9.3.3 Packet Tracer - HSRP Configuration Guide

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hi friends welcome to all in this video we are going to discuss a CCNA version 7 packet tracer activity it just RP configuration guide before coming to this activity first if you like to get any CCNA version 7 online classes or any technical or project support you can contact our team using our website link you will get from the description below and also if you like to get this type of technical videos in future considered subscribing also don't forget to enable that Bell icon near to the subscribe button so that you will get notification message whenever we upload a new video now coming back to our activity sure we can see our a dressing-table the I - net rotor is present in the internet cloud and it cannot be accessed in this activity ok here are they given that interface its IP address ok and they specified it's in this Internet cloud ok that's right so coming to the objectives in this packet racer activity we will learn how to configure how to standby router protocol that is HSR P to provide redundant default gateway devices to house on lands after configuring HSR P we will attach to the configuration to verify that the house are able to use the redundant default the Gateway if the current gateway device becomes unavailable so we will configure an HS RP active router then we will configure an HSR P standby router then we will verify HSR P operation just we will go through this background spanning tree protocol provides loop free redundancy between switches within a LAN however it does not provide a redundant the default gateways for end-user devices within the network if a gateway router fails first hop redundancy protocols that is fhr peace provide redundant the default gateways for any devices within no at inducer configuration necessary by using a fetch RP two or more routers can share the same virtual IP address and a MAC address and can act as a single virtual rotor hosts on the network are configured with a shared IP address as their default gateway it is packet restore activity B will configure as his course hot standby about a protocol that is HS RP which is an F fetch RP we will configure H SRP on routers r1 and r3 which is serve as the default gateways for the host on a LAN LAN one ant Island - when you configure HS RP we will create a virtual gateway that uses the same default gateway a transfer housed in both lands if one gateway a router becomes unavailable the second router will take over using the same default the gateway address that was used to buy the first rotor because the host on the lands are configured with the IP address of the virtual gateway as the default gateway the house will regain connectivity to a remote networks after H SRP activates the remaining route on yes your all they talk about HS RP now we will go to instructions in part 1 verify connectivity step 1 trace the path to the web server from PC - a go to the desktop of PC - a and open the command prompt then trace the path from PC - a to the web server by executing the tray set the IP address a to not 9.1 65.2 hundred or two to six command which devices are on the path from PC - a to the web server use that dressing-table to determine the device names okay we will use this tray set command register we'll copy this command then coming to PC - a we will go to command prompt and I will paste it then press Enter hissing wrote to the server and here we can see Trey's complete we will identify these devices using our addressing table so coming to a dressing table here we can see the first address this is a default a gateway to that PC PC - a that is our one so just 192 168 1.1 here we can see that it's a device our one eye interface G 0 / 1 the next Etra see said see that address at / 0 in this router r2 so from PC - it goes to s 1 then it goes to r1 then then it goes to R 2 then we have a 10.1 hundred 102 it's here I in it which is in the internet cloud and finally it goes to this server web server right yes so once more we will see the path it's time from PC - a then it goes to s 1 then it will go to our burn and then R 2 then it will go to the Internet and finally it will go to web server now in step 2 trace the path to the web server from PC - be repeat the process in step 1 from PC - be which devices are on the path from PC - be to the web server ok we will repeat this same step we will a tracer to this web server from PC - be click on PC - be go to command prompt and they will let paste to that command here goes to 1.3 yeah because of my selection is gone just again he'll give that tray cert here yeah here we can see that no we will identify these devices coming to our a dressing table 1 9 2 1 6 8 to 1.3 here we can see interface G 0 star 0 and the device is R 3 so from PC - B it goes to s 3 then it goes to R 3 right then from R 3 will close PC - a and the here is PC - B yeah then it goes to dot 1.1.2 that means R 2 then it goes to this R 2 okay then we can see it goes to 10 dot 100 100 - it's in this Internet ok then finally it goes to our server yeah now coming to step 3 observe the network behavior when our 3 becomes unavailable ok select the delete tool from the packet tracer toolbar and delete the link between R 3 and s 3 if you are going to delete this L link okay just to press Delete and we can delete this link now we will open a command prompt on PC - B and execute the trace head command with the web server as the destination okay so we'll go to PC - B again command prompt we can press up arrow from keyboard up arrow then press ENTER and we are waiting for the tracer so compare or the current I would put with the output of the command from step two what are the results so it says your request timed out and we can see this a PC - be lost the connection - it's a default gateway so we can see the coach timed out okay next - click the connections icon in the lower left corner of the packet tracer window locate and they select the copper straight through icon in the pallet of connection type then click on s3 and select port give up with the third at 0 / - then epoch r3 and the select port Giga be the third 