A Chef Reviews High(er) End Kitchen Gadgets! Vol.4 | Sorted Food

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(egg cracking) (sizzling) - Hello and welcome to "sortedfood". - Now get ready cause today we have a very special guest appearance from our favorite ginger chef. It's James Currie. - You could have dropped the ginger. - Well then it would have been a lie. - Yeah. - Oh. Yeah. - Let's see if you remember how to do this. James lift the cloche. - Ah, classic. Start me off with a phallic shaped... (laughing) ... kitchen gadget. Oh. It's solid. It's heavy. It's weighty. It feels premium. - [Jamie] Okay. - I was going to say it's like a grinder, but it's not. Well is it? It is a grinder! (laughing) - James, this is the MANNKITCHEN Pepper Cannon. It claims to produce up to 10 times the output of standard pepper mills with consistent grinds all the time. They say it's a quantum leap forward in pepper milling. Let me talk you through the problem. Two years ago, it took 73 cranks on my pepper mill to season steak. I wondered if the same job could be done with less cranking. 786 days... - This is great. - ... 54 revisions, 11 prototypes, 82 tests and 4,673 sneezes later, The MANNKITCHEN Pepper Cannon was born. - It's very well engineered. - Would you like some pepper? - I would like some pepper. - Now as test number one, James, it feels to me like we should check for sizes of grind. Do you want to do a range of? - Okay. Right. Okay. Ready? So it's course. I mean, that's a lot of pepper for one grind. - [Barry] Wow. I mean I know the arms might have something to do with this, but that does seem to compute with what a lot of other people say. Let's go fine. - [Barry] Really finer fine. - Okay. A lot less pepper, obviously, but it is finer. - Okay, let's see if he's still a chef. - I'm cooking? - [Barry] Please. - Oh. - [Jamie] So what we've given you is some ingredients to make a peppered steak salad. - Okay. Can't believe you're just putting me on the spot, making me make up a recipe. - We want to see if you've still got it, mate. - [Jamie] So whilst James cracks on with a salad, should we talk about somebody else who's enjoyed the pepper cannon? - [Barry] Go on. - Babish: "I was both shocked and delighted after my first few twists using the Pepper Cannon. This thing is a feat of engineering and I'm excited to add it to my arsenal." - [James] Right, I'm going to do some steak. (upbeat music) - [James] Guys, I'm going to set the fire alarm off. - James, don't. - James, you can't come back and set the fire alarm off! - Come back, (beep) up, leave. (laughing) (fire alarm ringing) - James. - James. - [Jamie] James - [Barry] No! - This is great. Love this. - [Jamie] I've forgotten how to do this. I really have forgot how to do this. - It's the first thing I've cooked on camera for a long time. It's got to be good, right? - Well, that's one fire alarm. - Jamie's been gone for about 20 minutes having to deal with Jame's mess. - In the meantime... - It's not the first time. ... you've made a salad. - I did make a salad. I made use of the time. - Oh, great. A salad. - You asked for a salad! Time to pepper the steak. It's rested. It's well-rested. (upbeat music) - Dig in. Tell us what you think. - The steak is delicious. - Well-peppered? - Even distribution. - I mean, what are your thoughts? Do you think it is a marvel of precise engineering? - It does deliver. I cannot deny that it works. It feels premium quality. It's nice to have a nice pepper grinder. I like it. It's good. - Well, let's talk about costs, James. How much do you think we paid for the Pepper Cannon? - I think you paid 50 quid for it. - And would you pay 50 quid for it? - At the risk of making people really angry? I actually would pay 50 quid for it. - Wow, okay. - Okay. - I've bought nice pepper grinders before and they're worthwhile. And I think this is probably better than those. - Would you pay $199 for it? - No. No, I wouldn't. - It's had 6,887 backers pledging over $1.1 million to help bring the project to life. - That is amazing. - There are that many people that care that much about their pepper. - But damn, $199 is a ton of money for a pepper grinder. It's just so much money. - I mean James. It probably leaves the one question that everybody's asking. - Here we go again. - Is this pepper mill the real deal or does it just grind your gears? - I'm going to say it's the real deal. It's good. It does what it says it does, but it's really expensive. (cheering) - James, would you mind lifting the oh. Lifting your blindfold? - Oh. Like it, I like it. So it's like a drip coffee thing. - There is more to James and you have reviewed something like this before. - It's not bloody alarm clock is it? - James... - It's hardly a bloody alarm clock, man. - Oh no! (laughing) This is the Baurisieur Tea & Coffee Brewing Alarm Clock. - Oh no. - The Baurisieur is an automatic tea and coffee brewer for your bedroom and/or office featuring an alarm clock that will wake you up with fresh brew every morning or have on ready as you go to work. - Okay interesting. - So let's talk through some of its main features. It creates the perfect brew by brewing at 94 Celsius ensuring extraction and no burning. It has brew delay, which means you can set your alarm so it starts brewing five minutes before or after you wake up. It's made from, oh goodness