ranking every barbie movie ken from trash to marriage material

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hello everyone my name is caitlin welcome back to my channel so it's been a hot minute since i've done a barbie movie related video but we're going to be talking about ken today which is great i know you guys want me to talk about the songs and rank them all but i just don't want to do that but instead we're going to be talking about the ken characters from the film so we're gonna be ranking them from worst to best in my own personal opinion obviously there's more barbie movies than there are number of ken's because he doesn't appear in every movie and sometimes it's like the same character in multiple movies if you get what i mean so there's 23 in total i'm excited to talk about them i actually don't have much to preface this time so yeah with all that being said let's just jump right into it you know pastries and fried corn chips are a key staple to the ninja diet helps them keep a key in mind and a cool hand oh i guess you should eat up then so number 23 we have kevin from the barbie diaries and if you haven't seen this movie in a while you might be thinking like oh why is he last like he's a fine guy you know he's the best friends to lovers trope he loves movies he has a good sense of humor he writes her those like secret admirer notes which is really cute and all of that is fine but i just personally can't get past the fact that i feel like this guy is a little bit of a creep like he says a few things in this movie that just really did not sit well with me and i feel like me explaining it just wouldn't do it justice so i'll just play them for you now i was shooting cheerleader practice and look what wandered into my shot why were you shooting cheerleader practice kevin uh look do you want to see the footage or not sweet girl hug i so picked the right time to come in girl hug with kevin no had to try and while yes that is only a few of his lines in like an hour or so long movie now just like every time i think of him that's all i think of and it just makes me feel like he he also like just looks kind of odd like i feel like the animation in this movie just did not do him justice and so that's kevin i feel like in my own personal opinion he definitely earned this spot on the list and so let's move on to number 22. princess looks like everybody who's anybody is here tonight any chance super sparkle will show up why do you need to be rescued not that i know of up next we've got wes rivers from princess power and to be honest we don't really see much of him in this movie so it's kind of hard for me to talk like in depth about him but on the surface i like him he's a reporter which is cute and i like his glasses and he was smart enough to figure out that what's her face was super sparkle but then he goes on to expose her identity and so that wasn't cool i get it that was part of his job he was just doing what he was supposed to do um but a true love interest would never i guess like to be honest i also don't know if he actually was supposed to be her love interest in this movie or not but either way he exposes her identity which i just cannot forgive and so that's west river is at number 22. wow are you all right your highness did you break anything i mean besides my spleen next is prince liam from princess and the pop star please don't come for me prince liam stands if you're upset about this placement i honestly just felt like he was not in this movie long enough for me to like develop any sort of thoughts or opinions on him i feel like he has a total of like probably five minutes of screen time in this entire film and in the time in which he's on screen he doesn't really do that much and don't get me wrong i feel like on the surface he seems nice like he's got this sort of like dorky but cute vibe to him but like overall i feel like i just don't know this man i mean he could be walking down the street and i wouldn't know a thing and so i'm sorry to this man um let's move on to the next one is it okay i'll find out she's from the boggs of the hinterlands and she's been cursed by an exiled fairy witch at number 20 we have linden from magic of the rainbow and if you forgot about this man that is okay i do not blame you he's a fairy which is cool and you can also talk to animals which i like but overall i just feel like he's kind of a boring character and i just i don't know i don't really like the look of him either and so it's a no from me sorry lyndon but i'm sure you're a great guy um but yeah that's all i have to say about you so let's move on [Music] i can't seem to make heads or tales of this map dolphin [Music] next we have prince delfin from pearl princess and he's a merman in case you missed that and so he's got that going for him which is cool and he's a prince but he's also humble about it like when he gets told to bring in those boxes into the salon he doesn't even hesitate and he just goes along with it but like overall similarly to prince liam i just don't know enough about this man to rank him any higher than this and so that's prince delphin um and that's why he's kind of on the lower end of the list hey that's for leaving without a goodbye i'm so sorry that was meant for me i feel for you all right so we've got jeremy and ian at number 18 and i apologize to the diamond castle stands for having them this low but i also feel like even the diamond castle stands will understand this placement i just personally feel like these boys were just so useless in this film and just didn't really do much like come on mattel just let the girls be gay it's not that hard they were also like a little bit misogynist like when they saw the girls performing for the first time they were like oh well they're not bad for girls and then they're also known for being players and not really being respectful towards women and so i'm just like no i don't like that i guess you could argue that they have some sort of character development because they do come back and like help the girls save the day and whatnot but overall i just personally feel like they still weren't that necessary the only thing i will give them is that they can sing on the fly and play the guitar pretty impressively and so that definitely gets them some