100 Elo Chess Ruined My Life

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ladies and gentlemen if you clicked on this video I've got a very simple message for you every single one of you should try to be as strong as possible at the game of chess and the reason for that is very simple absolutely every other person that you interact with will respect you much more every other person that you interact with will think that you are an intellectual a sophisticated form of human being now not that is Justified but the game of chess is falsely associated with intelligence and the lowest form of this intelligence or capability is 100 ELO the lowest possible form of chest strength that a person can have and in today's video I will show you a chess game played between two individuals in the ELO range of 100 but one caveat we all have to start somewhere all of us have started Chess at some point at a certain location on the rating scale this is a new subscriber by the name of Joe everybody say hi Joe he didn't hear you because that's not the way the internet works but Joe will definitely get a warm big welcome on this channel what we do on this channel what we do in this playlist called how to lose a chess is we break games down and the point is that we're not laughing at Joe or his opponent we are looking at a mirror image reflection of ourselves see chz has this way of exposing all of our flaws of exposing our of exposing our hubris our arrogance our lack of empathy for other people we all need to look at the mirror and remember get as strong as possible in chess because everybody will think more highly of you shout out to Joe for being brave enough to submit this game let's break it down it is 187 versus 166 and Joe's opponent from Austria named 16t has like a as a like a James Bond name he just the name is just is James Bond here we go Joe begins with E4 already a very good move we don't have to wait long to get the action bang in here 16t responds with Pawn to F5 a very strong move all right Joe plays D3 that's fine you know he spent a little bit of time on that move D3 is an okay move this is called the duras Gambit I'm not sure that black knew that I think black just was learning how to move the pawns Joe plays D3 nice and defensive he could have taken on F5 and if he had taken on F5 the diagonal to the king would have been wide open so you've got to be very careful already as black it's like very close to being Checkmate so Joe plays defensively black plays Pawn takes Pawn takes and is immediately lost it took three moves you know chest is hard but one thing you will learn as a beginner is how not to poop your pants within the first 10 moves this is very very important I teach it in my book and today's video is in fact sponsored buy my book it's back there how to win a chess it'll teach you everything to not get this type of position in the first three moves the reason this is so bad is because now this check is completely lethal and you should always look for checks uh because sometimes they're really good Queen H5 just wins the game black goes here Queen E5 Bishop C4 and there's Checkmate on the horizon here's Checkmate right away uh but also there is G6 Queen E5 and you would simply pick up a rook so you need to always be able to look for checks it's why you don't want to open up your king early in the game but Joe is a principal man plays Knight F3 developing his Knight like he knows he should Knight F6 develops both Knights Knights before Bishops I love this by Mr Joseph what an absolute Beast playing like a Grandmaster to true to his name and now black of course should Mirror Image develop your Knights first but instead black very active throws yet another Pawn into the center of the board this is simply a counting mistake all beginners watching this can improve this one skill counting is the skill in chess when you count the amount of pieces that can capture on a square or a piece right square or a piece so this is one and there's zero for black so that's why black should have went D6 or this gotten a piece to look at another piece another good way to improve a chess think of your pieces as having eyeballs Vision all right this sees that this sees that and this sees that so it is not a good trade but damn it Joseph is a man of principle and in the opening we tell beginners not to make multiple moves with pieces that they've already gotten out so he moves his Bishop he moves his Bishop cuz he knows he's supposed to develop his pieces all right unfortunately what it does for black is that it leaves black with two Center pawns and now black captures on e4 now every time a pawn moves in chess or any piece you got to think about what opens up what things now see things they didn't see before the queen has Vision across the board you could go take take Knight takes and threaten a fork but instead of that sadly Joe here falls for the common beginner mistake of having tunnel vision and he takes the Pawn that just landed on that square yet again a counting mistake black has two things that can see that pawn you only have one and so after d takes E4 Knight takes E4 Joe realizes uhoh I just lost the Knight and that is very common that is a beginner mistake that is quite avoidable and hopefully does not happen again he saw the pawn he took it back and he went damn it I lost my knight but now he castles and now black finds a really nice tactical idea here considering that black just moved the night black completely forgets that they have any other pieces and they continue to move the Knight forward losing it in one move completely that move hangs a knight that no questions asked so this is one thing you should avoid as a beginner you should avoid moving a piece and then thinking you have to move it again that is literally not the law at all I don't know why you all think that way you have other pieces and you've got to viol you got to stop violating principles Knight C3 played now this is a bad move because you can just be taken joo's here though I I don't really I don't understand I I don't it it's standing on the same line as the Queen the Knight can now take the bishop black here because they are up a knight because they took the Knight should trade pieces they they should trade the queen they should trade the bishop and then they got to get the king to safety because in chess you need material and King safety and you need to stop playing chess like it's Russian Roulette I mean you're basically like spinning the chest pieces around and maybe some of them will fall off the table black here plays a move that's so high level I can't even begin to