NO WAY! GOOD WHEAT! - Harvest Part 7

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] stop up North this is probably our best spring wheat field on the farm it does look nice it sounds nice walking through it I can't wait to harvest this because we can be able to keep our headers you know normal height above the grounds we're not running rocks into them but oh this looks good it's up to my knees or higher that's amazing why this stuff is better is it it well it was it's up north it's far enough North where the rain actually came through and it caught a lot of it and it looks really good it's nice looking head there so the question is is it ready grab a couple of these oh yeah nice and hard looks good I think we're moving here tomorrow we got a reason for that I'll show you soon but good guessing 25 30 bushel here this would be more in line of what an average crop would be on our farm I guess we won't know if the comma is getting it but that's my prediction [Music] peanut butter jelly sandwich tasty PB and J oh yeah that's what they're having peanut butter and jelly they call it PB and J did you not know that no not quite like that but pretty close that's not pizza although I'm pretty sure they make peanut butter and jelly pizza somewhere in the world okay a rabbit you want a rabbit go get the rabbit yeah he took up he took jumped off the combine with a hop skip and jump and he's chasing the hawk so that's what he lives for is those rabbits those uh growing jackrabbits they're uh they're fun because they played but actually there was two of them there that came out so that was cool uh because he missed the one it ran out and he was overlooking and then I said oh Crum he's gonna miss that one and then he ran right into the other one so all right he'll come back stepping on his tongue I'll have to lift him up back in the combine he'll be patting but he'll be ready to roll again he's not old yet that's some good looking wheat right there let's get rolling I finally got off that all that that ground that we had barley on last year that just devastated it with the drought so now we're back into some good yields like 20 25 bushel this was Camp all the ground that's what the whole farm would have been if we would have kept followed last year and not put peas in or any other crops it just did fallow wheat we would have over doubled our bushels on half the Acres a lot less wear and tear but I got a full truck load let's get this to the bin side let's get it in I got the other truck parked down there they're Rolling Along It's Gonna Fill trucks quick now this could be fun so let's get rolling [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you well we've got three combines rolling this is a good site it's been a couple years since we've had three red machines in the same field and I'm excited I'll give these guys a truck right now I'm the truck guy which is fine because it changes things up but pretty soon I'm gonna be the combine guy again I'm looking forward to that so let's get this combine unloaded I've got one right here augers out lights flashing that's important that one's got a mount on the top that one's getting close and that one's unknown but the lights are flashing so what's up let's take care of business here one problem with 12 inch spacing with your air Stater the type of openers we have bought me to drive across and right now this is the rolled peas once I get into the wheat that has been rolled by a Land roller yeah it's pretty bad I don't think we want to run these trucks hard in this stuff you got to take it easy maybe someday we'll get a chaser man great card silly oh yeah he's full [Music] shattered yet I guess we'll lose fit in there Until It Breaks they get a new window with that anyways our best far 25 30 bushels an acre reason is this was fallowed ground we can't follow this last year did I make a difference go from six to ten bushels an acre and go to 25 to 30 bushels an acre just because you let it sit for one year idle I I don't like Camp follow I really don't because I like the idea of keeping organic matter growing in the ground year after year but I'm gonna get two times the bushels up to three it's a no-brainer dry ears like this you can follow pays that's why we bought the weed it nice to cut some good crop for once feels good just really nice except for these a combine operators just can't seem to do a good job look at that look at that left it right there I got that I'll just pick it up more and combine number two I see some green berries in here a little wet there must have been a bottom down there they were finishing off and that's off of that one looks pretty green too good thing we got some nice fans in the Bands there's 17 moisture and some of that I can tell [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay we're well into spring meat Harvest um we are cutting on our North part of our farm where there was much more rain and uh as you can see here it's uh running around the in the area of 43 this piece is going to average at least 35 I would think it's really nice wheat nice to be able to cut some wheat this year uh we have a few Fields like this but they're mostly on the North End of the farm but it is nice I'm just running along smoothly um grain loss at that uh is not bad it's keeping fairly low in loss and a very even stand I mean there's no scalloping as you can see you know scalloping is where there's areas that the soil it's a little bit better the moisture drifts the snow drifts and then right next to it might be an area a little bit lower and it has uneven height on the grain across the crop so but yeah this is nice so a lot of bushels uh trucks have to go back and forth unloading at the bin uh it's a good feeling so but we want to get this harvested uh there's not much weather change but you just never know you would like to get your good stuff in the bin so we have an extra combine running so that'll help knock