they are going to be successful they make that choice and they make other choices they decide to study hard they choose to work hard they choose CH to be the first person to get to work and the last person to go home they choose to take on the hard jobs take on the challenges they decide they're going to lead when no one else will nothing is permanent nothing is permanent and a lot of times you have to learn to perform without motivation you have to learn to perform without purpose you have to learn to perform a lot of different things and that's what people think that think I need to have this motivation to work out to study to be better so if they don't have it they just don't [ __ ] do it and that's where you fail you have to learn to train your mind well beyond motivation you're always going to have to do [ __ ] that you don't want to do don't let it distract you or or depress you in such a way that you can't fulfill the love obligation that you have within you do it gracefully do it happily don't personally identify with it just see it for what it is it's the night time that allows you to appreciate the day it's the winter time that allows you to enjoy the summer it is the other side of the coin and it will always be there I found that nothing in life is worthwhile unless you take risks nothing Nelson Mandela said there is no passion to be found playing small and settling for a life that's less than the one you're capable of living now I'm sure in your experiences in school and applying to college and picking your major and deciding what you want to do with life I'm sure people have told you to make sure you have something to fall back on make sure you got something to fall back on honey but I never understood that concept having something to fall back on if I'm going to fall I don't want to fall back on anything except my faith I want to fall forward if you don't work on the one thing the most powerful weapon in the world is your mind so to answer your question is this whether it be physical pain or mental pain we all have to start from zero with pain and what that means is if you don't go back we all have something that bothers us everybody in this world is insecure about something something has messed you up and whenever you're in physical pain even though you might not be thinking about that mental stuff that happened to you your mind is thinking about it all these dungeons that we've created all these trap doors that our life has created most of the time we quit is because we don't have any mental tools to get us through the other side so my whole thing for people is you have to examine why are you doing it in the first place you have to really want you know whatever you're going for if not all these questions that come up like like I said how how you go one more step further your mind is going to ask you all these questions how can you go one more step further if you don't have the answers to that and I can't give them to you you have to know why am I here if and if you can't ask those questions you will quit take the call to Adventure into the unknown and risk everything for what's merely a dream see the thing is most of us are are are focused on like what the result is going to be like perhaps you could be an Olympic medalist this is that Call to Adventure that every boy faces between the ages of 17 and 23 that not only end up in the attainment of some particular goal because we never even know what the goal will ultimately be at the end of it we think it's one thing a lot of times it changes but because of who you'll become when you take that Journey because now you're embarking upon a journey that's going to require the development of a lot of your character traits you're going to have to become a new person you're going to face a lot of challenges the reason why they call it the Call to Adventure is cuz you're going out a [ __ ] Adventure you're going out into the Wilderness you've got to sell yourself every day on your abilities on what you're doing on the goal that you want to reach you've got to sell yourself every day every day every day according to your level of belief it will manifest itself in what you're doing whatever we have right now whatever we're demonstrating in our lives is a result of what we believe subconsciously that we deserve and part of increasing that belief level is that you have got to convince yourself every day success is merely The Hangover of failure and that failure is an essential ingredient in creating a learning atmosphere for you so that you can ACR those learnings those small incremental steps of failure and collect enough learning so that you can arrive at success you're going to fail and that's okay cuz you know what you know down deep inside of all of you that's how you learn man stop [ __ ] if you really got a problem with your life you'll change it you're not tired of being broke you're not tired of being stuck you're not tired because if you was tired you would actually do some [ __ ] about it I'm tired of everybody running around complaining as if you're on the receiving end of whatever this world wants to dump on you and you don't have a choice it's time to grow up man excuses sound best to the person that's making them up anybody who is determined to do something who wants something to be different it will eventually be different and I know that can be hard that's why people lose the war that's why people never achieve their strategic goals they lose the little battles the death of a Thousand Cuts one missed work out at a time and then another and then another and it all adds up why because we don't think about the big picture we don't see the Decay we are like the Frog boiling in the pot as the temperature slowly increases 1° at a time 1° closer to death one degree closer to failure every failed experiment is one step closer to success you've got to take risks and I'm sure you've probably heard that before you will fail at some point in your life accept it you will lose you will embarrass yourself you will suck at something there's no doubt about it if you don't fail you're not even trying to get something you never had you have to do something you never did we all go through difficult things horrible things heartbreaking things the kinds of things we wouldn't wish on somebody else but the job that we all have is in the face of that we have to construct a narrative about it that moves us forward that you should do and believe that which moves you towards your goals and I see people every day that tell themselves a story about themselves that they are worthless so we have to find a way to construct a narrative about ourselves that empowers us that lifts us up even though even though we make mistakes even though we fall down even though we're never going to get things right all the time and even