6.3.4 Packet Tracer - Troubleshoot EtherChannel

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hi friends welcome to war in this video we are going to discuss CCNA version 7 packet tracer activity troubleshoot a third channel it were coming to this activity terms if you like to get any project support or CCNA online classes you can contact our team using our website link you will get from the description below and also if you like to get these type of technical videos in future consider subscribing also don't forget to enable that Bell icon near the subscribe button so that you will get notification message whenever we upload a new video now back to our packet tracer activity here we can see the object teams in part 1 examine the physical layer and correct as which port Ahmad issues in party to identify and correct for channel assignment issues then finally in part 3 identify and correct for channel protocol issues here coming to the background a junior technician or recently configured for switches users are complaining that the network is running slowly and that they would like you to investigate and here we can see the details a channel group its ports then protocol used also we can see device table and here we can see the group and its ports so this will go to the instructions coming to part 1 examine the physical error and correct switch port mode issues ok we will do it one by one coming to step one I'll look for access ports examine the switches when two or more redundant links connect the same switches spanning tree protocol will only put one port in for waiting mode to prevent switching loops you can see this in packet tracer when physical ports are assigned to an a third channel port they behave as one logical port each pair will either be operational or down yes as they specified when physical course are assigned to an approach annal port they behave as one illogical port that's right and each pair will either be operational or down so in this topology we can see this link from s1 to s3 we can see these G 0/1 is in green but we can see in g0 / - once it shows amber so anyways we will find the problems one by one you will go to step two verify ports are in trunk mode where you pay that all physical ports in the topology are configured as the trunks correct any ports that are in access mode okay we will do this must just I will go through be also correct any virginal ports that are not configured as a trunks okay so first one we have seen correct any ports that are in access mode then here correct any a third Channel ports that are not configured as a trunks okay we will do it together because we will go or one by one each switch and we will identify these problems and we will correct it right first of all we will go to yes one and we will do that we will verify all the ports are the in Chang mode or in access more okay so we'll go to s1 and we put that here we can see all the ports g0 Scotchmen G 0 / 2 this is FA 0 / 23 24 and here we have FA 0 / 21 and 22 even we can verify these ports from our table device table here we can see s 1 so groups are 1 3 & a 5 and we can see the ports G 0 / 1 and G 0 / 2 23 24 21 22 okay just will verify these ports will go to s 1 si Alli enable we will be the commander so interface first of all we will go to FA 0 / 21 as a switch port so here we can see ranking on operational Mahdi's trunk okay next we will just press up arrow then we can go to a zero / a22 and here we can see Modi's a trunk again press up arrow then we'll go to 23 we can edit to here itself 23 then here we can see its operational mode is at trunk ok press up arrow again we'll go to 24 just will verify those ports okay so operational mode is a trunk again press up arrow now we'll go to G 0 / 1 gigabit a turret 0 / 1 here we can see operational mode is a trunk ok now we'll go to G 0 / - okay and we can see operational modern administrative more the trunk yeah so there is no problem with the ports now we will verify port channels are in trunk or not sure we can see in s1 we have these groups 1 3 and define so we can verify that using the show command show interface is a trunk ok and to here we can see the information we can see port for channel 3 and 2 5 only ok but here we cannot see this a group of 1 it's not ranking ok mode is on and capsulation status and 1 here so we have to give this port channel 1 as a trunk so this is the one problem we identified in s1 and this is the problem from this be correct any eternal ports that are not configured as a trunk so here we have seen this port for channel 1 is not configured as a trunk so we can do that sure configure terminal we will go to that interface that is a port channel right it's a porter - channel one so we have to give a switch port modisett trunk see even we have to verify these groups are created with its correct ports or not anyway so they will be giving that instructions ahead and they will be repeat that later okay just I will end here and again we will give a show interfaces trunk command and we can see still that poor channel one is not available maybe not configured okay anyways we will do