Free PT Lab FHRP HSRP & Troubleshooting | Cisco CCNA 200-301

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[Music] and welcome everybody to another fun session of hands-on practice of packet tracer focusing on the topics in the CCNA from Cisco Systems boy I've got a fantastic whirlwind of things that have been happening you're probably busy too so let's get right down to business the focus of this hands-on lab is to have some practice in troubleshooting which is always incorporated in my labs to make a server on top of our toes and also implement some fault tolerance with HS RP there's our first top redundancy protocol so let me share with you where you can download the lab I'm going to be using packet tracer versions 7.3 so you'd want to have that version or higher though show you where it can download download the lab give you the tasks then we'll go right to it let's take a look all right so here is a really simple site the Keith Parker comm and what you do is you should go there the Keith Parker comm and click on downloads here or you can scroll down to downloads and the lab we are going to do today alright alright alright so that we are going to do today is this bad boy right here and again thanks for the feedback on rename putting better names on these labs so you could see the labs and scan what they do so first hop redundancy protocols HSR peat lab 20 24 19 that's for my own sanity keeping and then just click on this link here download it and we'll be in business so let's do that well download it by clicking on that arrow I'm gonna say save it that's gonna put in my downloads folder we'll go to my downloads folder which is right here and I'll just extract it right click and the reason I'm doing this is I just wanna make sure that I have the same exact file you do so when you're walking through this you'll have similar experiences because the the starting point will be the same so we'll extract it and there it is there's the PDF I have also which came up on another screen burp notice and I've also put in the instructions in the lab itself so I'm gonna open up packet tracer this lab that we just downloaded I've already logged on so it's not going to ask me log on again and let me size this up and they move my head out of the way well I size this up give me one moment all right that looks pretty looks pretty good all right so this is the task at hand these are the tasks at hand and I had some some great feedback from a lot of people about making these labs an opportunity for having a more challenging based on your current level of experience if you're just starting in the world of Cisco and CCNA please enjoy the playlist get a good book you know sets up some study habits and the master playlist is there to help reinforce a lot of those skills and if you see something in this lab like whoa what's that or how'd that work just give yourself a big huge margin a big huge cushion and realized that if you haven't learned something yet you can learn that tomorrow or the next day just keep on learning keep on growing okay so packet tracer and FH RP fun and a little bit more okay here's the objectives we want to implement fault-tolerant default gateways for DHCP clients PC 1 & 2 so that's PC 1 there's PC 2 part of the fun here is discovery about where things are exactly and we have three VLANs PC ones and VLAN 10 PC 2s and VLAN 20 this DHCP server is interviewed on 30 and that's really all the instructions it gives us here's the web server right there so when clients go to the keith barker calm and packet tracer they're gonna be going to this web server so you know where that is the multi-layer switches are doing the routing between VLANs whatnot 10 20 and 30 and the goal is to have these DHCP clients have fault tolerant default gateways which is what eff HRP does and you can test it by using a browser from either either PC to the the Keith Parker comm so I imagine it would go something like this we would get it all working and then we would power down one of the multi-layer switches just turn it off and then take a look and verify whether or not the other multiplier switch with its fault tolerance that they just sarpy carries the traffic it allows it to work so let's do that now a couple things that I do want to give you a heads up on is that there are there are a few challenges in this lab it's not all just I'm going to implement the three commands for each SRP it's just gonna fly it's also gonna take a little bit of digging in identifying what's going on what works what doesn't work and so here's what I'd like you to do if if you're at a fairly advanced level and CCNA or above CCNA and you want to try this lab out I would encourage you to not use the starting topology just build this complete topology from scratch and assign all the ports and all the trunks and we'll give you all that practice it's great if you're brand new or just learning CCNA start with this framework and then just take it piece by piece so the spoiler is that as I go through this right now if you want to do it on your own first if it's the live debut of the premiere of this video please hang around and we'll have a chat afterwards on the discord server but if you're watching this at a later date after what's the date today the 19th if you're watching this a recorded version of this just pause it right here and work on the lab and then if you need help or you want to compare how you did it to how I did it then you can go ahead and resume it and play the goal