A 23 Year Old Man Tries Watching a Barbie Movie... im shocked

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oh my god merry christmas umbrella gang hope you'll have a wonderful holidays and again thank you all so much for the support this year honestly it's been absolutely out of this world i i can't thank you all enough but yeah your wives are so blurry can't even go above 480 it can't even go above 480p your generation z people would not understand i might wait am i generation z person okay if you're born above the year 2005 you do not know the struggles of pixelated movies oh is this going to be like tangled oh if this is anything like tangoda i will love this movie instantly now i've got my hopes up i'm expecting some mother gothel some give me give me firmware get me flynn raider give me maximus um i'm seeing she likes painting so hopefully we see a lot of painting um hopefully see a frying pan too what am i supposed to paint that's up to you me what if i don't have any good ideas oh then you clearly ain't fit enough to be an artist kept a young girl hidden inside rapunzel look at this what the hell is that you spyro the graphics are actually hideous like they're so bad i need to i don't i need to remember this this was out when i was born this was out when i was born [Music] what's that movie with portals it reminds me of a movie about portals it's probably a lot of movie about portals but there's this one movie about portals [Music] oh rapunzel living in some luxury ass mansion you steep that tea for six minutes i expect six and a half minutes no more no less she does six minutes 31 seconds and bring me a snack what the [ __ ] i thought it was dead what the hell was that you're supposed to keep the house in perfect order i didn't know about it it's your job to know is that her mother though is she just using her for like is she got magic powers for her hair i need to stop comparing this movie to tangled already i guess movie was like 10 years before tangled i just love tangled okay match my scales i wonder where it goes yo that's how we know she hasn't cleaned the house properly like her mother's right like see if she did she would know every single crevice every single hideaway spot in this house oh she sure got mad at somebody i wouldn't want to be in his boots or his head yeah she definitely killed him always know that you are loved to our daughter rapunzel bothell said i was abandoned when i was just a few days old so she isn't her mother my mistress is ready for her beauty nap step to it girl ah nah my this is freaking very much oh i see a very big hairy spider kidding you i ain't gonna lie he is the ugliest robber i've ever seen in my life she too thick boy [Music] i don't believe it the castle spank of course of course the castle is pink pink is the high orchid color in the barbie series no thank you it's free samples dumb [ __ ] holy daddy oh my god she's doing it oh nevermind she's a disappointment does he ever smile not around me oh oh that was so sad that's my last carrot he still looks hungry you selfish [ __ ] oh that's the most excitement i've failed this whole movie so far just hold on i'll get you i'll get help of course she's alive um what beautiful girls on their good days i better make sure they're okay i'll be right back please don't the guy's a bit weird like he he ain't my fun rider pass all the food huh but the best part was i met somebody yeah the baker you pied off you see his face he was so disappointed did we have a nice little trip today [Music] [Music] i thought it was like a weasel type slimy thing i believe i said i want his name but i already told you i don't know jacobson the third of darwa sounds legit though right [Music] [Music] evil now that now that is mother gothel tommy's out again did you see that holy bull cup wait how do you even do that he's got like a a ball cut here then like a bow cut in the fringe there was no sign of king wilhelm's horseman tonight i'll lead my own reading party be ready stefan i don't feel like he's gonna die hey i'm not gonna lie he just looks like that type of king that will die come down i can't quit i'll come up how does he know she's there wait am i missing something let down your hair oh there is there's the line imagine that man like you're just using her for her hair like why can't you find your own way up instead of using her like that hmm what the [ __ ] the moon's made out of cheese you know i actually believe that when i was younger [Music] all right honestly the brush has turned in to a paint brush right so that means i don't know the prince's birthday do you know how much baking that means 300 students you deserve it you deserve it the baker is the greatest character in this movie so far now do you understand this is why we must stop wilhelm at all costs wait what is the purpose of this movie so far like is the plot basically like trying to kill will him but also rapunzel trying to be set free from gothel what if you'd stop eating them who said i'm eating them that's just not funny all those rabbits pissing me off dragon should be terrifying feared by all who see him and what do you do i love him he's trying to act the big man yet he's also getting absolutely wept by goku [Music] how'd you do that it's a poor key i've been watching far too much harry potter and a garden outside the castle oh wait maybe it's just a magical paintbrush that makes painting easier or or i'm just raped and i literally as a portal oh is twitter [Music] you've i've been looking everywhere yes clearly as you're just chilling next to a tree i haven't seen my parents since i was a baby whoever made this brush might know who they are plot twists rapunzel's mother and father live in the city i was wondering sir if you might recognize this yes i do how do you it was a brush for your hair big bad gothel on the horizon star i'll go i like it except for one thing i'm gonna