bonus points in my books and they are kind of just like a meme like the fact that i can't even rank them separately is kind of hilarious to me like they're basically an entity all on their own um and so yeah that's jeremy and ian i'm probably also a little bit biased just because i like this movie so much and so that's probably why they are even higher up than maybe they should be you really understand him yes don't you no all i hear is i don't sound anything like that next we've got antonio from island princess which might be a bit surprising to some of you because he does have a lot of pros to him as a person but for me personally i just feel like his cons just heavily outweigh his prose but i guess we can go over what's good about him first before we talk about what i don't like about him so first of all his voice i mean the boy can sing and he knows it he's also a world traveler and he loves the outdoors he's an optimist he's also great with his little sisters which i like but all this just comes crashing down when you look at his taste in women and don't get me wrong i have nothing against ro she's great but the dude just immediately gets smitten by the girl that talks to alligators i don't know why but that is just a huge red flag for me and then i just feel like for the rest of this movie he is caught in this like manic pixie dream girl haze and i just like can't stand the guy he just becomes super whiny doesn't care about his kingdom or his people anymore and he just wants to like wander around outside with this island girl like annelise would never i will say though i did like how eager he was to giving the crown to his sisters i think that that was really cool but overall i just don't like the guy i also don't really like the look of him i feel like he looks kind of boring looking if that makes sense and just yeah he's not my cup of tea and i feel like just like with diamond castle if i didn't have such a bias towards this movie he could have been even lower on this list and so that is antonio let's move on to the next boy whoa cool for you huh not just you all of you which obviously includes you at number 16 we've got laszlo from spy squad and i like this boy he's very smart and cute he finished school two years ahead of his class which i think is really cool he's like your typical cute but also like awkward and geeky guy which i really like and he's the one who comes up with like all the gadgets for the spy squad he also has a crush on teresa not barbie which i think is really refreshing and also when the time came he helped save the day and so that's a winner in my books and so i guess this means we're on to like the boys that i actually like now and so that's fun on to number 15. sorry i'm late oh no i'm so sorry it's okay no it's not next we have nicholas from princess charm school and he's probably a lot higher than he should be just because we also like don't really see that much of him in this movie he's only in like two scenes i think in this entire movie but you know what those two scenes were some pretty good scenes he's cute he's royalty he can dance and he's got a good sense of humor and so that's a win in my books good job nicholas keep it up on to the next boy hello locust teller fluvia tillis glorious day isn't it all right so next up we've got louie from the three musketeers and i have sort of like a love-hate relationship with this man so i'm very curious to find out like what you guys think about him in the comments down below because i feel like he's kind of boring looking which is a con but then he's also an inventor which is a plus for me but then he said that girls can't be musketeers but then our girl corrine puts him in his place and then by the end of the movie he makes them all musketeers and so i guess that that's character development it's hard because i feel like we don't really see enough of him in this movie to really feel like he has changed but like on the surface i feel like he's a fine lad and so mid-tier sounds good to me so what are you afraid of come and get me i'm right here next we have daniel from swan lake and believe it or not he's actually another one that i'm sort of on the fence about so for the pros he wants to see the world and explore he can dance which is a very big bro and i also like his fashion sense like i like the blue ensemble he wears to the ball but then we got the cons so he's a very stubborn boy i would like to give you an example as to why he is a very stubborn boy uh but i did not write one down so just take my word for it and that apparently he's stubborn he's also a hunter which is like just a very personal con for me but like to each their own and then lastly which is probably like the nail in the coffin for me is that he just rushes into things way too quickly he meets odette they share a wonderful evening together and then he invites her to the ball and then the next time he sees her at the ball he immediately proposes and i get it times were different back then and he was under a lot of pressure from his mom but like a lot of the princes in the earlier movies were also under the same pressures and came to like very quick proposals but daniels was definitely the quickest he saw a pretty girl who turns into a swan and was like yes that's the one that's the girl i will marry um also his proposal was so lackluster i mean like daniel come on you can do so much better than that but overall i do think that this boy has a good heart and when the time comes he does fight for odette even though he might not know her that well and so that's daniel and that's why he is number 13. next up we have our first rendition of ken as ken himself in the barbie movies and so that is ken from a fashion fairy tale and a fairy secret now i personally feel like this is a very gracious ranking for him because although he was in two movies and did have a lot of screen time throughout those two movies i still feel like we didn't really get to know his character that well and so then my mind goes to like what i think that this ken character is supposed to be and then that just makes me think of like the jock guy from a cinderella story and just that whole like jock archetype sort of character is just not really my thing like i just don't think it's interesting enough but that being