Built in 1990 ABANDONED in 2020 | Millionaire’s $5,000,000 Luxury Mansion Untouched For 30 Years

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what is going on explorers Ethan again back at another epic adventure and today what I have for you is this Mansion behind me there's an interesting story to this house we're going to tell it when I get inside cuz I'm cold but I just thought I'd do an intro out here this is going to be demolished let's go check her out what's going on guys okay so we're inside this place looks freaking amazing um shout out to my buddy for giving me this spot you know who you are I didn't find this he did so credit goes to him I'm not going to leave his name because I don't know if he wants me to leave it or not but point is shout out to him uh um anyways this house is amazing so I did some some digging got some history on it so the permits the blueprints that was all drawn and app and approved in 1989 the house itself was finished in 1990 um and the story with this goes so it was built in 90 and it was owned by someone [Music] who they lost it because of gambling issues um they went bankrupt from gambling and um the bank seized it Bank put it up for bidding it sold way under market value a builder bought it in 2020 and it to my understanding has been empty since now I'm going to point something out before we get started excuse me the power is still on and I think the heat's on um and I'm going to get comments that's not abandon that's not abandon there are signs that I'm looking at right through this window right now that say this is being demolished there's plans to knock it down this house will never be lived in again okay um it's probably around 6,000 ft if I had to guess um but it's stuck in the it's stuck in the early '90s late ' 80s and I think you guys are going to love this so grab your snack grab yourself a drink and let's hang out in this '90s Mansion okay so we're starting at the front door normally I'd show the staircase right off the bat but this one's insane and it's behind me and I'm going to make you wait a little bit okay so right off the bat your front foyer you have these big Grand wooden doors you can see outside there's like there's pillars and it's all open to the top level so for you walk in the house you can walk left which I'm not going to show you yet right takes you in there haven't been in there yet and that I believe is the dining room but let's take this one step at a time here's your closet just your front Walkin not walk-in but front like coats go in here obviously what am I saying Ethan no duh that's what a closet's for coat closet front closet front hall closet you know what I mean there's your very old security system well yeah it's older it looks '90s maybe 2000s you got a glimpse of the staircase there to the left you know what I'm just going to show you it I'm just going to show you it look at this Oak staircase carpet up the middle the winding or the like the the yeah that's a spiral staircase that is a spiral staircase that's not it's not a winding that is a full spiral that goes completely around with a massive chandelier I love the curved circular walls with all the windows that is just absolutely effing amazing um wall scon is everywhere which love it here you have your two-piece bathroom now like I said the power works so we're going to use that to our advantage so brass very like 80s looking mirror what's up guys um even a brass toilet paper like holder like it's it's the floors in here these Granite floors this very like '90s like but just just look at that is that not just beautiful and then everywhere is like molding you have crown molding everywhere and it's the real stuff it's not the stuff you just like press on and it sticks so front foyer right off the bat this house is incredible you have big doors high ceiling chandelier beautiful staircase um French doors everywhere um yeah we're going here yeah we're going here first we're going here first holy jeez it's huge look at this I love the colors in here it's definitely never been painted cuz it's very like Dusty Rose like bright sorry like faint pink is very like a a '90s color there's an old light fixture there that's pretty neat I love this circular like or curved rather walls they got going on in this house so much natural light would be coming in here so many dead bugs in the windows this place has been empty for quite a while at least 3 years nice hardwood floors so nice room here very nice you have intercoms all throughout the place like so many windows sorry for my squeaky shoes it's like the snow outside and then you come inside the house and again with the curved Windows the crown molding everywhere you got even some water damage starting in the roof ceiling there it's cracked this is like a freaking Ballroom no it's not big enough to be a ballroom but I it's huge I can't imagine like excuse me I can't imagine like Furnishing a house like like this this is probably bigger than 6,000 ft like I initially thought this is probably closer to 7 and I haven't even walked through it all I've walked the main floor and not even all of it when I came in before I started filming I I seen the front foyer and like the the kitchen and stuff I I didn't go in there or anything these doors are beautiful oh I got think I might have the hiccups uhoh not the time for that so here's your dining room wow intercom there's your thermostat wow wow wow so the power just simply hasn't been cut yet it will be when they demolish it a lot of the time and people ask me a lot they'll say Ethan why is the power still on if it's abandoned if it's vacant this and that well the reason being because a lot of the time these owners of these multi-million dollar properties they pay the bill in advance they're not paying month to month this is probably paid off this electric bill months if not years ahead so that is often why the power stays on or two so the basement doesn't flood and create a bunch other issues and I know it's being demolished but once you get a flooded basement you risk a bunch of other things so that's a lot of the reasons why the power is often left on um anyways so you come in if your your main foyer here like we seen okay and there is a basement which will get to um there's a big old cob you have this little hallway area here with a nice big light fixture uh these walls aren't quite purple I think you probably call that Ma mve mve I think that's how you pronounce it right we'll go to the kitchen in a second let's do this first you have a front uh family room maybe a den with wall sconces and hardwood floors and an absolutely