Chefs Review Kitchen Gadgets Vol.10 (Ft. The Automatic Plate Washer!?) | Sorted Food

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I remember clearly the first time I watched this classic episode and laughing until my belly hurt.

One can only imagine the behind the scenes!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/nosoytonta 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2022 🗫︎ replies

The banana yum station is a classic. And the reactions around the automatic plate washer always make me laugh.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Pastry_Ell 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2022 🗫︎ replies

This is peak kitchen gadgets. I watch this episode all time.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/vociferousgirl 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2022 🗫︎ replies
- We are Sorted, a group of mates from London exploring the newest and best in the world of food, whilst trying to having a few laughs along the way. (group laughs) We've got chefs, we've got normal (beep), and a whole world of stuff for you to explore, but everything we do starts with you. (upbeat music) - Hello, I am Barry and this is Jamie. - Now how much of an impact can you have on two chef's moods, just by giving them some kitchen gadgets to review? (jazzy music) - Before you turn around mate, me and Baz are so excited for this one. - This could be it. - This could be the height of human engineering. - I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing. - It's a great thing, mate. - Turn around to find out. (laughs) - What the hell is that? - I know! - (beep). (laughing) (laughing) - Just do it there. (laughing) - Oh it's got other buttons. Let's have a play. - How did you find this? - We had to do some R and D on this one because the instructions were in Chinese. Any guesses? - It's like a car wash for dishes? - Well it can only possibly be something that's supposed to clean something on the basis that it's full of cleaning stuff. - James this is the Lovewe automatic plate washer. - Let washing dishes become easy to enjoy. Come to feel the different dish washing experience. Just use the unique handheld automatic dish scrubber. Just lock in a plate or bowl pull the trigger and it'll spin vigorously around while the scrubber drags itself around the dish as it spins. - Wow! Nothing prepared me for that. (laughing) - And then you just insert it. - Where? How the hell does this work? - Straight away. In. - I see. Ahh this is genius! - No Ebbers wait! No! Now clamp it. Oh! - No! No! - Now the way that this is supposed to be used is underneath the running tap and because this is a studio kitchen we don't have a running tap. So Barry is your tap. - Turn me on. - Oh I'm excited for the bowl. - I don't think I've got the arm for it anymore. - Go on! - It's heavy. - Use the fingers. (screaming) (laughter) - I cannot do this anymore. (laughter) - Back to true form with these videos. - I am speechless. (laughing) - Do you know what though it works. - It kind of worked. It makes it more stressful, more fun, less easy. - It's just not quicker, cheaper or easier than doing it by hand. - What kind of a mind comes up with it? - Again you have to admire it. - It's very very clever and somebody has spent far too much time developing it and it does work. - How much do you think you can purchase one of those for? - I mean it's quite unique. I don't think, I have nothing to compare it to. - I can't imagine that the amount of time and energy and effort that's gone into designing that it can be any less than 25 pounds. - 27 pounds. - Oh okay. 53 pounds and 52 pence. - Goodness me. (laughter) - Useless or not mate? - It's so useless. - It's useless but I would still like to know your thoughts anyway. - I couldn't be more glad that this has come into my life. - You're welcome. - Thank you. - James, you know what to do. - I've seen this before. And I thought at the time, is it required? (laughter) - Avocado something. - This is the 3 in 1 avocado slicer. - I'm sure you've heard about all the stories involving millennials suffering at avocado hand which is the injury sustained whilst trying to peel an avocado. Probably the biggest setback to hit the millennial generation as of yet. - Could you demonstrate quickly how to safely cut a avocado in half, destone it and slice it, please. - Could you repeat the process but using the tool and see if the process is any easier. - There you go mate. Go nuts. - So first of all you'll notice it's a lot safer. I has plastic blades which allow you to cut the skin and the flesh