A Beginners Guide to Making Anime

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The inbetweeners. The bass guitarists of the anime world. I'm-I'm sorry bass guitarists.


👍︎︎ 257 👤︎︎ u/Nico9lives 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2016 🗫︎ replies

Memes aside, a pretty good and informational video that, coupled with watching Shirobako, is pretty supplementary knowledge on the industry. Obviously a foreigner won't know everything about how it goes down in Japan but I certainly feel like I know more.

Gigguk has made a pretty good balance of memetastic and informational, not only in this video, but a majority of his non-parody videos. Continues to be my favorite anime YouTuber.

👍︎︎ 165 👤︎︎ u/-Nosreme- 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2016 🗫︎ replies

"Now you may be thinking this sounds like extortion and borderline slave labor. But, you know...ough."

👍︎︎ 116 👤︎︎ u/Grave_Knight 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2016 🗫︎ replies

That Berserk part got me... fuck I'm still not over it...

👍︎︎ 139 👤︎︎ u/TtoxRS 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2016 🗫︎ replies

A beginners guide to making anime: Don't.

👍︎︎ 47 👤︎︎ u/J0HN__L0CKE 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2016 🗫︎ replies

Filthy Frank in a Gigguk video

Mother of God

👍︎︎ 46 👤︎︎ u/Aptspire 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2016 🗫︎ replies

Animators have it really rough. Good thing I can't draw.

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/G_Spark233 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2016 🗫︎ replies

Chan-amie best part

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/akakiran 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2016 🗫︎ replies

Totally lost it at the sight of Gigguk's unzipped pants. That's so random.

The Kejo!!!!!!!! scrptwriting segment was also a blast.