become ferret food is the thing a ferret i thought was an author no not a weasel wait what is this thing in honor of the prince's birthday it's tonight i would have given it to you sooner but you're hard to find nice you're playing hard to get face day i love it i'll meet you there so mysterious yeah you can tell he's turned on put it out rabbit by sciatica it's killing me to be fair i'm on her side i just ah we're not going down oh she vandalizing you can get seriously fighting for that over here no you're useless i feel bad for him and i'm agreeing with gofu but i mean how we relate a lot a lot right now oh whoa oh my god oh for god's sake penelope isn't doing anything wrong i guess a foolish scared little dragon isn't much to worry about i know she's got magic and spells and stuff but like you've got fire blow her brains out burn her to a crisp make her into a pizza do you put pineapple on your pizza like i've never tried it but i have a weird feeling it would work i don't think this dress is right for a masked ball maybe we could do it up hmm there's no way please tell me she's not going to draw a dress walk into the wall come out and it's going to be like a balenciaga louis vuitton fusion dress please no oh my god i mean probably fairly [Music] nah she definitely got that from like walmart or the pound store [Music] after all i've planned planned what has she planned what i'm still here it's not quite right [Music] why gonna be honest the hair hasn't been really important this movie i mean if anything she wants to take the brush away now we're talking ray yes that makes more sense do your part never release your prisoner with a lying heart damn that's rough buddy we will attack from the west wall as you wish king wilhelm never forgive him for what he's done yes something's definitely going to happen in this plot with wilhelm and the king like they keep referring it too much like is that like his her father or something i don't know production time with wilshere so the king's feuds with willem is very apparent in this plot right so hear me out is kings willem's daughter rapunzel like think about it she's been locked away ever since she was like born right so maybe king william for the the other king had something to do with her and that's why there was a feud yo did you just glue her hair to her wig yeah look at that i prefer really not to not to speak if i speak i am in in big trouble where are we going yo your aim is ass dog i wish rapunzel were here well if she were here what would she tell you that she loves me the spell only traps a prisoner with a lying heart but rapunzel isn't a liar why would she make a spell for lying low like just do without lying no like she's just asking to get defeated because of that thank you hugo i understand it is i who must thank you and your daughter but makes might i see now that you truly are a mighty dragon penelope oh that's such a cute message i can't believe i'm seeing this in a barbie movie [Music] attack a powerful magic woman with bananas and fruits i look terrible and it's a formal occasion that might be the funniest thing he's ever said gods save your breath frederick [Music] oh they're actually going for it as well man surrender frederick no father no father we were friends friends friends oh she just got friends owned probably again attacked my kingdom without cause you stole my daughter no for a thousandth time you am i right you're my right oh my god oh my god you kept me locked up my whole life because you hated my father [Music] how are you still alive he's a decade please gothel we can all start over i forgive you for all those years why there ain't no way she can figure out that like i'm sorry if you somehow think you could forgive that but see if that was me knowing that for years i was locked away in a rather big mansion to be fair but locked away from my my dad's my whole life never going outdoors [ __ ] please [Music] wait she's going to be locked in there forever now because she's a liar [Music] she's dumb as [ __ ] man are you all right our love is as constant as the stars above wait how long has she been locked in there for wait what oh there's no how does she remember that didn't she get kidnapped when she was a baby married prince stefan everyone was there danny to clap clap i'm still pissed that she pied off the baker obi made out just fine sleeping on the cushiest yeah i read somewhere right that carrots are actually really bad for rabbits which is great to see that hobbies in quite a lot i said six and a half minutes i'll tell auto to be fair she's not even she's not even bad off like she's still living in luxury she's got her own personal chef i wish i had a magic paintbrush like rapunzel the magic comes from here i know you're trying to be cute and all right but that's not what she meant i would laugh if her painting was asked like that would be just so funny so that was barbie as rapunzel um well i'd say i'd say it was worth the 2.49 i paid for it like i'd say i got my money's worth but yeah that's the video i hope it was good i hope you did enjoy as much as i did obviously i mean that would be hard too um but if you do want to see more of this type of content you've got to you've got to hit that like button like you've just got to and share with your friends and also comment down below your favorite color see you all in next week's video goodbye yo that was actually not bad
Channel: Welchy
Views: 127,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reacting to animated 2000s movies, barbie movie reaction, video, sharing, video phone, free, barbie movie commentary, reaction, scottish guy reacts, rapunzel, tangled, flynn rider, barbie funny edit, trying not to cringe, barbie as rapunzel, watches animated kids movie, barbie movie
Id: 1Rjb3GZuwqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 22 2021
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