A Closer Look At The Hail Damage

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yeah bugs everywhere not a big deal well it's a new day now i'm gonna go and take  a look and see what kind of damage i hailed in   to the other crops we know the little bit of  winter wheat got hit kind of in the area we   were at so that's too bad but let's take a look  at this barley see if we see any hangers see if   you see any evidence of shattering and then we'll  know so hangers are if the stem gets whacked the   head will fall down but it'll still be attached  it doesn't quite slice it off and i see a couple a couple leaves here and there  that are bent over like that one but i'm not seeing any really bad hangers anything   in here that shows that well  there's a couple right there so that's still harvestable i mean that head  can still be recovered by the combine it's   not on the ground it's hanging down it's mostly  mature so there should be able to fresh out i   do see some hangers in here so this got dinged a  little bit you know if you were to figure it out   30 maybe 20 of the heads that are there  are hanging maybe damaged but they're   still recoverable by the combine that's not  insured so um we won't be able to collect   anything on anyways if we did have insurance  you'd probably collect a little bit on it   i don't think it'd pay back the premium but it  would at least give you some room so let's go   to the next piece see we can figure out more of  the damage where to go change of plans real quick   got the international the eagle we called the  9370 and brought it out to the field i'm on the   road because well i should say the field's still  muddy no way i'm getting that truck in and out   of this field and the one that's in the field the  peterbilt is loaded full and it's muddy that's not   coming out either but i'd like to get the grain  out of those combine hoppers we couldn't fold   them in because they were green in there and that  just logistically we didn't have our truck on site   on time to dump and do real quick to close the top  or top so the green of these combines is very wet   so if we get it in the truck i can get the  truck to the bin get it on the aeration get   the air blowing on it dry that grain down  as well let's get these combines dried down   so then i'm going to change one on that gearbox  i'm pretty sure the seal is out on this one and it   likes to get water in it so i'd like to get the  water out of there put fresh oil in it back in and   do it again hey we're actually gonna use the  flotation wheels today for once on the farm   yep float through that mud all right tricky  part let's see if i can get this auger tall   enough to clear the truck because it's up on a  county road and i've got to get into a ditch and   i don't know if i'm getting close enough so  it might be tricky let's see if we can do it oh yeah i made it i emptied the  hopper too there was a little bit of   really wet green in the bottom of  that hopper i dumped it on the ground   i probably should have just kept it in it but  whatever so get this thing unloaded i am plumb   full and then i'll grab the other one get that  one unloaded too it'd be good to get this done it's been a while it's good to see you all right all done here we probably  back in the field till tomorrow   maybe the earliest tonight it takes a little  bit for that crop to shed some of the moisture   just picked up our neighbor just said he's  down here he just picked up a 8240 so he's   pretty excited about that upgrade from a 708  that's a big upgrade he's he's loving life but   field he was in he got annihilated same path as  this storm and just took his spring wheat out bad   so actually i think it might be his  winter wheat but with all that said   um we gotta do a little more looking at our stuff  but the hardest part is it's so they still got to   harvest these fields they got hailed but we  still gotta run the combines through them so   it's gonna be a rough rough harvest the  rest of the season i don't know we'll see all right let's go look at some crops again so the other day it's been just an absolute  nightmare to try to get the hydraulic access   tractor to run the the gulp ii conveyor for  the auger and light arms has tried just about   everything you can think of and we've just come  to the conclusion that the pump on this old 7140   magnum hydraulic pump is getting weak so we got  one on order it'll be here in a couple days uh   but for the time me and we got the skid steer here  to use its hydraulics to run the conveyor so we'll   just have to have two people unload trucks because  one's gotta sit in the skid steer while one's   handling the gates on the trucks but at least  that'll get us by until we get the new pump to get   the magnum going again and then hopefully we'll  have a screaming conveyor let me get it all fixed all right this some of our  earlier seeded spring wheat   oh just looking for hail  damage hail damage hail damage oh this is not gonna be fun to harvest this crop  is 10 bushel maybe 15. not seeing a lot of hangers   or grain on the ground or shattered heads there's  a lot of these kind of heads where they just uh   didn't grow but i think the hail didn't hit  up here so this is probably the farthest north   that that hail went so that's  good to know because we've got   a decent amount of crops that way still that  already got hailed but didn't even get another   round of hill so let's move on let's go to the  south let's see how far south of storm went all right so that's about a mile south  and oh yeah oh yeah oh it got annihilated   that's 80 70 80 percent okay we had some nice looking barley for  the year and it's right over there and i'm   sure it got toasted too but let's go take a  look at it i'm literally driving the line of   the hail right now that side there's crop  there standing this side is thin and about   90 percent like see it stripped a little bit  over here but it split