beautiful fireplace got the marble with the oak mantle this would have been in 1990 this would have been a top of the line home like when you think if your typical top-of-the line Mansion today you you know we all think of the same thing I think but when you think of an a late ' 80s early '90s Mansion this is this was top of the line you know I love these wall sconces with these little like I like these is this a wet bar or is just just a little built-in it's got stained glass with like they look like they'd hold wine bottles but this doesn't seem like the place appropriate for that cuz there's no like sink a wet bar here it's just more or less cabinets but there's your front room again curved walls even inside not just outside inside you have curved walls I love that little architectural features like that are very important to me um I noticed little details like that and I know I've got comments before people say oh you notice the little details I certainly do um I always think maybe I should have been an architect because I think I could have done well so here's your kitchen um this is very of its time this like sun room style Windows reminds me of a of like a Wendy's from back in the day I know some of you will probably know what I'm talking about um everything is so just Grand the the size of everything the hallways the rooms so it's like an eating kitchen that'd be your little breakfast room there probably you have a table there here's your kitchen this no I don't think it's actually updated I don't because that is the same as on the floor and I can tell you from from past experience that that is original tile from that time same with this black granite for whatever reason black granite black marble was big back then on these cabinets it's like almost like a blonde wood that was big back then now I'll give you this the appliances absolutely modernized um sink looks probably newer but I mean the cabinets and the the the floors and whatnot they seem to be original um here's some keys in a garage door opener that's neat those are old Keys damn the D oh back door derp there's your Comm guarantee you it still works it is not 610 or else it would be dark out right now but it works it's the IMA 40 46 series if that means anything to anyone because I've it was weird I had someone make a comment um and they're like cuz I was showing the intercom and they're like can you can you share the model number I'm like okay so I share the model number uh the one after that and I've never heard from Buddy again so I hope he uh seen that that I left them the model number because you know I don't mind requests if you guys ever have like certain things you want me to point out like please please do not hesitate to like point it out and ask is this closed this does not even look shut do it lock doesn't lock no it doesn't lock okay whatever this is a laundry room my old house was built an ' 88 had the same colored walls in the laundry room so this is kind of makes me feel a certain way don't know how to really explain the feeling but it's weird bathroom two bathrooms on the main floor what is up guys um I didn't want to show it cuz the town was on it but that piece of paper on the fridge 2020 garbage schedule so I don't think this has been lived in in about four years holy cobwebs there's your garage it is freezing damn it is AB absolutely freezing now I don't know why I'm complaining because it's literally mid-February so like I shouldn't act like I'm surprised that it's cold outside hey look at this water damage ceiling yeah it's crazy how quick these places go to like go to waste after they just sit for a few years like this house has been empty 3 years and it's already like water damage like just like dirty and like you know look at these old countertops my gosh yeah this is a solid original House of this era you guys know this is probably my favorite thing to explore as a house like this basement you guys know I love basements closet okie dokie this is just like a little of the maid's quarters so yeah it's in Nanny's quarters there's the bedroom choose the sniffling oh look that cobweb it's attached to me it is from here to the window oh my gosh very clean well well mostly for the most part it's clean yes animals I think I maybe went in there there is I hear it all right I'll let you be man I will let you be there's an animal in there I can hear it making animal noises little closet and then the bathroom what's Su guys toilet tub we're waste of space Oh yeah water damage that's going to collapse nice three-piece bath with an intercom that has no buttons it's like you can look at the intercom but you can't use it this is cool little like glass block like lights very 80s salmon pink and who doesn't love the oak railing okay let's go check out the uh upstairs they don't connect which is fine so let's go up this beautiful staircase nice Oak staircase white or cream carpet so many windows and look at that oh my gosh it's huge that is massive it like I'm looking at it on camera right now it doesn't do it justice how big this is my gosh just massive and the molding oh man holy jeez it's huge up here yep I love windows I love natural light and uh this certainly has no shortage of any of that so let's go in here first this is the master double doors and let's see oh yeah holy crap intercom and a security panel I imagine you'd have your bed here no it was probably here I can see where the marks are in the carpet so this is I I don't really know how to measure this out but it's got to be I don't know I don't want to be like wrong but it's it's massive point being is like you could fit a king-sized bed in here still have like massive dressers and like probably a little sitting area over there and like that little circular area um recessed lighting not recessed lighting uh yes it is yes it is yes it is yes it is recess lighting I'm thinking of track lighting I'm like no I'm wrong but pot lights recess lighting whatever you prefer to call it I personally call it pot lights but I get a lot of comments telling me I'm wrong I've only ever called it pot lights cuz that's all I've ever known cuz people around me call it that maybe that's a Canada thing I'm not sure oh my gosh oh wow holy crap look at the size of the shower what the heck it's huge oh heck yeah man brass shower door brass fixtures on the b day look it's like a circle you one could sit here okay one could hang out here one can hang out here man what's up guys modern light fixtures don't love those but considering the other 99% of this house is original I'm not going to complain this is amazing love heat lamps