is hands-on practice hands-on practice to get better and better and I'm still pleasantly surprised and happy about the idea that I learn new things all the time I'm a CC CIE and I will revisit things and I think well look at that see it from a different angle so the more you practice the better you will get at these technologies okay so um fault tolerant default gateways I would say we should start by if this PC right here is supposed to be it's supposed to be able to hit the webserver before we implement the fault tolerance let's make sure the network is working that's a good start so go to this PC and on this PC it looks like it's powered on that's great let's go to a browser and desktop tab and we'll click on web browser and let's just give it a shot the Keith Barker I should really I should be able to spell that one correctly but Keith Barker dot-com no host name unresolved well that's very kind a packet tracer to tell us that DNS isn't working it can't resolve the nameless um all right well let's take a look the details for this client and see what's going on so on the client good uh not a terminal will close that go to the command prompt and right here with an ipconfig /all and well there's your problem right there fastethernet it doesn't have an IP address no no wonder couldn't resolve anything I can't get anywhere so let's take a look at it supposed to be a DHCP client so let's go take a look at its configuration so under config fastethernet o static and notif so we'll click on dhcp and that will do the discover offer a request acknowledgement process assuming we find and it comes up with a 169 to 54 address that route that refers to the fact that it tried dhcp didn't discover and just didn't get that response didn't get an offer and that's an automatic private IP address assignment 169 it's bad news it means the client is trying to get an IP address didn't work out so let's let's resolve that I can't get an IP address let's start at the server in this topology this is the DHCP server for the network let's just make sure DHCP servers running let's just you know step by step so it has an IP address I'm looking here at 10:30 zero five its default gateways 1030 zero one and the DNS first okay so let's just verify that on that server that DNS our dhcp services are running that's a good start so we'll we've already looked at the IP address so we'll go to services and dhcp and it has three pools has pool ten for the ten ten network has pool 20 for the ten twenty network with a default gateway of dot eleven and then a DNS server alright let me just make sure let me take a look at the let me take a look let's look at let's look at the multi-layer switches and see what their addresses are I'm just hovering over them you can also go in and do show IP interface brief that would work so multi-layer switch one has the addresses of dot eleven for all three interfaces B then ten twenty thirty and if we hover over MLS two multi-layer switch two it's got 22 all right so none of them have the dot one address so on the DHCP server itself we need to fix the d8 the default gateway problem because see that it says the default gateway is 10 30 0 1 and I got bad news for you nobody has that IP address of 1030 0 1 that I see so let's go ahead and fix that we'll point him to one of the servers as a default gateway so we'll go back to config and fastethernet the IP address looks good 1030 0 5 and we'll go to settings and we'll specify the default gateway is 11 it's going to be important if we want to get off the local subnet we need to have a default gateway that's reachable so now let's test that let's go back to desktop and let's do an IP config slash all sometimes it's also good just to verify that what you think you put in is actually showing up so 10:30 10:30 zero five good and the default gateways down 11 let's verify we can ping that 10.0 about 30 11 o dyslexics of the world on ty I put the IP address in backwards it's 10:30 dot 0 dot 11 all right and then we have things so we can reach our default gateway that's fantastic now let's go back up to our and we verified that the server has DHCP pools and it has a default gateway let's go back to the PC and let's bounce it so I'm just gonna balance the interface by going to the PC click on fast ethernet and their interface clicking static which is basically okay static address and I'm unpacking tracer you don't have to click apply it just does it then we'll click on DHCP again and we'll look at the box here hey got an IP address great that's a really good start so we'll go back to desktop and just verify with a show too much Cisco ipconfig /all and there's its IP address 53 default gateway 10 10 0 11 and we verified that let me just hover over multiplier switch 1 it's got the 10 10 0 11 address good so [Music] let's give it another shot let's go ahead back to will close that view and go to browser and the browser let's go to the keith Barker calm just just to get a baseline that we have basic functionality before we put in fault tolerance you gotta walk before you can run and why isn't that working all right well let's let's get this working and then we'll we'll proceed to get the eh SRP assuming we still have time no a lot of time let's see here let's trace let's go to back to the PC and let's do a trace to that server what is the server's address they just check the server's address hovering over the web server it's address is 23 that one 2.2 ok so let's do a trace from PC to ping our trace tra CR TR