Asmongold Reacts To "The Swedish Job | Sundance Rejects" | By Internet Historian: Incognito Mode

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although dramatized the following is a true story the heist is this a real thing stalker December 22nd mm ha ha gentlemen the Swedish National Museum 90,000 square feet of priceless artwork so oughta stop two roads in and out the police will be ready moving away with the goods won't be easy smash-and-grab job huh not quite first things first a distraction at exactly 4:55 p.m. five minutes before the museum closes we blow up two cars outside the Grand Hotel and the Strand what the [ __ ] naturally fire trucks and police will be dispatched yah with some swords in the building only one and he'll be busy uttering everyone to leave now we get ourselves armed and approached meanwhile two of us are already inside waiting for the signal when those explosions put on new balaclavas and take out guns oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay exactly so the standard disarmed the guards and get everyone on the floor yeah right then 1l Monday in the lobby while the other two make your way upstairs and into the gallery no remember gentlemen no browsing we have the three paintings in particular all conversation with the gardener and young Parisian by Renoir and a self-portrait by rim bruh okay so how do we cry see those are expensive one thing and it's secure those are really important ones wire cutters are all we need and so they just shut it out okay bag the goods and bust out the front door damn that's easy and we're just supposed to walk out of there with the three paintings and not get stopped yeah yep won't take the police long to catch up I feel like isn't that kind of traceable like how do you sell that because it's like yeah this is the original one and then somebody that's buying it is like wait I thought the original one was stolen like what do you say at that point the is it you have to sell it on the black market I don't know I feel like that just be like such a pain in the ass man that's what I'm counting on a little surprise I prepared earlier okay the black market selling argue and from there it's an easy walk to the docks where I've got a boat ready Oh a boat we skim around the waterfront and down the labyrinthine canals of Stockholm my Garvey la may la Lake then we talk in a quiet area and make it on foot back to the road they're gonna guess you already have a car waiting with cool yeah we drive houses these guys are smart back to HQ paintings in hand uh-huh and congratulations boys we've just robbed the Swedish National Museum for an estimated 30 million dollars Jesus dude that shit's expensive and that's exactly how all of it played out thirty million dollars first sheet of paper man the next day oh well that's a sheet of paper for 30 mil three sheets of paper for 30 million dollars now you sell it to Bill Clinton yeah I know man streamers it takes a streamer a whole month to make that much money dude that's insane it's a thirty million dollar bill exactly the police have cleaned up the torch cons and they were questioning stuff getting any clues they could about the suspects they didn't have any faces they didn't explore any DNA evidence mark it was a professional job and it was very little to go on holy [ __ ] wait a second so they pulled that [ __ ] off that actually worked what the [ __ ] dude holy [ __ ] dude that's awesome until yeah someone came forward a witness Hey an old man I I was working on the river when I saw three let's feed off [ __ ] did you get a good look at him he's dead no but they seemed suspicious so I floored him followed him right through the canals into the malar eye and right to the shore oh yeah can you show us where di Hey okay sink out a couple of cars and fat smart here it is nothing inside now they're gonna get a paintings detective damn what about the registration nothing sir scratched it off I guess the only thing we can do is put out a picture of the boat and ask the public failed so they publish pictures of the boat that's sniper and ask people to come forward with information the next day oh it's my boat the boat owner paid the police a visit I'm Paul and Mark and that's my boat what happened okay we'll ask the questions well sure solved the thing last week two three chaps who looked a bit suspect did you get their names afraid not sorry Wow when I sold the boat then they asked if they could use my trailer to transport it always shed well I said yes but only if they gave me their phone number for safety okay well have you still got it yep here it is I wrote it on the back of the receipt and this is where everything unraveled for the thieves because despite all of this ocean's 11 style [ __ ] they had used their real phone number how is it how is it that they could have such a great idea but just it have it be dead on arrival like it's just oh my god oh yeah exactly least looked up the number and everyone they had called exactly we've got a match the number was connected to a gang of petty thieves they were not very time criminals they had done old stuff like car fare poker drug-peddling and so on they were not criminal masterminds this thread of evidence led to two men serving sentences in a minimum security prison ten miles from Stockholm okay a Russian named Alexander Petrov and a Swedish national named Stefan North all will get that guy's name dude wait these men we're behind bars yeah how the [ __ ] they have an airtight alibi Yeah right well turns out they are considered low-risk prisoners which means they are allowed weekend furloughs essentially they're just doing jail is a day job and while good boy Petrov had returned from that's awesome bro that's [ __ ] awesome like you they pay for everything during the week and then you just go out and do whatever the [ __ ] you want on the weekend that's like that's [ __ ] awesome you don't even need to do it you don't even have the job so they're paying these dudes to sit it