9 Shoe Brand Steals

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hello my friends and welcome to this new episode of Soto talks today once again we're going to speak about shoes and we speak about shoes because you will have this subject I don't know if you remember one year and a half ago we released two episodes on our selection of the best shoes for 2019 and guess what these two episodes have been watched by you I think more than 750,000 times in English and more than 150,000 times in frame that makes we close to a million views can you believe that we close to a million views of this specific video dedicated to our selection of shoes so once again remember one thing very important it's not a list of the best shoes in the world because speaking about best shoes doesn't mean much you know it depends on your taste it depends on where you live it depends on which country you live it depends on your means it depends on what kind of what is your style if you are extremely formal if you want casual so let's say roughly it's a selection that we have been making with Sonja because as you know we travel the planet will be many many shoemakers or soil tailors and short makers and tie maker so that's how I drove it out of this every year we make the effort to try to select brands that match our criteria of quality and of course of style but today what we're going to do I'm not gonna replace the selection of 2019 and just on trying to refine it and today I'm gonna speak to you about nine brands from nine different countries which are all of them under 400 euro or also 400 dollars that is to say what the segment of affordable shoes well I know that 400 euro can be quite an amount for specifically the youngest among you but is still in this bracket of the market which which we consider affordable from 160 euro up to 400 but a little bit less than 400 so let's go for the nine hours section of nine runs from nine different countries under 400 ohms you notice nine different countries and that's a very interesting point until very fairly recently everybody thought that the Manchu market and the men shoemakers and dementia designers were pretty much group in the UK for the English style in Italy for of course a little bit more elongated shoes more I will not say extravagant no more ball bolder shoes in Italy and also in Spain because Spain has been developing a lot this last decade for men shoes but pretty much this is the seventh a little bit of few makers in the USA and in Portugal but now today we you're gonna discover that we had shoemakers not pretty much all around the world because there's a revival of interest of the gentlemen for the men's shoes quality men's shoes I'm not talking here about sneakers I'm not talking here about cheap shoes I'm talking about real leather shoes that we can rely on and we'll really amp up your style and your elegance and so let's start with one brand that we already included in our first list last year which is called Merman and why do we continue to include marine so Merman is made in China but originally from Spain so it's a Spanish brand from Palma de Majorca but which is crafted in China and mermen well we've been supporting Merman since the beginning why because for us it represents one of the best entry door in this mesmerizing hypnotizing addictive world of men's shoes Merman is offering I think they started 160 euro that will make 170 dollars with good Europe quality shoes so this is quite a performance of course it's made in China but it's managed by your Spanish team from Palma de Majorca and I can tell you that the value of Berman of course is that the most amazing shoes in the world but for the value I think they're pretty much without competition because they are so successful by the way specifically towards the young the young generation of sartorial is that I just open a brick and mortar shop in Paris I think it's six months ago and it's extremely successful so Mirman remain for us a very safe bet if you are on a budget you want some serious shoes or a little bit of a downside of Myr means that by experience there are ghujiya welted and made with good quality leather they can be a little bit hard to break in I think the opportunity to give you a little trick and I think Sonia spoke about this a few episodes ago it's it's always been a mystery for me why some shoes are hurt when they first tried them on of the first few hours or days and some don't and believe me it's not a matter of being this coconut bespoke hug honestly I can tell you I had some very high level miss Ballou that were hurting a little bit at the beginning and I had some ready-to-wear shoes were not hurting at all no breaking time so once again so tourism is not a science there's nothing extremely precise we are not scientists we are searchers for style but we asked our friend Paris cavora you know the great palace cavora company in napoli italy and we're asking because he is very well known for crafting Norwegian stitch should a very sturdy shoes and very when you take them in your hand you said oh wow that looks really really strong and I have a pair of pants Khafre be wearing before any resulting 500 tons maybe and their impeccable and he answered us that it's been measuring after many many years and decades of experience and all his family I think is all his brothers I think is six or seven brothers are awesome because it's a real shoe making family power told us that according to his experience the time to breaking a shoe is exactly 24 hours or around 24 hours it doesn't mean one day is mean if 24 hours of actual where if after 24 hours of actual where your feet still hurt in in your shoes then you'd better take some disposition and try to go to a convener maybe to you know to release them and it will be to extend them a little bit but 24 hours is the time to break in so back to Merman we know they can be a little bit hard to break in but the quality is here and honnestly my friends for the price 160 euro some bottles are 200 euro it's almost the steel so mer mean from Spain made in China now we move to I know our friend from Germany will be very happy because we receive messages of during the last elections and why did you didn't you include shoe passion true passion which is a German brown they have numerous stores in Germany they have an Easter which is extremely efficient and and we have been supporting them because on Parisian documents as early as 2015 or 16 I think at the very beginning of true passion we've been among the first if not the first to speak about them very serious companies