UPDATED Quick Guide to The Mage Training Arena in OSRS

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Jag X finally updated the Mage training Arena so today's video is going to be a quick guide on how to get through the Mage training arena for requirements the magic level does vary and that's basically the only requirement that you need however I recommend doing this in the 50s or 60s cuz that's when you have the base good spells for example High out and you have other higher enchanting abilities but you can technically do the enchanting room at level seven and you can do bones to bananas you can also do the telekinetic room at level 33 so it really just depends in the enchanting room in the Alchemy room the higher level spell you use the more points you get so just keep that in mind when you're wanting to grind this out I would wait a little bit longer and not do this at the super early levels and more of like 50s 60s maybe even higher if you want more points so the Mage training arena is pretty easy to get to it's just north of alarid basically north of the PVP Arena so you can get there by a dueling ring or you can run to the East and paid to go through the gate in lumbridge or you can run north and then East to so you can you know save that 10 coins but I don't know why you would or they also created in the grouping activity a mage training Arena teleport so you can use that as well so we're currently on the main floor of the Mage Train Arena but if you go to the left here and go up the stairs you'll see that there's a rewards guardian and a bank chest so there didn't used to be a bank chest here now there is so you can gear up so right click and trade with the rewards guardian and it will open up the Mage Train Arena shop and in the shop it's going to show you everything that you can get and it has a bunch of runes here which I don't recommend getting unless you don't have the Rune crafting level to create a rune for a quest or something I think a few quests require like a lava Rune or a smoke Rune or something like that so if you need something weird I that's totally fine I guess you can waste your points on that to progress your account at the bottom here you will see a cost to buy this item it will list the four runes and tell you how many points you have on the left as well as how many points you need on the right in order to buy an item so for example bones to peaches we need 2,000 telekinetic point and we only have two and it's just like that for every single one of the rooms now the main reason you're probably here is for the master wand or bones to peaches bones to peaches should be the very first thing that you get out of this shop by far it's going to really speed up the graveyard room and that's also going to save you a lot of time in the long run because you're probably going to have to go get the master wand as well it's also a useful item for God Wars the other item that you're mainly looking for is the master wand and the master wand you have to buy the beginner wand with all these points and then The Apprentice wand after that if you'll see it requires the beginner wand and all of these points your teacher wand which will require The Apprentice wand and all of these points and then you can finally buy your master wand and you have to turn in your teaching wand but the master wand is pretty cool because it allows you to turn it into a Cod ey after you get that drop from chambers and you can also AutoCast ancients which is also massive it also gives really good magic bonuses as well the other items here is full Infinity robes and that giv gives you 55 magic defense and attack which is pretty massive when you're wearing the whole set the other item is a mag's book which is a offhand book and it gives you plus 15 magic attack and defense so overall a lot of pretty solid items here but Mage training arena in general kind of sucks which is why I'm making this guide to make it less suck and with that I'm going to go ahead and start showing you all the rooms I do also want to call out that the maximum points you can have per room because they do cap that for telekinetic and the creature graveyard the max points you can have total overall is 8,000 and for the enchanting chamber the max points you can have is 32,000 for The Alchemist playground the max you can have is 16,000 so keep that in mind and again you can see your points at the top right of the screen before we get into the actual rooms I do want to say that there is a mage training Arena plugin on run light that I highly recommend using it's on by default I believe but if you don't have it make sure to download it or turn it on if you have it off for some reason but it really helps all of these rooms go way smoother highly recommend if you're on run light if you're not I just download run light or don't do this on mobile I would not do this on mobile but you guys do you to start off we're going to do the Alchemy room and that room just requires a fire staff or a bunch of fire runes and a bunch of nature runes so that's basically all you need for that when you come into the Mage Train Arena if you just go north you will see this room right away and we're just going to go to the north teleporter which is The Alchemist teleport and from here you're going going to run north and you'll see this room there are six cupboards they are already open which is a nice quality of life update as you can see there's not going to be an arrow for those of you guys that don't have run light if you do have run light there's going to be an arrow and tell you exactly what you're looking for at the top right there's an Alchemy menu here it tells you the amount of pizzazz points that you have in this room it also tells you what all of these items are worth there's six different Cups and only one of them is going to be empty now thanks to the update and the high out values are on the right hand side for every 100 coins you're going to get