OUR DRAWINGS - The Absolute Worst Animated Movie Ever Made

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so earlier on Twitter this week I saw a clip from an animated movie and it involved a dog running in circles in beatboxing and I was like we have to do a video on this yeah let's get into it I guess I have a supernatural pencil that allows me to draw characters and worlds onto a sheet of paper this woman can draw why is there a narrator is this a meta ad like what the is going on anyway in this world world she is able to role play as anything a celebrity Soldier I can role play as anything I want to slaughter civilians in war one day we all went on a quest we who's who was talking I will destroy you pig fter you will not win this battle I'll teach you a lesson watch this what the fu why is you drop titties it's got to be booby oh no it's oh he's holding swords and I I this is this is a roar Shack test like what do you see here er's titties titties I see boobs what the fu why isn't this drawing coming to life it's because your drawing isn't good enough for the magic to work you're that that's the voice coming out of that body I'm like 99% sure you were dropped on your head multiple times as a baby was is so yeah this is funny why is he about to kill a dog wa psych fortnite skin what how the hell she oh oh no you your FY hand for my presence I don't believe in premarital handholding neither do I then how do you shake hands with someone kiss him granting her access to go inside of her drawings I thought we already established this as well as inside of her book what if we get a different narrator to say the same thing wa Rainbow Road mamoto copyrights this this is so cool the am dude this is what my dreams look like when I stop smoking weed yes let's reuse the shot the third time well I got news for you you're not the only artist all three of us can actually draw Ally Ally is this AI is this real I just don't understand the voice acting the notorious animator girl we've been knowing how to draw me when I've been knowing how to draw boxing puppy huh he just enters the scene like that what a badass dog I wish I could meet him going how the [ __ ] did we get here just give it a second the I'm the a jig Mafia be that's cool as hell what a payoff let's all drink to this glorious day where a damn animal can talk I'm here for a good time not a long time that guy's already dead just like him many others were struggling to make 's meet in such a Cutthroat economy wow this movie just got financial crisis well Freak Me pillow Foster is a tracer what's tracing there's Lord of this universe what's a tracer bro tracing the layers of her own sister she transformed herself oh so okay and people ask for water cups but fill it with soda personally I fill my water cup with lemonade that way the employees think it's just water that's a smart guy what was that what was that we're paid but that's okay what is this pain I feel burn out well there that's the pain it's burnout and why is it okay that they're under [Music] pain we both hit that we're all going to the real physical world you all be what the hell utilizing artificial intelligence what so you were a spy this whole time an AI art spy this plot's kind of sick not going to lie it's similar to Percy Jackson too with the cut to blacks AI will never replace Human Art what's good to know that this isn't AI then that was sick oh oh drawing that was [Music] filthy oh in news flash anyone can draw it just matters if you suck or not baby we're all tracers shut the fluff up there is no human being on this this this isn't real right this is does anyone realize I'm a talking Rock oh that's what he is okay he answered my question oh my gosh don't hit women oh my God to be fair art how do we just cut away from that an injury shifted the trajectory of Paige's life but that her future in sports would now be shaky just draw your problems away You're A tracer and one night when she went to sleep what the [ __ ] is happening haven't we got this her intro three different times now oh God this is going to be a fever dream isn't [Music] it that's what I would do I'd pet it you're only supposed to pet it after it beat boxes no you got to wind it up by pting it is this train spotting it looks real wa incredible where are we stickman in 3D oh this is going to be sick oh s me fighting the UR have an ice cream sandwich no keto diet this beat kind of goes kind of went the beat bux and dog need to step the [ __ ] up Mist was an unknown drawing who had snuck into her world that's cool dude the Lord of this is so sick he's got to be AI right yeah but you got to help us is there anything else you guys need I need d look we are lost in this world and we need help to get out of this mess please I think you need speech lessons wouldn't is that a [ __ ] tooth marshmallow I will produce the most epic music to motivate you all for this [Music] battle are we supposed to laugh at that if you see a man in Black Rob do not engage I repeat do not engage find shelter immediately away from the icy shoes Mountain it's funny cuz the animation isn't even that bad it's the voice sound effects behold the power of the first artist the first [ __ ] no more Stickman why did you draw up this world World filled with war and violence what a [ __ ] [ __ ] wait so they just saw like 100 people die and they're like let's go to the next Village let's go to the Christmas Village how many bridges are in this [ __ ] movie I don't know bro PewDiePie can never watch this movie where the hell is the beatboxing puppy [Music] bro you two look exactly alike will you shut the fluff up shut up now will you shut the fluff up idiot what's your problem huh can't you see I'm the most pleasing creature in all the land hey yo sup no much just watching this movie with my pal dude we dude can we watch a Hallmark movie we're so far in no we are not he's about to be I just don't understand why there's so much pain in the real World loneliness divorce just throw divorce in there just I'm assuming her parents got divorced yeah no [ __ ] she's an artist that's my I'm just analyzing this movie yeah this movie gives us the puzzle pieces but we got to put it together like a puzzle I can't even get my own family to support my career my legs weren't working for years of my life I was stuck indoors lonely what do you mean what happened to the legs what happened to a wheelchair oh when your parents get divorce you they break your legs and your heart I just hope you realize that life is a test page and I'm not the only drawing well what does he mean by that she Drew multiple drawings so she does know that she just need to draw herself some new legs bro what what she thinking so why don't you draw me up some treats to eat preferably