this field in half and   there's little patches i could tell there  were little streams of hail little veins   the hail came down and nailed it amazing how  you can see it visualization is very apparent oh boy oh yeah i just annihilated  it this barley is toast oh it mulched it there's there's  not even a bushel an acre here oh this is looking good too so i guess the  question is how far south did it go still   hailed here it looks like it's a lot better oh it  just it thrashed that barley absolutely crashed it man spring wind over here is pretty beat up i'm right  on the edge of the barley and spring wheat field   and those heads are all cut in half they went  through that too so i'm two miles south and it   nailed this too not as bad but it hit it too  there's 30 percent on the ground that's a chop   but at least it went at least a good mile and  a half two miles oh i gotta pick up some here this is all the land that wasn't hailed from the  first two or three storms we've had this year   out of the whole circle of our  farm the north half got hit   kind of more in the middle now all the south  path got hit i can see it out there it's it's   damaged they're 50 on the ground how far south  is the question we'll find out here in a second   so it doesn't look as bad down here  so this is about three miles south and i don't see a lot of evidence of hail here  so this is probably the edge of the bottom end   which is almost the end of our farm so they got  most of it all right well i i don't know i think   that's enough i'm looking for halo today hey i  need to go do something else get my mind off this   back in the saddle so we uh we're gonna go over  and try this winter wheat over here where we   parked the equipment and i think i think it's  ready i checked it let's see if the moisture   comes in on the combine but i think it's it's very  very cuttable with those wet steel bins they got   quite a nice aeration floor on them we can put 15  moisture wheat on top it'll dry it right down no   problem so we might as well get going if it's  ready let's go and then depending on how much   is laying over for the hail and possibly soft  flies or little flat-out bros in the stem and it   lays the weed over we might have to put what's  called crop lifters on the front of our header   i don't like running them but they do save us  crop and they pay for themselves so they're   just basically little metal arms that hang off the  front of your header and they drag the ground and   then as they scrape the ground any straw that's  laying over with a head on it they lift up but   then it goes in the header so we'll see if we need  those i'll know shortly here but um yeah options   at least we got options let's get to harvesting  again get some of this crop off the field yeah i think we might want to throw those   crop lifters on there's a lot  on the ground i'm not getting well i'm sitting here this is uh something that  we got hailed about three weeks ago something   like that and as you can see tops busted off that  one that one's cut in half there's a whole bunch   on the ground that's the reason why i run those  crop lifters to hopefully catch a lot of that   i think we are it's hard to see i mean you can  just see how much is on the ground there that   we're not getting but there's nothing you can do  about that but it is running about 15 to 20 bushel   here so i mean that's floodly surprising which  goes to show it would have been about 30 probably   if it didn't get hailed so it probably lost like  a 30 40 percent of its yield at least but i mean   still that's that's bushels going in the bin so  we'll take it we'll take it and we're bailing   oh yeah if you can see right there there's a lot  of green i was doing okay over the outside but   this side they got hail previously hail can slow  down the maturing of a plant it stresses it it   just doesn't grow like it normally would and well  it's still green so we're too high on moisture   here we got to get out of here so we're gonna jump  across the road jump some other stuff but i think   it's better but this has got to have four or five  days of solid 90 degrees get it ready it's not   there yet and it was around a little less than i  was hoping i actually jumped out about that 10 12   bushel but um dad just down the other end he said  it was picking back up so we'll find out as we   get there let's keep on going well we cut around a  little while longer and i think we're out of acres   it's just not quite ready yet uh so we're gonna  bring the combines back to the yard i'm almost   out of fuel so we might as well take back fill  them up wash them off do a little bit of repairs   here and there just make sure to go and come back  in a couple days and continue where we left off a little bit here a little bit there  sometimes ours just straight through   other times it's just hit and miss just  never know that's why harvest is fun   it's always different every year every year so  i don't know how much longer to keep this too you get that feeling that  you're not alone being watched   i kind of got that i don't know what it is but for some reason oh hey it's you again hey buddy okay i'm gonna  sneak up on that buck and see how close i get   i haven't bow hunted in a while  but you guys are coming with me so   i'm gonna we got the old john deere box  drill between him and me and i'm gonna   get up to that and sneak around and see  if i get right up to him a lot of noise   here so hopefully he won't hear me okay i'm up  against the box trails he's right on their side okay i see him it's right there he's looking right at me i just wanted to say hi come on buddy can we  be friends he's a narrow buck look at that   got height but he would not score very well okay i want to give you an update um this is day about three actually the first day harvesting  after the third hail event of the year   that uh took out a bunch of our barley and spring  wheat uh we're now cutting