What are G Nerve Agents and how to protect yourself from them

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now it's time for our next video on chemical weapons and how to protect yourself from them and last time we covered pesticide so naturally today we're moving on to the G agents now what are the G agents they were the first lot of nerve agents developed developed by Germany prior to World War two and during World War two called the G agents because the Americans named them after the Germans when they had the data on them after that the Second World War had finished so G agents for German agents later on there would be two venomous agents at start with V most famous being VX but we're not looking at those today we're going to look at the German agents the first lot of nerve agents now the first one discovered was tavern in 1936 known as GA now tavern was incredibly deadly compared to the chemical weapons of World War one so in World War one the most deadly chemical weapons lot was phosgene and as you have seen in my phosgene video inhaling that can be you know very slow painful way to die and it was very effective but if you had a mask on you'd be relatively safe obviously it's probably not nice if it comes into contact with your skin but you know it kills through inhalation and you still need quite a lot to you know inhale to kill you nowhere near as much as something like chlorine but you know it's relatively you still need to inhale a fair bit now obviously must have gas as well in mobile one could damage your skin and Louis sight could damage the skin and cause blood poisoning through the skin but both mustard and lewisite you know weren't that dangerous if inhaled they were more you know wound people horribly kind of vapor weapons and they were actually efficient killers so you could use a phosgene in combination with mustard for example to be very unpleasant and kill people and got masks on they weren't you know good at killing immediately now while doing pesticide research IG Farben which is a german chemical company that did lots of dodgy things over the years they discovered a pesticide that was just too efficient for actual use as in if a farmer was spraying on his field he'd be dead almost immediately so what they did is they recognized it and this is what was known as to happen so Tavern was incredibly dangerous because it can kill through both skin contact eye contact and inhaling it if you inhale it will get it in your eyes you're probably gonna be dead within ten minutes if it touches your skin you're going to be dead in about an hour to two hours on a low dose obviously the higher dose the faster it kills you so you'd feel light-headed nauseous maybe get diarrhea things like that and then eventually you know your lungs shut down and you die nasty stuff obviously how you say all these chemical weapons are nasty but what make happen so efficient as a weapon was the it was pretty much colorless odorless you know you couldn't see it it's a clear liquid apparently in very high concentrations it has a slightly fruity smell but if you can smell that at that point you're long since doomed so it was incredibly efficient because if you weaponized it you had a weapon that would be able to defeat guys wearing gas masks or respirators because it would kill through skin contact and that's even if they knew it was coming and you know around the time of World War two most armies didn't have NBC suits there had been some like very early ones developed a people who might come into contact with mustard gas but that was about it so the Germans basically in 1936 developed a weapon that could defeat any time you know like chemical weapon defensive gear and thankfully Nazi Germany didn't actually although they weaponized it they didn't use it now there's lots of theories for that and I can't really speculate why it is I don't believe in one Meyer because Hitler was gassed in World War and he therefore didn't use it I think it's far more likely that Germany expected everybody else currently had sarin and it's happened everything develops as well so therefore they didn't use it because they were worried that the Allies would retaliate with it and if you got into World War two and people were putting spray tanks on bombers flying over your capital cities spraying the stuff you'd pretty much wipe out all life in Western Europe you know within a few of these bombing raids a bit so again tavern was weaponized but not used now later on the agent GB was discovered German agent B which was sarin no sarin is the really famous one I don't know why it's the one that people talk about the most when they talk about chemical weapons and they don't know too much about chemical weapons I guess maybe sarin just sounds cool name and sarin was even deadlier than tavern you know you needed less to inhale inhale left touch your skin to kill you and I Shima killed slightly faster as well near the end of the war the Germans also came up with so man which was more deadly stilled and sarin so it went from tabbing Tabon sarin so man you know each time getting deadlier with each other chemical weapons so that pretty much wraps up this episode on the agents how would you protect yourselves from them well you kind of come you have to know in advance and have full NBC gear on with a respirator to survive if you don't obviously you're dead the problem is with these that if the chemical weapons used that they touch your skin you know you don't especially if you don't know you've even come into contact with them because you know as I'm saying odorless pretty much invisible it's sprayed in the 8th you inhale it it touches your skin within a few minutes you feel a bit sleepy dizzy whatever you're dead now natural chemicals like atropine can be used to prevent nerve agent poisoning from my understanding I think you have to know you've been exposed to it and then inject yourself before the symptoms get too severe but again you have to know you've been exposed which is the problem if it was used as a proper chemical weapons attack you'd be dead by the time you even knew anything was wrong nerve agent is very scary stuff and this isn't we're not even getting to the VX levels of nerve agent for just a G agents but you basically don't have a hope is what I'm saying you'd have to know in advance to have your chemical weapons suit on and a respirator at all times if any of the nerve agents were going to be used have your atropine as well and then you know keep in that NBC gear and hope it's not used and if it is you're at least in your NBC gear the issue is you would not get your suit on in time and your mask on if it was used you know by the time your chemical detection paper or your detection kit found out there was this nerve agent you wouldn't get your mask and suit on in time you know to prevent death because it's not that you have to constantly be inhaling it for 10 minutes to then by over in 10 minutes it's know you've been hailed a bit it within 10 minutes you will be dead if that you're still inhaling it you're going to die even faster so yeah nerve agents very the next video will talk about the ex the venomous agent series developed a little bit later on they which again make tabal and all those other ones look like child's play but now tavern and siren and so man the G agents very very deadly I said you'd have an NBC suit on and the respirators to protect yourself and if you've been exposed used like an ant tripping syringe you know we've been good time but the thing is you wouldn't know this is the problem if it was used as a weapon you'd be dead before you know you'd been gassed so there we go that's a G agent very very nasty as I say in all these videos but they're only kind of getting worse as we go along so yeah if the G agents were used against you I don't think you'd have much hope of survival you
Channel: Weaponsandstuff93
Views: 7,943
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Keywords: weapons and stuff 93, Weaponsandstuff93, gas mask, respirator, surplus gas mask, NBC mask, CBRN mask, real gas mask, air filter, breathing filter, Protective mask, What are G Nerve Agents and how to protect yourself from them, G agents, Nerve agents, German nerve agents, IG Farben, Sarin, Soman, Tabun
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 40sec (460 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 05 2018
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