Asmongold Reacts To "Nuclear Fallout - Keemstar" | By H3H3Productions

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towards the end of your video you act like a victim like oh the big bad keemstar has been after me forever and it's had a huge toll on my mental health you said thank god i have the support group around me well i have a support group around me and i can't wait for you to see them because they're really pissed off pissed off at that video you uploaded for multiple goddamn reasons good luck ethan cause you're gonna [ __ ] need it god dude oh god this is the type of dude that is crazy like you could clearly tell he's not right in the head more quickly this dude is going to try to kill himself so i get in trouble like i can see this dude sitting there rationalizing in his head you know what i'll do i'll kill myself and then keemstar will be in a world of trouble trouble trouble trouble that's impressive that is actually that is actually impressive wow it's impressive because there's like a level of narcissism that mere mortals cannot comprehend and wizards like keemstar live in this like this is this is amazing wow when basher had his now infamous breakdown on youtube yeah keemstar's initial reaction was if this dude kills himself how is it going to hurt me oh my god he's crazy oh my god this guy really is a psycho oh my god streaming and reach out to him not to let up with his harassment no how will this hurt me and keemstar just keeps freaking it's just constant barrage adding with what fouseytube said that thing is i want to say with with uh with basher like wasn't basher being involved with underage girls like i just want to make sure like because that was what it was right yeah it was like so it's like if keemstar is calling this out when he was 18. i mean i guess like i mean if she's 17 he's 18 like that's not really a big deal right but i don't know the age difference regardless it's very like if i think keemstar is right or anybody not keemstar anybody is right in making somebody's life hell who is doing that let me just say that what you put into my head made me want to kill myself how many times has keemstar been faced with the real possibility that someone he's criticized might harm themselves dude somebody download this video right now download that video holy [ __ ] like i feel like this dude is gonna try to kill himself so i get in trouble the nuke has made full impact and they say the fallout is even deadlier the good news from our content nuke is that tony the guy keemstar accused of being a child predator was showered with love and support from our fans that's positive which i have to say is in stark contrast yeah that was the attention that keemstar sent him so i thank you guys all for showing tony love i can't believe the unbelievable fantastic day i mean this guy really is me in the future this gentleman named ethan who is h3h3 uh made a video and and sent more love to me and my family than you can possibly imagine now keemstar has already responded to our video and i do not want to let him snake his way out of this like the many times before so i want to go piece by piece and dissect his argument so here let's watch okay i don't understand why i'm still getting hate oh wait that's not the right video sorry roll it one is up dramaalert and everyone else that's gonna see this video here we go not a dramaalert video this is not a news video here we go making a video today responding to a video that was uploaded yesterday by h3h3 where he accused me of various things that can be proved wrong just plain but the most damning thing that he accused me of is killing attica it's so cheap to try to boil down my entire 46 minute video to me saying you killed etika which is a point that i never even made let's be honest it's a perfect straw man for you to dismiss the entire video by responding to an argument literally the exact same thing that i said that i never even made if i thought you killed etika i would be going to the police i'm not making a youtube video the point that i'm trying to make is that you created a horribly toxic environment for him and everybody else with mental problems which is true you have a long track record of belittling the mentally ill as i point out it's not just about etika is about so much more boogie for example tweeted this out after our video came out he said one more thing on keemstar yes last summer when i was suicidal he added me to a chat and tried to help but after realizing his advice of just stop being sad didn't work he quickly got frustrated he called me weak he said i faked my mental illness no love lost this is a man that has challenged himself time and time again to be toxically insensitive belittling of of the mentally ill that's i mean the thing is like i think that there are a lot of people out there that probably have opinions like this on mental illness and like you're not going to convince everybody that like it's real or whatever but at the same time i just wouldn't go out and say that you know especially if it's like something that's like kind of medical it's in people's heads i think a lot of people think that but uh i don't think like saying that is a good idea even in this video he can't help but mock my mental health towards the end of your video you act like a victim like oh the big bad keemstar has been after me forever and it's had a huge job and my mental health huge control on my mental health i mean the dude can't even pretend to be sensitive to it for one video no if it's just a simulation who cares yes i said that i said that to etika but why did i say it to him because i was trying to explain to him that believing that this world is not real believing that this world is a simulation could put you in harm's way could put you in danger if you don't think this is real then why live keemstar can't even make this sound good when he's trying desperately to explain it it still sounds awful then why live ethan you are a piece of [ __ ] garbage garbage garbage garbage now keemstar goes on to say wow well i sent him so many nice tweets holy [ __ ] you only showed the mean ones here let me show you an example of one of these nice tweets you see a nice tweet i tweeted out i actually like attica i