said i feel like in terms of the two movies that he is in and from what we see of him i mean what's not to like like he seems like a pretty chill guy his determination in fashion fairy tale to do this grand gesture for her is really sweet and how he travels like across the world for her even though things keep going wrong and also he can change a tire and so i feel like that's a pretty good quality to have and then a fairy secret he's got a good sense of humor and can do some pretty sick dance moves as well and so that's ken i wish we could have gotten to see a bit more depth to him but that was not the case and so he's number 12. you guys were amazing well of course we weren't going all out saving something for the show tonight that's why those positions were so sloppy right dylan sloppy so i know this is 100 my bias talking by having this boy be this high up on this list but at number 11 we have dylan from pink's shoes if you didn't already know this character is voiced by brad dyer and i would just be lying if i didn't say that that has heavily influenced my decision making here because to be honest we didn't really see much of dylan in this movie when he is himself because he is also the prince from swan lake when they're in their like ballet realm but in terms of like dylan himself he's really only in the beginning and end of this film but from what we did see of dylan i just loved him he seems like such a nice guy he's a great dancer he's friends with barbie's character they go out for tacos in the end and i feel like i trust christian's judgment if she's besties with him then he must be a good guy i feel like there's just something about him where i'm like he seems so nice and i want to be friends with him and then maybe marry him um so yeah that's dylan i was very very close to having him in the top ten and then i was like i gotta calm down like i barely know this guy and so i'll have him at number 11 instead and so that's dylan that's why he's number 11. let's move on to the top 10. you know what i say to myself on days like today what do you say i say prince nalu you've got it good so number 10 we have nalu from the fairytopia series and i feel like this merman is just a very complex guy in the first movie i feel like he was kind of rude like he yelled at hugh for flying too close to him and he just gave off this very like entitled prince sort of vibe he does end up helping out alina in that movie but it's hard to get a good read on him when he really was only in one scene but then in the next movie we end up seeing a lot more of him after he gets captured by the fun guy and we also get to see his more like clever side when he ends up taking them to the carousel of confusion and we get one of the best scenes from any bard movie ever with the lefting left to rooney like we have nalu to thank for that masterpiece of a scene and also in marmada we get to see how much he cares for his kingdom and his people and we also find out that he's in love with his bestie which i just think is so sweet and so that's prince nalu i feel like he might come across as being a bit rough on the surface but like he comes around in the end and so i like that about him um and that's why he's number 10. but did you find the girl ah no sign of her you hide us if she did go in there she must be uh well i hope you're wrong go now please help yourself to food and drink all right next we have prince stefan from rapunzel and i have quite a bit of notes on this man and so prepare yourself i actually don't think i wrote anything negative about him and so i feel like that says a lot um oh actually wait no there is something i said that he doesn't question things which is concerning and i feel like this was in regards to him like just seeing her appear out of nowhere but then it's also like to be fair we don't 100 know that he was seeing her appear out of nowhere in the park so i'll let that slide but i guess other than that i love this guy i love how much he cares about his family i just felt like seeing him take care of his little sisters was just adorable their first meeting is literally him saving her which is just perfection he helps rapunzel find the maker of her brush without question me is also open to change she doesn't like the fact that these two kingdoms are feuding and he wants to make a difference in that which i admire oh i did also write down that i thought that he was kind of dumb which i guess is another negative thing but this is just in reference to him not realizing that gothel was posing as rapunzel but like i feel like the hair kind of complicates things and so i'll let that one slide as well i also wrote down that he's hot and so do with that what you will but overall i really like this guy i like how he kept his whole royal status a secret and just that whole plot line i thought was really cute as well he also does this little thing with this sword near the end of the movie that i liked very much and so that's print stuff on clearly this boy made an impression on me and i'm okay with that huh weird what's weird you mean the auto foot washer in the bathroom it's pretty cool once you find the right setting my feet have never been cleaner uh no not that next up is ken 2.0 and so this is the ken that's being used in the more recent barbie movies so like princess adventure and dolphin magic and i don't know if this is a bit of like a taboo thing for me to say as a part of like the barbie movie fan community but i love this boy i feel like he's great i love a good friends to lovers trope and i just honestly feel like what they're doing with this character right now is just 10 out of 10. i also love that they're neighbors and just overall he seems like such a nice guy and i really hope that one day we get to see this version of barbie and ken together in terms of like the movies and like some things about him that make him cool i guess um well in dolphin magic he's studying to be a marine biologist which is pretty great he also keeps her secret in prince's adventure and she doesn't even hesitate about telling him about her being princess amelia which i also think is really great and just yeah i feel like he really deserves barbie and so if they don't have them get together i'll be very upset and so that's ken that's why he's number