0/0 so coming to our packet tracer here we can see connections and we will choose copper straight through then click on s3 and select g0 / - then connect to our 3G 0/0 after the link lights on the connection are both green test - the connection by pinging the web server the ping should be successful okay here now we can see the link between this is 3 + r3 in green so we'll go to PC - B and here we can see trace complete because we connected the network anyways we'll have a ping ping to this server so just I will copy the ceteris bring to this observer and if we can see we get the replies it's succeeded now we will go to party to configure HSR P active and is 10 by rotors step 1 configure HSR P on r1 configure HSR p on the g 0 / 1 lan interface of r1 we have to give this command we have to go to that interface g 0 / 1 then specify the HSR p protocol version number the most recent version version two they given a note stand by version one only supports ipv4 addressing okay we have to give that command is standby version two you will go to rotor r1 enable constant we will go to interface G 0 / 1 and we will s set the standby version - ok then configure the IP address of the virtual a default gateway this address must be configured on anyhow - that require the services of the default gateway it replaces the physical interface address of the router that has been previously configured on on the host multiple instances of HSR P can be configured on a router you must specify the HSR P group number to identify the virtual interface between routers in a HSR P group this number must be consistent between the rotors in the group the group number for this configuration is 1 sure we can see that configuration standby 1 then we have to specify the virtual IP address IP space then the virtual address people do this configuration it's standby 1 then we have to specify IP then virtual IP address 192 dot one six eight dot one dot at 254 then press Enter no coming to D designated the active router for the HSR P group it is the rotor that will be used as the gateway device analyst it fails or the path to it becomes inactive or unusable specific the priority for the rotor interface the default value is 100 a higher value will be determined which rotor is the active rotor if the priorities of the in the HSR peak group are the same than the rotor with the highest configure IP atrĂ¡s will become the active rotor so we have to set the priority and here they mentioned that the default value is 100 so we will have set standby one priority as 150 we will set this priority in this r1 standby one priority 150 okay so r1 is now our active router r1 will operate as the active rotor and the traffic from the two lands will use it as the default gateway because we set the highest priority in this curve over r1 next isa if it is a desirable that active rotor or assume that roar when it becomes available again configure it to Preem to the service of this tan by rotor the active rotor will take over the Gateway role when it becomes operable again so we have to give this command for that standby one primmed okay we will give that tan by one primped next t so what will the HSR p priority of r3 be when it is added to HS RP group of one yeah it will be obviously hundred because i here i mentioned at the default to value is hand shot right yes no coming to step to configure HSR p on r3 configure r3 as the standby router configure the r3 interface that is connected to LAN to repeat only steps 1b and 1c above that means we have to set the version and we have to set the virtual IP at France right so we will go to R 3 and then we have to go to this interface that is a G 0 / 0 okay enable kind of tea we will go to interface G zero slash zero then we will let set the version standby version 2 also we will set this standby one IP then virtual IP address standby one IP address this one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot one dot at 254 no coming to step three a verify HSR P configuration verify it just RP by issuing the show standby command on r1 and r3 verify the values for H SRP roll group virtual IP address of the gateway preemption and priority note that HSR P also identifies the active and standby router IP addresses for the group so here are they given this a show standby command on r1 and shown the output so here we can see the details even they given the output for for this rotor r3 also okay so just we will go to r1 and we will verify it you the command end show standby and here we can see the details we can see gigabit a third on cero slash one group is one version is it - and we can see it's a state is active okay and here we can see it's a virtual IP address also we can see active or chill mica truss is set and here shows the local virtual MAC address then other details active router is local that means this is the active router and we can see Stan Bay rotor that is that is rotor r3 and here we can see it's priority it's 150 okay now we will go to this rotor r3 he will give an end then we will give this a shot commander so stand by and we can see the details sure we can see it's a state isa stand by then we can see its virtual IP address also we can see active and the local virtual my catchers and the hero they mentioned the active rotor that is it's r1 and here we can see its priority it's a default priority that is hundred next user using the output shown a bow answer the following questions which rotor is the active rotor yes we have seen it's r1 and we can see in this ratio command itself state is active so it's r1 then what is the MAC address for the virtual IP address sure we can see that mega truss okay then what is the IP address and priority of the standby rotor the IP address of the h9b rotor we have seen its we have seen in our one its standby rotor and we can see it's a you know priority so if you go to r3 so we can see its priority hunter so this 100 is the default priority now use the show standby brief command on r1 and r3 to view and HSR P status summary sample output is shown below okay just will verify on both rotors show standby brief and if your week see the details so interface we can see the group