starting from 169 and up I would say that the Goodyear welted is more around 239 260 so same thing what is very interesting in soot passion is the the range they have it's extremely large you have the choice they carry pretty much all the styles it's very well made it's made in Spain it's a German company but pretty much all their shoes maybe not all there but the vast majority of those who are crafted in Spain which is quite them you know today the region of Almanza which is around alba city in Spain Eastern is the travel of gucchy making and since a decade this region who is historically chronologically shoemaking has been really booming and many many many many shoemakers new shoemakers and people who are selling on the internet specifically crafting in Spain because the numerous excellent factories there so German Brown crafted in Spain extremely serious a wide range of styles and different levels and different colors it's a very safe bet and and there's something very special about that is the quality of their service we used to say in front when something is really really good in terms of service and durability and reliability we call it it's Dutch qualitative qualitative action is thus a very safe bet and I really invite you to visit their website good people good bra now we move to Italy and there's one brand that I did not include in the last selection that I want to include now it's called velasca so velasca has been gaining quite a momentum this like three or four years it's a it's an interesting Brown which is located in Montenegrin ro which is in the March region which is the travel of Italy for for quality issues our friends from BOM Tony and you know that I love them to me there are located also in Montegrappa the last gap has been created by two and I would say probably seven years ago eight years ago and they offer some very interesting shoes wide range same thing is true passion you can find pretty much everything and but there are Italian and they are crafted in Italy and they start a little bit under 200 years so you see we're still in a very quote/unquote affordable if you are interested in quiet issues so why do we like velasca for different reasons first of all velasca is made in Italy in multitrader also it's so well you can still take this as a sign of quality it's made in the one of the cradle of shoemaking in Italy so there are Italian and a crafts in Italy and the second point is that there are edge is extremely large you can have things from everything pretty much all the styles from the boots and shoes the Oxford and derbies everything pretty much and we are around 200 year a little bit less 195 euro depending on where you live on the planet two hundred dollars two hundred and ten dollars well it's a very reliable brown it's a brown that we didn't include at first but now we decide to include them because it's a great Italian touch in this affordable segment of the market velasca in Montague Romero I invite you all so strongly to try this Brown the construction here is not good Yura is most of their model is in black rapid but it's still a very interesting and quality issues for the price great value velasca in Italy now we move to a country we never visited at well you know that with Sonia we travel a lot so we've been visiting a lot of conclude that this one I don't know why we've never been there and secondly we never spoke about this country in terms of shoe so it's a total newcomer and I discovered this brand through my good friend Justine Fitzpatrick this very interesting Vietnamese Brown core I don't know if I pronounced it well actually it's called les Oh C n es and they're I think that Instagram is C and es shoemakers or something like that and as you can see on the screen this is kind of a bold shoe these people are extremely creative extremely interesting in terms of last they're totally free that have some kind of freedom of speech in terms of of design of the uppers it's extremely bold and interesting I don't even know at the moment that if they're available outside of Vietnam that you can order them online I don't know for the moment but my I was definitely caught by these people and if Justin Fitzpatrick was a druid professional in shoemaking say that these people are good and interesting I trust him is a very reliable source for that so yes I don't know how to pronounce it if if the people from Vietnam there they hear me please explain to me how to pronounce your name is is it CNES is its class but in any case this is very interesting syndrome from Vietnam Brown from jet Nam and crafted in Vietnam and the price is around 250 euro for any kind of model so very interesting to follow up once again if among you some of you have information more precise information on this company or even better I've tried shoes from this company will be very very thankful if you can write down here in the comment section some feedback about this company yes Vietnam then well let's come back to from a little bit just for a little moment you know I'm not that patriotic in terms of shoes but we have some good shoe makers in France and the one are already selected in in our first selection last year then they still confirmed in this election is Satyam larger set M larger means literally seventh with set M larger is a company which is very interesting because they do classic model but also I like they're a delight for example I think they're very good at this exercise another lie it is called initially oppressed whole in French it's a model it's an Oxford generally with a kept oh and idolized it's this stitching just around the the laces which gives it a very interesting business feeling so but they do everything from boots to lovers to Oxford to derbies good quality extremely good value we are 275 year or so we still under 300 euro for practically older model is very very decent presence as you can see there are some very interesting model more classic of course than the class from Vietnam a little bit more business but if you want some beautiful short for an affordable price and if you live in from the have a boutique in France you you have to try setting another very good company now let's move to the UK and well you know Ukraine's kind of an important country for shoe making for men and once again we couldn't avoid including in our list hearing so to make things clear a little bit confused about this company hearing first of all is not only a shoemaker but is a shoe distributor if you go to harrys.com o.co UK I don't know exactly the address but having shoes on the internet you will