around all [ __ ] week and they get to pop off on the weekends and steal paintings his weekend away yeah go home and read through had not so police went to work searching Nordstrom's empty cell lo and behold Nordstrom had been doing a bit of light reading or how collections and newspaper clippings from past art heists very subtle on top of that Nordstrom had reportedly been visiting a bunch of auction houses in the area damn they were clearly the painting bandits yeah obviously this house this 20 thing about art theory it's a difficult game yeah I'm like jewelry who are other valuable goods you can't just offload these anywhere you need a buyer who has a lot of cash and is willing to take a huge risk themselves indefinable Escobar buddy is a crime and they wouldn't be allowed to keep the paintings if word ever got out yep so essentially they had thirty million dollars in unsellable goods yep that's what I was thinking like yeah how the [ __ ] do you ever get that so what do we do oh we could sell it to a billionaire in China all right that's good okay do you know any no yeah I thought so so shut the [ __ ] up and think of something better oh no just went back to the museum that's not the worst idea in the world wait though so shut the [ __ ] up and think of something battery why don't we just resin it back to the museum [Applause] res it wait what did he say Oh ransom it back okay I was I was so confused I didn't hear what he said I thought he said reserve it or something like that I'm like wait what where am I here okay that's not the worst idea ransom it back to the museum [Applause] what the [ __ ] December 28th mm yeah days after the robbery tetrax lawyer approaches the police station hello yes hello I am here on behalf of my client and acting as an intermediary we have your paintings wait what you go on I am here to negotiate it safely to your return oh my god what are some Oh interesting tact this is of quiet lately illegal lawyers can't just negotiate ransoms for their yeah got any proof he have the paintings yeah what the [ __ ] the attorney then revealed hostage style photos of the stolen art okay I plead with that day's newspaper makes sense so who are these clients of yours smarts a lawyer-client confidentiality how convenient right well let me just have a chat with my supervisor the police feigned interest but there was no way they were gonna pay a ransom when they could simply catch the guys he also instead that may stalled and placed a surveillance team on Petrov for the next time he met with his attorney what the hell later that meeting took place yeah duh and surprise surprise my god then not alone Nordstrom had turned up oh there are use for it see you soon take care my [ __ ] god no no no go go go the police moved in on noise room yeah no I'm seeing it for the church what do we have here those aren't my environment of sheer jeans Nordstrom had decided to bring with him a bag filled with Polaroids of the stolen paintings is this how you get your kicks and they'd be sick get these to the lab later the lab found Petrov's fingerprints all over the Polaroids they obtained the Raider seller of every gang frequented Oh My look lock everywhere they may have left the subtlest of clues yeah anything that can even give us a scrap of detective here's a date book literally showing all of the details of the heist including all of the co-conspirators Oh detective thanks detective hey dude this is like playing like one of those [ __ ] crime games and at this start instead of picking it on like hard easy mode you just go on story mode like you just you're playing the game on story mode we're like you just okay alright last boss punch him in a DS dead like yeah you're playing the game on story mode this is insane is it it's time for a montage oh okay uh-oh garden wolf police arrested and charged 13 for the heist Moody's received six and a half years that's it Petrov received eight three others were given between two and four years for accessory that's all your men received sentences for up to four years for receiving stolen goods wow I've more were accused in subsequently all his [ __ ] one of them included Petrov's criminal lawyer who was charged for accessory to attempted extortion volve mminton idiot ransom note [ __ ] idiot we got the batteries yet dude but there was a problem they haven't recovered any of the paintings uh-huh they had searched the cellar topped of young the holidays of the criminals they had questioned all of them and no one was giving up for goods to shame truly ashamed while that is given the paintings what is it honey is it the paintings again oh I just can't stop thinking about it like geez they're out there somewhere just come back to bed No this is good oh this is real good this had a book explaining everything dude this guy's crazy okay couldn't sleep either were the time rumors are circulating that Rin was the conversation is going up for sale count me in detective I just have to get suited up you've got a neat job is it less yeah I just find it official we're going undercover oh [ __ ] ed time okay quick hypothetical let's say you were single and I also happen to be single and we were browsing the web together right and then you said oh let's let's go on this website would you let me use no VPN I mean nothing serious although okay but water running right and I watch out you and you don't have a boyfriend and I'm like oh no I have to give you mouth-to-mouth what the [ __ ] is this dude and I don't know how and I want what the [ __ ] is this not my daughter falling into God could I use no TV mm for 70% off okay we're in the Amazon forest and we're like that man but not not too close obviously yeah and snake bites you oh my god ah and I have to suck out the poison but then I remember watching this documentary right oh don't like snake bites and stuff and I'm gonna watch it again and I'm gonna save your life oh my god it's region-locked would you mind if I slipped in a little North BPM okay all right this