A character reveal six years in the making | Critical Role | ExU Calamity | Purvan

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announcing the champion of the matron of ravens soon [Applause] the reactions on the table uh you see uh walking uh through the doors of the palazzo porco a young man long dark hair light brown skin severe grave expression on his face and you see he's got a wolf with him um walks into the party and hush goes over the gala as in this age of our canon a champion of the gods has walked in what a quaint and wondrous thing to behold uh looking for the book it does it does talk about um specifically there are uh a few champions many that were uh lost entire the battle unrecovered um the one of the highest uh of the the order of the raven queen uh that fought in her name uh was where's the actual information here there we go it was named pervan p-u-r-v-a-n last name ped-a-bear we finally got to the end of your list of good news you guys are cruising to a tpk today staring at the bodies move on yes yes get yourself on emphatically though the name is was given uh to the raven queen at the time of of uh assigning itself to the order in which they become nameless uh the champions are just uh mentioned or spoken of in public as the champion um so the name is part of the gift they give to the raven queen when they swear themselves to her he walks in the stoic countenance of a ranger and you see beside him a black and gray wolf stride in he looks around sullenly a mantle of raven's feathers around his neck [Applause] though you do not see him clad in armor oh interesting oh of course oh [ __ ] okay hey uh why would any kind of special armor be needed in this wonderful age of arcana sure sure he's just a guy he's just a guy you go ahead to the top of this of the sarcophagus there and it is covered in black feathers some of which got pushed off in the in the battle um you shove the top open and you can see with inside uh a skeletal corpse that is uh resting surrounded by uh what looks like very very fine golden and silver jewelry that have been just laid at its sides um and on the corpse itself you can see there is a a set of jet black studded leather armor uh that has a series of just runic engravings and carvings along pretty much every square inch of the leather and you can see around the uh the mantle of it where the where the leather mantle falls the edge is trimmed with black feathers oh that's hot that's [ __ ] sweet that's some labyrinth of jared you see that doldrick like snarls at the hot medads uh but also goldrick is like do i bite this suit of empty clothing that's floating around um uh so yeah it's there are many many things throughout the war that were fought entities from the nine hells there is uh a faction of the abyss that came in as a third bit of of evil in this whole conflict um while not an alliance against the other forces of chaos there were many forces of chaos just lashing out of what was nearby so the champions there was no specific entity that was this chosen uh or at least what you can ascertain to be a specific being of hatred although it does speak of uh proven the champion of the raven queen um keeping with him an ally yeah um an ally uh it doesn't say the nature of the ally it just says um the um what's it the dangerous and respected goldrick i'm stepping towards them with with a sense of authority yeah goldrick you see the wolf the wolf steps around and goes uh the wolf growls a little bit he turns around and says he says uh uh turns around and says may i help you well i've come to ask that of you please please don't um as the form kind of coalesces into its normal self you can see before you shaking its head a uh rather large dark gray and black wolf oh god easy easy garlic garlic baldrick repeat after me how long in exchange for food protect these lands in exchange for food shelter and a cozy fire everyone he's a wolf he doesn't need those patrol these lands protect these protect these lands for how long everybody has this i know ladies you want details why that's a dog as long as as we need you no no a great danger approaches until the danger has passed you'll know it when it comes i can feed myself oh i can't yeah dude but i will watch until this danger has passed awesome then am i free to go yeah then you are free to go very well i grow tired of service i wait too long and the wolf just looks at you gives you kind of like an acknowledgement and then walks off into the woods thanks coldrick um as you're out there on your own just contemplating quietly remaining on the day a faint howl finds the air and stepping from the shadows you see a large gray wolf galdric the wolf that once belonged to the previous champion the raven queen ravonne who was given charge over the force in the outside kind of saunters up to you his size compared to yours he has a large wolf you're a tiny gnome and he just kind of steps up sits next to you there's a little break in the trees where you can see the moon breaking through some of the passing clouds over white stone the night itself cold you can see your breath in the dark air just through the beams of moonlight that make it through the canopy and as the wolf kind of looks down at you it's kind of intense eyes making a full scan of what you are there's a recognition to his expression before the wolf looks back up [Music] and just gives a long baleful howl seemingly in remembrance and acknowledging that one of a familiar path to his has found his way back to the realm of the raven queen as well
Channel: SpeckoVids
Views: 676,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: critical role, vox machina, calamity, purvan, Matthew mercer, travis willingham, laura bailey, marisha ray, sauul, exu, brennan, lee mulligan, lou wilson, luis carazo, aabria, galdric, dungeons and dragons, d&d, CR, mighty nein
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 20 2022
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