understand it white moves the queen to attack the Knight that could have been taken black plays Bishop B4 defending the knight from the queen taking it but not from the pawn the pawn can still absolutely take and Joe clutch as ever does in fact find that move and now that Bishop is hanging as well so black moves the bishop all the way to the home Square why why not literally any other Square literally any other Square was better why would you put the pieces all on the back rank now this position my man Joe plays the powerful Rook to D1 and I think his idea was to take the queen he kind of forgot the queen could take him too friends enemies your queen can't attack a queen that's not how that works the cuz the queen could take you you can't beat up yourself I mean I guess you don't though all right Bishop D7 powerful move uh White is now totally winning that's mostly because the Knight can take the pawn and the king is still in the center uh but joo's here you know what I don't hate this move 40 seconds spent on this move maybe he was getting the delivery food at the front door that move attacks that pawn uh now two things attack that pawn and The Rook pins the bishop to the queen none of them know any of that but yeah I'm just telling you black goes here I love that excellent excellent development now if only the bishop was there you know if only this was the position black would be fine I mean black would be completely lost but for 100 black is fine anyway Queen E3 moves out of the way to attack the pawn the pawn is now defended and now rather than taking it Joe attacks it yet again he really really wants to make sure he can win this Pawn before he takes it he's a meticulous guy you know what they say uh measured twice caught once or something I think that's what they say in this position uh 16t plays Bishop D6 which he could have played here but but didn't all right but but didn't I shouldn't say he by the way I don't even know all right there's my see that's that that's that subconscious you know 90% 85% male audience I'm by the way this channel is up to about 9010 at the beginning of the chess boom I had 99% male audience which was wild that is wild you you you lunatics and now now it's like 891 now it's like 9010 so it's gotten 10x bigger so uh Rook B5 all right Rook B5 powerful move here here attacks and threatens the pawn on B7 and black plays the most logical move thus far B6 pushing the pawn forward it is defended three times one two three and look at Joe look at this positional move by Joe Queen up to E4 the idea of this move is to put pressure on the Knight that was just weakened with the pawn moving up you see Joe didn't want to attack the Knight the Knight was defended very well so he goes here and now here this is excellent 187 ELO chess excellent stuff plays A6 attacking The Rook Rook goes back to D5 and now my man Joe plays Bishop to G5 by the way I think black here thought he was castling I said I did it again black thought that uh they were castling but instead they moved the Rook to f8 or they just don't know about castling but white did it so they should do it too Joe plays Bishop to G5 black plays Bishop to E7 strong move defending yourself it's again a completely lost position because Black's completely stuck in the center so the the winning idea here for white is literally to rip open the position and after Knight E5 Rook E5 you just this is not a defendable position you will take this you will take this it's it's over but they don't know that because they don't have the patterns yet they they don't have it all Bishop B7 nowo plays Rook D1 which by the way is a top computer move Rook D1 this is called a battery onto the bishop if white were to take they would get a bishop and a queen they would get a bishop and black would get both Rooks you do the math Queen and Bishop is 12 two Rooks is 10 Queen and Bishop are always better um black plays Bishop takes Bishop which is a good move white plays Knight takes Bishop because when you're 187 you discover new things about the position every single turn Queen takes G5 and at this point Joe's 187 brain kicked in and went there's a queen there which means my king is in danger so I need to go here no actually no no you don't none of that even began to I don't even what's the queen doing the first thing we got to ask ourselves is can the queen take anything it can but then I take back so no need to go here can do I have a check in this position yeah bad bad bad can I take anything yeah free Bishop now you got to realize you know you got back up but Joe plays here safe safe move by Joe and now black puts the queen back on the home Square again black loves moving pieces out and then moving them back to the home Square I don't know what what Black's purpose is but black moves the queen out and a move later goes back to the home SC now this move is still completely crushing it is the best move this is even better because you get to the king and and Joe plays F4 not a bad move at all don't hate that move you can't take I don't know if Joe saw that but he's he's PP on the pp here put pressure on the pin piece now black here plays a very powerful move Knight to D4 which hangs the Knight to the same Pawn also it removes the defense of the E5 Pawn so now Rook E5 is completely devastating but Joe is a simple man and he see check he play check it's a check you never know what could happen right black has to block block or move the king black plays Rook F7 okay I mean you know at least black didn't move the king a lot of people think I'm in check I got to move the king Black Blocks with the Rook all right now Joe obviously takes the Rook with the bishop you know what Joe you're on to something you took a pawn with Sheck now you could take a knight you could take the Rook you could also play Queen H7 Queen h8 is mate all right now we now all right we took the Knight bless no problem now Black Blocks it's still a game in fact white is only a pawn up I mean really this is this is very complicated stuff Bishop goes back to E2 all right White's got a very powerful position strong pressure here Bishop is rotating around this way now black plays the very mysterious Queen to B8 17 seconds spent on that move I would love to get into the brain of a 166 and see what neurons are firing for a move like Queen to B8 to be played because it does nothing but why did they play Queen B I don't know fascinating stuff now Joe plays F5 he's trying to attack the king he doesn't realize again counting exercise black controls that three times but white is still in very good shape because these pieces are out of the game 14 