that later now we will go to s2 and we'll verify CLA before coming to this here we can see the ports okay better we'll go to the table yes - we can see a pair 0 slash 21 22 23 and 24 then we have a G 0 / 1 and G 0 / - okay coming to s - so enable show interface will go to FA 0 / 21 first switch port and we will see its operational mode it should be trunk right but we can see it's in static access okay so we have to make two trunk we will try now FA 0 / 23 sorry 22 will go and here we can see this also in static access okay press up arrow then go to 23 this is also in static access press up arrow will go to slash 24 this is also in static access okay press up arrow now we'll go to G 0 / 1 and G 0 / 2 gee 0/1 first and so we can see it's in static access okay so we have to do all these ports I think so g0 / - static access okay that means we have to give all these ports as a trunk and we can see all these ports now in a static access okay so that's way they're told to verify that all physical ports are that apology are configured as a trunk and we have to correct when these ports are in access mode so all these ports now are in access modes so we have to change it to Chungking we will do that configure a terminal we will go to those interfaces as a range because we have to go to all those interfaces right FAS 0 / 21 22 23 and 24 so we can give it's close last 21 - 24 then comma also we have a gigabit so G 0 / 1 - 2 that means a gigabit a turrent 0/1 and gigabit 1/3 0 / 2 then press enter now we have to give this command as which port a modest trunk then press Enter we will give Inge and we can verify any one part just to press up arrow you will go to show interface G 0 / - switch port and we can verify its mode we can see now it's trunking okay now we will verify this a third channel right and here we can see it's set to 3 & 6 so just will vary pay that presenter or space will give the commander so now we can give our interface a trunk right sure in this result we can see a port channel 2 and the port channel 3 they can't figure this at ranking okay and here we can see we have this support channel 6 also and which is not there in this result okay even we have to verify your record channel just I will give a personal command here show a third channel summary so just we want to see this anyways we'll verify all this and here we can see this a third channel group 6 so we have seen here in this trunk that poor channel 6 is not added in this nor rather has a trunk right so we can add that are you go to configure a terminal we will go to that interface that is a poor channel porch they say press the tab button ok so that it will complete that to command for channel it's 6 so we can give a support more desert trunk in presenter ok right next to you will go to this s3 and we will verify it coming to our device a table here we can see the ports a pair 0 / 21 22 23 24 then a G 0 / 1 and G 0 / 2 and here we can see these are groups 1 4 & 6 okay this will go to s3 CLA enable here we will verify any one port will go for FS 0/24 okay sure interface FA 0/24 switch port okay it's a trunking also we will give the command show interface trunk and we can see no port channel configured as a trunk so here we like to give a show your third channel summary and we can see these groups of 1 4 and a 6 in s3 is three one four six one four six okay and also we can see these ports here we can see it shows I I mean so it's a standalone that means that there are some problems with the configuration of a port channel also anyways we will see that it's coming down so now we will go to s 4 and we will verify it hold the physical ports and port channel enable will give a show interfaces just i press i nter then tab button okay don't confuse with these shortcuts or we just we can give int then tab or you can fully type it so interfaces fa will give 0/24 switch port and we can see its trunking okay also will give the show command show interfaces a trunk and we can see these ports are trunking I mean these poor channels are trunking 2 and a 4 in s4 but we have a 2 4 and a 5 ok we have to verify all these groups in these switches with its ports we will go to the next instruction and let's check it but to identify and correct a port channel assignment issues yes so we will do this step 1 examine port channel assignments the packet tracer topology and the port channel and device tables provide details about the physical ports and there a third channel assignments use the show the third channel summary command to learn how the eternal links are configured may be that the switches are configured as a shown in the documentation yes we will do this and after examining this port channel we have to correct these four channel assignments if identified any problem so character nice which ports that are not assigned to the correct channel port okay so coming to our device a table here we can see the details or even we can see in a port channel table I think better we will use this port channel table and we can do it one by one so first of all we will go to this a child group who one until we can see in our topology