safely and effectively. It's a lot more comfy. There's a pitter remover. Whoa! Okay that wasn't completely expected. Can you safely push your finger through the hole to release it? Or not? Is that sharp? - It works better than I expected. I think the slicer might have let it down a little bit. Cause it's a little bit messy. Yeah that's just not as good as a spoon and then chopping. You're kind of losing the satisfaction of chopping - I completely get that. - Do you wanna save the other half, Ben? Save it for another time? - What the little avocado savers? - Avocado protector came free. - And adjustable for many sizes. I would suggest mine is a little small. (snickering) - Do you wanna take guess at the price, mate? - If it's any more than a negative number I don't see where that has a place in anybody's life. - That's 7.99. - Oh a pound out, 8.99. - I don't think it's worth it. I think they're trying to solve a problem that doesn't really exist. - So useless or not? - A bit useless. Yeah, useless. - Give her a spin, mate. Ta-dah! - Interesting. - Measuring jugs. - These are two separate products but, you know there's only so much you can do with measuring jugs so we put them together. - One is very flexible. - I reckon that gets around that and it's easy pour of hot liquids straight from the microwave. - And then one is plastic, silicon handle and measures. So it's got a nice little ring round the outside so you can look straight into it. Useful - Whoa! - Don't peak too early. - So the one you're holding now is the squeeze and pour measuring cup made of silicon. The external honeycomb pattern dissipates heat, making it safe to touch, even straight from the microwave. A simple squeeze forms a precise pour spout to easily add liquid ingredients, fill cupcake pans or pour pancake batter. And this is the angled measuring jug. This has an angled measuring surface so you can measure accurately from above and bring an end to bending, lifting, checking and adjusting. - I'm going to try this one first cause that one is more interesting to me. - I'm going to weigh out 200 ml of milk and without having to go down to eye level, 200 ml. - I think it's useful. If I were to buy another one I might buy this. - That is basically all it's for. - I thought that was really unnecessary til I used it. - And someone's calculated the exact angles. - Oh well that's easy that's just maths. - Well it's hard for me. - We would like you to fill your squeezy jug full of chocolate, melt that in the microwave, grab it straight away, see if it's hot, see if it can be handled. Use the squeezy method to fill those silicon molds. Why don't you heat up some of that milk in the other jug. Careful Ben. - Should it be hot? - You might burn your hand. That looks hot to me. - It's pretty hot, steamy milk. - Well I can touch it. And I'm just like smashing it instead of stirring it which is actually quite useful cause it means you don't need a spoon. - So let's see if you can pour it into there using the squidgy spout without it spilling. - No mess. - Good control, good squeezability. I just feel it's missing a handle. - Yeah it's good. - Do you wanna hazard a guess at some prices? - I think this one is 4.99 and I think this one is 6.99. - Eight quid. - How about the other one? - Eight quid. - The first one was seven pounds. The second one was 11.99. - That might be useful to spend a bit more money on. That is pretty expensive and I don't think it's useful enough to warrant it. - I do like this measuring thing. I don't really see the point in that if it's milk or a liquid you're heating. Useless or not? You decide. - You thought it was weird. It's about to get a lot weirder. You thought we'd peaked with the fist one, mate. - Oh hello. (laughing) (laughing) (whistling) - I mean that'd surprise you wouldn't it? (laughing) - Do you have any idea what on earth that is? - I think this is a banana cradle. - Yeah so it's like a what like a banana split thing? - James (laughing) This is the banana surprise yum station. (laughing) Bananas have never tasted so good. Banana surprise makes the most amazing deserts in four easy steps. Simply place the banana in the banana yum station, core the banana and use the specially provided tools to select your favorite filling. - This takes me back to being a child. At the end of cooking savory, you would take a banana and a knife and you would stab it multiple times and you would leave little slits in it and each slit was the perfect size for a Cadbury's Button. Chocolate button. And then you'd slide a chocolate button into each of those slits and then you