Chefs vs Normals: Reviewing Kitchen Gadgets Vol.17

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- [Narrator] We are Sorted, a group of mates who have your back when it comes to all things food. From cooking battles to gadget reviews and cookbook challenges to a midweek meal packs app. - [Jamie] Crack your eggs, bake. - [Narrator] We uncover the tools that will help us all cook and eat smarter. Join our community, where everything we do starts with you. (upbeat music) (enlightening jingle) - Hey, welcome to FridgeCam. Now, we love to test kitchen gadgets in our studio and thanks to you and your suggestions, we now have another batch ready for our chef, Ben, and our incredibly normal Barry to test. (robotic whir) Lift the cloche. Doesn't go up your bum. - My suggestion is, this is to create the perfect scrambled, boiled egg. - (chuckles) Whoa! - Because you can do it by hand by like, shaking it, but it takes a hell of a lot of effort. - Which just looks a bit weird, doesn't it? - It does. - This is the In-The-Shell Golden Egg, a kitchen gadget that magically whisks an egg without breaking or penetrating into the shell. Easy to operate, pull the rope and the machine starts to spin, during which it will relax the hand muscle and make you happy. This has been created as a solution for kids who refuse to eat the yolks - The whites. - The yolk. - Why, no. Growing up, the white was the icky bit, the yolk was the yummy bit. - Yeah, I have, I have two kids and that's the only bit of the egg that they do eat is the yolk. - I mean, it's got a good feel to it. I like anything that's got a good, no, tug to it. (laughs) - [Jamie] Here's the box. - I thought it was an egg. I thought he was gonna throw an egg. I went for it. - [Jamie] There you go. (egg cracks) (laughs) - Doesn't work with rings, does it? Right, we'll cut that, we'll try that again so I look really cool. (beep) - I mean, there is no escaping for this egg. That has got a proper screw on it. Oh, it doesn't fit. - It works for eggs of all shapes and sizes. - [Ben] Eggs are a delicate thing. - Eggers. (laughs). - Why is that, it's just a bit of tat this, isn't it? Oh, come on! (chuckles) All right, I'm in. - You in? Instructions wise, it says to give it a few pulls. - I don't know what the definition of few is, more than a couple? - Yeah. - Maybe less than several? But I would say I've done that a dozen times at least. - Yep. - Ebbers did 12. We're gonna ask you to do 50. We'll all help you. Count. - No, no (laughs) What is my life? - Release the pressure. - Good, can you hear anything? (upbeat music) Is this the content that you were after? We've got you some boiled water. We'd like you to make a hard boiled egg. - Water is boiling, I'm gonna slowly lower it in. - [Jamie] What are you gonna go for? [Ben] Oh, I don't know. - Oh! - A large, fridge-cold egg for me, seven minutes for a hard boil, which I guess is what we want here? - Baz pull it out! I'm really pumped to see if it's worked. That's what we're aiming for, okay? Beige eggs. - Beige eggs - Yeah. - [Jamie] What colour is it? - Egg-colored. - Yeah, but like. - [Barry] Like, is it a white egg? - Oh. (quirky music) (gasp) - You're kidding me. - I can see what's happened there. We've wasted a lot of time. (giggles) - I can't believe that! - Do you wanna try and guess how much the egg spinner is? - It's three pound 95. - It's gonna be 12 quid. - 13 pounds 99 pence. (box thuds) So, big question, useless or not? - Useless. - (beep) useless. (laughs) - You didn't seem to get too eggs-cited about the last one. - No. - Do you wanna lift the cloche on this one? (upbeat music) - Hey! - Right, so it's some sort of scooper. And. Oh wait a minute. - It's a weighing spoon. - Lightning quick. - Well, it's got on-off tare function, which I've only ever seen in a set of scales. - It's a JY Lilian Kitchen Food Scale Spoon. This handheld scale offers practical tools to measure the weight of flour, milk powders, butters, cream, edible oil, and weighs both solid and liquid ingredients. And as if that wasn't enough, this product is also recommended for weighing pet food. - Like the concept of it. I can imagine a sourdough starter. - Okay. - Every time I want to refeed it, I put in about 75 grammes of flour, about 75 mil of water, about 75 grammes of the old starter, mix it, and then I use whatever's left to bake with. And I get a set of scales out every time, to weight a silly little