I got the Rarest Checkmate in Chess...

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I discovered a secret achievement on chess.com Castle Victory deliver a Checkmate by Castle not even the top players like Carl Magnuson or hakaru Nakamura have this achievement and in this video I plan to become one of the top 0.1% of people to get this award but just saying that is the easy part actually getting there is a lot more complicated no no no no no no no all right this is I guess getting a castle Victory attempt number one what if I just got it the first game that would be kind of funny and while I play this game let me explain why this challenge is so hard and why almost nobody has this Achievement First of all anyone in the right mind castles within the first 10 to 15 moves of the game because that's how your king stays safe and second if you keep your king in the center of the board is literally just going to get attacked the entire game all right I can't Castle King's side now that's not good and I can't take back well that's over and while it may have looked like I got completely destroyed in the game this challenge is actually so much harder than I first thought oh my goodness what and the reason why this is even harder than I thought is because of checks see the only way to get your king out of a check is to either take the piece doing the check block the check or move your king out of the way which we obviously can't do and since our King isn't going to be moving the entire game we're basically just stuck defending ourselves until we lose and he just say Rook a won I literally can't do anything about that you see it's Times Like These I kind of wish I could Castle you also have to keep waiting for Rooks in the corner of the entire game so you can Castle later on so basically you're down a rook for the majority of the time and after losing about 100 rating points and trying my best not to throw my computer out my window oh my gosh dude you see I wish I could move my king here but I can't I started to come up with a strategy how to actually get this Checkmate all right apparently people like don't even think this is possible see right here is it uh possible to Checkmate someone with a castle okay here's a game where it happened and while we watched this game what I didn't realize at the time was that this was a match between a 2300 and a 1200 that's over a 1,000 Point difference and this is something I definitely should have known then okay so uh I guess we just got to set up some tricky stuff in the opening bring out a queen kind of early and then Force the king into the center of the board and with this new plan I headed back into the games but there was still one huge problem yeah you know that rating difference I mentioned earlier well that was kind of important since no one who was above the rating of 1300 would fall for these opening tricks and I was starting this challenge at a rating of 1,600 meaning I would have to lose over 300 ELO for my plan to actually work all right it actually causes me deep emotional pain in my soul to play another game because I know I'm probably just going to lose more rating points and even though I was tanking my rating lower than it had ever been I was still making progress all right we got a scen yes yes yes uh okay I didn't even really have enough time to do anything but uh we were winning there so that's good all right this is it this is the game come on King go the other way no no no no no there's no time okay okay lock in here his King trap in the center look uh okay this might be it what I know this is possible and I feel like I'm so close but like so far at the same time I now knew this Checkmate was definitely possible I just needed the right opening the right opponent and the right amount of time and I would definitely have that achievement all righty we're officially below 1,300 guys let's go I'm so happy and having so much fun interesting okay this game was looking really good for me and while I play this the only reason I did this challenge was because of the comments you guys left on the video where I got a checkmate with every piece telling me over and over again that I forgot the castling Checkmate so for all of you who left one of those comments I blame you for what's about to happen okay oh wow okay free night we take those we take those no please don't disconnect do not disconnect I don't want to lose more rating points no no no no no no no at this point I was wondering if I should even continue with this challenge I had been playing for many hours I had lost about 700 rating points and games that I was completely winning would just be ended by a lucky check or blunder that I would make I literally cannot do this it's impossible it is impossible to get this Checkmate I wanted to quit this challenge here but I had already invested too much time and lost so many rating points that it would all be for nothing if I quit now so after many more games many more losses and so many painful moments this game happened of course he goes check I mean what else what he do all right and while I play this opening if you are in one of the large percentage of people who are not subscribed to me unfortunately for you this means I will be coming to your house and exact will we give this Pawn here make your predictions yes he will okay nice okay Rook two thank you sir this game was already off to a better start than I had imagined but I had similar games to this previously which have been ruined by a single check from the opponent so I didn't want to get my hopes up too high all right I can take this Rook right I mean I don't think he has any weird moves here if he takes Pawn we just go check and win the bishop okay good whoo whoo all right I think we're good nice okay this all major piece is gone uh the only thing here is him running out of time or resigning so just hopefully these things don't happen now all that was left for me to do was trap the king into the file that I would Castle into but if my opponent disconnected or ran out of time or resigned this was all over and I had to try again at the next game please don't resign please don't resign this was a moment I had been waiting for all of my hours of losing matches and rating points had L up this one game pleas please if this guy resigns here I will seriously commit 50 war crimes on all surrounding inhabitants no no no no no no why is this guy's Wi-Fi at two bars come on man please okay okay okay is this Checkmate can't go there can't go here no no please just be Checkmate yes yes and just like that I had finally gotten the achievement only 0.01% of people had Castle Victory there it is there it [Music] is
Channel: Croissant
Views: 546,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chess, chess openings, gothamchess, chess memes, chess meme, openings for black, openings for white, beginner openings, beginner chess openings, gmhikaru, hikaru, gothamchess openings, chess.com, lichess, magnus, magnus carlsen, Castle Checkmate, Chess.com achievments, Croissant, Croissant chess, checkmate, chess checkmate, stalemate, en pessant, King checkmate, killer king, killer king chess, Killer King checkmate, chess.com achievment, achievments, minecraft
Id: bPlGCfeoVBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 34sec (334 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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