Best Fight Strategy - Self Defense Tactics and Tips - Win Fights Easily and DONT GET ARRESTED

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hair out yes at the end of the day I'm here to teach you how to win fights and this is the most comprehensive fight strategy video you'll probably ever see see this one actually takes into consideration the legal system now we have two goals in this video one is to win the fight quickly with a knockout and two is to do so without any legal consequences even if you win the fight but you end up in a squad car before the end of the day you're losing having to be teaching too much kindergarten with a history of punching people in the face on your record step one when someone gets in your face like this what you don't want to do is push him because number one that's a assault you can get arrested just for that another thing I push break he ends up pushing me back and then I push him and then he pushes me back and we end up in this douchebag match which basically makes us look like the biggest [ __ ] in the world to anyone who's watching because it looks like two guys who don't want to fight they just want to sit there and shove each other step one in this technique Greg gets in my face he's talking all types of [ __ ] I'm going to put my hand on his chest I'm going to push myself back I'm going to repeat that move yourself not the other guy it keeps the situation from escalating while setting up your game plan the moment that you push him he's going to spring to alertness and his guard will no longer be down the next thing that you want to do is you want to start getting the attention of the people around you number one they're going to be your witnesses when the cops come and pick this dude's ass up off the ground so you want to make sure that they're aware it was a self defense scenario so I'm going to say something along the lines of you know Greg comes in me I would be like you know don't approach me again if you do I'm going to hit you or even better than that Greg approaches me I'm going to say I'm starting to feel really threatened if you come close enough again I'm going to hit you that's incredibly important because it makes it everyone aware of the fact that it is a self defense situation and that you feel threatened now I also frequently recommend backing up twice so you push the guy away once he's probably going to come back at you you push him away twice because number one that looks great if any video cameras happen to be watching and it's going to give you one more moment to get ready and execute the technique you're about to learn okay the next thing we need to do is glass this idiot in the face twice and with two big power strikes now we're going to lead off with a big right hand I wouldn't always tell you to come with a big right hand but in this case the guy doesn't even necessarily know you're fighting yet so we're going to fire in driving off the back leg with a right straight left hook now the most important part of this is to go out the guy at a 45 degree angle so without even throwing a punch if I come in at Gregg Wham I'm moving slightly this way the reason for that is it great happens to throw a punch at me at the same exact time while I move off on this angle what he misses and I can still spin from my hook so I end up with incredibly powerful entry and it's also simultaneously an incredibly safe entry which makes it sweet I have more about that concept in my angles of attack video which is also free on my website now the next thing I want to point out is that you want to aim for the chin twice and you want to make these punches as fast as possible boom boom causing two really quick concussions to his brain so there's two ways that I'll typically encourage people to do the footwork on this most times I will have people throw the right Street on the right foot step one two and then if you're in close enough hope you just pivot the left foot so that's a being two steps and a pivot left right left pivot the other way that I typically encourage people to do this is almost like the fade or combination right step and I throw my right cross in my left foot and then I jump in it for the left hook I'll leave it up to you either way it's going to be massively badass and it's gonna be safe as long as you walk on that angle so look it is blasted this dude in the face twice and with two big-ass power shots probably in a public place so now you really got to take care of the legal issue and we're going to do that with some crowd influence so it doesn't matter who's sod or what the hell happened go to the nearest part of the crop you know do did you happen to see who that guy would not back off that was ridiculous I told you asteroid what the hell man I saw dude the guy was throwing to me was I'm sorry gonna kill you you snuff the dude out you get people involved you get him on your side like yo I was threatened did you see that I didn't have a choice and then all of a sudden the witness stories when the police come just tend to be skewed a little bit in your direction and that's how you don't go down for the assault charge that you just incurred upon yourself whether or not the guy deserved it or not alright so knock out check no jail time check now you just need to work on it a couple of times now in order to practice this thing so that you'll actually fire it when you're in the situation instead of potentially freezing or having any number of things go wrong you want to practice the entire sequence you want to give the guy two chances and at the end of the second chance you're going to fire this combination because that's what you trained yourself to do I pushed myself back he comes in I push myself back as soon as he moves oh you can also do the same thing on a heavy bag it's not going to be quite as interactive but hey you're going to use your imagination sometimes the only other thing that you can do to continually make this thing more and more badass is build your combination so instead of just throwing a right straight left hook you can throw a small sequence of vicious strikes that you've tied together and trained a number of times a very simple yet powerful addition might be a side clinch with a right knee so for example I slide it on Greg fat rip the hook reach out to the side clinch right his couple of our shoulders back and I drill a knee into his body so a little bit faster that ends up being oh and I crack him right in the solar plexus with my knee right straight left hook and right roundhouse also works you could take that up to his dome you could do whatever you want as long as you're practicing as long as it works I also highly recommend you check out my free website in which I teach you how to add insane power to your strikes other bits of savageness and even brutal techniques that you can add to this very combination so look at how to play now calm and post this on the Facebook wall somebody you think is a little [ __ ] and telling me needs a little help on how to be a man yeah you
Channel: FightSmartTrav
Views: 1,581,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best fight strategy, self defense tactics, self defense tips, self defense tricks, fighting strategies, strategies for fighting, best fighting strategies, Tactic, Fights, Strategy (Award Discipline), Tips, Self, Tutorial, Tricks, FightSmartTrav
Id: Ud2yo_sAQbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 59sec (419 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 02 2013
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