AC ERT s how you done windows they've emulated it here 23.1 to 2 and survey says well we have a default gateway don't we well no second IP config so we have a default gateway 1010 0.11 we can ping our default gateway but we do a trace it's not responding back I would expect to see at least the first top of 10.10 0 to 11 all right I can live with that let's go take a look at the multiplier switch and see what its attitude on life is it has a power supply that's a good thing the LEDs are up that means it's running that's fantastic and we'll go to CLI for multi-layer switch wanly spread that a little bit and let's have a chat with it Hey show IP interface brief so it's got the 10 10 0 11 I wonder if it has routing let's do a show IP route oh ok well so can't tell you how many times I've done this in packet tracer on multi-layer switch which is like a 3560 or yeah something similar to that well we do show her yeah 30 36 50 excuse me so on this 3650 its IP routing is not enabled by default so it can have VLAN interfaces all day long all day all day in a light but it's not gonna route for other people unless we do this config t IP routing alright and I imagine that same thing as over here on in LS 2 so I'm just gonna do that right now before I forget pick T IP routing alright then we'll go back to the original switch also this scenario could be that hey somebody was building the network and they didn't quite finish and they've asked you to pick up the pieces so that's looks like what we're doing here is they didn't quite finish building the network to make it fully functional curse them whoever did that and let's do a show IP route so the show IP route over here now shows all the routing codes and the routing table that implies the IP routing is enabled before just a default gateway gateway of last resort isn't you know set and now I have routes but we only have directly connected routes cdc's so if this router got a packet if this multi-layer switch as a router got a packet 2:23 something there's no default route there's no directly connected route it's just gonna drop it it's not gonna know how to forward a packet so let's just peek over it switch to for a minute oh it has nothing either solitude hush show IP protocols will show you sure okay so show IP protocols is gonna show us ipv4 routing protocols and there aren't any there's no dynamic routing protocols running on this switch and I'd have imagined also on multi switch one and let's take a look at our one because if you don't have routes or default routes you can't forward packets at layer 3 just not gonna happen show IP route yep so no absolutely no dynamic routing well this does show IP protocols yeah so if there were any routing protocols like rip or OSPF or EIGRP they'd show up here or then we could take you closer look but there's no routing protocols so I'm going to I'm gonna fix that with notepad all right these all need routing protocols so if you want to do rip friends don't let friends run rip or EAG air P or OSPF OSPF is the one we need to worry about for CCNA so config T router and make of the font a little bit bigger let's go for there we go okay router OSPF one network join me for our videos on wild card bits and wild card masks and network statements for that one and we're just gonna dump every IP address every interface has an IP address into OSPF area zero alright and WR is a shortcut for a copy run start going back a few years alright so copy that let's go to MLS 1 and paste that in and we'll go to MLS to paste that in and - so fast and then router 1 paste it in and what we should have the show IP ospf neighbors alright we caught them on the way up so with OSPF assuming they're gonna go all the way to full state they go from down that's before it'll start the - in it and then to a and after - way they go - IT elf x start and then exchange then loading in full and I have faith they're gonna come up so we're gonna have neighbor ships also on these ports right here MLS 1 and MLS 2 on those two ports that go down to our one I did a no switch port which makes those layer three interfaces just like a routed interface so you don't have to play at the VLANs for the connectivity between r1 and MLS one and MLS - alright I just on the background a neighbor statement come up so there it is alright so now show IP route so all our networks are here the 10 the 10 10 the 10 20 the 10 30 and also the 23 1.2 Network great so all our routes are here let's make sure MLS 1 has them as well show IP route yep so there's the 23 1 2 Network ok so now we have a route that's helpful let's go back to the PC and see whether or not this guy can actually get there Wow okay so maybe it's doing DNS resolution oh that's probably what it is it has it has a DNS server configured and I think he's trying to do reverse lookups for each hop so I may take a minute so the first stop is 10.10 0 11 that's this default gateway then ten eleven zero one which is router one and then a timeout I'm not too concerned with that there could be fire oh and the reproduction environment there he firewalls and other devices don't allow that ICMP messaging going back to the host that's alright let's do a ping to 23.1 2.2 ok so I am worried about this all right so it's tough to get to the server the web server by name if you can't get there by IP address and now because we're ruling out DNS and so why can't we get there let's go to the multi-layer switch and let's see if it can ping in 23.1 dot-to-dot - oh it can't either