channel port channel 1 which is in between s1 and s3 but here we can see this port channel table they given incorrectly see channel group who one holds G 0 / 1 G 0 / 2 in s1 that is correct here we can see that port but we can see that ports are connecting to this is 3 right nor to s 2 they given us s to G 0 / 1 G 0 / 2 to know what's wrong so it's connecting to s 3 I think we will go to device a table and here we can see that yes one group of one and we can see the G 0 / 1 G 0 / 2 it's correct then we can see Group 1 in s 3 yeah that's correct G 0 / 1 G 0 / 2 so we will verify that will go to s 1 enable and we'll give the command a show the third channel summary we can see a group of one okay for Channel One and the protocol is LACP okay and the pores are gigabit the turn 0/1 and a gigabit the turn 0/2 yeah it's right so now we will go to s3 and we'll verify it CLI you thing already be given that command so configure sorry it will give her show letter channels summary and here we can see port channel one protocol see they configured incorrectly they given pagp so it's incorrect the other side they given LACP and decide they given pagp it should be LACP so we have to reconfigure it and we can see those ports G 0 / 1 and G 0 / 2 it's correct so here we have to change this protocol we will correct this problem okay so we'll go to those interfaces G 0 / 1 and G 0 / to configure terminal will go to those interfaces a range that is a G 0 / 1 - 2 and we will give no channel group so we have to given no channel group okay then we will give channel group space I'll protection mark so we have to specify the channel number group number it's 1 then again I'd protection mark then we have to specify the mode you will give active will protect ocean mark so that we can see active or enable LACP and conditionally okay so we can give active ok now we will give end and we'll give a show a third channel summary and here we can see a group of one poor Channel we can see it's su okay and we can see still it shows a pagp okay G 0 / 1 P G 0 / 2 P just I like to see and we can see chosing poor channel okay but this protocol are not changed but we made the protocol LACP correct so for that we will try once more but we will do configure terminal you will go to those interfaces as a range it's a G 0 / 1 - 2 but we will give we will give a no it's a poor Channel right so we'll give that ok oh it's not working I think it's a not not a knob job what is that poor channel it's a child group so fully confused - no worry so we have to give a no channel group okay okay now what we will do we will shut down these interfaces okay then we are going to create this channel group the protection mark channel group number it's a 1 then we will give the modest active it's their active and if we can see this active ok we'll try with a question mark act to enable LACP and conditionally okay we will give that active then we will give no on command ok we will end and we will give a show a third channel summary ok their child summary how can she also be a GP but normally we will check after some time what we will do just we will go to this is 100 it's a number Kuro just will give fast-forward okay right no I think we have to verify on both the switches s1 will go to s1 will give a show it's a third channel summary Group one for Channel 8 P pours PP yeah he's right we'll go to s 3 CLA so once more we'll get give that just show commander show helper channel summary hmm okay still the pagp no worry no we will let check with the support channel 2 here we can see port channel 2 in switch s2 group e 2 then we can see the ports G 0 / 1 and G 0 / 2 in s2 then in s4 here we here we can see group with 2 ports of G 0 / 1 and G 0 / 2 so we will verify this coming to our topology here we can see that port channel 2 what they labeled that link between these switches s 2 and s 4 ok first of all we will go to s to enable show the third channel summary and here we can see a groupie - for channel - LACP ok G 0 / 1 G 0 / 2 and we can see it's a P P means it's a import channel ok now we will go to s 4 and we'll verify enable so it's a third channel summary and till here we can see port channel groupie - poor channel is set to la CP g 0 / 1 and G 0 / - it's correct there is no error next to me we'll go to port channel 3 here we can see that device s 1 we can see group 3 ports FS Heroes match 23 + FS 0/24 then coming - yes - here we can see a group of three ports FA 0 / 23 + FS 0/24 coming to our topology here we can see that port channel they labeled it's here between one and s two that's right for Channel three and we can see the ports Pepe 0/20 three both side and FS 0/24 both side we will verify this support channel configuration coming to s1 CLA ok here already.we given this show a third channel summary just press up arrow and we'll verify this port channel group three port channel three yeah and we can see LACP ports FA 0 slash 23 and the FA 0 slash 24 yeah there is no problem we'll go to s 2 CLA just press up arrow press ENTER it's a show comment and we can see group 3 port channel 3 LACP FA 0 slash 23 and FA 0/24 yeah it's