A $10,000 Challenge For Funker-Tactical... (p.s. hOw dArE yOu)

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yeah up down funk you up now a few weeks ago gn from funker tactical sort of deceptively questioned a video in which i debunk a bunch of ridiculous knife defenses and in this video i'll be questioning his questioning video resulting in a nesting doll of questioning considerably less fun than a well-assembled sea shanty or whatever the hell this thing is now before i challenge gn and all funker tactical in a battle to the death i gotta point out that in the video series that gn has taken issue with i feature a lot of complete nonsense but i also do a pretty good job of proving the stuff that's not gonna work and showing you stuff that's likely to get you killed if you even try it so admittedly i'm uh confused when he asked the questions could their conclusions be false could they have observed these drills under a limited consideration well i observed them under the incredibly limited consideration of do they work or not but gn is after all the guy who pressure tested a knife attack against tim kennedy at the uh uh uh i sleep with a knife-shaped pillow con and arguably stabbed him right in the stomach so the very least i could do is calmly watch his video and interpret any constructive criticism that he might have he goes on to show a drill in which one participant will deflect a knife attack further clear the knife with his other hand and throw his own counter knife strike which the other guy then deflects and further clears throwing his own counter knife strike which results in a nice cyclical drill that i really like it's a great drill it actually reminds me a lot of a technique that i use in which i hook over the top of a knife attack further clear the arm and throw a counter cross their conclusions be false well i conclude that i like the first drill you've shown certainly much more than the bent wrist disarms that i proved don't work beyond all shadow of a doubt or the moves that require your opponent to mysteriously leave his arm extended while you fumble your way through some preposterous disarm or the massive over committal defenses that will leave you dead if they don't work for any reason that's the stuff that i spoke out against moves that don't work do they work or do they not and certainly question everything and that includes me oh i'm so glad you asked because gn goes on to feature a knife defense technique in which you are expected to deflect a knife slash with your hand and then with that same hand also reach over and control the guy's knife arm somehow before he naturally cuts that knife through and back to himself while also simultaneously disregarding the health and safety of your veins on the inside of your other arm so that between these two arms you can now catch that guy's knife slash in a russian tie at which point you can theoretically force the guy to the ground isolate his arm and then uh express your rage upon said arm with the full depths of your malice well i don't know about you but i smell some [ __ ] but uh just to make sure i didn't observe these drills under a limited consideration i would like to formally issue [Music] everybody challenge where you can win a ten thousand dollar cash prize just by hitting a technique on me one single time and you should subscribe to see how it turns out all right gn so the rules of the challenge are as follows i will give you a hundred slashes in a row normal intensity to try to catch in a russian i'll give you 100 overhand stabs to try to catch in a russian and i will give you a hundred underhanded stabs in a row to catch in a russian and if you can catch any one of those 300 knife attacks in a row in a russian i will give you ten thousand dollars okay please invite jared to be honest the guy from the seminar to come along hey bring out doug marketa as well if any of you guys can make this work on me i will give you ten thousand dollars i will obviously look like an idiot uh but the the very least you know one of us will make some very compelling video and it will kill look i'm willing to pay you just to take a chance at making your style better if you come out here and you can't hit this move one time out of a hundred attempts then the move's got a less than one percent success rate and you can get rid of it you can separate yourself from all the other snake oil salesmen out there and just stop teaching it stop teaching knife defenses that only work on the the laziest most misdirected knife slashes in the history of knife attacks or on stabs that look like a handicapped superhero trying to take flight [Music] don't you dare judge me for that joke that sketch was hilarious in the early 90s now if you don't show up that's fine i guess we're all busy people but you kind of have to ask yourself should you really be telling people to risk their lives on these techniques if you won't even risk a little public embarrassment just for the sake of proving that your moves work for the sake of making your style better or for the sake of making that sweet sweet 10 000 bucks that choice is yours and i will certainly understand either way but what i won't understand is how the grand conclusion of your video criticizing my video is that flow drills are not simulations of knife attacks