one Pizzazz point so keep that in mind so you're always going to be going for the items with the 30 GP value if you can find them if not go with the 15 one and I wouldn't even bother with any of the other ones so that's kind of your goal that you're looking for right now you want to match up what's in the cupboards with what's at the top right the Run light plugin is not updated yet for any of these so it used to be 42 seconds that they changed now it's only a minute so they made things nicer the other thing I want to call out is that you can rightclick on these cupboards and you can take five so when you find the right one you might want to do that once or twice and you'll be pretty good to go for the entire minute depending you can also only have 12K coins at a time so when you get 12K coins you're going to run up here North and there's a coin collector you just run and deposit you're going to get a bunch of magic XP or if you leave the room also they'll automatically get deposited and you will get that magic XP so we're going to go ahead and wait for this to go on the next cycle and I can show you guys how to do it the other thing I did want to call out is the pictures on the wiki are no longer accurate because they took out the different covered so if you want to know where all the cupboards are they may end up on the Wiki of all the different layouts that are possible so keep that in mind you can take a look but honestly if you have the Run light plug in it's super easy to does it for you and it looks like things changed whenever the Rune changes this Alchemy Guardian will tell you so luckily we got it right on the first try we are looking for adamant Helms they are 30 so we're going to go ahead and take five and then all you got to do is just High out everything you'll see we get 30 coins and then after this minute's up they're going to switch to something else and we will go from there the other thing in this room that I want to call out is that if for some reason let's say you get this Shield here and The Shield is only worth one with the new update they added right now I have a chance to get two points because it's one point for 100 GP however if you have any coins above that it gives you that percentage to get another point point so for example I have 151 coins right now that means I have a 51% chance to get an extra point to get me to two points so again we're going to go ahead and go through this room and I'm going to show you why you want Rune light there was nothing in there so then I would just go to the next one and then again Rune light tells you exactly where everything is so then you just go ahead take five take five again and then you can just go from there a small tip is if you have extra items like I have the Helms just leave them there in case they ever switch back to the adamant Helms again and then you already have some in your inventory so while you're running around you can then go click on those and figure out what you're looking for so now we're looking for leather boots so let's see if we can find some leather boots in here again the Run light plugin is a little Struggle Bus right now but that'll probably be fixed by the time you see this video or a little later in the future if you're watching this after the first day this video comes out run light devs are pretty quick about that so that is all there is to the Alchemy room it's really easy Once you kind of get a flow and get the hang of it you get some decent magic XP as well so I have 371 coins so I should get three points and I have a 71% chance to get four points we're at six points right now we're going to go ahead and turn that in and we did get four points and 742 magic XP again you're just going to go ahead and spam those out and you'll be good to go more of the story find the items you're looking for based on what is in this menu on the top right and just ha that's all there is to it again whenever they're about to change this Alchemy Guardian we'll say hey things are about to change look out the room we have up next is the creature graveyard room the max points you can get is 8,000 and the runes needed are earth water and nature runes you can also just use a mud staff and nature runes that'll also work so I highly recommend it that's what I'm using and that is for both bones to bananas which is what you'll start out with and then later on you'll get bones to peaches so JX has changed this room up a little bit you used to take damage all the time in this room regardless of whether you get hit from bones but there are falling bones Bones from the ceiling and if you stand under them you're going to take a little bit of damage peaches count as double fruit when deposited basically what you're going to do is you're going to take bones turn them into peaches or bananas and then you're going to deposit them and has literally the entire room you get 5 XP per banana and 10 XP per Peach whenever they are deposited and bonus runes are given as soon as you leave the mini game so they used to go in your inventory but they no longer do that and they just go into your inventory after you leave the room now there's a couple different strategies here since you are taking damage you could line your inventory up with prayer potions if you want and turn on Redemption basically what this does is any time your health Falls below 10% you'll gain extra health so that's something that you can do or you can bring higher tier food and you could do it that way if you have peaches you could heal yourself off of some of the bones that you have cuz they heal eight I don't recommend doing that for bananas cuz they only heal two and it takes forever it takes like whole inventory you can also just run back and forth to the bank and grab more food if you want if you have a hit point Cape I also recommend wearing that because the hit point Cape actually doubles your regen so you get two HP every single minute which is kind of nice so