out a few of these anchors and then we'll keep moving on until she's done [Music] okay there is a buck trying to hide in this crop and Wild Oats I'll show it to you you see the buck there he goes there we go there's more than one you wanna oh I know oh all right he wants to Chase I think the name was John yeah he loves chasing John deers they're easy to catch [Music] [Applause] [Music] did you see a coyote huh I thought I saw a coyote all right you want to go oh there he is you ready okay there you go that made his day he found a couple oh just a little bit bigger than juvenile and it's way too far for your camera they're out there ways but man he he's right on him he's right on those things oh my gosh uh he's crap no oh I wish I could be over there for that Rodeo all right had a little coyote uh Escapade that goby went on while he's back and I gotta show you um there's this uh waterway that we're cutting across around and of course I couldn't uh uh follow him to find out because he couldn't hardly get across but there is a pond a reservoir and of course he found it and I want you guys opinion does he get in inside the cab now oh my God uh do you know what reservoirs smell like after a few quite a few hot days in the summer and it's kind of scummy we'll take this is gonna be funny a little smelly but oh well he'll keep licking himself I know um I'll lift him up all right you ready to go okay let's go oh my arms soaked anybody can send me an air freshener this cab has got kind of a scent right now you know those those cardboard green trees that you put in cars and they emit a certain type of um environmental uh effect this one here should just be a bunch of moss yeah well maybe it's just him oh boy I'll get used to it he had fun good morning so I'm putting fuel in B spine then I'll put some fuel in Clifford today is about the last day we're gonna have for a couple of days because tomorrow they're talking some rain yesterday was so windy oh my goodness it's brutal but uh it's pretty calm now really cold today yesterday was pretty warm and then it got really cold kind of a weird front coming in but uh yeah we'll uh get these combines filled up and go through them a little bit make sure everything's good dad's dumping a truck Nick's spraying with Apache and I'm filming combines getting stuff done slowly but literally we get it done [Music] spraying this morning trying to get caught up behind the combines right here take care all this kosher it's just a wreck back into some not very high yielding wheat so the pressure is not on for me to stay on the trucks all the time so the guy's got the two combines going I'm gonna run down I think they got one truck pull I'm gonna go dump them for them make sure they got trucks the Can-Am rip get down there unload a truck see how they're doing maybe get back to taking care of that right there so I just took care of that but it's more like right here like yeah [Music] at that oh Peter Peter you know what can't complain it's hauling weight that's what matters good run in 3406 though we might have to do some with that engine I think we got plans in time [Music] hello that was a little bit smaller one so no he doesn't get to go out and Chase those might catch in tonight he was intense huh I suck something up in the combine didn't sound good so I'm back at the shop and I forgot my camera it was in the cab so grabbed my camera I already took it off I don't think it did any major damage but uh [Music] front cover for the rotor I heard something really loud go through the rotor must have been a rock maybe a chunk of metal so I stopped it went out and looked and I knew right away I gotta take it back to the shop because there's a hole yeah that's cute so I'm gonna tweak it back weld it all up put the cover back on and get back to cutting because uh it's gonna rain tomorrow that's what they're saying but who knows yeah that doesn't to be honest that does not look like a rock I think we hit something and pulled it out of the field and put it through the header and through the combine and fun other than that that's the only damage that I see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're gonna have to get a new one of these this thing is so thin like so thin it's like welding on a tin can or a pop can every time I make a little tack to try to button it together it would burn through and attack a lot of cool burn through and and then I'd finally get to a point like okay I'm stitching it together and then all of a sudden it just keeps burning away burning away but when I'm chasing that and let's just say it's super thin but it's stitched together and I think it'll get us by for the time being so let's go put it on let's go run bee spine and get some Acres cut yeah and just like that we're back to cutting and um I don't hear any bad noises so we're good yeah I'm just gonna eat one of my chocolate Hammonds oh did you hear that it's right there on top chasing a coyote get him Colby now they're playing since the crops right now are yielding so poorly like six seven bushels an acre and it's hard to ground and we knew it was gonna do very good uh I've been spraying so I got the Apache go take it out and I'm just kind of following along and all this all the ground got hailed real bad last couple years has just developed such a wreck of kosha and it just can't get a stand to choke it out so it just keeps growing through the crop regardless of what product we put down so I'm coming back after harvest right now and I am knocking it out since big brutes hanging out in Illinois being lazy he doesn't get a chance to do it here so patchy it is but we've got some upgrades this sprayer got improved let's go take a look first up was this brace we put in right here see that flat iron piece yeah we put that in bolted it to each side hold the frame together because the frame was cracking out whenever you turn real hard the whole axles thing tries to push this Frame