put it on the barbecue while you sat down to main course and by the time you'd finished you had roasted banana with chocolate inside and that was the best. - Your upbringing is the reason you're a chef. - That was the best banana surprise ever! - So it's a kids thing. Making bananas fun. Making fruit fun. - It's like panto. The kids go into it completely innocent and going this is gonna be fun. The adults can have a proper laugh. - I don't understand what's smutty about it yet. - Just don't do Look at that he's even (laughing) - Whoa whoa whoa! Look at the instructions. Don't just go opening your banana willy nilly. - Don't tell me I'm expected to use that. - Put your banana inn the yum station. (laughing) - Insert the tube. - I've gotta put my thing inside it. (laughing) - Come on! Pull yourself together. - Oh that's quite satisfying. - Yeah give it some of that. Nice. - Then pull it out. (laughing) - There you go. (laughing) - That's it. (slurping noise) - Oh dear. - Oh no! - It's dribbling down his chin. - Next I've gotta do the filling. - That's a little nozzle isn't it? If only you had such a precision. - This is amazing. - I can't believe this exists. - I love the fact that we've lowered him to doing this. - Chocolate's coming out. - It's all going to plan mate, yeah. - That's it, pump it full. Good. - Go deep. - And now I peel it. Oh! Ah no! That might be user error. - That was cause you were thrusting. - I was, I was thrusting. - Don't chop it up - No you can't. You've gotta eat it like a banana. - Oh goodness me. I wanted to do a cross section to see if it had gone all the way down. - Come on now. It's silly. Yeah it might, it might encourage people to eat bananas. - Have you got one more banana? - Yeah. He's doing mamma Ebbers' recipe. - Except we've got chips. If it gets kids to eat more fruit, maybe. Do you know what, we had fun doing it didn't we? - We certainly did. We had a wonderful time. - I think for kids and adults alone. I think adults would have as much fun like a pantomime. Different fun. (laughing) But as much fun. - I really I'm struggling with it because it's hilarious to us but might actually be fun for a kid. - While you're playing with your Banana Yum Station do you wanna guess a price? - 14.99? - I reckon that is 12 euros. - Seven pounds and 45 pence. - Great product. I love it. - It's silly fun. I can imagine kids giving it a go but you've got to pick your banana carefully. (snickering) - Useless or not? - I can't say it's useless cause if I did it right it might have worked and I'm sure a kid would love to find a chocolatey center to their next banana so useful. - Oh that hurt! - That's going on his CV. - It's not useful, come on! - Useless or not? You decide. - Turns out quite a big impact. - Mhmm grumper arses. - Many of you who have clicked the bell to get notified every time we upload a new video have told us it's not working. All you need to do is go back into it, click the bell on, and on again and then it should work. I love YouTube. Don't you love YouTube? - Yeah. And that works for everything in life. Off and on again. - Click the bell. - Also I've gotta show you this cause this just turned up in the post for us. This is the first copy we've had made of our new book which is Hero Veg and it's on pre-sale now to all club members. If you wanna get a copy, well you're going to need to be a club member. When you join you can check out all the other books in our app as well. - What's the difference between eggs and you? - No idea mate. - Eggs get laid. Have a great week everyone. See you later - Oh that's done before. - As we mentioned we don't just make top quality YouTube videos. We built the Sorted club where we use the best things we've learnt to create stuff that's hopefully interesting and useful to other food lovers. Check it out if you're interested. Thank you for watching and we'll see you in a few days. - You do realize you've just sat there watching a grown man microwave milk.
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 1,535,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kitchen gadgets put to the test, kitchen gadgets, sortedfood kitchen gadgets, sortedfood chefs, sortedfood gadgets, useless kitchen gadgets, chefs review, chefs review kitchen gadgets, useful kitchen gadgets, cool gadgets, useless or not, best kitchen gadgets, gadget review, funny kitchen gadgets, reviewing kitchen gadgets, testing kitchen gadgets, sorted food chefs review kitchen gadgets
Id: tQBPgxU9K04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2019
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