is really good music with you but the thing is like any normal [ __ ] company would never actually like advertise it like this but like some random guy on the internet would and that's what makes it better imagine though if I use an old VPN right now yeah that's what makes my story oh no I don't know I'm not gonna use it right now I'm not it's okay dad it's tough it's a story wine yeah it was if I was to use no VPN no and wouldn't hurt if VPN wants to give me $100,000 or let's use six devices on one account you can use one of mine I'll bring this up I just type in knew about the end or consolation hundred thousand dollars a month going I can treat you better and keep your daughter safe with me hey should hughes north oh my god oh my [ __ ] god wouldn't have happened if you got Nord VPN oh my god and over Jesus dude okay that's a lot and it's great Swedish police set up an undercover agent to infiltrate the ring ok survive the Rin wat cute animated advertising as a representative for an interested buyer now he was standing by ok but that need confirmation that the painting was the real deal no its SIA that's him art thief yes are you the buyer that's me she's presenting very wealthy and very interesting scientists okay all right before we can dis is so [ __ ] ridiculous I need to know that we're talking about how can a real deal alright mate yeah I know it's a real the cover agent followed one of the men into the bathroom that's true okay what do you think that's that's quite something okay my client will be very pleased okay okay what do you say to to our decay that sounds acceptable in fact that's quite low Wow I'm rich buyer probably would have paid a lot more even Jesus okay wash their hands and exited the cafe okay because later police came screeching around the corner sirens blazing yeah sorry fellas it was me the whole time Oh forth again ooh oh right we've never met before well booking boys suppose they had done this Christ they had retrieved one of the three paintings and they had a bunch of way leads so they actually got one even more members of the game so they stole a [ __ ] ten million dollar painting and these two [ __ ] are trying to sell it for 200 grand out of a cafe damp like no wonder honestly no wonder they don't need to put him in jail for that long like you don't even seem like because they just catch him again like you know they get out just get him again oh really it's like it's not even a big deal they're just gonna get themselves caught again who cares among them alexander lindgren and an iraqi baha kadhum as well as three of his brothers now remember these lads will be coming back to them okay but even though they rounded up all these guys only one man would have charges against him that that would stick the rest would and there were still two pieces of art out there now one Los Angeles to [ __ ] Los Angeles four and a half years late oh [ __ ] downtown LA the FBI working on a routine case it's a drug bust with some Bulgarian nothing too out of the ordinary until they heard something unusual is that code for something are they human trafficking okay chief I believe it's that painting that was stolen from the Swedish National Museum a few years back oh [ __ ] it's an LA city sounds like it's gonna be on the move soon what it's all real all of this is real Jesus man pillars of competence so they ran like the ID the Bureau intercepted a call from one of the gangs higher-ups yeah Boris Kostov oh it's time for a good old-fashioned stakeout the FBI waited outside COS box home until they saw him load up a small painting sized package into his car's trunk yeah we got it I told me be careful she'll be eight there's the ribs we're going in what a bunch of dicks oh my god closed-off surrendered yeah I bet even the captain I have a big prize all right hey God i wins again so they opened the bag called dry cleaner yes really should risk them anyway boys number one to a number two almost got good cop and you also be the good cop because people like it when you're nice good thinking captain all rights what here's the thing you surprised us with the laundry yeah there's whites very white by the way I'd like to know who you use but the thing is we've been tailing you for months and we know about the drugs and that's the bigger deal anyway oh yeah you got any evidence yeah all of this the overwhelming amount of evidence means Kostov is definitely going to be found guilty yeah and that means possibly 30 years in prison I can't like the guy [ __ ] they're gonna put him in jail for 30 years for selling drugs but the guy steals like a [ __ ] like a rare painting you know one of a kind in the world and it's like the guy in Sweden he's like yeah put him in jail for a couple years let him out on the weekends you know he'll be good don't worry about it you know that's insane at his age this is effectively a life sentence yeah in a corner cost off broke cost I've agreed to assist the police good choice no take-backs cost of lid the police to a local pawn shop down here as they enter the basement Kosta pointed to an art folio leaning against the wall wrapped in towels and a grocery bag they are razors and surely enough it was the young Parisian and in good condition too there it is how about that the only one remaining was the Rembrandt Darla with it with Kostov as an asset authorities now had a way to find oh my god give me the other painting Kostov I don't but I yeah okay I got context it's wait no that one was quick say that again I know people would sweeter who know where it is all right well there you go they got it cool you sly sure stayed in Sweden yeah exactly I know you're telling the truth sorry sir reflex that's okay because yes huh because yeah because the person who has it yes is my own son Alexander Sasha Lindgren oh my god I know right she's to incriminate his own son to avoid jail time Wow anyway becasue it's a dog-eat-dog world man stitch on your own son man Lindgren was being pressured by his associates Baha and