see that these people are carrying very famous brands not only English bronze by the way also Italian and Portuguese born etc so it's more like um it's a gigantic warehouse and they are very well known these people for their love of men's shoes and quality men shoes but also for their stellar customer service very very nice people very involved people herring is an extremely segment and I know that their price range starts around 280 euros hour for 280 I'm pretty sure it still made in the UK and if you reach 300 because I have anything from 208 year up to a thousand and more but most of the shoes are still crafted in the Northington Chivers to Seder cradle of UK shoe making so herring they also carry their own brown because this kind of people are so important in the shoe industry that they can little better it happens also to other people who are distributors of shoes carrying other brand and decide to to carry their own brown because they know where to make the shoes they know how to monitor to monitor great great factories so herring has launched its own brown under its own name herring shoes and this is very interesting so Harry its its vast choice of shoes stellar customer service and the you care seriousness you know we are in the Goodyear universe here not the most let's say refined should not the most extravagant truth rather understated but excellent quality and of course excellent values Harry in the United Kingdom then we move to the USA so choral Union they are located in Atlanta Georgia we know we have a special relationship with these people for different reasons but the main reason being that we discovered them the first week can you believe that the first week of their creation as to say imagine you create a company and then you have a blog called Parisian gentleman or whatever at the other on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean who is speaking about your brand and showing your shoes four days after you creation that's the story we have discovery Union and that's an interesting story because I remember I discovered color Union on the French forum I think it's called own home pump which is a French for people who are we call you can see or feel people who are totally addicted by shoe they can spend hours and hours and hours every night to literally add facts about the quality of the leather of the the shape of the last etcetera etcetera and I remember very clearly one of this guy received a pair of a probably Union put it on this farm and I said wow that looks good specifically for an American runner believe me I have nothing against American brown I've been we didn't include Allen Edmonds in our first selection and we received probably two hundred males and two hundred comments from American people because this is the major brown in your country but it shouldn't now the price bracket anyway and the second reason why we are close to them is that you know my wife is American and she's she's from Atlanta and so of course we spend four month per year in Atlanta and so we all the time we are very close to these people because we know them we know that all we've been accompanying their progression and there are crafting very interesting to around I think in dollars is three hundred and ninety dollars some meaning in Euro 350 beautiful it's crafted in Spain one more time but their range is expanding more and more even now they are created something called the union market which is at their place you can not only buy shoes but they source also some accessories ties and suspenders and umbrellas and socks and stuff a very interesting company very serious people and there very very interesting customer service well one of the most reactive and stellar customer service on the market in my opinion we've been doing with the many many special edition many special operation campaigns because we really believe in what they do and in my opinion on these price buckets in the USA they're pretty much without any competitor but you can also receive that is reaching live in France or in Germany or in the UK or in Europe in general or anywhere else in the world because they have a warehouse now in Spain so this company is developing quite fast and we are very very happy to be to have been among the first to speak about them cobra union in the u.s. a very reliable that most of the model I would say 80% is Goodyear welted so this is very serious product cover union in Atlanta USA let's move now south and let's go and visit carlos santos in Portugal ok Kalyn Santos is a weird company oh not a weird company fantastic company but is oh we are brown because I had an impression I've been speaking about Carlos something since a decade now I remember my friend Mario introduced me to Carlo Santos and said to me these people are incredible they do the magnificent work and Portuguese shoemaker a little bit you know they don't have I don't have the recognition they deserve and Carlo Santos for 350 euro in my opinion you jump now almost in the next level of shoes very interesting very well made good you're wealthy look at these styles beautifully made there's a tradition in Portugal about shoemaking they are very very it's a good country for that Spain is very important as you know Italy still important Portugal they do beautiful true they do beautiful wine those who by the way and it's a very agreeable country did you know that is one of the most attractive country for French people who wants to retire probably for tax reasons but not only is because the region of Lisbon and Porto and all this region is it's a beautiful country and can Santos I repeat again and again if you have the opportunity to buy Carlo Santos shoes whether directly on their website or through a retailer you have around the corner in your town in your country please take a look because these are very interesting through current Santos in Portugal and to finish this little tour so I remind you it's not the huge selection as usual it's a more refined selection on the first price bracket from 160 to 350 let's go to Sweden now so we went very sounds in Portugal and now we go up to Sweden and we even meet our friend I'm so sorry I'll have to look at my paper I have five notes on my paper which is just under the camera but this time I had to look at it because the name of the company is pretty much unpronounceable for a French man like like me trying on top of that to speak in English so I'm gonna do it with my best Swedish accent the company's name is squat t Bora get o squat table again I don't know how to say that so the hello my friend