Making Naruto the Movie 1 [Inside the Animation Studio]

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hey I'm Dave Wittenberg and I play kakashi I love my job greatest job on the planet but I wouldn't have my job if it weren't for all the other people that had to put a lot of hard work into bringing you Naruto the movie so come along with me as we take an inside look at the animation process for this amazing film I know what you're thinking my goodness who created this incredible film the answer is a lovely Japanese production company called Studio Pierrot now the production process for creating an anime movie is very simple it begins with creating the story structure and the look of the animation and then you go from there once the initial artwork is created and the story structure has been decided upon then you sit down and you write yourself a screenplay and the design work is refined storyboards are drawn based on the screenplay they are very similar to manga they show the film's action and camera moves based on the storyboards the recording script is original layout is critical all of the character arrangements positions and movements are placed on the background once the layout is complete the key animation is drawn in order to get the correct timing of the key animation the timesheet is made it shows the length of each shot and the necessary camera movement as well as plan out the rest of the production process after the ickey drawings are timed and completed they are checked and the finished art is sent off for the in-between process in between images are drawn to smooth out the characters movements once the drawings are done they're checked to make sure that the movements are smooth and that everything is done in accordance with the timesheets which is critical the next step is the color process color schemes are created for each character and depending on the setting they may change whether it's day or night then we go to the scanner where the finished animation is scanned in page by page and then digitally colored next comes the backgrounds and these things are amazing they're hand drawn and hand painted look at this then the finished background art amazing as it is is scanned into the old computer and reviewed because of the limitations of 2d animation they use three-dimensional and retouching software which I'm not even sure how it works I'm just glad that it does then a process called compositing brings it all together animation backgrounds and graphics then the computer goes to work rendering each of the composited images for the film and for Naruto there were over a thousand of them the animation team does a final check and Naruto the movie is ready to go
Channel: Maxim Abramov
Views: 4,546,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animation (Industry), Studio (Art Subject), Naruto, Movie, Making, Sasuke, Sakura, Anime, Наруто, Фильм, Создание, Animation, Kishimoto, Masashi, inside, studio, draw, made, draw anime, made anime
Id: MdzjqOuO_Ig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 16 2012
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