borosilicate glassware, stainless steel accessories, and a real timber tray for transportation. Real timber. - That's real, Real timber. - Real timber apparently. (gasping) - [Jamie] James! - So you can take it to the table as well. - [Jamie] Nice. - That is risky... - And then-- - ... when I've just woken up. - So now would you mind making coffee? - Should I make some coffee? - Please. - Okay. It has a smart mini-fridge. The milk carafe sits in the middle, which turns the fridge on if milk is present. If the milk isn't present, the cruder will stay off due to smart infrared sensors. - That's clever. - It has a storage drawer for storing week's worth of ground coffee, tea, or sugar. It has a shower head. Yes. - [Jamie] Wait what? - [Barry] New and improved shower heads, disperses and restricts the rate of the water over the coffee grounds or tea leaves for more even brew. - Imagine showering in coffee. ♪ Oh no, oh no ♪ ♪ Oh no no no no no ♪ - Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! - [Barry] Here we go, here we go! - Is it actually a shower? - [Barry] Have a rinse. Get under the armpits. - [James] It's a real shower. So if you're actually making pour-over coffee, like a V60, it's very important to hydrate all of the grounds, isn't it? - Yeah. - You don't just pour it into the middle. You do make a circle and it's important, but it's all like, even so it's this, there's a use to the shower head. - [Barry] Yeah. I think I'd want it five minutes after my alarm. - Yeah, I wouldn't want to wake up to that sound because I would be really scared. - [Jamie] You've got coffee. This makes one cup of coffee, which feels quite selfish if you are in bed with somebody else and wondering whether I don't know, it does feel very selfish to I only have one cup of coffee, but it will wake both of you up. - If we were sharing a bed then I rolled over to see you sipping on a coffee and me oh, I would be jealous AF. - You're absolutely right. I will say it doesn't take that long to make a coffee, but it makes coffee. It keeps milk cold. It'll wake you up. - James, do you want to have a punt at how much we paid? - I'm going to say it was 100 pounds. - Right. You know what? Let's skip the price of it. We'll move to the pan, shall we? - Barry it's a key part of the process. - I don't want to say, cause it's 345 pounds. - What? What? Wait what? This was 300 and-- - [Barry] 45 pounds. - What the hell? You try to be nice and then they just hit you with that, don't they? - So James, I've got to ask you the question, an exciting device or not worth the price? - That is not worth the price. - I just want to point out there, 3000 people kind of disagree with you here. It's raised a lot of money. - Barry, we make videos on the internet. I'm used to 3000 people disagreeing with me. (laughing) - James, last one today. Move the cloche - Oh, oh, it's lighter than I expected. - [Barry] Oh. - [Jamie] Oh. - It looks very nice. It looks different. It's got a nice attachable spatula. Wooden spatula. and a steamer, sift type thing. - So this is the, from Our Place, eight-in-one pan. It's a cult favorite. Best-selling always pan. This do-it-all wonder is designed to replace eight traditional pieces of cookware. Plus they reckon it looks pretty good as well. - It does look good. I like the finish too. I like the texture on it. - With the Always Pan, you can braise, sear, steam, strain, saute, fry, boil, serve, and store. Now just because we've got you in, we want to test your abilities. So we've got several recipes for you to cook. We'll get started off with the recipe inspired by a Hollywood - Star. - Star. - Okay. - From the new Netflix cooking show. Maybe you've seen it. - I have not seen it. But are you talking about, is it Paris Hilton? - Oh. Oh. Is it, um. - Ooh. Could it be? - [Jamie] Oh it's on the tip of my tongue. - It is right? - [Jamie] Yes, it's Paris Hilton. - [Barry] It is, yes. - Yeah, this is her Frosted Flake French Toast. - Okay. I thought it might be French toast. - She actually cooks this dish in that pan on the show. - No. How do I make it? - Good question. - That's a really good question. Yeah you're a chef. Oh, did you see that eye roll? I've missed those eyes. - [Barry] Paris doesn't give the recipe, so we've just given you some ingredients and-- - [Jamie] Work it out. - [Barry] You're a chef. (upbeat music) - So far, how are you finding the pan? - The pan seems pretty good. Very, very non-stick. - I like that you've got a nice little resting place for your spatula. - I do. It's nice. I like that. The pan feels good. It's a nice weight, it looks nice. I'll just wack it off. - [Barry] Classy. - [James] What would Paris do? The cream. - [Barry] Ooh, from high. - [James] I'm enjoying this. This is good. - [Jamie] It looks good. - Okay. Now give it here. We've got some more work for you. - I don't get to-- - [Jamie] We need some lunch now, come on. - [Barry] Come, thank you. - [Jamie] Yep, there you go. - For lunch, we'd like you to make us some gyozas using the steam basket function. - Oh nice. Nice. Okay. - I like having James back. - Yeah well sometimes we don't give these chefs enough credit. Paris done a great job. - So little bit of water in the pan. The gyoza go into the steamer basket. That goes on top and then the lid on top and it all fits perfectly. Have you guys upped your game a little bit? - Why