from squat table again if you know how to pronounce it send me a message so that next time I speak about you I can pronounce your name in the good way yt bowlegged is is an Easter oh and the hamster or maybe a few stores in in Scandinavia but the main thing there been very becoming very famous with their Easter because they carry bronze that are quite rare like Enzo Donnelly for instance you can buy Enzo beneficial everybody asked where to buy Enzo banoffee shoes because Enzo buffets a fantastic actually of it's not the same price brackets is more expensive of course ends up on a fiber and so is a bonifay and his family they're located in bologna hello and so and and all the family we love these people great people we put up on our YouTube channel this little theme of shoe crafting it's it's all filmed and advocacy I tell you great people so for example bonifay there are very picky on who can distribute them they're really hand-picked all very Taylor because this is the kind of actually there are they are overloaded by work that's too much work so they don't take all the retailers and they have really to set selling them and they selected squat t-ball I get so I still have to look at my paper because there were very interesting people and seeing that they've been creating these people from Sweden and Easter with more and more reference and and I would say two years ago one year and a half ago they decided to create their own brand that is to say with all the knowledge they've been achieve a ting distributing other brand on their website and on their Easter they started to be extremely first of all they're very engaged people very passionate about shoes and so they started to have this idea and said why don't we put our knowledge now and our firepower to produce more reasonably priced line of shoes but we get that we can source in Italy or Portugal or Spain this is what they did with a new brand called left and - once again I'm sorry if my pronunciation because there's an unload so umlaut so they don't laugh and - probably this is the right way to pronounce it as you can see very interesting through very classic shoe sturdy shoes of course we in Scandinavia so this is not software that you can wear without socks like in Napoli we're more in something classic of course you can find all the styles but this is beautiful shoe than the price 350 it's a very interesting price so remember this name what I say and you wrong I'm sorry guys you I know you're on the market since five six years and probably the brown since - three years but that's the first time I've seen your shoes and this is a very very decent work for the people specifically who live in Scandinavia you can visit you this is a great rental Murph and to distribute it by our friends at squad t-bo lat yet I hope I get it right this time so we've been in Spain we've been in Germany in Italy in Vietnam in the United Kingdom in France in the USA in Portugal and even in Sweden nine brands nine countries and believe me when I draw this list yesterday I was reviewing my notes and I said how bad strange because the Nile brand I selected in this price bracket from 160 to 350 there from 9 different countries so it shows us what it shows us one simple thing is that despite all you can hear but you know the young people they don't like to wear little shoes anymore they prefer to have sneakers the industry is difficult and people are moving away from quality no sir no if so many companies who company of quality shoe companies are created around the world these days it's not because there are some passionate people who want to create shoes for the sake of gratitude is because the market is very dynamic and there's a new generation of gentlemen who are more and more attracted to quality shoe and this new generation of gentlemen is attracted to quality shoes for two reasons because first of all it's good for your health when you have good shoes you have a better posture you more comfortable you're less tired and believe me you really feel a different person and second about the style of course because shoes are such an important settle in any outfit major step of course the only thing which is a little bit annoying and it's becoming very addictive I think shoes may be a little bit more addictive than shoes you know why because the most beautiful suit on your hunger is just a beautiful suitable hunger but a shoe is a 3d object and when you look at it it's my last book with auntie julia we we read its current you know this it's like sculpture literally when you really take the time to focus on a beautiful pair of shoe the object can leave by itself there's even some shoemakers I think about my friend I've attended Consuela so this is not in this price bracket this is bespoke shoes Christophe the brother of Pierre Corneille and they're working Paris and they do traditional bespoke IKEA was by hand and you know what they do now it's time they deliver a pair of shoe they deliver a big national show with it so the same shoe but in miniature why because it's Mohammed of to the craft itself and even if you use your shoes and you wear them and little by little they go you know they're gonna need to be resold you have the original shoe on your fireplace and I love this idea because it's we are coming back to the essence of this of this job which is close to sculpture working with the leather it's very cozy so I hope this episode was interesting I hope it would be useful for you I hope it will open new opportunities I will it will give you more options in this price bracket for choosing your first or your next pair of shoes and I wish you a lot of success don't forget to come and to share your experience your feedback on the grounds and eyes spoke about on other brands that you like and I give you an appointment for the next episode of so to talk she's my friend cheese [Music]
Views: 118,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best shoe brands, best sartorial shoes, sartorial shoes, best shoes under, under 400$, best oxford, best derbies, bespoke shoes, rtw shoe guide, rtw shoe selection, ready to wear shoes, shoe guide, top best shoes, cobbler union, CNES shoemaker, shoepassion, velasca, septieme largeur, 7eme largeur, herring, meermin, pierre corthay, corthay paris, Löf & tung, lof and tung, carlos santos shoes, skoatiebolaget, skoatiebolaget shoes, cheap shoe brands, value for money
Id: cU0yYI8cV8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 27sec (1767 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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