there's a different couple ways that you could go about doing this if you want to all right so we are going to go ahead and enter the graveyard teleport is the one on the right hand side so once you are here you're going to want to find the pile right here next to the Chute the shoots are right here piles right here so the strategy that you want to do if your pile looks like this brown pile you'll notice on the right hand side my inventory there's a picture of a bone with a number next to it this Bone's worth one fruit this one's two three and four those are the number of fruits you get in your inventory so the strategy is if the pile looks like this and you're getting one point what you want to do is take four out and then you want to drop them on the ground and then you want to grab the next eight bones cuz this will give you 20 and then you're going to want to do bones to peaches or Bon to bananas and then you're going to want to run over here and you want to deposit the fruit and it'll say congratulations you've been awarded with two runes and extra magic XP now you're going to want to go and do the same thing grab eight more and that'll get you to 20 bones so go ahead and do your bones to peaches or bones to bananas and then deposit and that is all there is to it now that is the strategy that the wiki says to use and other guides I've seen have said to use personally what I do when I come in this room is I just Spam click and if you have runite on the top left it'll tell you exactly how many you have so I just go spam click till I have 24 like I do now I'm going to go ahead boom bones to peaches I'm going to deposit and I'm just going to keep doing that over and over and over and over again there's a strategy involved for those of you that are on mobile or other things to do the strategy that I started the video out with but that's just what I do the other thing I want to call out is if you do have bones to peaches they heal eight so instead of wasting your prayer you can go ahead and just use the peaches but again you can either just run up to the bank and grab food and instead of these prayer pots just use food or go to the nurses or literally however you want to do this you can do it it's you just got to find what works for you to be honest so at the top right you can see how many points you have I'm going to go ahead and leave and when you leave again this is when you get your extra runes so as you can see it says that I've deposited 170 fruit I've gained 10 graveyard points and I've been awarded these runes and that is all there is to the graveyard teleport room it sucks but once you find a Groove it's really not that bad it's a lot of spam clicking and then just using your spells the next room on this list is the enchanters room and the enchanters room is great because it makes you seem like you're getting progress pretty quick and the points are pretty easy to come by the max points you can have is 32,000 points the items needed is Cosmic runes and whatever enchanting spell you want to use I don't recommend zanite cuz that is a ridiculous amount of like blood runes and things like that so don't recommend that but use the highest spell that you can enchantment wise besides the zanite one and here is a list of all those so as you can see I'm going to be using level six enchantment and with level six enchantment the base points per cast is six and when it's a bonus it is actually eight so that is insane there's also Dragon Stones which could be 12 points when you're casting level six but I don't recommend wunning around and picking those up Jag X made a really nice update where there's a bonus for certain enchants on colors and it used to be every single Corner had a certain color so the bonus B didn't matter but now the bonus actually matters so we can actually account for the bonuses a little bit but again for me I'm going to be using a lava staff as well as my Cosmic runes and that is good enough for me to enchant level six again use this list and whatever enchantment level you are use the certain battle staff it is to save runes or just bring the other runes that you need but again here's the graph of the total points that you're going to be getting per cast in the enchantment room now the enchantment teleporter is on the left side here so we're going to go ahead and run through the enchantment portal and again like I said go ahead and pick a corner so we're just going to run to this one whenever Dragon Stone's fault I don't recommend picking them up cuz they're kind of a waste as you can see at the bottom right it says the bonus that is there so basically what you're going to do is just pick up oh and of course it changed so whenever it changes just run over here spam click a little bit and just go ahead and cast your enchantment on whatever the bonus is and then just keep spam clicking for the bonus that's literally all there is to this room and then again if you have extras you can go ahead and keep them if you'd like it is now green so we're going to run over here grab some green they didn't add the take right which is tragic and you do have a chance to get dragon Stone so whenever you get a dragon stone make sure you enchant that cuz they give you a bunch of points maybe they don't drop from the center anymore but they used to so you're just going to go ahead and keep on enchanting and as you can see in the top right we are getting a stupid amount of points it's phenomenal and they are back to Yellow which luckily we already have some in our inventory and that's all you're going to do you're basically going to fall around the bonus it's going to be one of these four colors just go ahead pick up the bonus pick up you know 7 to 10 of the items and then go ahead and enchant them whenever you are done and your inventory is full you're going to run over here to the middle and go to deposit and you're actually going to get a bunch of magic XP whenever you leave the room you're also