though terrible things happen to us take the first step in faith you don't have to see the whole staircase just take the first step you've just got to believe that you can learn you don't have to believe that you're already capable of doing what you want you don't have to believe that you can already build that thing that you dream you don't have to believe that you already are extraordinary you simply have to believe that if you take that first step you put yourself on a journey not of execution you put yourself on a journey of learning so that you can execute and that when you understand that difference that's when you really will be on that path to Greatness and that is the thing that I want for everybody listening to this please understand the only thing you need to know is that you have to take the first step whatever the vision is that you have for your life you absolutely can make it come true and the process is very simple the process is about learning the process is about growing and getting better it's about recognizing what you're not good at it's about recognizing what you have to learn it's about taking that first step on faith and once you have that Faith once you know that simply being a human being puts you in this rare category of creature that can get better through pressure through pain through difficulty through failure those are the things that are going to be the building blocks of your success but in order to begin on that road in order to have your first glorious failure you must first take that first step no one said that the path is going to be easy and and it's not we know life is rough and we know there will be pain and whether that pain is at the hands of an enemy or at the hands of nature or time or disease there will be pain the sun doesn't shine every day the storms will come there are times when the nights will be long and dark and you will be alone there will be times when the darkness seems to consume everything even in the darkest times even in the strongest storms even when the sun is blotted out in the world is falling apart the darkness cannot extinguish your light there are moments when you're going to doubt yourself it takes a lot of guts to get up you don't have nothing but l in the corner of your pockets you out here talking about living your dream and people laughing at you and they're doubting you it takes guts ladies and gentlemen no guts no glory but let me tell you I believe in Revenge like Frank Sinatra he said the best revenge is massive success if you can get through to to doing things that you hate to do on the other side is greatness you got to have the mentality to show up everying day of your life no matter what life throws at you it's our responsibility to show to the Coliseum of Life prepare foring battle I don't care what you going through put life throwing at you it's your responsibility to find your new 100% every single day when you wake up you got two options you can look at the clock and hit the snooze you can look at that snooze button boom you can hit the snooze button and go back to bed and dream about what you want to have or you can look at that snooze button kick that clock and get up and go pursue your dreams there are going to be days where you do not feel like doing anything those days are going to be there no matter what path you take stay encouraged keep your head up stick your chest out continue to walk with pride and know if it was easy everybody would do it it's not going to be easy but we have what it takes what you will realize is that you have greatness within you what you'll realize is that you're more powerful than you could ever begin to imagine that voice that nagging voice of weakness the one that tells you to back off to simmer down to take it easy when you hear that voice tell it no tell it to sit down and be quiet learn how to to get excited when that feeling Creeps in of I don't want to do it and when those test days become something that you live for something you look forward to now you're talking about a whole different level of mindset you're talking about an Unstoppable force of nature that cannot be with when you're uncommon get ready for the criticism when you're uncommon get ready for the opposition when you're uncommon get ready for the common people not to understand you when you're uncommon have uncommon ways get ready for people to try and block you and conspire against you just winning is not enough you're not maximizing your potential you're not becoming who the [ __ ] you could become but dominating people who are winning that's something that'll leave you aing Legacy the world does not reward mediocrity you know what the rest of our world wants to pay you for be the best at one thing you got to put more energy you got to put more effort in your stuff than anybody so you getting up at 4:00 and it ain't working get up at 3:30 so you read the book once and you didn't get it read it twice read it three times because you know you can do more you know you can be more and that's the truth that's the truth that it eats you up no complacency no complacency no backing off no slack whatsoever fight you deserve exactly what you get and that's the truth that's the things your friends won't tell you when you're Che and moaning about how your life sucks on Friday night drinking a [ __ ] bruski with your boys that's just your mom won't tell you when you're sitting in your mom's base or playing fing video games when you should be reading or improving or working out or doing something it doesn't matter how you feel it doesn't matter how frustrated angry or depressed or upset you are all that matters is that you do what needs to be done on a daily basis over and over and over again and if you do that [ __ ] and it gets done it's irrelevant how you feel and I can tell you this if you do that sh for long enough you're going to feel a lot the better about your life than you do right now if you want to make your dream become reality the people that are running at their dreams know that it's possible that you can live your dream that it's necessary that you're Relentless that you have a plan of action that you are created that know if it's going to happen it's up to them and they're resolving within themselves it's not over until I win the people that are running after their dream know they're going to have hard times they keep on running because they're saying within themselves no matter how bad it is or how bad it gets I'm going to make it if you can survive temporary pain on the other side of temporary pain you will meet another version of you which by the way all pain is is temporary the only thing permanent is our soul even our bodies are temporary so all pain no matter what it is it is temporary and if you can survive it on the other side of it you will meet personality