British WW2 Military Gas Masks

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I was asked if I could do reviews of some of the British World War two masks so what I'm actually going to do is just talk about the military models in this video so what I have here is the mark for general service respirator quite famous mask and these are generally in quite good condition despite how old they are because of the fact they were coated in stockinette now before I get more into the mark 4 I'll talk about sore masks precursors to this so after the pH gafford's and hypo hoods in rule one Brittany's mask called the English box respirators they're called box respirators because they had these kind of canister filters on them now I'm not sure at which point they actually went from being called the box rate respirators to the GSR general service respirators but the main British Army masks of World War two with the mark 4 and mark 5 GSRs now there's also mark free GSR like I've seen pictures of it's actually not made with a rubber face piece like all of these it's made with sort of canvas II stuff that's more like a back so again it looks more like a level one box respirator kind of designs so the mark for GSR it has an exhale valve here that's not actually a speech diaphragm although the exhale valves big enough that you could probably be heard fairly clearly when talking with it so you've basically got two things for this mask you've got your filter intake that comes up through the bottom section here and then you've got your XL valve here so obviously you breathe in through the filter that we kept in your satchel where I've got it taped up that's where the intake is because louis-based awesome the filter better safe and sorry of something of its age you'd keep this in your satchel to support the weight of it and there'd be a hole in the bottom of the satchel bag so you could breathe through it with the filter in the satchel see there's some tears here in the hose anyway so it goes up with the hose you then breathe clean air own through and you exhale all that notice though tubes or anything like that in this mask it's quite primitive you've got your two round eyepieces there and you've got your straps sort of a standard head harness at these British mosques use of the period interestingly enough though it does seem to be a six strap harness rather than the five strap harness so there we go this is the faith piece that you're going to be seeing quite a bit of because all of the British masks used in the army at this point and the civilian Duty mask have a very similar face piece they just kind of adapted them in the factories for you know logistical reasons you always have to say mask but the mark falls are preserved fairly well because they have this stockinette coating if you don't know stocking there is it's basically the material bandages are made from so if you think of what bandages are coated gas masks and bandages that are kind of this yellow color the hose as well as coated in stockinette and then you get what the mark for GSR is so let's get the mark-5 GSR out here we have a carry satchel for a mark so GSR so I'm button this so exactly the same filter it sits in the same place but what we have here is a rubber hose rather than the stockinette coated hose and primarily it's the same mask is made out of plain rubber not with the stocky metal that's something very interesting to note is that it has a microphone input now Howley's worked is basically on the inside of the mask is a hole there and the idea was that you'd have people who are needing to talk you know be heard clearly rather than holding something up to here we'd have a microphone that could be cut into the rubber and inserted and when that microphone is in there you'd still get an airtight seal because obviously the microphone is blocking see my finger now pushing against inside of it microphones blocking air from getting in it's not really a perfect system it's why all masks like the s10 now you can see where there's a bit way you can actually clip microphone right into the outside of the mask and so if this is an s10 for example what you have is a secondary voice diaphragm or exhale valve here and then you'd have a bit where it could clip directly onto the outside so you don't have to penetrate the mask there's a fairly clever idea you notice that the civilian Duty masks as well also how the same sort of thing on them but this is quite a famous miles for mark 5 GSR it was used by Canada in Australia as well as the mark 4 and if you've seen the George Romero film the crazies not the remake that the original they have the mark 5 GSR but where the filter host be the hose has been removed and they've instead got like filters glued or soldered onto the mask like that more modern filters I'll said all British World War two masks probably containing asbestos most of confirms contain asbestos but the filters would be so old it's not going to be safe to breathe through it even if they were just charcoal and paper or cotton filters in general it's for most British World War two filters contained a mix of asbestos and cotton for the particulate layer and used activated charcoal as the carbon layer I said there's a common misconception most people have where they seem to UM think you only can have asbestos or activated charcoal no because what is the particulate filter one is the carbon filter there are two separate things so there you go mark five made of rubber cheaper to make as no stocking that coating and it has the microphone thing are you think there's one called amarte for special or something like that and it's a mark for the same thing on it that primarily as the mark size that have the actual microphone input as well as a civilian duty masks now for the more modern master replace step I'm sure you've all seen this one before it's a light empty gas respirator and we've actually tested this and it still work so again very similar