right next we will go for a port channel 4 so 4 port channel 4 here we can see a device s 3 group of 4 and ports FA 0 slash 23 sorry yeah that's correct FS 0 slash 23 and the FA 0 slash 24 then coming to s 4 here we can see group of 4 F a0 slash 23 and FA 0/24 we can clear it coming to our topology here we can see that a port channel 4 between s 3 and s 4 and we can see the ports FA 0 / 24 both side FS 0 / 23 both side he will wait wait first of all we will go to s 3 CLA ok just press up arrow and here we can see port channel 4 it's in pagp and we can see FA 0 / 23 and FA 0 slash 24 okay so we will give LACP instead pagp you will do that configuration here so we even just like to go to running config and we'll go to that interface and we can see they given as a desirable right that means a pagp we have to give as active okay press control-c and then we'll go to these interfaces configure terminal interface as a range FAS 0 / 23 - 24 oh so you'll see some mistake it's range all right yes now we will given know it's a channel group yes/no channel group then presenter now we will shut down these ports then we will give channel group channel group is 4 right yeah it's for child group of 4 we have to set the modest active okay then we have to give in our own command and even here we have to give you have to go to that port will exit then we have to go to that interface that is a poor channel for alright then we have to give switch port more desert trunk we will end then we will give a show at our channel summary so here we can see poor Channel four still this protocol shows pagp yep a zero slash 23 and the FS 0/24 okay we'll go and do verify in the s4 also coming to us for sure the third channel summary okay here we can see many ports they given C for channel 4 y la CB ok that's fine but they given FS heroes not 21 22 and it turned its way ok they're given incorrect ports so we will we will go to these ports and we'll remove port channel so configure terminal we'll go to interface answer range your face euro / 21 22 and 23 so we can give - 23 then we will give no it's a channel group okay you can verify it to do we can give the command to do show channel group summary so much take somewhere oh it's not that so it's an old channel group confusing with the channel group and a tour channel a third channel summary so we can see now here only a face heroes France 24 with this poor channel 4 oh that means previously they configured okay actually we have to remove all these that can be done so what we will do again just press up arrow then we will give it till 24 is that okay you can do till 24 and we can remove all the ports press up arrow and it will give you no channel group okay then press up arrow and just will check with the show commander do show at our channel summary and we can see no ports are there now with the channel 4 so we'll have seen that so just you will exit from this as have interfaces we'll go to interface as a range we can give the FA 0 slash 23-24 okay then we can give channel group 4 mod active right yes so channel group for more active I think better we will shut down this interface and we will do that just I will copy this command ok then we will shut down it then we will give that command then we will give no on command ok just we will exit then we will go to that interface that is a port channel 4 and we will give a switch port the more desert trunk ok the end then we will verify it to show the third channel summary and here we can see port channel for LACP the FA 0 slash 23 and F a0 smash 24 just we will go to s3 and we'll verify it this will give fast-forward you'll go to s 3 and we will verify it show the third channel summary ok still shows pagp anyways finally we will check that now we will go to a channel 4 channel 5 so coming to our device table here we can see group of 5 in nice one and the ports a pair 0 / 21 and it 22 then coming to us for here we can see group of i/o ports FS 0 / 21 and 22 so it will be clear in our topology oh here we can see yes one just I will check these ports FS 0 / 22 and it's a 21 so we can see on other side it's 1 s 4 for channel 5 you will go to s 1 and we will verify those ports go to s 1 ok enable en press enter sure the third channel summary it's a 21 and 22 sure we can see 2122 port group of 5 for channel 5 LACP FS 0 / 21 and the physicalist must only do its right we will go to s 4 si la presa pero show a personal summary and here we can see port channel 5 no ports are given ok so we have to do that so we'll give a configure terminal we will go to those interfaces a range FA 0 / 21 22 we will shut down these ports then we will give you'll create channel group 5 modest active then we will give an hour on command can verify it before that the exit and then we will go to this interface it's for channel 5 and will give us which reporter more desert trunk okay then end will give the command to show your third channel sorry the third channel summary now we can see group of hi you port channel Phi you LACP and we can see the pore surface 0 / 21 and the FS 0 / 22 coming to the last letter channel that is group 6 right