Disneys *ATLANTIS* is an Unexpected Masterpiece

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you lost in the Empire don't worry I was too so how about we make a new one together hello umbrellas if you've not clicked off the video by now you probably know that we're watching Atlantis the Lost Empire which can I just say this is the most unheard of Disney movie to me anyway I've heard no one talk about this in my life which means either it's bad or it's underrated I remember I've never seen or even heard of this movie I did not plan this out we're looking kind of similar here is there a resemblance in a single day and night of Misfortune the island of Atlantis disappeared into the depths of the sea PL 360 BC aliens oh this is giving me Lelo and Stitch Vibes already what language is this I I do not know what language this is oh it's their native language oh but that's her Teddy be how's she going to sleep now oh Magic what is happening what this is in the first few seconds what was that opening did she get her Tedy bear though my Atlantis it's just myth is wait who is that oh it's Michael J fox I know I so familiar I really need to watch to The Back to Future movies would you all like to see that gentlemen I propose that we find Atlantis this guy is's such look at his buye his old DRP screams geek a Norse text historians have believe the journal resides in Ireland Norse well if it's Norse you know it's not Ireland it talk like this this is what to talk about and for some reason you'll think I sound Irish Scotland and Ireland are very different this letter and inserting the correct one Iceland Iceland pause for fact oh this guy's such a [ __ ] who is he actually talking to here oh he's a loser he has no friends I feel really bad calling him a [ __ ] now plotted the route that will take myself and a crew to vicand to retrieve the ger so he needs a crew yeah he talks to statues and skeletons now do they become like the hunchback of nraam and come to [Music] life why would you keep something that's so sentimental to you surrounded by fire the power of the umbrellas Jal it's in iand letter of resignation if you reject my proposal the fact that this man nearly just tried to run you over I don't think he really cares if you resign or not I actually think he wants that I think he would be ecstatic if you did that rear down the toilet just like your grandfather you have a lot of potential just disrespected your family mom fluffy oh no he's talking to statues again Milo James that oh has he got like a double life ho ho my name is Helga oh ho ho indeed is it Christmas this way please step Lively Mr Whitmore does not like to be kept waiting who is Mr Whitmore things are ES so quickly in this movie I have no clue what's happening Grand finest Explorer I ever met Whitmore pleasure to meet you my oh he just had foot in hand interaction he never mentioned you you know how much like my privacy privacy why we see his private parts that's good I should give it to you when you were ready it's the shepherd's journal and how do you know it's authentic I will stake everything I own everything that I believe in this guy just B on his own life that this journal is the real deal like you just opened it for the first time like 10 seconds ago I will find Atlantis on my own exactly what I wanted to hear ah because he's committed to the cause are you going to fun him all been arranged the whole ball of wax I a bad feeling about him and his assistant the girl like where is she I hope she comes back she's a baddy not only will I finance the Expedition but I'll kiss you full on the mouth it's my embarrassment oh your grandpa was a great man you probably don't real was H right I don't where is he and where is Milo's parents as well are they just irrelevant did he kill his grandfather you going to need a crew taken care of gon molier they're the same crew that brought the journal back no that's a GF our lives are remembered by the gifts we leave our children this journal is his gift to you Mil but that's not his child that's his grandchild where's his actual children where's Milo's parents oh hands to the launch bay reported yes Mr thatch oh I know she's animated but I'm in love with far I got you four basic food groups beans Bacon Whiskey and large and that's why Americans are a beast want you to meet command Ro pleasure to meet the grandson of old thus yeah he's evil like you know when you get that feeling that something just feels off this old just feels Stag and set [Music] up a I missed this Evo of Animation in the mixture between 2D and 3D that will never be topped hey let go Ste oh my no no no you're a freak you're a freak you're a freak you need to die Fingerprints of the mmaker what oh you liing it what no what actually are you is this like the quirky funny sidekick of this movie which means he probably won't die which is already pissing me off really I have family up that way I thought Milo was weird he seems normal compared to everyone we've met so far give Mr thatch your undivided attention can everyone hear me okay he used to take lunch money from guys like this oh no I have a feeling they two might be a thing and these movies actually relationships start off right one of them hate each other then they start to Bor with each other then they start to love each other according to the journal the path to atlan will take us down a tunnel at the bottom of the ocean hard to believe he's still single wait no mil's going to pull this Badd I love I'm assuming that Milo is basically a chick magnet commander commander there you will find the path to the Gateway Commander please answer [ __ ] me what is it Wales what is