Chefs vs Normals: Reviewing High(er) End Kitchen Gadgets | SORTEDfood

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- [Announcer] We are Sorted, a group of mates from London, exploring the newest and best in the world of food, whilst trying to have a few laughs along the way. (splash) (laughing) We've got chefs, we've got normals, (beep) and a whole world of stuff for you to explore, but everything we do, starts with you. (upbeat music) - Hello, welcome to fridge cam. My names Ben and this is Jamie. - Now, usually, you know the score with these, Mike buys a load of tut off the internet and gets us to review it. But what happens if you spend more money on the tut? (intense music) - Jamie are you ready for some quality gadge? - These have been bought from a well known UK cooking store, not just off of Amazon. - Oh. - So we'll see if that makes any difference, whatsoever. - [Jamie] Okay. - We've put some effort in. (clang) (gasp) - Fantastic. This looks dangerous. - Can I just say one thing before you get too hands-on? (yells) Handle with care. - (laughing) Oh! - Handle with care. - Oh, wow. Okay. - I think I know what it is. (snap) - Shooooo! This looks like I'm gonna put something in there, and whilst I turn it, that is going to peel it. - This is the Betty Bossy Veggie Sheet Slicer. "Courgettes, potatoes, beet root, carrot, all of those lovely raw vegetables can be transformed into flat sheets that can be used to reinvent your favorite dishes. Almost impossible to do by hand." - No, you have to use a knife. I think if you try to use your hand, It will actually be really hard. (laughing) (upbeat techno music) (snap) (pop) - Buhhh. - [Barry] See, instantly, if you have a bendy bit of edge, it doesn't work very well. Have you ever needed courgette sheets? - No, but I understand how people would, because they wanna make a courgette lasagna. - Okay, we're in. Oh. (laughing) We got in, then we finished. (laughing) You'd definitely struggle to do that on your own, although, it's possible. - I mean, let's be honest, this is probably focused at marketing towards the people who are trying to cut down on carbohydrates. I feel like I'd have to chop a butternut squash within an inch of its life, just to get the sheets out of it. - It's all right. I'm not thrilled by it. It kind of does the job. Kind of, mostly. - The actual gadget itself scares the absolute (beep) out of me, (laughing) But the fact that you presented it to me, and you already have a bandage on your thumb, is not a great start. - Yeah, I could read the instructions briefly. - It's like a mousetrap. - How much jerk it is? - Thirty pounds. - Fifteen pounds? - It's 39.99. - It's what? - That's too expensive. (laughing) - Forty pounds! That is a very expensive way to lose a thumb. (funky techno music) - Done? Lift it. - Yeah? - Yep - Yeah. - Wow, how interesting. - It's like a mini chopper. (grinding) What is that gonna do? It's not chopping. - It's a tiny salad spinner. - Oils. I want to say oils, and... - Keep going. - (gasp) Mayonnaises! - [Mike] Oh! - Is it a mayonnaise maker? - Something to make mayonnaise in. - They got it. - He's a chef. He's got two out of two. - This is a manual sauce and mayonnaise maker, by Betty Bossy. - Betty Bossy. (laughing) - "If you think it's too much bother to make your own mayonnaise, hollandaise, or sauced hotter, then let us introduce to you the, simplicity itself, Betty Bossy Sauce and Mayo Maker." Puh. "This compact marvel makes other sauces and more, including Bearnaise and Dijon sauce. - I love Bearnaise. But I prefer Bearnaise. - Well, this claims to make sauce in 60 seconds. So, aioli. How would you make it, mate? - Oil, poured very slowly, and then eggs. Whisk, whisk, whisk, whisk, whisk, whisk, whisk, whisk. So, I'm gonna put some garlic, egg yolk, teaspoon of mustard. Thanks for the teaspoon. Teaspoon of lemon juice, then I put more oil in the top, here, and slowly press down to release the oil, whilst I'm stirring. - Now, you're a chef, aren't you? So make a Bearnaise. - Make some mayonnaises. - Oh, too easy for you. Do you think you could test a Bearnaise. - Oh, man. Okay. - [Mike] It comes with a lovely booklet, which has some recipes in it. The stock is white wine, white wine vinegar, shallot and bay leaf and peppercorns. So the stock, what is your adaption? - [Barry] That's not stock. - [Mike] Big difference here, from your recipe, is the fact that you're not going to be applying any heat to that egg. - Half tablespoonful of man cake, maybe? (exciting