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Channel: 4THECRAFT
Views: 1,230,116
Rating: 4.9148169 out of 5
Keywords: Diorama, Model Kit, Ocean Diorama, Sea Diorama, sea diorama tutorial, Model Kit Tutorial, Scale Model, Navy Diorama, Plastic Scale Model, epoxy resin art, diy, tutorial, crafts, realistic diorama, ocean waves, waves from resin resin art, resin art ideas, resin water effect, how to make diorama, diy resin, resin crafts, how to, Sea waves tutorial, Epoxy resin Sea, water waves from resin, sea art, hyper realistic diorama, torpedoes, firing torpedo, ship in bottle, resin, art
Id: 2VwbqkB_7Aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Well that was a fun 13 minutes. u/meowiemom19 got sucked in too. Making it look like it's barely above the surface within the bottle is cool as hell. The techniques used in this, like the surface of the water by GRINDING it and then kinda sanding and etc...the coloring of the waves, the torpedoes......... O.O
Loved this post Squrlz....... :)
Very nice find Squrlz!
das boot in das bootle !
fun video.