900 ELO OR STOCKFISH?? (Guess The Elo #43)

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to your favorite series on the internet guess the ELO blah blah blah blah normal intro something funny some joke and then we're gonna get started with the games in today's episode we had a 900 rated player play one of the most disgusting combinations I have ever seen in my entire life it involved the sacrifice of a rook and a queen and for a moment I thought that they just used stockfish they didn't it was incredible you're gonna see when it comes up in this video I love you thanks for the support let's get into the games move d4 on the board Knight F6 Bishop F4 and Gotham sub very nice disciple plays the Knight C3 Bishop F4 setup versus the king's Indian defense with Knight F6 and G6 the point being that you want to trade the dark squared Bishop you want to have a center control long Castle H4 use these pawns to attack your opponent on the side of the board E3 okay that is absolutely not the strategy absolutely not the strategy the strategy is either to take the center with two Pawns or play Queen D2 or yeah E3 is definitely not the way to go uh Bishop G7 thank you for that nice thing one of the best YouTubers and streamers right now pure content thank you very much this is beautiful stuff right here as well H5 so now you gotta you gotta change it up a little bit this is the best path of resistance by black all right so white played E3 and then decided to play E4 again it's not uh it's not the absolute stupidest thing I've ever seen I mean it's not good but doesn't lose by force you know if you're gonna play E4 you might as well just do it in one go but okay fine Bishop G7 H4 H5 here we go yup Knight C6 good Queen D2 you can't see the eval yet that's fine don't worry about it here you go Castle long yes I don't care what the engine says I don't care it's like Oh Black is better no shut up no I just don't know anything so now you're going to find an attack all right trade off this Knight consolidate push something F5 so that's how you know that this is obviously the right this is the right thing to do this is absolutely right like you you did the right thing in Black completely panicked G5 is now looking juicy taking here chopping everything down for this bishop I don't even hate that move that move is absolutely fine okay bring the bishop back all right we're going danger levels bring the bishop don't take don't take the problem is that you need your Bishop over here now your Bishop's not really doing much yeah now black is gonna attack you okay not really because you can just blockade everything now all right Knight A4 and you consolidate and uh everything's good you're chilling Bishop D7 okay this is a logged battle here trade Knight for Bishop Bishop to A4 pressures this yes what why did you play this did you forget about in peasant what yo what are these moves what is this what is what is Knight to A7 please don't take this Pawn why is white pushing all the Pawns in front of their King I just don't oh God I already know this game this game is gonna end in spectacular fashion okay why did this Pawn just get through the this Pawn just bulldozed the entire black defense system okay and I love how white just didn't even push it forward and win The Rook but fine what what is this Bishop takes F3 D7 okay first of all that hangs the queen in one move but it also hangs the queen like this okay that yeah that's a very convincing Victory by white um it was not convincing at all right here where black just decided to just I so black should have played Knight A5 after Knight A5 you can take the bishop you can also put the Knight on C4 and you can hope for a position like this where you just attacked mercilessly on the B file and you just have a really nice attack um that didn't happen instead black black got blockaded black got blockaded uh and uh that is not what you should do when you want your pawns to come forward what you need to do is have your Pawn side by side so that they can support one another as they move up um but that didn't happen at all and then and then this and then actually shockingly C4 is actually a good move look at the computer computer says C4 is one of the best moves I mean that is just nuts I would never recommend a beginner to play C4 here but if your opponent is gonna let the pawn take everything sure okay I I you know I I kind of get quadruple digit Vibes but at the same time this game was so scatterbrained 900 to a thousand Maybe 900 to a thousand I think I think 900 to a thousand oh look Gotham chess 2700. 