whether we um let me   look let me show you this area right here is  making about five to seven sometimes eight we   go over the hill then it gets less this has been  hail twice uh that was in july um and uh of course   the weeds found great opportunity because it was  dry during the winter and some of the weather we   really never uh germinated so it's thin  as you can see uh it wasn't sprayed   because when due to some circumstances where we  were going to get back on it it got out of stage   quickly um you know it looked really dry  everything looks like it was uh it was pretty   much the end and uh and so we we decided  to hold off instead of dinging it more um   because it you know it's just uh it's really a  tough year to farm when when you really don't have   moisture it's a lot easier to farm when you've  got moisture everything works well your system   is working um as far as the sprays work better  the germination's better the crop's more vigorous   it chokes out the weeds uh it gets a better height  it's easy to cut and then of course the ultimate   reason why we do this is we've got to get income  for the next year uh so we can repeat that cycle   uh kobe what do you think yeah i didn't have my  camera ready and uh rabbit jumped up a while back   and of course he got really excited did you give  sight about a rabbit huh did you see a rabbit   yeah he chased it and it's about 90 probably  90 91 out there so he drank one of my bottles   of water so anyway i thought i'd just  give you an update uh we'll we'll uh   get some bushels put it in the bin dry it down and  then eventually we'll call it good on this harvest well i jumped across to the more  hailed ground it's also a very   very weedy mess as you can see out here a lot of  kosher growing fireweed and we're grinding through   it but my moisture is just high and i really want  to see how close it is to what my monitor's sand   it doesn't look like a lot of green wheat it  could just be all the green kosher in there   but i don't want to get too much of that in the  green bin even though we've got air on it so   let's go do a moisture test we'll find out what  it is there's definitely some green stuff in here   i don't think this is ready  i can tell by looking at it   so hold on here in a second  oh i can feel it that's wet oh yeah green berries let's see here and the result is it's got to be 18. above limit okay yep i'll radio  dad let's try different field this needs to sit   this isn't ready yet yeah i just did a moisture  test and it's not even reading it it's so high   you know what's it running it's  got to be high teens low 20s yeah it's this is just it just needs more time i  guess we're gonna have to go levx yeah okay well   um we're we've probably got enough  to put the back in and that truck   will be as close to being full or  at least some and then yesterday that doesn't have as many weeds and  it was less hail so maybe it's thicker okay yeah that's an option so i uh we jumped across the road we're in  this field and this is where the hail hit just   the other day the north end about a half mile 15  bushel an acre got hailed not 100 percent a salvin   over here zero there's nothing there it's just  completely gone and i'm right in the middle i'm   getting about six so we're just kind of going back  and forth high speed i get down to the point where   i just don't even see any bushels coming in i just  flip around and go back and leave it we got an   adjuster coming in a couple days this is insured  so we'll collect some of this so that'll be good   but yeah it's uh it's amazing how the weather  you can see exactly where the hail hit hard and   where it did night and day just stripped it down  another area there's crop stand pretty pretty   amazing so dad had to take off he had a meeting  so leg arm's going to take over for the combine   so we're going to go pick him up as you guys  probably have noticed by now we don't have wiggles   the wiggly wankstar snake tamer brad he is not  here for the harvest he's got some things he's   doing and two our truck sits so long waiting  to be filled that we don't need a truck driver   three of us can do this whole harvest ourselves  so three guys we're gonna knock out 7 500 acres normal year would not happen we'd have two  more guys for sure this year we can do a three now this magnum tractor has just  given us a little bit of a problem   and that requires having the case here sitting  next to it the hydraulic pump on this tractor is   producing pressure but not volume and with this  auger system it's uh all pto gearbox and then   down here is a hydraulic conveyor well the problem  is we can't get that conveyor to spin fast enough   which means we can't fill the auger and the  auger is literally banging it took me over an   hour to empty a truck yeah that's pretty bad  so what we're doing is it takes two people   because we can't get a hydraulic pump for the  tracker yet one guy to dump the truck and one   guy to be on his phone and well be on his  phone because you can't get out of the skid   steer he's got to sit there while it's running so  anyways i'll jump the trucks i got the short straw you
Channel: Welker Farms
Views: 221,441
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Keywords: big bud tractors, case, john deere, international, peterbilt, dodge, big bud, truck, tractor, farm, huge farms, welker farms, welker farms inc, montana, wheat harvest, wheat, harvest, sunset, drone, dji, kids content, epic, epic music, cinematic music, corn, usa, america, new holland, big brute, farmer, power, american dream, legarms, fummins, case ih, fs19, big bud 747, walker, walker farms, buck, animals, wildlife, country, family friendly, demco, wagner, vlog, facebook, amazon, youtube, gmail, ford
Id: NTf5tA7-zEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 10sec (1510 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 08 2022
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