its priority status active standby we can see its address and dagger we can see virtual IP address next we will go to our three show standby brief and interfaces G 0/0 group is one priorities the default priority that is 100 and this rotor state is a standby then we can see active rotor address standby so our three is in standby then we can see it's virtual IP address okay now we are going to change the default gateway at rest for PC - a PC - see yes 1 and s 3 which address should you use obviously we have to use the virtual IP address be given that is 54 verify the new settings issue a ping from both PC - a and PC - C to the web server the ping successful it should succeed anyways first of all we will change this a default gateways first of all we will go to PC - a command prompt sorry you have to go to IP configuration right so here we have to change this a default gateway 54 okay now close this a PC - a then we will go to PC - B IP configuration and it changed it's a default again a 1 dot 254 next to be will change in these switches s1 and s3 click on s1 enable country then we will set the default gateway IP default gateway now it's 192 dot one sixty eight dot one dot two fifty four then we will go to s3 enable kunti IP default gateway one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot to 1.2 fifty for the virtual IP address now we will go to part three observe HSR P operation step one make the active router become unavailable open a command prompt on PC - B and enter the command tray set to zero 9.16 five dot 200 or 226 that means we are going to trace from PC - B - this web server does the patter differ from the path used to before each SRP was configured we will check that we will go to PC - B then we'll go to command prompt and sure we will the + up arrow again press up arrow so try cert command and if we can see it goes to then it goes to this then here then finally it or so just we'll go to your previous a trace head command and we can see it goes to 192 once he said 1.3 that means it goes to the rotor r3 but here now we can see it goes to rotor r1 because that is the stag I mean that is the active rotor right now coming to step to break the link to r1 select the delete tool from the packet tracer or a tool bar and delete the cable that connects R 1 to s 1 R 1 to s 1 okay we can do that just press the delete button from keyboard or you can select from the tool box just give delete and we are going to delete this connection then process Cape ok then return to PC - be and execute the tray set tracer to zero nine that means we are going to trace her to web server okay then observe the output of the command until the command complete completes execution you may need to repeat the trace to see the full path okay again we will a try in a PC - B you will go to PC - B command prompt so again press up arrow and press ENTER and we just wait for the result now we can see it goes to this rotor r3 because the active rotor is unavailable so this tan Beirut or become active rotor okay that's why we get this address then it goes to this rotor that is an r2 then to this internet then finally to this web server how was this trace different from the previous trace yes now it goes to PC - B then it goes to r3 because our three become the active route HSR P undergoes a process to determine which rotor should take over when the active rotor becomes unavailable this process takes time once the process is complete the are three standby rotor becomes active and is used as that default gateway for house on land 1 and land - so now these are three become an active rotor suggests you will go to our three and we will verify that bigger will do the show command show standby just you press up arrow or you can type this command it show a space standby then press enter and here we can see it's a status active so that means r3 is active now it's virtual IP address and other details we can see ya next we will go to step 3 restore the link to r1 reconnect our one to s1 with a copper a straight-through cable okay now execute a trace from PC - B again before that we will let connect we have to choose copper stay through from s1 will connect to G 0 / 2 2 R 1 G 0 / 1 ok next execute a trace from PC - B to the web server you may need to repeat the trace to see the full path ok again we will go to PC - B command prompt and press up arrow from keyboard again and we can see the trace it will go to 1 ok let me see the link is up or not yeah it's up and here we can see the tracer result now we can see it goes to R 1 then to R 2 then to the Internet then it goes to our web server yeah no Marvin become active root or because we given that command Prem's right next is what math is used to reach the web server yeah now it used from PC - B - web server through r1 right or PC - B s 3 s 1 then r1 then r2 then Internet then to this web server if the Preem to command boughs are not configured for the HSR P group on r1 I would the results have been the same no no obviously not because this R 3 will remain as active rotor and we get the trace through PC - B s3r 3r - internet then web server but here in this case if we given the supreme command in this admin for this interface G 0 / 1 so once this interface become up our one will become the active route okay so in this video we discussed about CCNA version 7 packet tracer activity it just RP configuration guide so we can see our completion status 100% now dear friends if you have any doubt any suggestions regarding this packet race or activity or any other technical support needed you can comment or you can visit our website to contact our team link will get from the description below also if you liked our video give a thumb and share with all your friends stay tuned for the future videos thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 27,678
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Keywords: CISCO, CCNA, CISCO Certification, Packet Tracer, HSRP, CISCO Router, CCNAv7, Routing and Switching
Id: CfE0R5nlcS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 35sec (1715 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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