amount of 75 grammes. But actually, straight in the flour jar. - We have got an edible oil for you to test. There's two attachments. So, you might wanna remove the scooper and put the spooner on. - Before we start. When you tare it, it goes to zero, but if you move it a little bit to the left or right, it's starting to go up and down. - 0.0 grammes. Of air. In that spoon. Now I've got 2.6 grammes of air in that spoon! (snazzy music) - It takes a while to get there 13.3 grammes. So, now I'm gonna put this on here, which I know is accurate. (snazzy music) This says 14. We're within a gramme. - I'd like to weigh some nuts. I want 50 grammes of nuts. (click) Tare. (nuts clatter) 50.4, I mean, that's pretty accurate. The nuts weigh less at 45 degrees. This is now 43 grammes of nuts. Let me just turn on a bowl and tare that. See how accurate it is to 50.3 grammes. (nuts clatter) It's 12% less. - I like the idea of it and I could see why people would go for it, but in practise, there's probably more margin for error. - Well, how much do you reckon it is? - 9.99. - 12 quid. - It's 14 pound 39 pence. - Price doesn't shock me. It's a bit more than I said, but that's fine. - So, is it useless or not? - It doesn't do everything that that does. And therefore, you'd need both, which makes this useless. - It's a little bit useless. Not completely, just a little bit useless. (relaxed music) (laughs) - Okay. I mean, this is the clue, but I imagine it's a hand-operated grating mill. - Do you wanna try and put it together and I'll tell you what it really is? - Wait a minute, I'm good at these things. Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. Hold the phone. - This is the rolling grater. It's ideal for making food materials. It easily grates cheeses, such as hard-aged Parmesan and the vegetable slicer cleanly slices tender and soft, ripe tomatoes, cheese, vegetables, potatoes, nuts, onions for coleslaw, hashbrowns, salad, pizza toppings, and more. The enhanced vacuumized base with manual latch safely glues the rolling grater in place, and the enforced spinning wheel rotates smoothly and easily, even whilst grating the hardest cheese. - I feel like I would prefer a plunger or something. - [Jamie] Okay. - 'Cause once you get down to a small bit, you've got your fingers in there, which is a bit more risky. But hey, will it grate cheese? (relaxed music) With great ease. - That was impressive! (grater clicks) - Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pow! - Suction was good. Easy turn. It works. - Well, you know what, I'm gonna be honest. I don't get this, these things don't excite me whatsoever. In fact, they're just annoying me because I have a very small kitchen. And the space in my cupboards is limited. That's quite cumbersome piece of kit. It will take up a lot of space. Kinda look at it and go, "This is just gonna get in my way at home." - As with so many of these gadgets, I think it comes down to how often you think you do that task in the kitchen because there's no doubt that that was quicker and easier. - Do you wanna hazard a guess at how much it is? - I imagine that would be 18 pounds. - Oh, under 10, it's gonna be 9.99. - 9.99. Barry it's 16 pounds 99. - I don't know what to think of that really. - Oh, but we're making a video about what you think about it. - I know. You want my opinion, don't you? It's not bad, it's not a bad gadget. - I don't think I have a place in my kitchen for that because I don't grate volume of stuff often enough and if I do do big volume, then I'll do it in the food processor, which is even quicker still. So for me, no, but it absolutely does everything that it should do. - So, the big question, useless or not? - Not useless. It's a good gadget. I just don't like it. - That is useful. It's just not for me. (upbeat music) I don't know why you bother. Oh! It's a waffle maker. - Yes, this is the Sage Smart Waffle Maker with waffle IQ, the cooking time is automatically calculated to suit your waffle style and colour. Simply select Belgian, classic, chocolate or buttermilk, your preferred colour from light to dark, and pour in the batter mix. The waffle maker will do the rest. Well, we thought we'd give it a try with a recipe from our new book, "CBA2". So, we're gonna do fried chicken waffles. James has very, very kindly marinated some chicken and made us a sauce. All you need to do, is make a waffle batter, cook the waffles, fry off the