say that? - Because these gyoza look homemade. - Got a proper food team now, mate. (laughing) I almost said that with a straight face. - I leave, Ebbers is out of the country, and suddenly we've got homemade gyoza. - What can I say? Worth pointing out, you could steam these in the silver box. - Yeah, I could get away with that, yeah. = This bamboo basket is actually an additional extra, but it's made to fit the pan. So actually it's not just an eight in one pan. It's an eight-in-one pan with extras if you require them. - I think they're done. - [Barry] Nice, let's have a look. - Whoa. Oh, they do look really good. - Really good. - They look great. I mean, there's not much to say about the pan. It worked. - It boiled water. - It fit. It boiled water. And it steamed. - Great. Well tell you what, pass some over here and we'll give them a try, and then maybe you could cook us some dinner. - What? - Yeah. It's an eight-in-one pan mate. Come on, we've only done two things. - Yeah but that's. - So that was breakfast and lunch. We'd love you to cook us some dinner. We've got you all of the ingredients that you need to make our one pot, pork and mustard pasta from one of our Meal Packs, which is our recipe app, which you can get in the link downstairs. - Quite smelly for you to-- - If you set the (beep) smoke alarm off again. - It said high heat. It's very, very nonstick. Pork's browning nicely. - [Jamie] Do you reckon you're getting some even heat distribution there? - [James] Yeah, definitely. No complaints. - I mean talking of no complaints, this has had 20,000 reviews with an average of 4.6 out of five. - Okay, pasta looks cooked. The sauce has reduced nicely. So the next one is peas? - [Jamie] Peas and high heat. (upbeat music) - So thanks mate. That's brilliant. If we could just have our dinner... (whistling) ... that'd be lovely. - [Jamie] Lovely. - This is (beep) (laughing) So while we enjoy this, that's my iPad! (laughing) - What are your thoughts on the pan overall? - I think it's a great pan. I think it's nice and light. It's very non-stick the only thing I did notice when I was cooking French toast is the butter fell to the sides, which shows that there's this, like, maybe curvature, which is not ideal if you're cooking something like French toast, because you want the butter to kind of sit under the toast rather than go to the sides of the pan. - And how much do you think we paid for that nice pan? - 120 Pounds. - James, we can reveal the price of the pan was 125 pounds. - [James] Not bad! - [Jamie] Not a bad guess. Plus if you wanted the additional spruce steamer, that's another 25 pounds. - That's quite a lot. - I think if you're buying that pan, you're buying it because it looks good. And you're gonna want to get the whole set. - You know, 125 pounds is not a cheap pan. Saucepans costs a lot of money if you want, like really high quality, you know? So yeah, it's a tough one. Like I'm not going to say it's outrageous, but I'm not sure I'd spend 125 pounds on it. - Well, the question is James, is this a decent pan or are you just not a fan? - I can't deny that it's a decent pan. Like it's worked perfectly and it looks nice. And I like it. It's a decent pan. - Well over to you guys, what did you think of James's surprise appearance? Do you think he's changed? - He's just as good looking. And then also let us know what kitchen gadgets we should be looking at in the future. Comment down below. - And don't go anywhere. Cause in the blooper, we're going to be asking James some rapid-fire questions. That's the first he's heard about it. - Yes! - Okay. - [Barry] We have an app. It's called Meal Packs and it helps you plan and then cook a week's worth of meals using one set of ingredients. Saving you money, cutting down on food waste, and answering the age old question, what shall we have for dinner? It's free to try for a whole month. The link is in the description box below. (beeping) - You ready? - Yes. - Do you miss the chaos? - I do miss the chaos. Also it's nice to come into the chaos and be able to (beep) off from the chaos. (laughing) - Have you discovered any new ingredients in your new job? - Yes. Lots. I used garlic scapes a few weeks ago, which I'd never heard of. I thought it was like a spelling error, but they're like these long kind of spring onion things that taste garlicky. - I know we got a load of questions from the community, but I think the biggest one from us... - Oh yeah. - ... are you happy? - Of course I'm happy. Yeah I'm happy. - Good. - I'm pleased to be here filming with you guys. Pleased that I can explore food somewhere else as well. It's nice. Best of both worlds.
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 974,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sorted food, sortedfood, chefs review, kitchen gadgets, taste test, sortedfood gadgets, the fridgecam show, gadget review, taste testing, sustainability, cool gadgets, chefs review kitchen gadgets, best kitchen gadgets, useless or not, sortedfood review, kitchen gadgets test, sorted review, cool gadgets to buy, cool gadgets 2021, sortedfood james, james currie, high end kitchen, high end kitchen gadgets, expensive gadgets, PEPPER CANNON, The Always Pan, Coffee Alarm Clock
Id: qqitb8MYjnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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