eight and if you disagree with me that's okay we can think differently that's fine who is it it's me andreas [Music] andres what's going on i am so sorry i don't mean to startle you i am not who you think i am i am prince carlos and i need your help what you search over there it is the royal guard they're after me all right so prince carlos from mariposa so first of all he's a fairy um i haven't really decided if that's a good or bad thing but i'm leaning more towards good because he can fly so that's pretty cool he's also got a very intense spanish accent like i know the actor who plays him isn't spanish and so it's very much fake but just like the way he says mariposa is just so good it gets me every time i also just love how passionate he is and how much he cares about his kingdom and his people he is a little bit too trusting like he gets mariposa to help him save his mom and the kingdom after they've met literally once but i mean i guess he's got good instinct because she did save the day so that was good he's also pretty smart like he figures out a way to escape from his like makeshift bedroom jail cell pretty quickly and then he also becomes this like detective sort of near the end of the film but honestly what had me sold on carlos was his love for reading i just love how passionate he was about it and i just find that whole thing to be very relatable and so that's prince carlos i wish they could have utilized him a bit better in the sequel but that's okay we still have the first movie which he's great in and i love and so yeah that's why he's number seven [Music] all volunteers report to their chambers at number six we have prince leo from starlight adventure and i know that that is a pretty high ranking for a somewhat newer barbie movie but i just love this movie and this character so much that i have no regrets so first of all he's a very relatable boy he loves to snack and sleep and i mean who doesn't really what more do you need i also just loved how great of a friend he was to barbie like she literally bashes royalty the first time they meet but he doesn't make her feel bad about it he just like laughs along with her which i think was so adorable and then the same scene he helps her feel validated after she's going through some imposter syndrome and then he also stands up for her after she gets cut from the team barbie also teaches them how to dance which is adorable and you can also sing and play the guitar oh yeah and not to mention you can also fly spaceships like that's just wicked i love this guy so much and then also to add on top of that he's also got a great sense of humor and very pretty eyes and so that's leo i love this guy and if you haven't seen starlight adventure highly recommend watching it do it for leo you know he deserves the watch yeah i'm sure you're wondering why i disguised myself as a page i wanted to meet you without all this this ceremony to get to know the real you the real me so we've got our first king of the list with dominic from princess and the popper or i guess some of the other princes would also count as kings because they like become kings by the end of the film but nonetheless it's dominic's turn to shine i'm sure this comes to nobody's surprise that i would have this man be this high up because i love him and his movie very much even though i feel like he doesn't get as much screen time as the other ken who is also in this movie i still feel like every time he is on the screen it's a great time first of all he's a master of disguise but he's also honest about it like he comes clean right away and doesn't want to hide it from her which i just love and also just the fact that he wanted to get to know her in a more like natural way first i just think is great as well and i mean i would be lying if i didn't say that his singing voice definitely plays a huge factor in his attractiveness like if you love me for me is just such a beautiful song and he just crushes it and then he's just genuinely such a good guy like it's no surprise that erica falls for him so quickly because like i would too like i don't blame the girl and if all that wasn't enough he really comes through in the end of the movie with saving erica even though she lied to him and then he also ends up helping julian stop premature as well and then also the fact that he waits for erica after she goes and lives her dream and then they get married after i just feel like princess and the popper did their love interest so well and i feel like dominic is just such a great example of that and so that's why he's number five even as a nutcracker you're a thorn in my side and a thorn to you i shall remain so number four is prince eric from the nutcracker and i don't know if this is like weird to say but like this boy's hot like even when he's in his nutcracker form like i date him i understand he's cute i like him a lot i feel like this was partly due to all of the fighting scenes he had as the nutcracker and just how witty he was in those moments but also the fact that he has this like tragic backstory with like his dad dying and then not just like being left alone with that but then also you've got this like evil rat who takes over the kingdom and turns you into a nutcracker like that is a lot and then how he's misunderstood by his people but he still cares so much for them and is still fighting to stop the rat king and get his rifle placed back on the throne he just seems like he has such a good heart and then all of his conversations with clara are just so sweet and then not to mention he can dance as well i gotta be honest i was not expecting eric to be this high up on the list but after i went back and rewatched his scenes i just found a new love for him and so that's why he's this high up and i have no regrets i very much so stand by this placement because i love him very much anything for me are you kidding he burned the midnight oil for you that that'll do felix he's just a bird okay so i have to admit that i did go back and forth a few times between number two and number three but i ultimately decided on having derek at number three which i think i stand by but also i don't know i may change your mind in the future who's to say but in the meantime we have derek from the 12 dancing princesses at number three and i feel