chicken, and then we can all enjoy it. - Secret to a lovely waffle batter, separate out egg yolks and egg whites, and the air and the fluffy comes from the egg white. (whisk clicks vigorously) Egg yolks, flour. Melted butter, bicarb. Pinch of salt. (snazzy music) Wet into dry, slowly but surely. Loose waffle batter, egg white and all your air goes in. And in this instance, so do our sesame seeds. Lovely! Okay, now for the magic. (upbeat guitar music) Belgian, classic, chocolate, buttermilk, custom. (sighs) Classic? Heating, nice golden brown, I'm going sort of two thirds of the way along the scale. And now it's heating. Chicken marinated in buttermilk. Toss in a mixture of flour and corn flour. Well-seasoned and lower it into the pan. (beeps) - Double beep. - It's preheated and ready for me to ladle in the batter, avoiding the moat. I love the little touches like the Sesame seeds in this. A ladle in each. Close. Clamp. - Lucky for you. Ebbers went before you. This is everything you need to make the Korean fried chicken and waffles recipe from the "CBA2" book. - Fantastic! (upbeat base guitar music) (beep) - So, we have got a little bit of ooze into our moat. - It's out look! It's, we're seeping, we got a seepage! We have snacking waffle. (laughs) - Right, well, here it goes. Unclick and voila. Sho-ho! Look at that, okay, so non-sticks, that was without oiling. And I would say, definitely crispy and light. Definitely golden. - Hah! They don't look like homemade waffles. I wasn't expecting that. That's verging on perfection. - What is really good about it, is it is even. So, it is the same colour all across the top. They look huge, but they're really light. - Plate it up! (rock music) - Ah, yes! (rock music) (whooshes) (audience cheers) - It's the waffle we're testing here. So, I'm gonna start there. - [Jamie] Fair. (sophisticated music) - I wasn't expecting to have so much flavour in it, purely because, these trenches are so deep! It's carrying so much of that sauce. That was what makes that amazing. - I think I'd do it for a minute less next time, but that is a good waffle. - There's such a well balanced but filthy dish. - Now, get a bit of everything going. That is so good! - Baz I can tell you're having a very nice time. Should we switch the conversation up and talk about money? - Yeah, please. - How much do you think the Sage Smart Waffle Maker is? - Let's go 200 quid? - 200 pounds. - That's a professional quality, and I imagine, very durable waffle iron that makes great waffles. But I dunno, I've got no idea. - 149 pounds and 96 pence. - That is a lot! And I don't have a use for waffles in my life that often to justify that. - You need to love your waffles and want to make them on the regs. But, if you do, this won't let you down! Like that is, in my eyes, the perfect waffle. - So is it useless or not? - Not. - No, it's a really, really good waffle iron. It is not useless. - It's not useless, it's very, very good. It just, again, I don't have a place for it in my life. - Well, thank you for all of your suggestions. I don't know whether you sent them to us because you thought we'd really like them, sorry. Or whether you thought we'd have fun testing them, we did. Either way, comment down below, let us know which one was your favourite and what should we be testing next? - [Barry] "CBA2" is available to buy right now, and if you'd like a copy, then check out the link in the description box below or head to (chill step music) And now for a blooper. (beep) (chuckles) Sorry. (plastic clatters) Does it stop? Are we, are we awake? (laughs) I was worried there for a second. I thought that was it. - Yeah, thought maybe, yeah. - I thought that was it. - Three layers deep. (laughs)
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,084,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kitchen gadgets, chefs review kitchen gadgets, chefs review, sortedfood gadgets, reviewing kitchen gadgets, gadget review, sorted food chefs review kitchen gadgets, cool gadgets, best kitchen gadgets, kitchen gadgets on amazon, sorted food gadgets, sorted food gadgets 17, sorted food, sortedfood, waffle maker, smart waffle maker, fried chicken recipe, fried chicken, fried chicken and, fried chicken and waffles, waffle recipe, golden egg, sorted food chicken, sortedfood cba
Id: Oj-0aQd71s0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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