too that's cool I wonder if it works oh heck yeah just beautiful wow what do you guys think of this one so far you loving this as much as me I can't I can't gauge like in like take in how big this room is it is massive I've been in some big houses with some big bedrooms this this has got to be up there W scon nice here's a bedroom with a closet not the biggest closet but it would get the job done um little on Suite three-piece bathroom here's your switch there you go oh he's got a skylight that's the first Skylight I think I've seen the master didn't have one I don't think but uh what's up guys pretty decent size shower too are those ones that slide the doors yeah it does okay and then a toilet does the water still work no okay okay figured okay well that's off the utilities are off but the power's on there's the intercom I noticed the one in the master didn't have buttons either but that that one does strange even like the kids bedrooms would have had crown molding so these people had money money holy pink man these bathrooms are just so cool I love a good 80s 90s bathroom at least the toilets are clean so I can show them up guys cuz like I show Dirty Toilets and I get yelled at man it's like I don't want to intentionally like go out of my way to show you a greasy toilet but like at the same time I would hope you could understand that unfortunately Dirty Toilets come in abandoned houses that's just how it is what a view in our last bedroom before we go to the basement they're pretty big bedrooms though e like Oh Black I knew we'd have a black bathroom I freaking knew it that is a very 1990 thing to do what's up guys yep I like this house 110% would rather live in this than like a house of the same size that's like brand new that's a big closet I think it's longer than the other two cool man freaking cool so I think that's it for up here let's take another look at this like right up close look at that God damn sorry I don't know some of you don't like when I use that word but and and you know what I'm just going to say this off the Record okay I say that word and I don't mean it in a disrespectful way because I do believe that there is something in that regard that exists all right but I you know I don't ever say it in like a disrespectful way I just want to throw that out there for for past reference and future reference okay I think the heat's on I can hear it down here okay so spiral staircase down to the basement okay it's probably going to be big isn't it going to need some light holy sh is there a light switch oh it's yellow what that light doesn't work is there no light down here of course this would be the room that doesn't have a working light isn't it yeah of course it is I mean it's just an empty recck room but you know I'd like for you to see it but it's not going to happen unless hold up oh yeah it's literally orange this they weren't afraid of color in this house what would you even do with all this room pool table air hockey mini stick tournaments oh buddy mini stick tournaments would be crazy in here you can probably tell I'm um probably too excited to be honest there's a cold seller looks scary but uh hey they even were nice enough to do the tiles in there um oh there's your furnace yeah it is on hot water tank but with no water on it is hot in here God dang oh had to do it to him okay is there light here what the heck little cubby door here oh it's like a water hose thing water man okay another little rec room you can probably put like a this would be a pool table room just changing by the way the tiles are there's the staircase that goes up to the laundry room it did a good job on the tiles in here like it's very you can probably see it like it's you know that's all electrical panels pretty empty basement um definitely the best part being this Orange Room okay cool I hate basement I even as cool as they are I I I I hate basement okay we're still good okay holy shoot 25 minutes and I think we did her boys and girls that was phenomenal I'm going to do proper outro so don't you worry but uh I think that's it I don't think we missed anything um I don't think I looked in the kitchen cabinets but there's no point they're just going to be empty the whole house is empty as you've seen assuming this is a pantry I don't think we went in there either yeah it's just a pantry for cans and stuff um okay wow beautiful house I hope you guys enjoyed the heck out of this cuz I sure did but um I'm going to go take some photos I'm going to go get some Tik Tok clips and we'll be back with an outro thank you guys so much holy smokes what a location again shout out to my buddy for this location uh if he wants his name mentioned his link will be down below um but if he doesn't won't be mentioned any more than that it already has been uh without him we wouldn't be here today so shout out to him um he's a great kid he's a great Explorer and I got tons of respect for him so shout out to you buddy anyways this house incredible this is my typical kind of dream home uh original everything almost except for maybe some light fixtures and some appliances um it's going to be demoed it's such a fraking shame that this is going to go um that's how it goes around here man Toronto GTA on Southern Ontario is rough for this stuff and uh I've seen Howes 8 years old go I've seen houses 150 years old go it doesn't matter um but I it was an honor to be able to document this it's saved and documented forever now so and I got to see it with my own eyes so uh and crazy story to go with it you know the fact that you know they lost the house because buddy was gambling too much it's it's it's such a shame but that just shows that you know that's what happens so um if you like this video please smash the like button okay smash the heck out of it drop a comment down below I want to see what you guys thought of this place and lastly if you haven't yet I would be honored if you'd hit that subscribe button um if you want to see more Adventures like this we're doing this stuff all the time at least two to three times a week um and uh this is now my fifth full-time year doing YouTube I started late 2019 early 2020 it's now 2024 we're doing this 5 years and I have seen some incredible places so um that's it for this video guys thank you so much for watching and I will catch you guys in the next adventure stay safe peace
Channel: Ethan Minnie
Views: 113,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CT5BrFvBgFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 33sec (1833 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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