let's go down the router see if it can be here show CDP ok it's not a CDP device so do a ping 23.1 2.2 all right hey good news somebody can ping it Wow so what what is the deal so everybody has routes the multiplier switch has routes Robert one has rails they all know about the 23 1.2 network in the 10.30 and everything else why let's go take a look at this this guy so this is the webserver itself and let's just go to a command prompt ipconfig /all and just ask him what the heck is wrong with you please tell me and it says my address is 23 1 2 ok well that shouldn't so he says his address of 23 1.2 - oh he doesn't have a default gateway alright well there you go so the mask is wonky but it wouldn't matter because the mask of 255 0 0 0 it's it would still try to reach on back to the PC on the 10 network using his t4 gateway because the first octet is different but it doesn't have a default gateway so we have a couple options here I'm going to choose the one that's fastest we could do NAT we could tell r1 please mad everything and make it look local as it goes through or we can just put a default gateway on this server let's do that so at the server and you might be thinking Keith like okay what's off-limits here nothing it's just a network like network is a network so there's things that go wrong with networks through Miss configs or failure to config and the troubleshooting is you practice it you'll get better and better and better doing it so we'll go to the config of this server go to fast ethernet I'm gonna correct the mask problem because it really is that 24-bit network room saving my problem saving other issues for later saving problems from popping up later and we'll click under global settings and the default gateway should be it's gonna be our ones addressing and hover over our one here oh my hover is broken okay that's fine show IP face brief alright so this address is 23.2 dot one so we'll put that as the default gateway for that server so he can reply back to any networks that he's not directly connected to using r1 so back to our one default gateway is give me 23 12.1 all right now let's go to the PC try the ping yeah I got a reply all right let's try DNS we're right here at the command line might as well just do e to a ping to the keith barker comm that works or we can also use nslookup that works great too great hey let's open hey Keith wasn't this lab about doing fault tolerance yes it is but you got to have a you can't build and fix and imp ant enhance what's already broken you got to make sure the basic fundamental pieces work first before you start adding on the fault tolerance and that's what we're doing here alright so let's go to the PC and let's do open a browser and we're having fun now the keith barker calm alright and there it is and this little custom website dan the layer one man gets all the credit for this he built this for me and I've been using it over and over so fun so it's just the the HTML files sitting on that local packet tracer server for our pseudo Internet okay so that works so we're not gonna rest on that little island of happiness for too long because we haven't even got to our tasks yet of making HSR P implemented and fault default and setting up fault tolerance so let's go ahead to pc2 and just verify that it has the ability to go to that web server as well so I'll put my mouse in right place the Keith marker calm hostname unresolved what what what what what what what oh oh config fastethernet yeah it doesn't have an IP address dhcp we'll look at this field right here verify we have an IP address good verify we have a default gateway good good good good and now we'll go to the desktop and we'll try that again yeah okay all right basic functionality DHCP is working which also implies that we've got the DHCP server here is in VLAN 30 so that implies that the switches have dhcp forwarding our IP helper DHCP relay configured on them as well okay now for HS R P let's do the Carpenters rule this measure twice cut once so here's our plan for VLAN this guy being on 1010 zero let's use dot one as an HS our P address for VLAN 10 and for 1020 let's use an h2 star P address if dot one there as well so that'd be the new default gateway for clients in V that is 10 and 20 and let's also play a little bit with the priorities for 4h SRP let's get this guy for V then 10 will make him a priority of 101 and will make this guy forever then 20 a priority of 101 so the defaults 100 and then we'll set up preempt so what that'll do is the one who has the highest priority will take over and be active so we can have MLS one be the the active router for HS RP for VLAN 10 and we can have MLS to be the active router for VLAN 20 and that way they're kind of load balancing although and fault first top redundancy protocols the only one that does true like metered load balancing would be GL gateway load balancing protocol but you can you can do a sort of load balancing here by having one guy be active for one set of VLANs and another router be active for a different set so anyway that's what we're doing but the load balancing question if you get that kind of question the only true load balancing first hop redundancy protocol is the GL BP gateway load balancing protocol and it just our people would not be the best answer although it could be argued okay so let's configure that let's go to MLS one and on LS one will do up config T and we'll go into interface VLAN 10 and it interface VLAN 10 well do you stand by and I'm gonna use