out because that's where it's attached with this uh what do they call that I forget what they call that it's not the tie rod Brains Brains fog all right whatever you guys know what I'm talking about anyways that was a problem so we fixed that so that's one Improvement let's go inside [Music] our second Improvement viper4 plus replacing Vizio that's awesome really nice monitor that's in big brute we standardize both of them working with Raven it's been great there's also some more things coming to the sprayer up there but it's not ready yet so I can't show yet soon see the three inch we added here the sprayer was originally only a two inch line I cut a hole put it in there around the hose around this feel right there mate's beating up a lot more when you're getting fills new tires in the front of this girl so that's good new rubber in the back last year new in the front gotta do something about this strut right here I don't know if the nitrogen leaked out of it or what but it's collapsed and it's not holding up like wow but spare still works we'll do that after farm season when we have time take care of that and then this one right here likes to kind of hang down too this hydraulic cylinder that they use for balancing out the back axle so that's gonna get worked on too but we're just going to keep improving this sprayer while we keep using it it's overall a pretty cheap sprayer today's spectrum of spraying that's how we keep running it so when we get some crops grown you know I mean we'll think I'll do something with it but for now keep using it another field being uh knocked out uh finished harvesting we're cutting the last strip as you can see um of this field we're getting down to about a thousand acres left and there's going to be a rain event happening later today uh but not much rain for us uh we might end up with a half inch total uh so that it might shut us down for a couple days but uh we'll be back at it and we could probably Hammer that out in three days uh so we're we're looking forward to it now you can see uh quite a few weeds this is uh last year where well actually two years had hail through it and uh there was no cover crop uh by the time we cut it it had gone to the weeds have gone to seed we sprayed it before we seeded it this spring but it it was too small didn't uh really take and we sprayed it afterwards the crop was up and ready to be sprayed at the right Stage IT suppressed it but if we didn't get the water and the rain um because it's germinated a little later so all that combination uh was a plus for the weeds and the minus for the crop but uh we're we're gonna Hammer this out and we got things in play to take care of uh this wheat situation that's happened the last almost three years next year hopefully we will have turned the corner we'll get rain rain is a big game rain makes grain uh rain makes farming a lot easier because you'll have the crop which will be able to fully compete against the weeds and and that's what's not been happening here so but we'll look at the waves we're down at the bottom we're going to be going to the top so well it's gonna rain tomorrow at least they say it's gonna rain tomorrow I kind of suspect it's going to because the situation is so different than normal in that the moisture is coming from the south Southwest which is rare for this time in this area because of Hillary oh that Hillary yeah shoving up the side of the coast down by California into Nevada and a bunch of that moisture is going to make its way all the way up to us in Montana so we're getting close to be done at the Harvest we're under a thousand acres left easy uh we should be able to finish this next week depending on how much rain we get but I'm gonna run my rounds gotta dump all the trucks gotta get everything ready for the rain so that nothing gets support on tomorrow when it's raining the guys are still in the field trying to finish up as much as I can so let's go dump some trucks in the dark get everything put away cover up some sheets of OSB at the house site and hopefully we get a bunch of rain tomorrow I'd love it let the crappy rained on get three inches of rain do it we need to see some winter wheat that'd be great there it is found it all right let's leave this pick up here tonight and get it in the morning or after the rain alrighty right made it that was quick thanks for staying with me so let's get some lights here first got a new camera does a little better in the dark not perfect but you guys can see a little better it's actually pretty close to how it is in real life you look right there that's a combine and that right there is a reflection my screen all right Magnum start turn on some lights perfect it's engaged PTO slowly it's what I like about this tractor is you can engage it slowly by hand 1000 to 1500 or sorry 1050 RPM grab our handy dandy gate opener tug Taps of all the greens going in that bin and where it came from I got right on the paper here how many bushels and what unit it came from so we know whose grain is what what grain is where because it's all going to one big pile in that all right done here go take a truck home park it [Music] [Music]
Channel: Welker Farms
Views: 221,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: big bud tractors, case, john deere, international, peterbilt, dodge, big bud, truck, tractor, farm, huge farms, welker farms, welker farms inc, montana, wheat harvest, wheat, harvest, sunset, drone, dji, kids content, epic, epic music, cinematic music, corn, usa, america, new holland, big brute, farmer, power, american dream, legarms, fummins, case ih, fs19, big bud 747, walker, walker farms, buck, animals, wildlife, country, family friendly, demco, wagner, vlog, facebook, amazon, youtube, gmail, ford
Id: OnREq-H6VT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 0sec (1800 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 12 2023
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