1100 okay you know I don't don't I don't really I don't I don't hate it but 1176 wow I didn't get that vibe from black at least I kind of got that Vibe maybe from White but uh yeah I mean white did okay so listen Gotham sub I don't want you to feel offended by my guess but I don't know what the hell black was doing I mean black just also actually A4 was an absurd move I don't know what you're doing here um but okay and then you see I mean Knight A7 is just atrocious thank you for the one year sub um yeah wow Knight A7 was terrible oh sorry I'm I'm on the uh I'm on the other scene I apologize I was just clicking through the moves on this scene I was just saying that like white played better than black but white even had some strange moves yeah black I mean I don't all right listen I can't please everybody um Gotham Sub in this next game is with the black pieces we have a Karo Khan which I like kind of hungry D5 all right good good so far so good this is the best game I've seen thus far everything you're doing is fantastic now what I would play here is take off take F3 and then Knight h697 Knight F5 so take F3 this bishop sucks 97 and get a position like this where you just play the rest of this game against this horrible D4 Pawn okay that's that that's that's what you do let's see if you're good okay H6 it's completely useless but it's not a terrible move all right A3 is equally useless Knight E7 okay much better B4 so again I like taking taking and Knight F5 this is how I would play this position I think this is the easiest way to play this you take on B4 because you do your own thing and now you're completely lost from a positional standpoint because the entire purpose of playing like this is to make this Pawn a weakness and have this overextended the way you did it is you left the entire anchor of the white position completely untouched you allowed your queen side to be overtaken by the pawn in The Rook and uh yeah this is not right this is this is not good knight F5 so now you have the entire setup against the weakness that's not even weak G3 while G3 is even worse than H6 I mean G3 is this is exceptionally bad I can't even begin to explain what that move does can anybody tell me what that does are you trying to were they preventing net H4 like imagine Knight F5 in your opponent was like ah the idea is to go here I must prevent it okay okay pinning ourselves again look look at okay this shows you how much of a disaster positional play is white puts their seventh and final remaining Pawn on a dark Square white now has seven pawns on dark squares which means White's dark squared Bishop is the worst Bishop because it crashes into all the pawns the light squared Bishop has to monitor all the light score weaknesses and you literally just go and trade it that is the most embarrassing positional chess play I've ever seen in my life now the question is does black take with the bishop understanding that they don't need to damage their structure or does black take with the pawn because they go me want pin look at that they're playing an elephant are you high okay I mean that's not the Elephant at all but I digress now attack on the queen side oh man this is like eight oh God this is why you don't waste time in chess you gotta go Rook C8 it's a closed position Pawn breaks lines of attack find those weaknesses don't just shuffle your Bishop back and forth look for a pawn break right okay okay Bishop G oh my god oh now A5 this is so wild this game is oh my God this game is so all over the place there are moves being made all over the board okay black uh might still have a long-term Advantage like if Bishop C5 doesn't get played Bishop C5 stops the rook's pressure and prevents B6 yeah there was a zero percent chance Bishop C5 got played oh my God uh just take the pawn dude dude thank you take the bishop take the bishop almost this is still a good move Bishop C5 disconnecting everything okay trade the Rooks okay I haven't been able to predict a single move transfer the Knight over or play Rook before not a bad move good take the bishop yes you're in the clear that's it make me proud make me proud you lost your knight but you're gonna win all the pawns good job good job good job go go go go go go go go go go go go yes oh my God you're not taking any more of the pawns oh good job oh wow wow wow wow wow that was uh okay that game was okay it wasn't great it was fine the game was okay the game was okay these these folks have to be like 800. if they're like in the 1000s I I wanna I wanna punch them both if they're like old enough to to be on the receiving end I mean it's got to be like 800 I mean it just just has to be seven to eight hundred let's go see oh my God they're both over 1 000. oh my God and it was a rapid game oh my God they're both over a thousand folks folks what no but but like why I mean like seven seconds on these two moves or how much was that 10 seconds 10 seconds like for no reason just Bishop D3 Bishop takes time I mean guys come on this is terrible this is terrible guys I'm not your chess coach no not when you play like this when you play like this John Bartholomew is your chest coach Eric Rosen is your chess coach no not me I'm your chest coach when you win D4 okay I like this this is good Knight F6 Knight C6 let's develop the pieces wow it took four moves of this game to already realize this is probably sub 1000. 