How To Dodge Punches - Trav's Head Movement Training - Learn How To Slip a Punch and Counter Punch

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yeah yes I don't like getting punched in the head I don't even really like getting punched in the arms or at all for that matter which is something that some of you might know I can pull off from time to time now if you learn some simple techniques you don't have to get punched in the face either so I'm gonna teach you one my favorite way to deal with a straight punch and it's called the slip or sometimes I refer to it as the straight slip either way the first thing that you need to know in a straight slip is a movement called the shoulder pop the shoulder pop so look this is a movement that I use for the most part just to load up a punch so for example if my left shoulder is in front my right shoulder is in the back I want to put my left shoulder in the back in order to get some power now I can unwind with that shoulder so the shoulder pop is the movement that basically does that I'm just like dipping into something so I can fire punch from the other side now the reason why this is important to reference is because a slip is like a shoulder pop but you are actually move in and you move your head a little bit deeper not much deeper but you have to move it a little bit more because it's not like you're just loading up a punch you know you want to be making the guy I miss so the head movement has to be a little bit more significant and usually I want you to be encroaching at the same exact time so that you can slip and counter punch from the left side imagine that somebody's head is right here and you're trying to smack his head 45 degrees down to the ground that's the type of violent action that I want you to have with your shoulder when you're thinking about a shoulder pop a slip is going to be the same thing just a little deeper okay so the shoulder pop loads up a punch a little bit smaller than a slip now you know that and now you can move on to the slip lesson now let's go back in time to a lesson I filmed maybe two or three years ago that it still holds a lot of value today so just like in the shoulder pop we're going to kind of crunch this app take this shoulder 45 degrees now the whole point of slipping is to just move to make him miss his punch so tom holds his arm out I need to make this punch miss who I said instead that much I want you to imagine a fist and now I want you to imagine the point where this fist would actually make contact with my face it's interesting to note that I barely have to move my head in order to make this punch miss entirely maybe six inches of movement in either direction and that punch would never come in contact with me at all let's examine this a little further so watch my boy case he tries to punch me in the face and please note he is actually trying to throw his fist into my face what I'm going to do is execute a simple movement known as a slip or I move very little I don't freak out and because I remain calm execute this movement he misses and every single time he's also slightly off-balance and counterpunch of all you might be saying to yourself that we're cheating and then I always know Casey's going to throw a right street and every time he throws a right straight I moved my head slipping this way but I want you to realize that if he throws a left straight it doesn't matter right sure he doesn't matter no matter what he throws as long as I move my head six inches that way in the middle of the slip he's going to this so I'd like to point out that making somebody miss repeatedly is a pretty terrible strategy in fact I recommend that you program yourself to counterpunch immediately after you slip and make somebody miss so Casey doesn't get a second chance throw a punch of me so he throws a punch of my face I slip I throw massive hook to his head and that ends it right there now before we continue now seems like an excellent time to click the like button below this video it might be over there I don't know where it is and subscribe while you're at it now the main difference between a shoulder pump and a slip is just the fact that I need to get close to this guy during my slip and if shoulder pop is very abrupt it's just for a little extra power and your punch in this case with a slip I need to actually make sure my head misses and I need to get close to him so this is no length of Tom's jab my hook is considerably shorter my uppercut also shorter and those are my big power punches that I want to hit him after he misses his jab so I need to make sure I step like 12 to 18 inches in while I do a kind of a deep shoulder pop up I don't want to do to people who shoulder pop I want to save my energy and I'm gonna get to that counter punch as fast as possible again Tom's where's the jab to my face stepping I've been pulling to the body boom I can hook them to the head boom it doesn't even matter if he's pulled his hand back I'm in close I can still see his body and he still split his hands of that upper part so that's a slip that loads up your right shoulder what I want to do that I drop my left shoulder in because here as you can see the original purpose of this video is to get you to slip a punch and then immediately rip a counter strike which would put the guy to sleep in him fight I'm always thinking about ending fights and I had no idea that people would want to learn how to slip 50 punches in a row regardless you have to get this movement down first and you have to get it down to both sides before you can start tying together and slip multiple punches in combination now this is a takes a little bit more effort it loads up my left hand and I have to actually kind of twist my body up a little bit when I do it so if Tom throws a jab ooh I slip in this way I get closer my right shoulder is in and I like I come directly to the body I can hook them to the head I love hooks from the lead hand off of the slip again the success of my counter punch after the slip is based on my ability to get in close now when you're doing a slip I need you to be high on your toe the reason for that is so I can actually pin it on my hooks I put it's flat I can't hit it at all that's something we've talked about in previous lessons so in order to practice this if you want you can have one of your boys sit there and kind of try to jab me the fisa I get in every single time making sure I step forward now stepping forward isn't the only way it's encountered that's if I want to get in close I don't know and I want to crush somebody with a power punch one of the things that I might do is I might slip on my right foot while moving this way so instead of being directly in front of Tom after the slip time she asked me I'm out here now so I'm literally moving off on a right angle while I'm slipping now I'm not getting in close so I'm going to need to throw one of my lone attacks like a right street so tom has these boom oh sorry more time boom okay you need to determine your own style play if you like being far away that's cool you don't need to necessarily slip in and cremate that guy for some reason I've always liked fighting like that now if I end up fighting long the boom I got nice long attacks I need you all types of stuff staying outside so you got slips in left shoulder drop in right shoulder drop you got slip to the right now you can slip and counter punch on both sides which is a good thing and it means that you're ready to start tying slips and combinations making people miss multiple plungers in a row coming up with nothing but air I'll give you that next lesson free on how to fight now calm you just have to go to the website sign up and it's in the youtube follow up section under slipping a one-two with noodles which is I guess it's not going to make any sense to you now but I swear it will when you get there and it'll teach you how to slip multiple punches in a row so check that out if you haven't already done so please like this video click that guy right there to subscribe to my channel and this guy right here is gonna send you up to the website if you want to hear Tom say something ridiculous just keep watching anything else what else all right maybe I laid a little something so the important thing about a slip is when you make somebody miss you you make them tire if somebody hits you it takes a lot less energy to hit you and pull your fist back then the missed overthrow and get countered and hit and take your wind away so slips is very crucial boxing emphasizes on it a lot because it isn't part of the sweet science that makes it really really effective swarm of attack write that down I'll see you on the website you
Channel: FightSmartTrav
Views: 3,595,268
Rating: 4.9707217 out of 5
Keywords: how to dodge a punch, dodging punches, slip a punch, slip punches, boxing dodge, anderson silva, slip punch, boxing dodges, how to fight, how to street fight, how to win a fight, Combat (Media Genre), Punch, Counterpunch, Boxing (Martial Art)
Id: aGrcmEEEevw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2013
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