a buffet so my Widow tummy wummy won't growl sadly I were a person sorry the person said that out loud get back to Beatboxing you [ __ ] puppy fluffing puppy shut the fu up we don't work for free puppy who's shotty where is she going I have a story that will help this guy needs to get the fluff out of here bro have you ever put ice cubes on your shoes it would change your life [Music] an ancient world calling out to me I do not wish it kind of goes actually it kind of goes I was pissed off when I heard the song your life but this little background DoodleBob thing we need a tiny desk show beat boxing [Music] tracers what time did you arrive I passed earlier but oh brother now these two look let me tell you this is a serious business this is a very very serious business all right must be serious I hate this guy bro this is the worst character in the movie no that guy is you [ __ ] kidding me this is a Christopher Nolan movie bro Li they have pretty good like vocal layers though no one really cared about her but us drawings Paige Foster is not just a woman she's our princess you look a little lost bro I don't think you're understanding The Genius no one has ever had this much power in this world and we don't even know who he is that's the threat bro are you not scared for them everyone listening to my voice has seen the power of page but together let's turn that page into Pages you think they named her page just cuz that so is is she going to clone herself then I have no [ __ ] idea how they're going to try to end this dude going to be the [ __ ] dog peeing on a [ __ ] fire hydrant and then [ __ ] German boy is going to be like oh why are you pissing and then we're going to cut to Black moisty Paige I told you to stop saying that word it makes us all uncomfortable anyways I'm going to head out to seek power anyways I'm going to go head out to seek power power that's so valid bro I come seeking power you know I'm the first draw right I was the first character that paig created it is kind of funny how it's a stick figure all of our first drawings were stick figures art is hours hours of useless dialogue thank God we finally get you know it's sad when we're hyped for the music the pen it draws and oh we haven't seen him scene yet it ends no not missed oh it's already the final boss I've been watching you this entire time it's the B dude he had financial crisis and now he's a a world Destroyer this the art teacher I had people asking me to draw images of them for free as if my work was just some game so he's like we artists go through so much [ __ ] so I'm going to ruin your art I am a God I will left on red the outside world looks at you as a joke give me your art I hate when people don't pay me for my art I'm going to steal your art you know why everyone despises your generation why is she always walking away you take everything for Grant ranted we literally didn't we saw beatbox D and we rejoiced who are way too slow on the draw oh what did he the the hell is wrong with you wait he grew up I'm back and more powerful than ever he went back from seeking power any man who is willing to crush a puppy for sport doesn't deserve to exist in this world that's a good point you think mist is your friend he's just using you as a on now it's time you pay you're being manipulated but I'm going to kill you anyway it's time to put an end to the manipulation by ending you can you take me [Music] higher I hate when my mom does [Music] it we'll catch you after this commercial we're [Music] back get him get him no yes I'm just confused why this isn't like a drawing battle that yeah that'd be sick if they just stood there and just went that'd be more entertaining right yeah it'd be cooler you haven't grown at all Paige you selfishly keep your drawings to yourself what the [ __ ] do this may just turn it it's Interstellar now we went from Oppenheimer to Interstellar it's just a Christopher Nolan fan thingi listen woman I have more art degrees than you can even imagine oh Bro went to Art School multiple times you never went to college imagine this is all for extra credit in the art class yeah this is a student project they go around the no way we they keep going we''ve been say here for 10 minutes artists will be treated as kings and queens you're killing all the artists do something rest waters on my neck yeah please don't tell me you're going up there alone whatever you do do not bring more people especially the beatboxing [Music] puppy no no bbing puppy waa it's windy outside bbuing puppy hold on what are we looking at that's got to be a whale right big whale whale [ __ ] evil whale no that's obviously how whales sound I got you little guy he was saved just say the words I Surrender my art and this all goes away Paige please say it make this [ __ ] end make this end do hear me out what if this is only a part one art style 72 reversal of time whoa now my disguise has faded as a side effect of that forbidden magic you're so vulnerable your head is so cold my heart is now free I will spare you you have proven yourself to be an excellent student a human being you went on a 20-minute monologue of how you want to kill everyone I'm going to a place where time is but an illusion no now I must test those little kind words would travel till the end of time shut the fluff [Music] up I think it's over I mean it could have been a pretty good 20 minute movie but it was an hour it actually still would have been kind of bad such an impactful line are you from Ohio or something this part made me smile good job for real though it's probably they're probably a really young we're dealing with a toddler right here they've got to be wait six years ago I get really bored decided to create a family movie so here it is okay so this was 6 years ago like the animation itself was not like the animations of like especially the choreography yeah dude the fight scenes were kind of [ __ ] turn I'm not going to lie but it's the writing it's really that's all it is that's all it was utterly incomprehensible the music wasn't even bad beatbox and puppy Kobi will be linked in description feel free to watch out on your own time and form your own opinion but yeah smash a like U if you want to support us I'm patreon the uh cigar chocolate milk video is up if you want to watch us drink chocolate milk and smoke cigar that's a reference to the last video watch our last video we watch bottoms screw it I'll say it we're doing Pitch Perfect so if you like Pitch Perfect go to the patreon all right we're going to leave
Channel: Aaron and Jo
Views: 195,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aaron and Jo, react, comedy
Id: BLiZQkYx7Ms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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