face piece you don't have a pipe coming in here because you've got a sideloading filter no microphone thing on this side either but mask is fundamentally the same rubber mold now the idea was that you have the previous rubber masks and it's not that handy having a big filter on it that adds a lot of weight you know makes the mask a lot bigger makes the mask heavier you know all those sorts of things and it's not easier to replace the filter and it expires obviously a big canister filter is going to last a long time but what they wanted really was a mass that you could wear and use easier so this is what the actual like anti gas respirator did you've got a mask that quite lightweight and you can perform fairly easily receives lift what no no so that's a nice goal making an airtight seal but it took a 16-millimeter filter on the side more than 16 millimeter services or fairly folks can use the old ones and luck if you need the anti dense tough offer on it as I said because my inner masks it's already fogging up but what you're essentially had here is a master looks like then you could change the filters in the field and it was easily a fuse a rifle with assuming you weren't left-handed if you were less time to the parent yet to use the old mouse because they haven't bothered making these of the filter and take on that side to a while later but yeah my empty gas respirators obviously a good step forward and it's where you get into the sort of modern most designs you can still see today the mask that's fully removable you know actual mask no wires and pipes coming off of it site loading filter you know all-round a good design now obviously I've said well I've said before in other videos was this one Britain wasn't the first mask to make a sideloading mask you have the Germans while these not side loading but front loading the Germans have been doing this since supposedly we'll want the screw filters again I've not personally got one so I haven't had a chance to play around where one gas mask and confirm it that certainly by the GM 30 and the GM 38 as well as your your like civilian masks that the M masks they all had you know actual screw on filters that go on to the front or areas there of the mask so the Germans had come up this concept first but they hadn't really perfected it the British mask was better because it was on the left side so if you're a right-handed shooter it's actually a better design and having a filter on the front because a lot of people don't like the front loading filter masks for that reason that what you basically had after um miles came out the Americans have the m9 which is the same sort of concept and then you know quite a few other nation started doing this kind of design or still using bottom things that the idea having to either screw on filter this is kind of a turning point or everybody realized screw on filters is a good idea rather than using you know permanently attached ones and even when you look at the Soviet masks of this period you'll find that you know this is where they start going into the forty millimeter Gauss kind of I'm you know kind of a score on filters even when they're still using the pipes such as the FHM one when they search home forty one you're still using a screw on Gauss pipe not a fixed one onto the mask so the filters are still quick to change so there you go that's the British military masks of World War two al said I have done videos on civilian duty mph the regular civilian mask and the Mickey Mouse children's mask there's also one I don't have which is like the baby mask that you put them inside it and pump the bellows I think there's a hospital patient Mouse that's slightly different or similar to that again I don't own them so I can't say what's the same and what's different I'm sure some of them in the comments will let me know they always do but these are the main military masks I said there is a mark free that I don't own it's not the rubber face piece that we see in all these masks what's the best out of these well I like the mark for a lot because of the cool stocking next stuff on it and you know it's design it's not safe to use I'll see if I can get hold of it to do a video onyx you might find interesting but my friend borrow mine this thing where he had a mark fall that was in bad condition so he safely disposed of the asbestos filtered properly by bagging it up and taking it to an asbestos disposal site because it was leaking then what we did was we soldered onto the pipe intake a ghost filter intake from a Russian gas Moscow that was damaged so it can actually take dust filters now you probably think this is some sort of horrible Frankenstein mask and how dare we do it historical mouse but have said most of it was damaged so you can either have a damaged mouse leaking asbestos or you could safely dispose of the their source filter and convert it to actually take modern filters sort of cost so if he can find X I'm no idea what he's done with it I will try and do a video on that where I can load a modern polish ABEC filter on and then test out mark for gas masks with the modern filter on but that's going off the point of the actual video the point of video is this is a mark for mark five and light anti gas respirator gas mask hopefully you can see I leave improved with each model or at least cut costs of each model and hopefully it's also the question when people who are interested in my British World War - military gas masks you
Channel: Weaponsandstuff93
Views: 9,482
Rating: 4.8828454 out of 5
Keywords: weapons and stuff 93, Weaponsandstuff93, British WW2 Military Gas Masks, British World War Two Military Gas Masks, gas mask, respirator, British gas mask, ww2 militaria, Mark 4 GSR, Mark 5 GSR, light anti-gas respirator, ww2 memorabilia, ww2 gas mask, military gas mask, Second world war gas mask
Id: WGgpO4mQDS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2017
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