👍︎︎ 65 👤︎︎ u/BBallHunter 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2016 🗫︎ replies
okay so you're sitting at your desk one morning watching anime or some [ __ ] like the filthy dirty disgusting weave that you are when suddenly you get this epiphany from Jesus or Buddha or whoever you're worshipping on that day and they tell you my child it is time for you to make your own anime and change the world and you're like yes I always knew was my destiny to one day make my own anime like the filthy dirty disgusting weave that I am but upon reflecting on it a little further you realize you know nothing about anime production so you don't even know where to start well today you're in luck as here you can learn the basics of what it takes to make your favorite trash show 41 shirobako without watching Shara bark oh well the first obvious step is to be Japanese cuz there's not an anime if you're white all right you're done mate get over it alright so you've hit the jackpot and you have some kind of Japanese heritage in you congratulations you can now start pre-production now assuming you don't have a spare a few million dollars just lying around the house and uncle Derek isn't gonna lend you the odd 100 to 300 K to find your new business venture in Asian cartoon lands cuz that's like at least 10,000 trips to Nando's and who would want to sacrifice a spicy succulent taste of Nando's chicken for this crap no you'll need to suck some major dick to be part of a committee consisting of the production company or anomie studios where you can pitch your idea for the next profitable anime yep did you catch the most important word in that last sentence that's right Dave oh sorry profitable yes first and foremost the only thing these guys care about is how much moolah is likely to make since they'll be the ones fronting the cash for it look I know you have that great new original idea that would make likes of Madoka one punch man and Stein's get [ __ ] itself in comparison but unless your name is mr. miyazaki shinb oh my she Hosoda Shinkai or bushy wantanabe son or a few other select people no one's gonna trust your idea to make a dime right so the anime original 'very is out the question so let's stick with the language that everyone here is guaranteed to understand manga Android mobiles these have a pre-existing fan base they can sell too and the story is already there oh sorry though nobody really thinks adapting that original multi-layered deconstruction of mature anime with mature characters is a great idea though we got a thing simpler ya take words you think are important like character development depth story structure and shut them out the window now is the main character generically bland who's overpowered in some way so the audience can self insert themselves into great we're onto something does it have enough tits in it are there big enough variety of tips is every tip attracted to the main character in some way I don't even care one of them is a sister she doesn't even have to be related in any way make her an adopted second cousin to his estranged are to some [ __ ] but most importantly is there enough [ __ ] tits in it no congratulations now go make the next Kuroko no yaoi on ice it's important you pick source material that is likely to generate sales or has an opportunity to make extra income through merchandising I mean [ __ ] those hundreds of naked REM docume curries aren't gonna sell themselves um did I punch in high school oh yeah pick something in high school alternatively if none of this sounds appealing and you do have a [ __ ] ton of cash lying around you can always go to crunchyroll son to introduce you to some anime studio and hope they like your pitch hey I've got this great idea about making this anime music video kind of thing that looks really cool and has this touching story about fatherly love and like moving forward from painful memories yeah sorry man we're not really interested but he has ago trapped in a virtual reality oh my god let me suck your dick alright so they all set on some kind of light novel adaptation of a magic harem high-school show complete with a cinder a heroine whose only redeeming qualities that she can suck a golf ball through a garden hose not exactly what you're hoping for but [ __ ] it it's been approved now some for you to pick you're a team of Staff members who will try the hardest to make this not suck some important roles note at this stage is the director script supervisor and character designer directors will oversee the entire project and will have the final say in any decision made about the anime the script supervisor helps plan out the series composition which is a fancy way of saying they plan out the basics of what happens in each episode of the anime or in other words hey let's get ready to make everyone lose their [ __ ] heads over episode three am i right lads and lastly the character designers job is to obviously design the characters dick adds once the basics of the story and designs are mapped out it's time to write the show sometimes one person hammers it and sometimes a team of writers working with the script supervisor but yes all of this does mean that someone somewhere on paper had to write out such masterpieces and then the girl confidently targeted her small titted opponent with her only to be surprised that her boobs are transformed into a big bouncy but as all that remained of her was but an after image of where her tits once stood yeah man I think we're definitely unaware of this time next up we get to as a storyboarding this is normally done by the director locked in a cage being forced to draw storyboards until we either finishes or starves to death of course this is just a scene from Shara Barco an actual industry standard methods for getting a director to finish that storyboards are far more humane probably the storyboards break down the anime episodes into different cuts now exactly what a car tears is a bit different from live-action see a cartoon live-action films when you simply cut from one shot to another like this hello but an anime icon refers to a single shot of the imaginary camera since every new shot requires new background to be painted along with the new animation movement alright that's a pretty good take we can cut now clarifies it down whole time wise thing walk from the storyboards the layout of each cut can be created a layout in simple terms is a more detailed blueprint than the storyboards given the positioning of the cell and the background art though we needed for each cut once that's done we can move to the biggest part of anime the anime ting based on the storyboard key animators are given a certain number of cuts where they have to draw the essential frames and distinct position that goes into animating a certain scene essentially they're in charge of the basic structure of animation and around 20 key animators given different parts can be working on a single episode of anime at a time key animators are kind of like the lead guitarists of the animation world as although the key animators have to follow the movement structure presented in the storyboard they are given creative freedom in how to express that movement and some animators have been able to make a name for themselves by stealing their own distinctive style into a scene essentially stealing the show of bits of really cool segments of animation this has led to a subset of Japanese animation called sake girl and without getting into the nitty-gritty of what sakuga actually is as that's a whole other video entirely suffice to say Sokka is the animation equivalent to that 15-minute felt mating guitar solo Bobby brought out at one time there made all the chicks what and everyone else forget about the rest of the set you played that night but if you really want to as an animator you know the only piece of animation you need to choose to make sure the 20 Bobby's you hide aren't going [ __ ] mental and share some consistency between their cuts is the animation director's job to check that that is the case and make any Corrections if need be this is a pretty important role that requires a lot of experience because for the last [ __ ] time Bobby there are character sheets for a reason again you want to express yourself but you can cover stairway to heaven with a guitar solo from print floyd and you can animate this [ __ ] anime if your characters look like a bloody horse once the keyframes are done they are then sent off to the inbetweeners the bass guitarist of the anime world I'm I'm sorry bass guitarist the in-between is do the grunt work and fill in the gaps between each frame to make everything look silky smooth or um or not apparently they're given instructions from the key animators for how many frames they need in-between and because of the extent of the grunt work required a lot of times this job is outsourced to Korea China or Vietnam wait are you trying to tell me that anime isn't completely animated in Japan that's right over this time you thought you're watching Japanese animu but it was China made this entire time Japanese hey man Abu Jahl was animated in Korea so that's not mean it's not made to this guy's definitely know why decide that the inbetweening is normally outsourced to save costs and saving costs is something Adam e Studios do really well and they did it using this really new innovative business strategy called paying your animators [ __ ] like almost [ __ ] all now you may be thinking that this sounds like extortion and borderline slave labor but you know after all the frames are done they can be digitized cleaned up and colored in along with all the backgrounds oh I forgot to mention throughout the animation process background artists have to paint every single background in every single cut and so everything can be composited together to create a nice little bit of anime this is also the stage where any special effects or CG can be added to the animation if necessary and then I said haha we just make the entire anime in 3d haha Ted that's actually a brilliant idea no don't you get it it was a joke I was making a joke it's no joke how great that idea was guys guys it was a joke a [ __ ] joke we're not actually doing this and once all that is done all you'll need to do is add all of the sound effects background music and of course we can't forget the all-important alias voice acting you'll need to finish things off yeah yeah yeah yeah man there ah all right can we try the take again just a bit more repeat this time please and that's it you're pretty much done for this episode now I just repeat this for 12 to 24 times throwing a bunch of overworked animators ungrateful fans [ __ ] ton of scheduling delays and you have yourself a full season of anime in your hands ready to be rushed over and broadcast where it finally belongs in all seriousness though I do hope this video has enlightened some of you to how hard it can be to get a decent anime approved let alone the talent to know how to make it good despite the amount of mediocrity out there nobody in Japan is waking up in the morning going hmm you know what I want to play some generic piece of [ __ ] today but with the budgeting timing constraints not to mention how risky it is getting you an original anime approved in the first place and the amount of anime that even struggle to make a profit is actually kind of a wonder when a golden egg is able to be laid it's easy to get pessimistic without hadi it's actually make a decent show so if you're watching something right now that you've really enjoyed don't forget the massive amount of work that went into making it maybe throwing a buck or two that way if you've really she ate it and if there's nothing for you right now chin up there's still plenty of people in this industry who want to make something great so I'm sure you won't have to wait too long you go try to be educational what a [ __ ] loser messy hey guys hope you enjoyed the video thank you very much - Jared Cattell Tony low gay brown Thomas B and everyone else impatient for helping sis for me for this month if you want to see some way on the stuffing click of the links around the I'm not sure where they're gonna be because I'm going to play up YouTube's and card feature anyway that's it for me today don't that money up they stay I've been gig up and I'll see you all next time
Channel: Gigguk
Views: 1,271,969
Rating: 4.8565259 out of 5
Keywords: Anime Zone, Gigguk, Top Anime, OP, ED, how anime is made, how to make anime, Anime behind the scenes, how to anime, Shirobako, how 2 make anime, Anime Behind the Scenes, How to make anime
Id: 2Z-SJ6jQPiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2016
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