that is it just me or is that getting louder jump scare h it's gone now no pattern and slow [ __ ] I'm such a disappointment like I even knew it was coming and I still jumped like a [ __ ] Panic this movie is crazy so far oh I did I just see that right she could have literally waited for all the men to go through but no she just wanted to kill someone get us out of here Lieutenant I'm working on it you could maybe help her you know how many people are dying like give us one of the side characters the more guy oh venzo venzo something's off about venzo all our chances for survival rest with you Mr thatch we're all going to die this woman has no faith in him and to honest I don't blame her like look at this how can you put your faith in your own life to this guy like surely his character Arc is going to do a complete 180 he's going to be cool he's going to get all the checks he's going to than Atlantis n man this guy's just asking to kill you all thousands of years what 10 seconds wait that's funny looks like we're going to have to dig will be my pleasure is this maybe just going to be me hating on this m shot she lives she's the engineer and you just think you can just do her job what do you say we cut him some SL Milo why don't you come sit with us really you just know it's the first time anyone's wanted him to be included in anything this doesn't make any sense to be leading up to something he calls it the heart of Atlantis that looks like the necklace that woman at the start had during my spontaneous detective work is the woman at the St that got sucked up by aliens The Heart of Atlantis did I just make a 200 IQ power play never got to meet your grandfather my parents died when I was a little kid and he took me in oh his parents died but how I'm telling you there a the whetmore killed his grandpa and his parents he Audrey I took this job when my dad retired that's their bonding I'm telling you they're going to be a thing I just like to blow things up tell the kid the truth my family owned the flower shop nenzo went from selling flowers to blowing things up that is character development we do not care about his backstory small story you don't want to know yes we don't thank you this is this is why I like him what in the voodoo [ __ ] I'm going to kill him [Music] literally yes yes yes yes yes yes d D all right who's not dead who's not dead they just scream me standing at the base of a dormant volcano volano can blow at anytime they always just look at vinzo I feel like this movie is unintentionally really funny o hello are you healing it oh my God the eyes wait are they two going to be a thing oh no I was really feeling him and the engineer girl hey wait a minute who are you more like where are you who are these guys be Atlantean that's impossible you fought like a [ __ ] 5,000 ft metal crab you're literally looking at an island that is above water but also surrounded by water and floating what do you mean that's impossible yes yes she's my favorite yes they just punch him off the cliff that will make you my number one favorite woman in all of Animation welcome to the city of Atlantis you must speak with my father now and she's multilingual I think I'm going to be down bad not supposed to be people down here it changes everything this changes nothing see they've got something up their sleeve I knew they were [Music] bad oh then you have to kill them then we are peaceful Explorer return to your people you must leave Atlantis how can he return to his people didn't you just say no visitors can visit Atlantis and love to tell the tale you have to kill them Quest that we stay one night sir very well one night that's the worst thing you could have did this is why you stick to your principles you should have just killed them these Outsiders can unlock the secrets of our past oh I just realized that's the little go from the start the king I don't know I think he's hiding something he's hiding something I want to know what it is they two so the antagonists but does that mean the rest of the crew know this as well are they all behind this game venzo Audrey are they all going to betray Milo I have some questions for you and you are not leaving this city oh you are so feisty oh no no I'm actually so DN bad for her oh my God I can't even lie I don't know who I meant to more her or the go from Ro El Dorado how did all of this end up down here I can remember is the sky going dark do you know you remember your mom getting kidnapped you remember because you were there 58800 years old oh 8800 see is there something wrong with me don't answer that I mean is it weird that I find it somewhat attractive the fact that she's over 8,000 years old oh no I'm the freak legend haard that your people possess a power source mean you can understand this he understands it but you don't I thought this was your own language yet somehow profess disrespects who's just an ordinary human knows your own language how is he single while your hand was on the incription pad yeah no oh wait he's becoming such a Chad wonder how fast it go he's so clumsy my name's Milo my name is Kash KAG what KAG Kaka ah did she just bit that to death I don't know if I'm afraid or turned on a little digging animal called Mo he is your pet you know cuz Disney nowadays have these animal Sidekicks that are literally just there to be annoying MO is that version of this each passing here a little more of us is worn away wish there was something I could do this guy loves and gets treated with respect in this place you know he's going to stay here what are you doing you do swim do you know oh I swim it is a fair distance to where we are going these two are destined