don't think he's evil like fousey i don't think he's evil like fousey i don't think he's evil like fousey i don't know anything about fouseytube dude i have no idea he isn't evil but then as you act on your high horse you completely forget when fouseytube was having his mental breakdown you did a whole podcast roasting him over it is he is he i mean i can't tell if he's just like cracked out yeah or if he's just on a manic ramp i think yeah [ __ ] hypocrite you've always been a goddamn hypocrite he tries to prove i'm a hypocrite by showing that i was harsh to fouseytube and he conveniently forgets this clip he's having a mental break there's really no question about it definitely he's he he is bipolar and he said that so the dude needs help he needs intervention man he needs someone who loves him and cares about him to step in which is more empathy that that context does make a difference it does seem like that was selectively edited i'll definitely say that yeah it was selectively edited and understanding that he has ever gotten he keeps starting of all crowds laid at his feet notice how keemstar instead of actually trying to defend or apologize for his actions we'll just try to assassinate my character and make me look like a hypocrite [ __ ] hypocrite doing that doesn't absolve you of the [ __ ] you've done keemstar made a three-part documentary about fousey2 about the height of his manic peak part one he even had people telling him to lay off yet he still persisted through three parts oh my god promote his music video one music video he just told me that he made a [ __ ] music video slow it down we're not let's just let me just speak for a second for a good second and don't interrupt me okay we're not talking about someone who's all there right now okay he's not going through a manic episode one trillion i don't know if that's true one bajillion percent this is how how is it not yeah it seems obvious before he's dropping he's dropping a video about like [ __ ] hate whatever no did you just hear him did he not just say one brazilian that's a lot dude music video that's a lot that doesn't mean [ __ ] though yeah it could be that he's allowed to promote his music all i'm saying to you is if you don't think fousey is going through a manic episode right now you are lost and have no understanding of what it means to be man ethan you are a piece of [ __ ] garbage garbage and on top of it you're a [ __ ] hypocrite garbage dude i'm i'm garbage dude there's so much [ __ ] you've done i couldn't oh [ __ ] oh in the first video okay what is up ladies and gentlemen i am just i i am completely [ __ ] pissed i was going to write a script for this video yeah yeah yeah i just figured i just need to talk i just need to [ __ ] talk yeah what is [ __ ] uh was arrested for attempt apparently trying to have sex with a child he's literally manipulated these many children into thinking that he's a poor poor little boy instead of a monster kim's art sheep's freaking this is constant barrage i raped absolutely no one i am not a [ __ ] pedophile like i feel like this dude is going to try to chase himself so i get in trouble that isn't a person that's been bullied that isn't a person that's been jesus this is real man we can now confirm that the ages were 18 and 15. everything we reported on bash versus 100 true 18 and 15. we're not wrong dramaalert's not wrong and 15. it's possible that he was 20 and he was 13. 100 percent true i don't understand holy [ __ ] i'm still getting hate now today yeah this is crazy crazy story all surrounding the youtuber known as toby turner accusing toby turner tobuscus about rape abuse drugs and pretty much everything terrible i'm being jesus christ a lot of juicy juicy details in there i haven't heard it myself this is the first time i'm going to be hearing the post he would grab me and tear my pants off and i would say no and pull them back up so forcefully that they would tear i still have my pants folded in the drawer that happened what the [ __ ] and holes in the crotch from him trying to what the [ __ ] keemstar should i jesus dude these were simply allegations going something along the lines of innocent until proven guilty wow 20 minutes after keemstar's video went public all of toby's channels so that was a so they paid they paid a female to read that is that what you're saying they paid a female to read that oh my god dude what the [ __ ] what all right so what happened we're flooded with hateful comments and dislikes of people who thought he was genuinely a rapist damn it tell me another one got away you should have drugged her okay i mean yeah i think he's a horrible person i don't understand why i'm still getting hate we have talked about a channel by the name of daddy of five people start digging deeper on the channel so more and more instances of the kids crying yeah obviously that was a 2005 joke um but what i'm saying is like was it true though like the accusations like i don't know i think it's partially irresponsible to just like report on accusations because like the in the court of public opinion as soon as someone gets the accusation if it gets enough clout people just assume that it's true it wasn't true yeah i i think that's what really happens it's like people have like as i said this logic in their mind that if somebody denies something that means they did it because if they didn't do it they wouldn't deny it which is like it's it's dumb logic but that's what a lot of people think i mean in distress i don't really think that this is child abuse we live in a world where if you push a kid it was childish it's 100 i remember this instantly abuse and i wouldn't necessarily label this as abuse why am i still getting hate jessie smiles many years ago came up and said that her ex-boyfriend raped her i doubt it's like literally her ex-boyfriend like i had doubt the jesse smiles and curtis story is so hard to believe because they were both boyfriend and girlfriend everyone in this industry tells me what a [ __ ] liar you are so again sorry i don't believe that your boyfriend raped you did you not have anybody else to treat like [ __ ] today so you just decided to do it to a rape victim okay got it got it i met curtis like in person jesus so much bad vibes