Nerve agents

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nerve agents are the most toxic known chemical warfare agents these organophosphates like certain pesticides attack the nervous system by destroying an enzyme that controls nerve cell impulses they're generally quick acting and require only simple chemical techniques and inexpensive readily available ingredients to manufacture sarin and VX are the best-known nerve agents symptoms depend on dosage and whether it's inhaled or introduced through the skin nerve agents can also spread when a person touches the skin or clothing of another who's been exposed or consumed in contaminated liquids or foods signs of exposure include twitching spasms dilated pupils burning eyes dim vision a runny nose breathing difficulties headaches confusion sweating diarrhea and in severe cases respiratory arrest or heart failure a tiny dose for example just 5 milligrams of VX on the skin can cause death in minutes
Channel: AFP News Agency
Views: 4,982
Rating: 4.6363635 out of 5
Id: ac_xBNTFkBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 23sec (83 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 21 2018
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