group 10 just because the VLAN you don't have to do that but I like to do that that way I see it I remember what be that's for and we'll say priority is gonna be 101 just a little better standby 10 preempt so that if there's two dudes out there and one guy has a higher priority he can take it over and I have to wait for the other one fail all right and this also do a standby 10 IP which is gonna be 10.10 0.1 all right and then while we're here let's do VLAN 20 for this guy as well so interface VLAN 20 and standby 20 preempt I'm put preempt on all of them and that way whoever is the highest priorities gonna win and standby long hanging in trouble this way I'm gonna I'm not gonna copy I'm just gonna put it in standby 20 and what does he what Kranz have I done do show history separate history buffers for configuration mode and privilege mode all right so I did preempt only okay all right I don't need to I'm going to a priority here so standby 20 priority it's gonna be 101 for this guy oh oh I'm on which one I'm on switch one back that off I'm gonna drop into the 99 I was thinking in my mind I was on the other switch already okay to VLANs two switches one switch at a time so standby 20 priority one and then we need an IP address standby 20 I pee is gonna be 10 dot 20.0 that one and let's just do a douche oh stand by and let me scroll up my screen a little bit here can you see all that I want make sure we can see it all that'll work okay that'll work all right so VLAN 10 our priority is 101 VLAN 20 our priorities 99 the IP addresses are set correctly they are both enabled for preemption let's go set it up on router to MLS to also he should be active show standby see here there's an option there we go all right so he'll be active here in a moment for both of them until we bring MLS to up all right so back on MLS to config T interface VLAN 10 we just leave the default priority at 100 standby and I don't need I'm gonna do preempt here to standby 10 preempt standby 10 IP it's gonna be 10 10 0.1 and then we'll set the priority higher on the other side interface VLAN 20 I should have this written down and be a lot easier as can be standby 20 preempt standby 20 priority 101 and standby 20 I P 10.20 dot 0 0 dot 1 all right I think I got it all there we go he went active for VLAN 20 that's good so for interface VLAN 20 show standby brief okay awesome possum so basically a via than ten of un 20 there's the groups respectively there's the priority on this guy for V then 20 is higher and we are active and we don't know who the standby is yet but that will change in a few moments as we yeah there we go so we just took a few moments for those holo-message to go back and forth alright now what we need to do is we need to train our clients that there are DHCP their default gateway is going to be dot one the standby addresses so we're gonna do the DHCP server and on the DHCP server we'll go to services and DHCP and we'll grab pool ten and we'll say your default gateway is now going to be one and click on save we'll go to VLAN 20 and say your default gateway is gonna be one and click on save will verify that visually right here to make sure that's correct then we'll bounce these clients so I say balance the clients I'm gonna go the clients and just refresh their information by going to config fastethernet and take it off static and back to DHCP fantastic that should get the new default gateway which it did we'll do the same thing for PC to click on config and fast youth it can see me concentrating Oh time is running short okay and then it's gonna verify it got the correct default gateway of dot one ok great great great great great great great I just want verify both pcs can get to the web server again before we start turning off systems also I should say our configs oh my gosh I'm gonna save MLS one I'm gonna save MLS two I'm gonna save the router because if we just to make sure that any changes we made it or not can be lost all right so PC one let's open up a browser go to desktop and browser I think it's right here and go to the keith barker com alright good happy to see that go to PC too just making sure go to desktop go to browser oh come on here all right that works too great close that all right so now oh you know we should do one more thing this isn't really required but if MLS one is gonna be the active router for VLAN 10 and MLS to be the active router for VLAN 20 we might want to have them also be the routes for their respective spanning trees to make the layer 2 you also follow the right direction not you don't have to do that but I'm going to because I want him I think it'd be ok so check check out our spanning tree videos for all that content about how spanning tree works and how to modify it so in this case let's do spanning tree VLAN 10 root primary come on Keith right there we go that's gonna become the root that thought I thought just like that and MLS to config T spanning tree VLAN 20 root primary and I may or may not have turned on show spanning tree so oh we are running rapid spanning tree and we may or may not be running port fast it does gonna be ok alright so let's do this we just verified that pc1 & pc2 could successfully get to the server and we've saved our configs on MLS 1 and MLS two auctions I just just didn't say my configs ok and now so saving the configs alright and now to test this let's just turn off MLS 1 and the fastest way for me to turn off that gear right here on this multi-layer switch is to click on it go to physical