daya oh my god those other guys from before what a bunch of [ __ ] idiot Rembrandt it's been almost five years dude are you gonna sell this yet or not well I do enjoy looking at it but I suppose you're right the FBI makes a call yeah Sweden my man I got a tip here I can't understand you speak speak English put someone on the line who does okay thanks hello speak American look it's me it's a circle we have a tip for you all right what is it the FBI tell Swedish authorities to put surveillance on Lindgren and the Katims Lindgren unaware that his father had betrayed him would be caught up in the stink the stage was set get ratted out by your own dad man up dog that's dirty daredevil yeah alright I have no idea why he's written this way and all the articles plate what's we gonna go with it what the [ __ ] Kings guys awesome the defender of dolly the guardian Nagoya Hoffs tall aha dear dil what done 100% man with an alignment of chaotic good he'll teach you about the classics then he'll teach you to make love Robert K Wittman [Music] these are so ridiculous Copenhagen she's September 15th 2005 okay the meeting had been arranged the Kadim brothers are on a train from Stockholm secretly followed by police the whole way as a segment of seats in the hand of one of the brothers is held a small painting sized parcel how convenient this could have arrested them how convenient they would have had the brothers red-handed yet but that wouldn't be enough it would be a simple possession of stolen goods charge and the police wanted to catch them in the act of selling the painting so they stood by okay cost of a witness rarr the Scandic hotel the cabins and Lindgren made their way to oh hello hey guy they said in Sweden do you guys want to do the deal now or grab lunch first no let's just get this over with okay come with me all right there we go let's throw the old football around come on son wait his dad oh my god doing it I'm doing it oh you all wittman lid cat him up to his room the room I hope you like Swedish Corona mmm ah I'm gonna have to count it though no problem Whitman knew he had it he could see the look in cadnams eyes as he greedily counted the money great how about that okay so uh you guys have like a good trip out mm-hmm see any a good movies lately okay you know there's a delightful restaurant down it's very hard to count when you keep talking okay what an [ __ ] and that's two hundred thousand amazing five years of holding onto this painting good jail for two hundred grand it would all be worth it no one would be over that's a penny we got a deal yeah write it up and left the room with the cash okay wait Baha went back down the lobby and was making his way to the exit right wait what's happening Baha walked right out the front door of the hotel without saying much of anything what the hell's going on has the deal salad has our cover being blown is this a cross police on standby was starting to Kim knows what but Whitman was steamed cool seconds pass just hold steady minutes past stay cool what the [ __ ] they're getting away stay cool and then they came back with a different bag in hand it turns out the bag they had before was a decoy they were using it to see if any cops will be drawn out now that the deal seems solid oh my god that's smart Khadem returns to the room and Whitman examines the painting that's the real deal this Janus water standing by and ready to so there it is dude Whitman spoke the code words necessary to launch their raid on the room would you like an orange excuse me my favorite color is orange anyway they just weren't paying attention [ __ ] up raise you a cab that's okay we'll walk oh there we go okay yeah they got I've jumped into the bathroom collection was about the size Jess the SWAT team quickly overwhelmed stupefied subjects the arrests of baha kadhum his brother da da da and the betrayed [ __ ] Garden off without a hitch with [ __ ] God on the bathroom victorious women swoon men swoon how about that good morning how about that dude what a man looks like you're we got him and we would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for your slide doggery thank you what a bunch of [ __ ] idiots Whitman held the painting aloft it was now safe he returned to the Swedish National Museum and the timing was perfect because in just a few days they would be exhibiting a show on Rembrandt anyway how about that I only had him back how bad the painting was unveiled as the centerpiece this time behind glass look at that and with that officially assigned security that's probably a good idea by its side yeah so the Cadden brothers and alexander lindgren were convicted of receiving stolen goods however their sentences were overturned by a Swedish appeals court ruling that they had been provoked into the crime well done but as for our hero well Whitman hung up his cape and nothing has ever been stolen again the end Jesus dude so nothing yet nothing really went wrong like nobody really went to jail nothing really happened it would just kind of it was just something for people to do because they were bored you know if you're gonna be a criminal be one in Sweden yeah that's kind of what I'm saying like yeah this is insane no one got shot like yeah this is definitely did not happen in the US I'll tell you that for sure [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 492,607
Rating: 4.88064 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold best, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, asmongold internet historian, asmongold swdish job, asmongold reacts internet historian, internet historian reaction, internet historian reacts, internt historian swedish job, internet historian second channel, internet historian 2nd channel, asmongold internet, internet reaction, internet historian incognito, asmongold incognito
Id: uELP_4bq-Dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 29sec (1949 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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