pieces of material are outside of the battle just having a cigarette all right Pawn takes F5 all right and and now and now unfortunately unfortunately 187 brain kicks in white plays Rook takes F5 so Joe's idea was to trade he miscounts and luckily he doesn't go all in sometimes as a beginner you just take everything Joe resets and plays Queen E5 and you'll notice Joe here spent 18 seconds probably questioning why he ever downloaded the chess.com app and now he is down a full Rook but he still has attacking possibilities the bishop could still come here The Rook still has to come here you got to set what's called a mating net you got to make sure the king can't escape over there uh black here plays The Very powerful Bishop takes C2 winning yet another Pawn black now up Five Points of material white plays Rook D2 saving his rook and black again moves the bishop he couldn't move it back to the home Square Bishop F5 and now I got to give credit where it's zo because Joe never let up Joe in this position could have just fallen over and said you know what I'm going to lose no Joe attacks G four and if we know anything about our protagonist with the black pieces they are going to move the bishop to the homes very close close but no cigar did not move the bishop to the home square but moved it very very close now if you're playing white here you got to do this but Joe a man of principle a man of tunnel vision G4 H4 here we go and now officially you are completely lost you are completely lost here because black should move the queen and trade Queens white has no danger to the black position with no Queen the queen is a very powerful piece instead of that black plays Rook G7 now white is winning very close Bishop C4 Rook F2 black has to find only moves to survive Bishop C4 swarms the king but with his Pawn threatened Joe plays G5 five and black is yet again winning if he brings his Queen to help black plays H6 trying to fight back and yet again Joe has to activate his bishop and his Rook he's refusing to do so he's not he finds Bishop C4 20 seconds spent on this move absolutely clutch find Rook F2 is basically mate the black king completely stranded in the open H takes G5 and Joe does not tunnel vision he does not take back he plays Rook F2 Rook F2 check he's found it oh my goodness the 187 and black can only block the check until he is mated the King has no legal moves and this is a lesson for why you should not hide your queen in the corner of the board in a bunker black plays Rook F7 and the game is over Joe finds Rook F7 King G8 and queen okay Queen G7 was made Rook D7 won a bishop and then was made Rook G7 okay and now Joe plays Rook G6 all right he could have taken the bishop Rook G6 discovered check the only move is King H7 and now Joe ends the game with Queen okay okay um that's still made next move there's an m in the evaluation black literally cannot get out of checkmate at all and what black should be doing now is getting the queen in to help black goes here the idea I guess was to play peekaboo that was the idea and then you're G to go here you're gonna go peekaboo and you're going to see all this queen G queen queen G7 is mate Joe doesn't find it Joe Joe respects the threat of the queen and plays D5 he blocks the Queen's Vision but this is still made now Black's best hope here is to get the rook in the game and he does and now Queen G7 is no longer possible possible instead you have to find that check that check that check or one of those checks you can't move your Rook cuz you're pinned Joe clutch again finds Bishop D3 check Black's only king move is now moving up and queen F6 leads to mate Rook G8 leads to mate in a few moves and you win the rook and in this position finally Joe finds Rook to Rook takes G6 Bishop takes King takes and Joe is down a bishop Queen and Bishop versus queen he had so many chances and unfortunately he found none of them this is why we always have to practice checkmates as a beginner you got to drill mates in One you have to be a killer at finding mateson one and then you have to move on to mateson two all right but instead of that Joe doesn't find it Joe goes here pressure on the clock he probably felt the nerves and now he is unfortunately going to lose this game but then Joe saw a light and in this position despite having a Checkmate in one about 17 times Joe got a second Breath of Life he played H5 and in this position Black's Queen is stuck so black needs to bring the queen around like a car that's parked in a parking lot trade the Queens stop White's Pawn Win the end game with their pawns but black is rated 166 and after H5 is played for an inexplicable reason black moves the king back one square to f8 that move doesn't even even begin to make sense doesn't begin to make sense because if you have these powerful pieces and you're not in check you shouldn't move your king I guess black thought this was a bishop black goes here Joe continues pushing and suddenly Joe goes from losing to equal to winning because there is no way for black to stop the pawns geometrically the King goes to F7 and now without even knowing it Joseph the new subscriber to the channel played the best computer move he just played H5 and H6 what looks like the most natural move in this position H7 but H7 loses a major chunk of the advantage because the queen can stop the pawn and if you go here trying to get it through you might win but if you make the wrong move black survives so instead of that after playing H5 and H6 Joseph played the move Queen to G7 using his Pawn as an anchor for his Queen Queen the black king completely stuck he has to move to the back rank Pawn to H7 and Joe made a Monumental comeback in this game Queen takes D5 he promoted a pawn and he latter checkmated his opponent with his two freshly mined queens that was a game between two 100 rated players I got news for you 100 ELO is Elo hell because these guys were not even that bad sure Joe had 16 misses sure sure their accuracy was 33.1 and 27.0 but honestly that game was pretty competitive both white and black missed some chances in the opening the middle game battle was fairly even White's endgame Precision Was A Cut Above off black there you go shout out to Joe and shout out to every new member of the Chess World we all have to start somewhere and Joe is already up to 350 rapid so get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 678,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: wNdzoRVsFeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 12sec (1272 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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