let's get physical physical when I take this power supply and drop it out of it alright it's done it is no longer happy happy so it was a few moments ago it was the active router for HSR P and if we look at MLS to look at that it just went active for that VLAN because hey my my buddy's gone he's dead and it took over so it should be handling that virtual IP address along with the MAC address associated with it pc1 and that's cached information so let's go back and open a new browser and go to the keith barker this is the part where I think oh please just work just work oh it did all right I'll take it and great okay and let's also verify PC 2 has the same success and that works all right so now for the real test let's go and bring this guy back up so I saved the configs on him I'll drop in a power supply clunk and he is booting up that may take a few seconds we got time we get to test it all right so as this is as this is coming up MLS 2 is coming up it's got to boot and oh you know what hey Trevor Trevor just a couple days ago I love learn learning the things you're talking about this button right here which fast forwards time looks like a 30 seconds to click there we go I'm just gonna give it a little boost to the future so I have to wait for it thank you Trevor and then I'll just take this guy the MLS 2 and go to physical and drag out the power supply oh that's the blender that's one that's not in there yeah drag out the existing power supply it turns off now there there is gonna be and I'm gonna do a little stall here for like a few seconds because there is gonna be an opportunity for a few missed moments of network traffic because OSPF has to converge and so if somebody doesn't see a neighbor anymore for OSPF like hey where's my neighbor haven't seen you and the dead timer expires and I figured so it may take a few moments for routing protocols to converge and figure out a new path as well spanning tree rapid spanning tree is gonna be pretty darn quick so anyway I just wanted to tell you it may be a few seconds before the network is fully converged again able to forward traffic so having said that and with MLS 2 out of the way let's test this go to PC one that's cached information let's go to a web brett web browser the Keith Barker dot-com fast-forward a few moments okay okay so just took a moment for that to connect all I did was I skipped forward 30 seconds and let's check PC 2 as well although I could have just I'll stay on this one I won't I won't click fast the Keith Barker dot-com and go oh alright maybe didn't press ENTER before uh we've got it we've got fault-tolerance we've got HS RP in this network and I'm gonna put this power supply back in right there and it'll take a few moments to come up I'm also going to click on save I'm gonna say file save as and let's call this from demo and that way I can go back to this we have other questions about it in the after chat so right after this is premiered we'll hang out in the discord server for a few minutes sometimes longer and have a voice chat if you'd like to join us everybody's welcome and it's been fun I'm glad that came back I did have my concerns because it is a simulator and I thought oh please we're sitting at fault tolerance hopefully to work right and fortunately it did so thanks for joining me in this troubleshooting lab which was also an HS RP lab and the key here is don't start building on a network that's busted or broken make sure you have basic functionality first and then start adding to it documenting as you go and saving as you go and in a production environment you'd want to do all these things with something called change control where you have the changes proposed they are authorized by the people in charge you have rollback procedures so that you're not going to cause undue outage by making changes and packet tracer is a great little tool that can help us bugs do all that so if you got any value out of this video or you enjoyed it or you we're glad you spend a few minutes here hit the thumbs up let other people know you liked it if you haven't subscribed yet please do so we'd love to have you as part of the community both here and on discord if you're studying with a good book or you have another set of videos or paid course or you're using please let your friends and other people know what works for you because the goal for everybody is to take what we're focused on learn it get good at it get better at it and then continue growing so CCNA is not the last stop in anybody's ballgame CCNA is a stepping stone to everything else that you might want to do including security and cloud services and network automation and everything else the foundational topics in CCNA are critical so I'm glad you're studying a more refreshing lore if you're back on this channel to help other people I'm glad about that too alright so I'll see you in the next live event whether it's a video or online or in chats and I appreciate you watching see you next time [Music]
Channel: Keith Barker
Views: 12,458
Rating: 4.9823008 out of 5
Keywords: ccna, cisco, 200-301, Cisco CCNA, Cisco Certification, ogit, Keith Barker, hsrp configuration, hsrp configuration in packet tracer, hsrp cisco, hsrp ccna, HSRP, hot standby router protocol, ccnp, FHRP, Trouble shoot, packet tracer, hands-on lab, hands on labs, hands on lab
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 29sec (2309 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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