How to Land A Knockout (Use This Fighter Secret)

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alright in this video you're going to learn how to land a knockout by hiding your punches now this is a trick that most people on the street don't know about but any trained fighter knows about this and knows how to do this now I personally have never not doing it out but the guess we have Big Mike certainly has he's a former North American boy side champion and he's going to be showing you how to do this [Music] all right the trick is not telegraphing your punch so when you're driving behind a car we have the brake lights right the brake lights come on to prevent you from rear-ending the car in front of you why the reason is because when you're behind somebody and you're in this path right behind them it's very difficult to see something coming towards you it'll get a little bit bigger but it's not like if you were perpendicular right for example the cars in front of us traveling this way it's very clear when the car stops but if a car is right in front of you and he starts moving towards you it's hard to see it because he's not really changing right he's only getting a little bit bigger it's the same thing with a punch so with our punches if you go to the earlier tutorial I talked about keeping your elbow pointing downwards until 3/4 of the way out and flaring it out the reason why we do this is because the elbow is a telegraph the elbow in the shoulder right these are the points that you look for to trigger the punch so if you're punching your signals which is like the brake signals in a car your elbows so if I were to punch like this I flare my elbow out and then I punch you you could see it coming from you know very far right you're gonna eat very quickly be able to avoid it all right so I'm gonna demonstrate this for you so Jonathan do you mind put your hand up ok what I'm gonna do right now is I'm gonna just try to lightly hit your hand and I want you to try to move it okay Jonathan I've never told him about this drill let's just demonstrate so the first one okay I want you to look at my arms okay and try to do it okay three out of three now I'm gonna use the same speed but I'm gonna cut something out and we'll talk about it right after right you see okay okay if you rewind the video you can probably see the subtle difference and the only thing that I did was I went from here I dropped it and I went out I didn't even flare my elbows right watch if I flare my elbows like there's just no way I can hit you right it's the same thing when you're fighting somebody in front of you right it's a little bit more it's a little bit more aggressive a little bit different is more things involved but the same idea right if you punch somebody and you you'll see this in a street fight right if you're if you're winding up like this I mean like you know it's coming right or if it comes from here and I just throw an elbow like you're gonna be able to move very quickly but if I'm from here and I literally and we talked about how to throw a right cross right we're pivoting everything I come from here and I just straight shoot it out it's really hard for you to see it especially if I keep my elbow pointing downwards right boom and the reality is you don't need a lot of power to you know knock somebody out which is that concussion if you can Lance me really clean on them then the punch is effective whether you're hitting them with your fists or whether you're doing the the palm strike to the nose which is very popular too as long as you're not winding up and you're coming from here and just straight into it no wind up and then or no dipping and going you're gonna be able to as strong very very effectively strike the opponent and that's it um this mistake this little trick is actually even seen at the highest levels when I trained some professional fighters I tell them always like okay you're making a split second mistake right you drop it and then you're going and a lot of people they don't realize how important this is but as we just demonstrated that tiny second will give you that will give your opponent that split second to read you and those tiny little fractions of a second is what will depict the winner of the fight okay so here's the situation where I've used this trick in an actual Muay Thai fight so we'll get in our stance let's assume Jonathan is throwing a one-two hook he's very very strong very wild so what I would do is first I would try to read him so he throws the one two hook one two hook okay boom now I'm thinking he throws a one-two hook so I'll wait for the next one what's open in a hook right naturally speaking he's open here so what am I gonna do I'm gonna do this I'm gonna wait for the one-two one-two and the moment I feel the two of my guard here and I see that hook starting I shoot my cross right because I remember the trick is we're not winding up so I'm gonna beat him to his punch right and I'm gonna throw it so my chin is tucked so he can't hit me then this shot right here will land clean then what I'm gonna do is this is gonna be their starting of my combo so I'm gonna go boom and I'm gonna go hook and then I'm gonna go boom low kick right that's how we're gonna get into that combo so that first shot is like an opening shot so it kind of days is him it's not really to it mate it probably could knock him out but it may just stun him and then the hook is really what will do the damage and then the low kick is really just too finish you know the strike in case he isn't done and you use that I've used that yeah yeah he's got a lot yeah yeah because when you're throwing the hook it's not want the damage the punch that does the most damage is when your opponent doesn't see it coming right so when you're throwing the hook as hard as you can and I'm ripping across into you that's something completely discombobulated you right because you're completely not defended right so if you want to practice your punching at home not only do you have the shadowbox it here's a really cool drill that I do so go up against the wall or for example we have a little ring here right and what you're gonna do is you're gonna get into your fighting stance and you're just going to tuck your elbow right against the wall and then from here you're just gonna shoot it straight out now you're gonna see you can't flare your elbow out right because the wall is there and now you're gonna do is get in your stance and from here the same thing as we talked about that punching video you're gonna just pivot out that's it no dropp no wind up no elbows out from here straight out so start to use that technique but we remember this is just a technique and it's not going to magically make you into an amazing fighter one of the biggest things is being in shape and getting fit getting the fit body of a fighter and you may not want to even become a fighter but you might just want to have the nice body of a fighter well what I want you to do is because you can actually train with Mike online and he has a special quiz that he wants you to go through you can check that out down below and it's going to give you a customized plan based on your body type so go ahead go through that right now and get started now if you like this video be sure to LIKE and subscribe and you know give us any more comments down below if any or you know any more videos that you might want from Mike so thanks for watching this video and I'll see you the next one
Channel: TappBrothers
Views: 6,930,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to knock someone out, How to hide punches, How to punch, Knockout punches, How to fight, Self defense, Mma colombia, fight tips, knockout punches, mike zhang, how to land a knockout, fight training, 1867 Boxing School, In Home Workout, thomas tapp, jonathan tapp, rpf 2.0, tapp brothers, tappbrothers
Id: gztdho6BRbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 52sec (412 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 29 2018
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