so when gn provocatively asks could their conclusions be false this is his entire case we're supposed to just ignore the idiocy that puts us at risk because it's just a flow drill it's just a drill bro the drills don't have to look like a knife attack because they're just there to help you build your hand-eye coordination and your footwork and then later we can add variation and intensity and unpredictability but what is the purpose of a drill that builds a movement that does not work right now gn is hiding behind flow drills as a way to avoid looking at the epidemic of stupidity pervading his own martial art and yeah i know it hurts buddy but you already know in your heart you can't just take some [ __ ] and throw it into a flow drill it's magically expected to not be [ __ ] anymore and while i hate to go back to this i i have to be perfectly clear it doesn't matter if it's a flow drill if every single move with this fantasy knife stripping montage doesn't work i mean you guys are aware that wrists bend right what do i have to do to make this knife pop out without slashing my own arm open i i feel like i've taken crazy pills oh wait i see i'm supposed to just open my hand for no reason whatsoever and i don't even know what's more frustrating the percentage of your techniques that don't work or the fact that your argument is raised to make it seem like i have a problem with flow drills what dude here's the drill that we use to build the hook clear and cross it looks literally nothing like a knife attack actually less like a knife attack than the one that you guys use but it's still a great drill so please release me from the straw man argument that you made up at my expense specifically to target anybody who might be searching for the first sentence of my video in a google search bar the world of knife defense is packed with the dumbest techniques in all of martial arts how dare you gin i don't know what you're doing here but i don't like it which is a shame because i do like you and i like funker tactical jared wihongi is a highly capable warrior the modern maori if you will doug marcedo with a knife in his hand is legitimately scary and you yourself are a passionate teacher i can see how excited you get when you learn something new and by my estimation your goal is to go out there and interact with as many people who have experience and combatives as possible and then report all of their moves back to your students which is a good intention but there's a problem with more more more more and more more is not necessarily better especially not in knife defense it's a zero-sum game if you miss once you could die so there's just no room for more more more low percentage techniques and that's exactly why i subscribed to the philosophy of i fear not the man who has practiced 10 000 kicks once but i fear the man who has practiced one kick 10 000 times for example i don't know what the hell they're putting in alpha brain these days but i'm pretty sure joe rogan would fold the majority of people trying to stab him with this one spinning back kick one kick 10 000 times so let's tighten it up a bit give us your best moves what are the best you got for the top five most common knife attacks which are number one the grab number two the stamp number three the overhand stamp number four the slash number five the backhanded slash what are your best defenses for those moves well arguably that could be five different techniques and now we gotta practice those ten thousand times okay well what's your second best move so we can have a fallback or so we can have a little variety arguably now that's ten different moves that we now have to do ten thousand times that's a hundred thousand reps and that's not easy okay there's no time to be sorting through the bull so if your best defense is to just knock the guy's knife slash out of the air and blast him in the face and your second best is to fall back and blast dude in the solar plexus well what the [ __ ] are we messing around with the russian for especially if it may or may not even work one percent of the time or if it only works against people who behave in completely ridiculous ways all right so take your 10 best defenses slap them in a box throw a price tag on it and we would all happily buy it if it meant that we could finally stop sifting through the [ __ ] there's just no time for the bullsh dude my brain just can't handle another random dude in cargo pants with a funny accent just for the sake of more moves more views more content it's enough it's enough give us your best and i will consider it to be your redemption that's all i have gm hopefully see you soon buddy everybody else feel free to subscribe for updates and for additional videos and hey if you want a knife defense style that's completely devoid of bullsh well i made one for you and i'll put a link around here somewhere for you to check it out that's all i have have a fantastic day you
Channel: FightSmartTrav
Views: 34,630
Rating: 4.9477563 out of 5
Keywords: how to fight, how to fight and win, how to win a fight, how to punch, how to kick, how to throw a knockout punch, how to self defense, how to win a street fight, how to win every fight
Id: IG6FRMqcdt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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