music) (grinding) - Three, two, one. Stop. - It's worked. (tapping) - Oh, look at that! - [Mike] Fuckin' did it. Let's have a look. And you, Dave. - That works! - It's completely mixed it. That was little to no effort. - It's very hard to add the fat too quickly, - [Barry] Which is a good thing. - Which is a good thing, because it's never gonna split. I don't think it's quite as good as if you'd make it in a pan. It's a little bit heavier, but it is delicious. - How much do you think that gadget costs? - Of course it's all manual. It's not electric. You're still doing the work, but it is quite a smart... I'm going to use the word "nifty", little gadget. - Fifteen quid? - Twenty quid? Twenty pounds. - 24.99. - Okay, I'm not offended. - [Mike] No? - I'm not offended. - That's very expensive. - You can buy a Kenwood Mini Chopper for twenty-five pounds. - So, I feel like the Kenwood Mini Chopper would do the same job, and it also does ten other jobs that I might want it to do. - Yeah. - It's a very one-dimensional product. - I wouldn't mind it. if I saw that for ten pounds, I'd probably buy it. - It does the job that you'd buy it for. It's quite hard work, though. (bright, upbeat music) - I don't know how this is going to make you feel. - That's a change from assuming that I'm gonna be grumpy, so, that's a step in the right direction. - Whoa! (gasp) It doesn't look awfully like a gadget, 'cause it doesn't look like it does anything. - Something, something, grilled cheese. - But, I'm now going to put this, what feels like a bit of metal, into the microwave, and that feels odd. - This is metal. - [Mike] Is it? - You can't put that in there. - It's not metal. It's 100% platinum silicone. - Tastes like metal. - Heats to 300 degrees C. - Wow. - [Mike] But it's not metal. - "In pursuit of toasted sammy perfection, we're very excited to say, this really does make incredible toasties, even without any oil or butter. Think crunchy toast with melted cheese, and hot right to the middle fillings. Not only that, you may not have considered cooking burgers and sausages in the microwave oven. But when you see this, they'll be done to perfection." - So, the thing when it comes to burgers and stuff like that, you need the heat, the caramelization. You need that process to happen, so you get the browning. Yeah, you get the browning, you get the flavor from the browning. - We'd like you to use this for it's primary function, making a toasted sandwich. Hello! - Oh, that looks good. "Pre-heat the microwave grill in the microwave for three minutes, before placing food on it." (beeping) - But you're a chef. So, obviously, you want to test beef burgers. We have some cracking Bearnaise sauce here, as well. - Ah! (clap) Yes! microwave running) - I want to do it properly, and test it properly, so I'm oiling the beef burger. - Put the bread on, slices of ham, cheese. Grabbing the pickles. So I'm gonna put some aioli on the inside. - [Mike] Good sandwich. - Put my grill on top. - [Mike] Okay, no. - [Barry] You squish it first. - [Mike] Squish it. Okay and that goes into the microwave for three minutes. - Have you ever microwaved a burger before? - Don't be silly. (sizzling) It's sizzling. Bah! Just got a little bit nervous, there. Still fine. (grunts) I mean, if it's got color, I'm gonna be impressed. (beeps) - This is it. - [Group] Oooh! - You guys ready? - [Mike] Yeah. (gasps) What? I tell you what. - Kind of, okay. - Feel it, though. It's feeling a bit antsy. - Well I doubt you've overdone. - Yeah. (squeals) - [Mike] It's hot. - It is very hot. That microwave works. (crunching) Did you hear that? That is toasted bread. Very melty mozzerella. (crunch) - [Mike] That's a perfect crisp. - I'd be happy if I got that from a cafe, let alone made that from home. - I wouldn't notice that it was microwaved if I was served it. - Really? - I wouldn't say this is a great burger, but I wouldn't say this is a microwaved burger. - It's predominate use is cheese toasties first. Then, it says, but you can do meats on it. I think we've proved that you can do meats. How much are you paying for this? - Fifteen pounds. - A tenner. Come on, be a tenner. Come on. - It's 34 pounds 99. - Oh, my God. Come on, guys, no. - 34.99? That's a lot of money. - That's a decent cast iron pan. - Yeah, but if you haven't got a hob. - I think that's worth 35 pounds. I actually do. (bouncy music) - [Barry] We're set up. - [Mike] James, you may notice- - What? - [Mike] ... you're wearing a blindfold. - Why? - [Mike] Does