going to be getting extra runes and that is all there is to the enchanting room it's nice it's easy it's pretty click intensive but you get a lot of points so it feels good right and I'm going to show you again we're going to go ahead and leave and when we leave it does tell us that we deposited 20 orbs we got 164 points and we got three blood runes so overall not too bad you there is a 1 in 32 chance that you're going to also get a dragon Stone so maybe they took out the dragon Stones just randomly appearing in the room cuz they didn't used to be worth it and just give you a 1 in 32 chance either way that's the enchantment room nice and easy and up next we have the telekinetic room you are able to get 8,000 Max points for this room the runes you need are for telekinetic grab which is an air Rune and a law Rune so I recommend an air staff and bring your law runes and that is all you need basically this room is just dragging a guardian through mazes and every maze you get two points every five mazes your run energy will be restored you'll get 1,000 magic XP and you get eight extra points which is absolutely great so try to do these in waves of five at least you know at least do five and then leave if you're at two or three try to stick it out every single time you complete maze you also get 250 magic XP and we are all set ready to go I do recommend that you do have your filters on so the telekinetic grab is very large the telekinetic portal is at the south side of the room so we're going to go ahead and run through that and if you are on run light again it's going to tell you exactly where you need to go otherwise I'd recommend if you're on mobile looking this up on the wiki or if you're bored try to figure it out on your own but basically it's going to point you in the right direction where you need to stand and cast telekinetic grab on the guardian the one thing I do want to call out is it does not matter where you are on this side anytime you cast it on this side it's going to move it towards you it doesn't matter where you're at so see I don't have to be exactly where this arrow is pointing but being at the corners is the best you can't actually cast from the corners cuz it doesn't know what to do but you do want to be a square next to a corner cuz then if it's this corner you can easily get there cast it again then run back to this corner or wherever you need to be which is why the arrow is there so again if you're on run light literally all you need to do is just run back and forth and do this and you can move early and again it has me go to this corner then I know it's going to have me go to that corner oh actually it's Happ me go to this corner the other thing that Jag a actually did is they made it very quick look at how fast it moves that's so fast if you did this before you would know how much of a snail this really was so it's really cool so basically the objective is you're going to use your telekinetic grab you're going to run to the next spot catch your telekinetic grab again run to the next spot cast it again and then you're just going to keep doing that and the objective is to get it to this little dark spot where you finally finish but again this is crazy how much faster they made this that is it at the bottom right it's going to tell you how many that you have solved at the top right it's going to tell you your points and once you are done and it gets to the that spot it'll tell you in the chat box that you made it to that spot and you can go ahead and click on the guardian again and it'll take you to the next Maze and that's all there is to this room pretty straightforward pretty easy again they made it way better make sure you do them in runs of five if you can at least and whenever you're done you can just go ahead and leave again if you're on mobile I would recommend just taking a look at the wiki or trying to do a picture in picture or pull it up on a screen I don't I don't know honestly Mage Train Arena you should just do whenever you're on run light to make everything a thousand times easier and you're good to go but thank you guys for watching I hope you enjoyed if you didn't make sure you subscribe to the channel and leave a like for the algorithm if you have any questions or comments make sure you leave them in the comment section below I love hearing from you guys and I am doing this late and I spent a decent amount of time on this so again if you enjoyed make sure you sub to the channel also I'm partnered with Rogue energy so if you're interested in gamer supplements make sure sure you check them out with the link in the description or use code Rolland at checkout to get 20% off your order and to let them know that I sent you again if you guys have any questions let me know M Train Arena sucks but it is really worth it in the end to get your master one so you can get your code I later and it's pretty decent for the mid game to get that magic gear as well so anyway guys again thank you for watching I'll see you in the next one peace one time would you come outside would I do that cuz we all here chilling yeah it's the same all same all same no we don't play no play no games oh they want to talk talk talk talk talk why they got to ha ha on me damn but D not tripping I'm fly as a pigeon this girl beening the k
Channel: RollandTV
Views: 7,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rolland, RollandTV, osrs, osrs ironman, runescape, old school runescape, osrs rollandtv, mage training arena osrs, osrs mage training arena, mage training arena, mage training arena guide osrs, osrs mage training arena guide, mage training arena guide, bones to peaches osrs, osrs bones to peaches, bones to peaches, alchemists playground osrs, alchemists playground, creature graveyard osrs, creature graveyard, enchanting chamber osrs, telekinetic theatre osrs, graveyard room osrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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