like you know that gut feeling where you're like this is not a good person i now think you're guilty based on the hardcore facts of a gut feeling why am i still hey i mean it's just that simple man that is [ __ ] wild dude that is absolutely [ __ ] wild oh my god yeah he just [ __ ] he basically switched side i don't agree with like like him calling her a liar i think that's a little bit much right but i i don't like the idea that you should just believe somebody whenever they say something i mean if you if if you say it happened it doesn't mean that it happened you need to go to the police and you know have an investigation i think it's really bad that somebody gets accused of something and then it's just assumed that it's true like that's awful and you need to have an evidence you need to have like this is an investigation there's a reason why this is a court proceeding and just like ignoring all that and just going off what you feel a gut feeling is bad doesn't matter which side you're on still getting hate the interview with these two girls that claim that brandon and anthony did horrible things to them anthony wanted to watch me suck his cousins she was 17 at the time and she hooked up with brandon brandon's ap what what do you mean hook up like what kind of hookup are we talking about what the [ __ ] he like convinced her to suck his hey brandon i just interviewed two girls that showed me proof of harassment from your cousin anthony another girl told me in the interview that you and cousin anthony assaulted her what proof does she have and then keem himself was like well she doesn't have proof i believe she said in the interview that there's no proof who said there was proof i just interviewed two okay there's one thing that i really don't like and that's whenever people say that they're just reporting the news but reporting the news is just moving some sort of agenda or taking a rumor and proliferating that rumor with no evidence i don't care if you're doing news or not that should be slander and i don't care if you're on youtube or not that should be a ban because if you do that it's so damaging to somebody's reputation and it makes youtube look bad because imagine if mainstream media covers this and they play the videos where the videos it's on youtube it's really really bad and it's completely irresponsible i've seen this happen a lot two girls that showed me proof of harassment who said there was proof where did i say either one of them were guilty but you're definitely like sexually assaulted like i look like what i don't know brandon is guilty i don't know if anthony is guilty but you're definitely like sexually assaulted like stop being mad at me god damn it i'm creating the god of entertainment i'm creating this it's entertainment like yeah that's what i mean it's like this is all about entertainment it's all about like the thing is that if keemstar reports yeah everything was pretty good today um uh ninja tweeted at this company and the company sent him a box of uh of of shoes and then ninja made a video thanking them for the shoes like nobody's gonna watch that video because it's [ __ ] boring but if you talk about how some dude gets some other dude to suck his dick and it didn't even happen and one of them's underage holy [ __ ] everybody's gonna watch that one like what the [ __ ] is this oh my god and then that's how you get the viewership it's ridiculous [ __ ] for you to talk about on a goddamn slanderer's entertainment people make the video unlisted on drama so it's no longer public on youtube no i wasn't wrong i wasn't wrong creepy form where young teenage girls post photos in their underwear some of these girls are as young as 11 years old [ __ ] it i'm going to interview onision and give him a fair chance to defend himself are the victims actually victims where's the proof basically onision has like some web series where he like rates teenage girls where's the proof i do not deserve this hate what please swing at me if you're gonna swing at me swing at me dude i'm genuinely sick of being everyone's punching bag if you [ __ ] swing at me i'ma swing much harder back i'm genuinely sick of being everyone's punching bag i just started looking at my block list jesus dude there's like no end in sight recently i've been blocking like 300 people a day on twitter how did i lose 1500 subs in the last hour on sub for my channel right now i want oh my god with you idiots i do not deserve this hate that's the thing is like if you want to do a news show you can't cover touchy topics like that without a shadow of a doubt of things happening you can't be like hey i have this exclusive story of this career-ruining information that i can't confirm you just can't do that there's not even like i i'm amazed that i even have to say that and it's not that it's like actual journalism or not like usually i mean the fact is like usually keem is probably right but it's like let's assume he's right ninety percent of the time that means one in ten people get [ __ ] one in a hundred people get [ __ ] that's a really really bad ratio even if he's usually right you're getting a taste of what you do to people every day for one day and you're having a meltdown and screaming about i'm garbage bro you do this every day to people oh yeah this is a good one that gets buried you accused shoe nice of being a child molester on the run it's a deep cut but it happened you tried what the [ __ ] but i got you but it turns out that shoe nice may be a rapist fugitive fleeing the country another fake sexual assault allegation that he simply erases when it's not true how many times is keemstar gonna be allowed to do this you've always been a goddamn hypocrite you used to call me out for making jake paul videos when you made jake paul videos this guy i love he can't go a single video without bringing up jake paul you made jake paul videos everything you said is invalid the other day you were trying to reach for his [ __ ] beanie month ago you tried to roast me for my hoodie you said i looked like a 12 year old and then the whole internet had to remind you and roast you this is how you dress it was it was just absolutely hilarious the whole internet roasted me all of your points are invalid now another thing