A Beginners Guide to Making Anime
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Gigguk
Views: 1,271,969
Rating: 4.8565259 out of 5
Keywords: Anime Zone, Gigguk, Top Anime, OP, ED, how anime is made, how to make anime, Anime behind the scenes, how to anime, Shirobako, how 2 make anime, Anime Behind the Scenes, How to make anime
Id: 2Z-SJ6jQPiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Memes aside, a pretty good and informational video that, coupled with watching Shirobako, is pretty supplementary knowledge on the industry. Obviously a foreigner won't know everything about how it goes down in Japan but I certainly feel like I know more.
Gigguk has made a pretty good balance of memetastic and informational, not only in this video, but a majority of his non-parody videos. Continues to be my favorite anime YouTuber.
"Now you may be thinking this sounds like extortion and borderline slave labor. But, you know...ough."
That Berserk part got me... fuck I'm still not over it...
A beginners guide to making anime: Don't.
Filthy Frank in a Gigguk video
Mother of God
Animators have it really rough. Good thing I can't draw.
Chan-amie best part
Totally lost it at the sight of Gigguk's unzipped pants. That's so random.
The Kejo!!!!!!!! scrptwriting segment was also a blast.