traits emotions thoughts people circumstances versions of you that you didn't know existed before look at your belief system every single day and stick with it don't rush the process trust the process don't rush the process trust the process don't rush the process trust the process it's not easy reaching your goal it's not easy changing your life it's not easy trying to build a business and people are negative and saying no every day it takes a lot of guts many of you will not be successful because you got this giant goal and no steps to go with it you just in your mind like girl this my year how many steps I don't know like what is it going to take me to do it I don't know I just know this is my [Music] year you're in this storm and you're down in your knees and your cold in and you feel like this is the end you have a choice to either give up or keep going give up or get up you just take one step at a time when you fail try again and again and again if you know how to concentrate your efforts and be focused on one thing you have an edge if you can be focused on one thing everyone in the world has a list of things they think they should do I should lose weight I should work out I should work harder I should make more calls I should I should I should I should and then you know what people don't do their shs and they get mad at themselves and they what I call [ __ ] all over themselves they beat themselves up about it what changes people is when you're should becomes a must when suddenly the thing you said should happen has to happen that's when human beings change you cannot erase the work ethic part there is no getting around ain't no elevator to the top you got to take the stands the elevator don't go to the top man not in the world of success you got to take the stand y'all got to start getting gritty man I hate it when I see young people wasting their time wasting all this Tech technology got just sitting around in this world that's been created for you that everything is instant but if you can combine your technology with your parents and your grandparents work ethic you could be rich man the key with me is no one will outwork me no one I love and I respect you guys [ __ ] w't not work me start with this two hands we're going to work keep don't get up stay there stay focused you could plan your life to be ideal today and I guarantee you there will be things that happen along the way that were unplanned that will look as if they're unfortunate that will feel as if the world's coming down on your shoulders but those are also the Great greatest lessons some of the best things that we've ever learned from people happened because they were going through some time of discontent and they said how do I overcome this what can I do about it and there's other people that would have to face that if it wasn't for that knowledge if it wasn't for that experience but it's because they did something they didn't just fall victim to that you're going to face some hard times you're going to get slapped around and don't take it personal don't ask why did this have to happen to me it's called life it happens to everybody difference between a winner and a loser the failure is there every single time just the winner gets back up and does it again and does it again until it goes his way don't cry to give up cry to keep going don't cry to quit you already in pain you already hurt get a reward from it bill collectors are calling and your phone might be cut off and you might lose your job it takes a lot of guts you don't have nothing but l in the corner of your pockets you out here talking about living in your grief and people laughing at you and they're doubting you it takes guts you got to dig down deep to gut it out keep on going again and again and again it's hot no easy is not an option however ladies and gentlemen what you will discover is that it's worth [Music] it I hear the clock ticking time waits for no man life goes by and it goes by quick don't waste those years don't waste them live them back off negative not happening in fact I'm stepping it up no complacency no complacency no backing off no slack whatsoever bring it fight fight that tick and clock with everything you got and the earlier you get in the game the better life you're going to have and many of you are not where you're supposed to be not because you're not gifted you have absolutely no discipline I need you to confront you because you the one holding you up I need you to confront you I just beat me this ain't about nobody else I don't give a [ __ ] about nobody else I just beat me I'm in a battle with the only person that I really want toing be and that's me if I can continue to outdo me from the day before then I'm aead I don't know what your future is but if you're willing to take the harder way the more complicated one the one with more failures at first than successes the one that has ultimately proven to have more meaning more Victory more Glory then you will not regret it whatever you choose for a career path remember the struggles along the way are only meant to shape you for your purpose you will have good days and you'll have bad days but you will always learn something more or something new and you will learn more overall on bad days than good days you will learn more about yourself you'll learn more about relationships you'll learn about life and principles and it'll build your character I stand before you without arms and legs but a very strong man because of the bad days of my life you may have arms and legs but unless you know three things number one who are you and what your value is number two what is your purpose here in life and number three what is your destiny when you're done here if you don't know the answers of any of those three questions you're more disabled than I stay focused don't listen to nobody what's on your mind just do it cuz what's destined for you you going to get it when you're obsessed people think you're nuts so it's different if no one thinks you're crazy you're not yet operating to the outer limits of your potential you're not there yet because somebody in your life should say man you really care about this in like a crazy way you could be misunderstood by everybody because you're going to be soing obsessed and so driven to get there that's what it takes takes every second of youring Life anybody says balance yeah balance is important for a lot ofing people it is but if you want to go to that edge where people do not like you don't understand you question everything you can do you've arrived when people don't understand you anymore you're in that spot of obsession and drive one thing I learned in life you can never bring somebody up if they don't want to go up you can't no matter how good you think you are no matter how much what you want to tell them you could