like i might have said some negative things about derek in the past and so i want to take the time now to take all that back actually wait no i feel like the only negative thing i've said about him before is that i didn't want his doll which i think i still stand by but yeah feel free to correct me in the comments if i'm wrong about that but this boy is truly marriage material i don't think i wrote down a single negative thing about this man it is all positive and i'm gonna go through every single thing right now so first of all he gets on great with her family and he's great with her little sisters he's artistic in the fact that he makes shoes and i love that he's made this whole business for himself that's so successful to the point where he works for the royal family he has a pet bird that talks he plays the flute and he can dance the dude gives away his horse just to get genevieve's mother's cup back she also helps her save her dad as well and then of course the looks he gives her throughout this movie are just 10 out of 10 especially on their wedding day and so i just feel like genevieve won with this man and i am very happy for them and so that is derek and that is why he is number three perhaps i can help you look for her why don't you stick to your books school boy wouldn't that be fun lilac she never scented her stationery with lilac it was always rose so i of course had to have julian from the princess and the popper at number two on this list i feel like i cannot be the only one that still has a crush on this man to this day and if you want to know why allow me to explain first of all he's a teacher but not just any teacher he's a tutor for royalty who comes from humble beginnings so you know that he's worked hard to be where he is today just like with derek but this also means that he's got a brain which he uses to teach but he also uses it to conduct plans when evil plots are made against the crown and what can i say i just love a man with a plan also just every scene in which he challenges premature is just so good to me especially the one i used for this video and then there's also the fact that he's in love with his best friend even though he knows that she's out of reach like that moment and to be a princess where he sings to her portrait is just so precious which speaking of the dude can not only sing but also dance he's got some very sick moves and he's just such a multi-talented individual he's a little bit oblivious just in the fact that he doesn't know that annalise is in love with him but i feel like that could have also just been partly because of his own insecurities and just feeling like he is like so not on her level and then also just the fact that he does conduct this whole plan with erica i just feel like goes to show how much he did love and care for annalise and i just feel like this man needs to be protected at all costs i love julian and there really is only one person that could beat him so let's move on to number one which is perminger just kidding could you imagine though that would have been really funny um but i didn't do that so let's move on to the real number one sir the name's aiden i'm brieta and i guess you recognized my sister princess annika sister i can see the resemblance i don't see her who my bear cub let me guess your cousin at number one we have our resident barbie movie bad boy which is of course aiden from the magic of pegasus i think out of all of the leading men in the barbie movie cinematic universe aiden is the one with the most depth character development and just personality overall like he wins hands down there is no competition so let's start from the very beginning when they first meet he's got the banter he's got the sass and he's the first and i think only barbie movie leading man to actually like question the magic when it comes about and i just like love the way he does it like he does it in a sort of cheeky way which is great and then there's also the fact that right when he meets her he acts like he doesn't care about her and thinks that she's crazy but doesn't even think twice in going and helping her and so it just shows that he has like a good heart underneath his like rough exterior and then this leads us to his wonderful backstory in which we find out that he like had this gambling problem and he made this big mistake and lost all of his family's money and so now he's like in hiding because he's so ashamed about it but then he also takes the risk in helping annika in hopes that he can make that right just again proving how good of a heart he has and i also just love how he's got this like artistic side to him with like his blacksmith work and this sword that he's made but then also just how willing he is to give that sword up numerous times in this movie just to help annika and then he also develops a great friendship with brieta throughout this movie and then not only can he ice skate but he's like incredible at it like are you kidding me oh yeah and then not to mention you can also read agent writing apparently which is pretty wicked but i think his character really comes together in the end of the film when he comes back and goes crazy trying to save annika showing his true feelings for her and then goes on to fight wenlock's giant bird thing and then sacrifices his gem for her i just felt like the ending was just the cherry on top in terms of his character development and so yeah aiden definitely wins in all departments as far as i'm concerned especially character arc and so that is why he is my favorite barbie movie character played by ken what can i say i'm a sucker for a bad boy with a good heart and so that's aiden that is my number one barbie movie character played by ken who i would love to marry um but i want to know who your favorite ken character was from the barbie movies don't forget let me know in the comments down below can we read all about it anyways cara tots that's always safer today i hope you'll have a wonderful day and i'll talk to you very very soon
Channel: caitlin mckillop
Views: 1,810,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Oy31I5vZbl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 49sec (1489 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 16 2022
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