you did in this video is an absolute first for youtube you went after my sponsors you went after my sponsor oh my god if you think the youtube community is happy with you right now you you got to be out of your mind you have ushered in this new era where people that have beefs on each other go after their sponsors like this has never happened before but it's happening now i don't think that shaming sponsors and like trying to get sponsors to leave each like if you don't like somebody trying to get their sponsors to leave i don't think that's healthy for the this is the only thing that i halfway agree with keem on and it's like obviously like there are some exceptions where it's okay but in general i think that that practice is unhealthy for the entire space it's happening now and you did that you started this and because of all the hate that g fuel recently got from your stupid [ __ ] video i i got in contact with them i'm i'm no longer with g-fuel anymore i walked away because i criticized g-fuel which nobody should go after people's sponsors if they're inhuman [ __ ] scum let me address this head-on i am not someone that supports going after somebody's sponsors to try to cancel them for something bad they've said g-fuel is as much a part of keemstar's identity as his beard he has it on his head in every video he's got on the desk in every video it's very much a part of his identity how am i supposed to criticize keemstar and not address the fact that that g fuels on his desk at every time in in the hurricane of destruction there's always g-fuel sitting there on his desk how am i not supposed to talk about that i don't i don't really think that has anything to do with it honestly i i feel like that's that's like really weak reasoning i i don't know it just doesn't really make a lot of sense to me i mean there's plenty of people that like sponsors and stuff like that in the screen nation i'm your host killer keemstar wait for it what am i waiting for maybe the problem is keemstar who's so irresponsible in his coverage of news topics shouldn't integrate a brand in it if g-fuel dropped keemstar i would say that's very much keemstar fault and another thing you did in this video is an absolute first for youtube you went after my sponsors an absolute first he says isn't that it's not a first well keemstar why don't you just leave the word hypocrite out of your mouth from now on [ __ ] hypocrite you've always been a goddamn okay here we go many of these teams are big they have lots of sponsors and at the same time they're being racist homophobic and trying to convince other children to kill themselves you went after my sponsors and they are sponsored by elgato loot crate scuff controllers and cyber power pc it's an absolute first for youtube why are these sponsors sponsoring such a team yeah wet after my sponsors there are many small teams out there that do not act this way that i think are more worthy of these sponsorships towards the end of your video you act like a victim like oh the big bad keemstar has been after me forever and it's just my mental health you said thank god i have the support group around me well i have a support group around me and i can't wait for you to see them because they're really pissed off at that video you uploaded for multiple goddamn reasons good luck ethan because you're gonna [ __ ] need it and this yeah i think they're both wrong as i said i don't think going after sponsors is a good thing like that's the only thing that i kind of vaguely agree on like the criticism i i don't think that's healthy because everybody's gonna look at like oh you're a bad person everybody has a different barometer for what a bad person is i think everybody can agree with keem and that's why the point is like not really resonating with a lot of people because they don't agree with me but i think that just doing it in general is bad and the fact that obviously i have to like defend keemstar in any way is kind of weird but in general i don't like the practice of doing that and i think that it's unhealthy this is the line that i want people to remember more than anything else in this video this is the most potent image of keemstar you can ever see you crossed me i will destroy you you have a support system i have a hate system and now i'm turning the machine in all of its full force towards you the silent part of what he's saying is and anyone else that speaks out against me they're gonna be attacked and harassed and destroyed as well i think we need to just talk openly about keemstar's involvement on our platform he is a poison he is toxic he has created so much pain and suffering appreciate that so many people people don't speak out against keemstar because they know that he will do everything in his power to destroy them well i have a support group around me and i can't wait for you to see them to assassinate their character good luck ethan because you're gonna [ __ ] need it and this is a perfect continuation of this to end his video with a threat he's threatening me all of my friends can't wait to just dog pile on you yeah well i've got friends too keemstar so you kind of lifted that burden oh here we go here we go or you know or like you said that snake around your neck you know automating you got rid of that snake and i really appreciate you and i really appreciate the fact that you're a good guy oh geez this is as i said the keemstar stuff is really really bad and i'm sure he'll make a video after that i'm sure he'll make a video after that [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 730,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold youtube, asmongold tv, keemstar, drama alert, h3h3, h3h3productions, hila klein, asmongold keemstar, asmongold h3h3, dramaalert, asmongold drama alert, keemstar drama, h3h3 drama, h3h3 reaction, asmongold drama, keemstar reaction, h3h3 content cop, asmongold nuclear fallout, asmongold h3h3productions, h3h3 keemstar drama, content nuke reaction, content cop, nuclear fallout, asmongold reaction, asmongold content nuke, h3h3 content nuke
Id: d-PJxToqcF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 6sec (1626 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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