help them if they don't want to go up there's nothing you can do but the reverse is not true somebody bad could bring a good person down cuz the negativity in the world is much more stronger than the positive sometimes and the negative people can bring you down so I stay away from negative people I just walk away from them everybody's got a dream everybody's got a goal what's the plan and when you're trying to do something that you're truly passionate about there is no plan B think about that for a second Michael Jordan won six NBA championships with the Chicago Bulls because he was committed to plan a not plan B Oprah Winfrey became the queen of all media because he was committed to plan a not plan B Plan B sucks I hate Plan B every thought that you put into Plan B you're taking away now that thought and that energy from plan a I've never never ever had a plan B I made a full commitment that I'm going to go and be a bodybuilding Champion I made a full commitment that I'm going to be in America I made a full commitment that I'm going to get in the show business and I'm going to be a leading man no matter what it takes I will do the work I will do the work over and over and over until I get it the comfort zone is dangerous when you're comfortable you are at most danger you should never feel comfortable you should be happy and dissatisfied anybody ever tell you hey look you know what just be satisfied with what you got don't believe him get them away from you that's good you should never be satisfied with what you got because the attempt to get more makes you into something better do you have the guts to fail if you don't fail you're not even trying to get something you never had you have to do something you never did pick up the pace you walking too slow pick up the pace you moving too slow pick up the pace if you want to finish sometime you can't just finish you got to finish Fast you don't have as much time as you think you do you master the present you master the present when you feel like giving up don't when you thinking about giving up don't when it look like you ain't going to make it keep going when they tell you you can't come on man who are they when they tell you you're not going to make it don't believe them man don't believe him you got to be [Music] relentless at some point you got to be tired of not being number one and you got to can play angry and I play Angry got to work every [ __ ] day doesn't end while you're over there watching me and talking about me I'm working I'm working hard I'm taking things to the next level you keep gossiping and I'll keep working you keep talking smack and I'll keep working you keep focusing on everything and everyone else and I'll keep working and when you finally look around at where you are and where I'm at you realize that you have nothing left to talk smack about and you will lose and I will win but I tell you there are some times in life where you fall down you feel like you don't have the strength to get back up and fear comes in just that fear paralyzes you and I just want to ask you today do you think you have hope you have to lose your fear of failure failure is a part of the process people who never fail never try you have to fail you got to get it wrong to get it right you learn nothing from winning you only learn from your failures fear is not real the only place that fear can exist is in our thoughts of the future it is a product of our imagination causing us to fear things that do not at present and may not ever exist that is near Insanity now do not misunderstand me danger is very real but fear is a choice we are all telling ourselves a story it was hard ladies and gentlemen it was very difficult to pick myself up each day believing that I can do it there were times that I doubted myself I said God why why is this happening to me I'm just trying to take care of my children and my mother I'm not trying to steal a Rob from anybody why do this have to happen to me I don't care how good you are and anything you don't have discipline you ain't nobody you're nothing about discipline cuz you give up under the slightest struggle without discipline discipline is doing what you hate to do but do it like you love [Music] it a person with passion always stands out the world is so full of average that once you have passion and a sense of energy in your life it distinguishes you when you're passionate about something it isn't reasonable but you do it anyway passion will take you where nothing else will ever take you it'll give you that decide Edge it'll help you to stand out it's not easy reaching your goal it's not easy changing your life it's not easy trying to build a business and people are negative and saying no every day it takes a lot of gut what do you do when a thousand other people want exactly what you want what if you're not the only one that wants what you want what if there are thousands of other people who want what you want you have to outwork them you got to out grind them you got to get up earlier you got to stay up later you've got to execute and you got to go from 70 to 120 you guys need to understand what you don't have to do you don't have to work hard you don't have to eat right you don't have to sleep right you don't have to do more than what's required of you you don't have to do anything that you don't want to do but you also don't have to win you don't have to be a success in life so the greatest things in life takes sacrifice and discipline and that's why so few people achieve great things because they don't want to sacrifice they don't want to discipline for some greater so you see all these people that have great things in life that you look up to it's because they were sacrificed and disciplined long before you ever knew them I don't care if you have to inch your way day by day even if you have to get down and it hurts and it's hard and nobody can see what you're really going through if you don't quit the pit will become your platform the challenges you have right now they're there to push the greatness that is inside of you out
Channel: AlexKaltsMotivation
Views: 136,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivation, motivational, inspirational, inspiration, Motivational Video, Motivational workout speech video, Dream, motivational speech, motivational video, morning motivation, workout motivation, study motivation, motiversity, ben lionel scott, 2023 motivation, motivational speech 2023, motivation 2023, DREAM BIG, denzel washington, denzel washington speech, best motivational speech, LISTEN TO THIS EVERYDAY AND CHANGE YOUR LIFE, Motivational Speech Compilation, speech compilation
Id: 8w4vFNedVjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 4sec (2884 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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