to be with each other what's the writing say about that but we're going to find out does he like glue his glasses with tape how are they just staying there Atlantis keeping all these things you all of Atlantis alive so the reason Atlantis is still thriving and the fact that she's alive is because of this power source the crystal what happens if the crystal gets is destroyed did she just turn to ashes where is it now would have been in the journal the missing page you have a nice whm all of you thought the command and the blond girl were behind this but I didn't think Audrey venzo Dr Joshua were also behind it treasure H for you you're after the crystal Oh you mean this the messing pige welcome to the club son oh my God you're all so lucky you don't know what you're tampering with ro big it's shiny it's going to make us all rich I don't I don't know if I'm just not a selfish person but I feel like if you actually just found the city of Atlantis you would be rich beyond your worldest streams you don't need a crystal or gold in there try this again blackmail threatening to kill your love if you don't lead them to the crystal that's dark where's the crystal chamber this was not a part of the plan I is nice heart is he going to turn on the commander one under the water hurry get off this movie is so unexpectedly good it's funny it's dark it's hot it's really hot why doesn't this get talked about enough jackp ke's been here for over 8,000 years how did she not discover this when it was literally right next to your dad tell her to wrap it up n man you can't disturb someone praying like where's your self-respect oh oh my God that so [Music] sick and now she's Jesus I have no clue what I'm looking at but I've got goosebumps oh she's getting taken like her [Music] mom oh she's so hot I don't think you've ever seen me this D bad before K she looks like a from Avatar's final form so is she the power source she just iced up she's actually Avatar Commander we're ready yeah give me a minute let's move people got a suggestion oh no never mind oh even venzo so I didn't take you seizing the say threaten to kill everyone if you didn't get the crystal it took the commander punching Milo for you to switch sides we're this close to our biggest payday ever and you pick now of all times I grow a conscience I mean he's got a point that's what I'm saying nobody got hurt maybe somebody got hurt but nobody we knew least is honest you know what V Kenzo you have gone on me so much I didn't like you at the start you are actually pretty [Music] hilarious and now they can't leave nothing more I can do crystals they have some sort of healing energy where is my daughter she's been held captive she's going to be sold for ransom she has been chosen in times of danger the crystal would choose a host so with Kea now leaving Atlantis they're all going to die I S to use it as a weapon it overwhelmed us and led to our destruction so you're the reason for L is sinking love of my daughter is all I have left my burden well what about you people aren't you a king save my daughter did he just die like you know when the hand slips he's just died where are you going going after work that's crazy I didn't say it was the smart thing and how are you going to do that oh yeah they have like their fish transportations I'd love it when I win I have to say he's a great villain he's got a lot of gun any suggestions yeah don't get shot ah I wasn't feeling that one and you have lightning oh I don't want heart to die lightting alone that's it unless someone wants to jump ladies first you're such a [ __ ] I honestly I I I have to respect it [Music] right wait did just [Music] die that was funny how have you survived that I'm sorry that's like a th000 foot drop and you've not even been concussed plot armor we know she's surviving now a sh oh lightning B his ass whoa what what the [ __ ] thank you K Milo I want you all to myself is this about to eat sh do you have to sacrifice Kea to stop it she she better not sacrifice herself I would rather they all die then just K up what is happening [Music] this movie is stunning please tell me this movie did not [Music] flop okay she's like wait I thought she had to remain the power source though so this city still thrives and everyone survives my I mean I mean a Hook's cute I know no no you don't need kiss that that was too forward thinking hog hog I only wish there was more we could do for you I think we're good let's get one last shot in front of the fish say what happened to Helga yeah we lost her when a flaming zein come down on it wait what happened to Helga did she get burned alive by a volcano Dear Mr Whitmore I hope this piece of proof is enough for you oh so Mr Whitmore was a good guy all along I hate that I was wrong I'm telling you West Whitmore killed his Grandpa I'm really pulling at straws here aren't I I knew I knew he was going to stay here I mean I would to purely for Kea I know he's basically he's basically a king now though this man went from working in the Boiler Room to becoming Royal Blood well that was thoroughly enjoyable I have to say this movie was hilarious it had no right being this funny and it was so hot thank you so much for watching BR let me know if down below check out my socials and patreon I will see you all next time goodbye
Channel: Welchy
Views: 25,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disney, reaction, tanlged, atlantis reaction, milo, kida, disney notsalgia, first time watching, chel, video, sharing, camera phone, video phone, free, upload
Id: j35VEbfBqZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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