95 is not it's not what you do you just you can't just play and your knight doesn't scare anybody on its own okay black doesn't punish what is this opening I swear I couldn't predict these moves if you gave me 10 guesses okay right now the best move is probably E5 Bishop E7 or E5 take the entire Center okay now just take the center all right I mean yeah I mean Black's not gonna play E5 but Bishop F6 fine yes of course I knew this was gonna get hung because white was like I have to Castle Queen B2 nice good move yep not okay Queen let's predict queen queen C3 all right could have predicted that Bishop D7 okay why we'll play Knight C3 okay uh uh wow I have no idea how do I think like an 800 here oh my God I have no A6 oh that was gonna be one of my guesses wow Bishop F3 Rook C8 to stop Queen A7 not bad oh Free Pawn what what that's all the engine moves not Knight F3 but sacking the queen to get a fork what this is the greatest tactic in guess the ELO history and there's been like 40 episodes are you kidding me engine what are you are you hitting me oh my Knight C5 hangs Rook hangs Pawn brings King no back rank weaknesses yup just brings the King The Rook is trapped traps oh doesn't trap The Rook but wins the pawn check okay at this point you can win this by swarming on the back rank so just swarm the king don't let him out okay and the game is over it takes a while but we get there and we mate we don't mate but D2 wow not gonna lie it's not too complicated if you see the possible Fork you would never see that in a game I I don't know like I feel like if you're watching this I'm not trying to be disrespectful I just feel like nobody would just see that in a game like you don't see that you just stop thinking here you're just like okay I'm just gonna take the Rook no way I mean if you're like 16 1700 Maybe I mean I mean I mean I don't know maybe dinos is strong I'm not trying to insult I'm just saying like when when it's here it's like oh no I totally get it come on in a game spotting that is absurd I mean what can I say I don't know I feel like black didn't make a single blunder black played like a bunch of normal moves black didn't take on B2 black didn't take on B2 I don't know I guess I have to say 1500 right I have no clue what to guess here I like I like legit have zero clue like if black was 1800 black would have seen this black would have taken immediately so yeah I don't know 1400 what a weird game I mean 1400 where your older sibling like found a move for you 9 4 9 47. 947 947 really 947. 947. 947 okay all right okay yeah no yeah I your account looks legit I don't know what to say your account looks completely legit I don't know what to tell you that guy does not look like they cheated I have no idea how on Earth they found Rook D2 Queen F3 but God bless you your account looks completely legit I I don't know what to say I mean every you know everybody has a moment of Genius I I mean you you just uh that I've never seen something yeah wow wow yeah wow wow that um yeah man sacked is rook and his Queen wow incredible okay alapan Sicilian wow just no ENC Pawns that's the kind of game that we're gonna have here four nights with no ENC pawns can somebody break the Symmetry thank you so in positions like this white generally has an advantage uh because white can sort of declare the structure and then play like Knight E5 so avoiding a pin and then white can develop everything put the Rooks in the middle and play a positional game but this is against the ELO so that's never gonna happen so Bishop D2 which is a garbage move just not good at all why are you playing passively or playing White playing white push the pace Bishop D2 it should be three okay like right now you know A3 A4 okay attack pin pin stuff what what are we doing here oh my okay Pawn just snuck up on black and black did nothing trade Rooks okay black is just clean Pawn up okay night back to C3 or what rookie won or what okay hung D4 I don't know if that's going to be seen this is such a solid game wow no queens Rooks get traded pawns are getting traded Knight what the I mean how do you play so solidly and just lose a piece there's three things defending that pawn you can't take it you just can't take it I don't know why did you I just what are you doing what are you doing is that how you lose this game oh did you just lose this I can't believe it I mean you're just doing so I love how they can just take the bishop like there's no mate at all just Bishop f8 you just lose that's it okay neither side can get back ranked so obviously uh obviously black wins this game right but this is guess the ELO so does black actually win this game I'm so scared okay The Bishop's getting chased okay okay what happens does white like win on time or something does white get stalemated oh my God it's like it's like I mean it's made in I don't know made in 10 or something it's it's like very close wait that was just a free rook yo how did you manage how how do you manage to hang a rook like in this position like not even I didn't even check you you just straight up just give me a rook you don't take the Rook oh no oh there's a stalemate coming or or what or okay that's it what what the game is over what happened the game is over what did white win white one on time was it what what was this game you just spent 40 moves losing you want to why'd you submit that what is this game 40 moves we're just playing come on you sabotaging the episode now I gotta make content out of this oh my goodness you really trust me as a content creator huh you notice how all the games go back and forth back and forth unexpectedly you were just losing ah no don't be