here we can see nest 2 6 FS 0 / 21 and FS 0 / 22 then 16 s 3 FS 0 / 1 D 1 and FS 0 / 22 so coming to our topology here we can see that a port channel between s 3 and s 2 and we can see the ports FA 0 strands 21 and FA 0 strands twenty to twenty one twenty one twenty two twenty two okay we will go to s 2 and we'll verify that first we will go to s to enable show the third channel summary and here we can see group of six ok port channel 6 ok and we can see protocol is LACP and ports a / 0 / 21 and FS 0 / twenty - but we can see it shows i so i means a standalone so we have to go to the other side on s3 then we'll verify it enable show a third channel summary and to here we can see group of six for Channel six but the protocol is pagp for these ports FS 0 / 21 and 22 we can verify that using show running config we'll go to a 21 and 22 here we can see 21 and 22 it's a Modi's are desirable it should be active right so we given four other ports so it should be desirable so we will configure that control see we will go to these interfaces configure a terminal interface as a range that is a phase 0 / 21 and 22 and we will give no channel group right or even we can shut down and we can give that ok no props will give shutdown now then we can give channel group it's a 6 right then a modest active that is LACP then we will give no shutdown we will exceed 2 then we will go to the that interface that is port channel 6 and we will give a switch port modisett trunk okay just to be lent show a torch on group sorry either channel summary and we can see now it shows a pee-pee but the protocol still shows pagp no here we can see our completion status shows under percentage right so but still just we'll go through all these switches and we will verify the support channel trunking okay just to be low click on s 1 in s 1 we have 1 3 & 5 enable will give a show interface trunk yeah here we can see now poor channel 1 3 and the 5 it's trunking now we will go to s to CLI sure we will give show interface interface as trunk and we can see group it to 3 6 2 3 & 6 trunking yeah it's right now we'll go to s 3 CLA give it a command show interface a set trunk so 1 4 6 we can see 1 4 6 it's at running now we'll go to s for CLA enable show interface a set trunk 2 4 5 loops 2 4 5 2 4 5 we can see it's trunking ok be a troubleshoot that we identified all the issues and we solved it but in the set apology we can see here a one alinka shows in red and this will shut down or I mean we just will copy the content from RAM - NVRAM and we will adjust or a starter these devices actually in the configuration part we turn everything that's why here we get this result I mean this completion status 100% this will go to s1 copy running-config startup-config then we will go to s to copy running-config startup-config we can given short okay copy running-config startup-config yes for copy running-config startup-config right now we will erased at all these devices actually these steps are not mentioned in our this a packet raiser activity but it's only for test purpose I am doing here so we'll go to s1 and we will see whether it will read or not reload we can get his command then press Enter so proceed with the reload confirm this presenter yes reloading now we will go to s2 and we'll reload confirm then we will go to s3 and we'll reload confirm then we will go to s 4 and we will reload confirm and we will wait a little time to converge this network and after or restart here we can see we cannot see that red color a link we can see either green or amber because STP works here they will block due to the redundancy okay just - we will go to s-300 we will verify these protocols enable show the third channel summary because it was showing pagp right see now it shows LACP yeah it's working even we can verify in other switches will go to s1 actually I want to do that but still enable show the third channel summary we can see protocol LACP yeah coming to s2 enable show the third channel summary LACP coming to s4 enable show a third channel summary yeah it's working perfect okay that's all in this activity that is a troubleshoot a third channel no your friends if you have any doubt any suggestions regarding this packet race or activity please comment below and you have seen some problems in this s3 when we turn that LACP the protocol still that was showing pagp right even after our doing LACP but it was ready once we restart our a switches so if you get these type of things just comment below and if you liked our video give a thumb and share with all your friends and also if you like to contact our team you can visit our website link you will get from the description below stay tuned and we will meet again with the next video thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 15,572
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Keywords: CISCO Certification, CISCO, CCNA, CCNA Routing and Switching, Packet Tracer, CCNAv7, Routing and Switching
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 34sec (2734 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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