putting the glasses over the top of that mean that you can see less more? (gasp) - Can I smell whiskey? - Two vessels. - [Mike] Two vessels. - One glass, and one ceramic, or something, and they've both got whiskey in them. (mellow techno music) - Nice. Nice. Smooth. - This one feels cold, and this one doesn't. - Okay, interesting. - Have a swig of water, cleanse your pallet. Drink out of the other one. Tell us what you think. - It's the same whiskey. - [Mike] Okay, now take your blindfold off. Morning. - There is no point in being blindfolded. - I wanted to see whether that heightens your other senses. You have the Norlan Vaild Edition Whiskey Glass. - Okay. - "The impenetrable black outer wall conceals, while the inner wall reveals. From within, the black outer wall creates a perfect recursive infinity mirror. Stray trap bounce around like some cosmic ballet, taking it, with the whiskey, uninterrupted, wholly reflected and refracted back into itself forever and ever, until the sun fades." - (laughing) No, no. - ... "electricity ebbs, The lights dim, and no one can see anything again." - I mean, there was a lot of bull (beep) in there, wasn't there? Let's be honest. - I just wanted to know whether that makes any difference to you whatsoever. - It tastes really different. - Does it? - Yeah. A lot different. - Oh, I was hoping that would really annoy you, but this is better. - I'm getting less... How do I describe this? ... nasal burning, when I drink from this. - So, what I've done here, I've made the common error of assuming he's gonna hate it, and not really done my research as to how it actually, scientifically works. I really apologize for that. Very short-sighted. - Mm. - [Mike] Shut up. - It does taste different. It's almost like it's opened up the whiskey. You get... It's like it's been aerated. - I do get all the subtlety. More depth. (gagging) - I'd say it's offering a slightly different experience. I wouldn't say it's necessarily enhancing. But, for me, the biggest thing is the temperature, because the temperature is now allowing me to taste the liquid more. - Could that make it into your glass tumbler collection? - Can I keep these? - You've gotta beat Jamie to it. - So, to. What you paying? - I reckon these are probably eighty quid. - A hundred pounds. - Sixty pounds. - That's what I was thinking. I mean, you just read a minute's worth of utter horse (beep) at me. (laughing) - Do you think Jamie would buy this? - No, Jamie'd look for a knockoff version of it. - I mean, it works. And if you burn into whiskey, then you're probably gonna be spending fifty, sixty quid a pop on a bottle. It's not outside the realms of possibility that the people that their aiming it at would buy it. I think the copy's ridiculous. No need. - How would you write the copy? What would you say? - Makes whiskey taste better. - Well you know what we thought, but now we wanna know what you think. Comment down below. Let us know tut, or... - Le-tut. Not tut. - Yes. - And if any one of those gadgets took your fancy, give the video a like. I know it sounds desperate, but it kind of is. - Oh. - Always good to have you back, Jay. Give us a Dad Joke. - A farmer had 297 cows in his field. When he rounded them up, he had 300. (laughing) - You're welcome. - That's shite. - [Jamie] You're welcome. - [Announcer] As we mentioned, we don't just make top quality You Tube videos. - [Male Voice] No! We built the Sorted club, where we use the best things we've learned to create stuff that's hopefully interesting and useful to other food lovers. Check it out if you're interested. Thank you for watching, and we'll see you in a few days. (beep) - If you really, really annoyed someone, and they wanted to make you pay for it, whilst you were asleep, and they put your manhood in there, and then held you ransom.
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,739,893
Rating: 4.9342279 out of 5
Keywords: kitchen gadgets put to the test, kitchen gadgets, sortedfood kitchen gadgets, sortedfood chefs, sortedfood gadgets, useless kitchen gadgets, chefs review, chefs review kitchen gadgets, useful kitchen gadgets, cool gadgets, useless or not, best kitchen gadgets, gadget review, funny kitchen gadgets, reviewing kitchen gadgets, testing kitchen gadgets, sorted food chefs review kitchen gadgets, put to the test, the fridgecam show, useless gadgets, gadget reviews
Id: 0YJm16S3Rpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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