9.3.3 Packet Tracer - HSRP Configuration Guide

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age as our peak of Eurasian guide hot standby rather breathable HS or be addressing table are one with three interfaces or one are two three interfaces or three three interfaces I net is this cloud internet you can be 0 0 1 with these I pianos ok this H as harpie built or get away okay 250 for 1.2 54 as 1 + 3 PCI a PCB and web server verify connectivity trace the path to the web server from PC I click go to PC a and thrice about tries out the IP others of the webserver Tornai 165 226 okay four hops which devices are on the path from PCA to the web server use the other receipt able to determine the device names okay when I do a CCA 1 1 when I 260 a 1 1 r1 did you commit 0 1 hour 1 gigabit 0 1 fill top tank 1 1 2 check 1 1 2 2 go beat 0 0 or not - you can beat zero zero or more - second hop fear at home ten one hundred one hundred to this day one father one hundred to the cloud this clouds here at hub and the final hop is the web server the one server - web server from PCB PCB tracer to open our 165 226 4 hops first over 80 to 160 a13 first hole 192 168 1 3 gigabit 0 0 1 3 gigabit 0 0 / 3 4 top second hop 10 1 1 2 tag 1 1 2 you gotta be 0 0 or R 2 you gonna be 0 0 or R 2 second hop feel fob 10 100 100 to 10 100 100 to the cloud this cloud and the web server okay which devices are on the path from PCB and to the web server are three or three are two or two clouds web server observe the network behavior when are three becomes unavailable select that the LAT tool from the pocket eraser tool bar and they let the link between R 3 and s 3 this link between R 3 and s 3 connections from gigabit 0 0 2 OS 3 two gigabit 0 0 on R 3 very good PCB trace out to webserver PCB trace her to work do you request timeout what are the results the tracer comment cannot determine the path to the web server because the batter has been broken go to connections and click on s3 gigabit 0 to and click on our three gigabit 0/0 go to connections a straight through a copper cable from s3 gigabit zero to two or three gigabit zero zero after link lights on the connection are both green does the connection by being in the web server being should be successful okay wait for the green indicators the control see here to stop control see pink the pink or twice on the web server enter success configure HS happy active and standby routers configure HSR P over one here over one computer HSR p on your PC one long interface over one gigabit zero one long interface over one over one under enable configure terminal interface 1101 specify HSR P protocol version number the most recent version is version 2 standby version 2 okay stand by merchants to configure the IP others of the built on default gateway this address mutt will configure it on any hosts that require the services of the default gateway it replaces the physical interface address of the router that has been previously configured on the hosts multiple instances of H SRP can be configured on a router Juma's specify a Chesapeake group number to identify the virtual interface between routers in a HSR P group this number must be consistent between the routers in the group the group number for this configuration is one standby group one standby one IP the butyl IP when a - and sixty a one 254 okay remember this is the birth all default gateway for HSR p1 dot 254 under very good designate the active router for HSR people it is the router that will be used as the gateway device unless it fails or the path to it becomes inactive or unusable specify the priority for the router interface the default value is 100 a higher value will determine which rather is the active router if the priorities of the rudders in the HS RP group are the same then the router with the highest configured IP address will become the active router okay come here priority 150 under standby group 1 priority 150 our one with a parade as the tip router and traffic from the two lungs will use it the default gateway our one the active router if it is desirable that the active router resumed the broad way it becomes available again configurative preamp the service of the stop my brother the active router will take over the gateway role when it becomes a private game stumble group one preempts standby Group one preempt Andrew what will the HSR pay priority of our 3b when it is added to HS RP group one 100 which is the default value configure HS RP on our three configure our three is the Istanbul rather computer the r3 interface that is connected to LAN to repeat only steps 1b and 1c above one be configured version once he configure the virtual IP ok you will not configure the priority because you will use the default the default priority over 3 you will not use the preemption click on r3 enter enable configure terminal interface gigabit the connection to learn to gigabit zero zero zero zero standby version 2 version 2 it's done by Group one it should be the same group as they are one and the fault bill to write the other is 182 and 60 182 and 60 a 1 254 and enter and that's it now priority the priority number 3 will be the default value 100 and not preempt verify Omar won't show a standby which were one and so stand back ok shall we stand by gigabit 0 1 did she go with 0 1 active router is a tip on group 1 version - we'll try the other as 180 161 254 active built our MAC address this mark address 0 c 9f f 0 0 1 local built or MAC address okay 0 c 9 FF 0 0 1 preemption enabled priority 150 tip rather is the local so this is the active rather and stop by rather is 182 and 68 1 3 ok and 3 when