be nice be nice all right folks be nice you submitted a game where you I don't know I just feel well I I you just played completely symmetrical chess for the entire game ah sometimes this happens yeah sometimes this happens folks don't submit a good game it's got to be pure content uh 1100 a thousand I don't know you made like one blunder thousand without a thousand okay I'm just I don't know a thousand I'm just gonna pretend this game didn't happen to be honest account to play in class okay you want on time you guys are 1200 okay huh okay next game okay next game okay um I'm upset about that submission I'm just gonna pretend like never happened sorry YouTube hopefully this game makes up for it 85. sorry but that was that wasn't good I'm sad do better next time don't be don't be upset thank you for the gift of subs thank you thank you AMC short seller um all right we have all right this is good stuff we got a triangle defense love defense yeah I wasn't I didn't have a good time looking at that that folks E4 wow Bishop before Oh Boy pinning the Knight so E5 here is a good move stopping Knight F6 okay nice nice now black castles black might get just chopped oh yeah yeah oh I would be looking for like you know uh I love that boom boom Queen H5 boom it doesn't quite work but uh I would just be looking at smash big smash F6 takes castles okay so so white has played like every engine move so far Queen C2 is not a bad move I feel like most humans here playing Knight F6 you're just like oh crap my night's hanging I'm gonna why did Black play the top engine move and just lose a pawn what are these people doing like like how is Knight G6 the top computer move just lose the pawn I don't understand that at all this is the best thing the engine can suggest weird I completely don't understand Queen F6 okay now there's no chance white plays H4 if white plays H4 white is cheating uh Bishop G5 is very human rookie one is human for real okay okay maybe I'm just bad you know what you know what listen maybe I'm just bad maybe I'm just I get H4 it's protected you want to play I just don't understand it because there's Knight F4 I just don't get why you would do this okay maybe you're just better than me maybe just better listen I'm more than welcome to admit that fact rookie one okay Bishop D7 now what I would play here is probably Knight E5 but what is their Knight H3 oh no okay 95 I would play Knight E5 what did you play Knight G5 right so now Knight goes back to G6 you defend against this by moving your oh my God okay you have to go back to F3 now what you're gonna bring your Rook over triple up top engine move again oh God I really hope you're legit I really hope you're legit you're playing moves that I would never play I would never allow Knight F4 okay now you're trading okay that's good knight E5 yes this is all I understand this I would never play Knight G6 your knight is completely good where it is I think it's legit I think you're just high rated all right let's just say you're like 17 1800. now you don't need to do that okay okay yeah now how do you break through I would lock in the pawns and then maybe go instigate on the queen side how are you gonna do it okay well that makes it a lot easier yeah now probably just D5 or F4 F5 okay you bring your king okay G5 wow why you blundered Rook F4 it's never too late oh and you sack your Rook to win another pawn and you're gonna win the Rook end game right oh oh [Music] well if they let you Queen then okay you're either like 1800 Plus or you cheated sorry no no in the middle no in the middle like uh if you if if you're below like 1400 for this game no chance zero chance I don't believe it no chance no not in a million years and when I say cheating I don't actually mean like you use stockfish like I don't know maybe you like had more caffeine that day I don't I don't I'd never accuse my own Subs of cheating very very rarely have we had guests the ELO submissions where people actually fair play violated like I don't because that's just dumb why would you get I mean I don't know sometimes people in different episodes but I I have no idea I got no clue I I really like you just played a brilliant game I mean what more can I say I I just I don't know I'm gonna guess like 1800 and if you're if you're above that great and if you're not then I mean I don't know what to say 1660 well 1659 wow yeah I mean 1659 16 that is how a 1660 should play I mean that was quite a game and I love how their accuracy is 80. how is White's accuracy 83 percent why is the engine such a piece of crap white played a great game white didn't make what this misses an opportunity to trade peace look at this plus 4.8 plus three points computers shut up no one likes you you're a teacher's pet Knight G5 is an inaccuracy because it goes from plus six to plus 3.5 he's such an idiot computer no one likes you honestly you're never gonna get invited to anything
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 926,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: 2w_NQXb2KX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 38sec (1838 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2022
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