I too once you see a 1 3 5 3 1 or 3 and there and show stand by and there it shall stand by and gigabit 0 0 0 group 1 you can reach 0 0 0 / 3 a state is standby this is the Istanbul rather bitter IP when I do as you see a 1 254 tip built among others this 0 c 9f f 0 0 1 local built or MAC address 0 c 9f f 0 0 1 3 option disabled active rather 1 8 168 1 1 this r1 standby rather is the local router so r3 is destined by rather priority by the 4 100 you see the output answer the following questions which rather is the FT brother a click on our 1 ft brother is load R r1 what is the mark others of the virtual IP address this 50 built our mark others 0 0 0 0 c 9f f 0 0 1 what is the IP others and priority of the Istanbul rather our three is the standby rather the priority is 100 okay 100 on the standby brother and and the Istanbul rather is 180 160 a one three out of three so is somebody brief over 1 + r3 r1 so stand by a space brief and sorry brief enter okay o meter five gigabit zero one the group is one priority 150 preemption active router r1 is active rather the active brother is local standby is r3 when h1 CCA 1/3 and built on ap-250 402 r3 shall stand by brief enter interface will be 0 0 group one priority 100 no preemption state this is on standby rather tip is r1 where H 168 1 1 standby is the local rather brutal IP 254 change the default gateway others for PC APC PCC s1 and s3 which others should you use ok use the birth or IP 182 and 60 a 1 254 PCA 254 PCB 254 as well better enable configure terminal shall ok add shell running coffee this is the current IP and the forget way change the default gateway configure terminal and peed a found dead weight an 81 68 154 Thunder as as three other enable configure terminal the found dead weight 192 168 1 254 okay IP default gateway very much verified the new settings being from PCA ipcc it should be PCB ok - what server are being successful PCA beef to web server being 209 165 200 226 success okay PCB beef - web server success observe each SRP operation make the octave brother become unavailable open command prompt on PCB and other common tries hurt when I was justified 202 26 okay go to PCB this PC and trace her to the server tracer and oh okay you have four Hawks okay the first hop is 1 I 2 X is 160 a 1 1 is R 1 with gigabit 0 1 / 1 gigabit 0 1 on our 1 second top 10 1 1 2 with gigabit 0 0 Omar to the second hub gigabit 0 0 1 or 2 10 1 1 2 3 no field hub time 100 110 101 a 2 is the cloud this this interface finally the web server does the potiphar from the pad use it before H SRP was configurate okay this is after configure H SRP this is before to configure H SRP the only difference is the first hope the full scope is one two three or three and after the full scope is 1.1 r1 okay those the pad differ yes the putt now passes through r1 instead of r3 break the link to our selected Allah tool for bug eraser tool bar in the data cable that connects r12 as one they let this cable okay this this tool the lat and click here and click it click here immediately return to PCB and execute try select PCB repeat the comment okay very good here is our request timeout message okay and repeat again and this is better observe the output of the comment until the Chabad completes execution you may need to repeat the tries to see the full path okay repeat and you will see the full path okay this is our 3 1 2 3 is our 3 this is our 2 or 2 this is a cloud this is the cloud and this is the server the web server how was this try is different from the previous race at fits the trice timeout okay eventually the trice goes through R 3 R 2 the clouds okay so the difference is the first hole in this guy's are three issues and before to remove the cable r1 with using HSR pee on their vows process to determine which rather should take over when the active roller becomes unavailable this process takes time was the process is complete the r3 Istanbul rather becomes the active and is used as the default gateway for a host on long one and not too okay for example verify on our three enter shall we stop by brief now the the state these are three is the active router and the active router is the local router or three and the stubble rather is known because her one is disconnected okay restore the link to our one reconnect our one to s1 with copper a straight through cable they remember or Marwan not remember under one the interface eth0 one for the internal lamp you go with zero one gray use this cable gigabit zero 1 gigabit co2 okay you can be 0 1 0 2 let's secure the tries from PCB to webserver PCB tries to web server you may need to repeat the tries to see the full path ok okay requests I'm out messages repeat okay you will see the full but okay this is a full part also full part but with missing information missing information this is the full path with with complete information what part is used to reach the web server okay this is her one or two the cloud web server they are one are one again are to the cloud and web server if the pre and command was not configured for the HSR P group owner one would the results had been the same okay now r1 would not become the Gateway again the but through r3 would continue to be used completion 100% thank you very much you
Channel: Christian Augusto Romero Goyzueta
Views: 5,053
Rating: 4.8644066 out of 5
Keywords: switching, routing, wireless, essentials, srwe, hsrp, hot standby router protocol, active, passive, standby
Id: YIis73-kkF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 43sec (1663 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2020
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