3 Great Shoe Brands to Discover

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ladies and gentlemen welcome to this new episode of Satori talks today we have the privilege and the pleasure to receive you at home without our production team it's still only Sonia and me for the moment because we can't have our team so it's just Sonia and me at home and today we're going to speak once again about the subject we are very passionate about just like me we're gonna speak about truth and more precisely we're going to unbox one two three four five pairs of new shoes [Music] when I say we're gonna unbox five pairs of new shoes first of all we're not really gonna unbox because the unboxing video is the specialty of my friend Justine Fitzpatrick at the Schuster he likes to receive the box and to literally unbox the shoes I received in front of you me to be honest as these are five pairs we received last week Sanga had received the two purses when we speak about that in the next episode of suits or talks but then I received five Paris for myself in the last ten days and I must admit I couldn't resist to wear if she of this shoe so I'm not gonna literally unbox them in front of you but I'm gonna show you these five new pairs in my personal collection when we do our selection of shoe this is what we do generally we ask the brand that we don't know or that foil that we will with which we work for the first time to sell this repair just to check the quality and make sure or if we have the occasion of course like in Paris we can go in store to check by ourself the quality and really feel the product because it's almost kind of difficult to buy a pair of shoe just looking at a picture but this time as you know them is still a little bit complicated to travel we asked a three brands from three different countries to send us these pairs of shoes and we have it's interesting for us to show you this different brands why because they all play in a different field in a different price bracket one very affordable you will see extremely affordable one let's say affordable and one worth of with the quality/price ratio which is absolutely unheard of and we'll start immediately with the brown that we spoke once I guess of this brown it's run from Singapore and the factory is in Vietnam and is the brand CN es and I ordered for myself first two pairs actually but the first pair is this one and if you like shoes I'm sure you know what it is it's a Belgian will offer it so very popular sure since I would say six years it came back in style so it's a loafer but without any thing on the on the front without a tassel you know you can some people like to put tassel me I like when there are to be immaculate one thing about this show is that it's what we call a balloon ears construction so I'm not going to go into all the details but a balloons construction is a very interesting construction specifically for light shoes during the Sun you don't have any shoe construction here are basically two big families you have the Goodyear welted shoes and you have the black shoes in brief a Goodyear use a little strip of leather which is called belt that goes around the shoe and make the shoe maker able to stitch the upper on the veldt and then the sole in the second time also under that so there's two different stitches the black method is much more let's say rapid even if there's a method called black rapid laser it's quicker to do and it's a in one movement with the machine uses the whole shoe and but on the other it's even go further than that because this you don't have an insole it's literally the shoe is like a tune you know it's really stretched like a tube so well we know it's not as how do you say that as solid and as resistant as a normal black or even more as a good year but it's great for summer shoes and it has one advantage it is extremely fantastic feel comfortable it's like it's like we say a shoe shop in France it's like the house you can wear this it's beautiful it's ultra light and you what you're going to see is that this there's something else with CNES and signal which is beautiful at its the price because it's 250 Singapore dollars when it's not on sale it is 160 euros and 220 dollars on sale right now actually is 140 euro that means probably I would say well a little bit less than 180 dollars for this price honestly if you have a fantastic quality and I really like this young brown one Reserve not one reason but one information that you may need to know these people they don't use the normal sizing so you really have if you want to acquire a pair from them drop them an email and discuss say you you've seen this episode and drop them on email because they use a totally different sizing and it's not the same system as we use in France in the UK or in the USA for example me in France I wear of a size 42 and this size is a size 45 so you understand they have a different way of sizing but it's so beautiful and the quantity for the price it's absolutely stupendous CNES and vietnam for this belgium offer and they make me the surprise to send me a second pair look at this little marvel that is in front of me look at that I'm going to show it I don't know if it's better like that or like that you have both sides okay so this is a cap toe Oxford very classic no broad no perforation but what I particularly like is form look at this last you know well it's not exactly eagle claw but it's close to it it's very it has a very strong personality the leather is good quality I think it's coming from Italy you from France the patina is great this time is not the ballonets construction because in science and Oxford balloon is a construction is more for reference and summer shoes this is a I was about to say a traditional career well it is a good year construction using a well but it's not a traditional good year and I will explain you why in a traditional good year the stitching goes from the toe up to the hill and this part of the shoe is a very complex part and you can see the leather is very thin here it's what we call new blind sticks with it when you do this gesture in a factory there art isn't as literally is stitching blind it doesn't really see and it's very complex to do and here they use well it's a kind of a shortage they take very short cuts we say it's not short a short cut sorry they use metal pegs so it's an uncertain technique as wooden pegs on shoes but I've never seen what I rarely we rarely see in 21st century specifically on good your metal pegs so it's still very beautiful as you can see it's not our favorite metal honestly we prefer the stitching to go up to the hill this is still a fantastic pair of shoes for the price because we are talking here about 266 Singapore dollars that is to say 170 euro this is a brand that we really advise you to consider these are two young man very dynamic people very very nice people very passionate about shoes and you can tell by the beauty of this shoe that they can make a real place for themselves on this market CMEs in signa poor made in Vietnam for the third pair second round we come back to France and a friend brought that we love if we if you watched our selection of the 2019 best brown for shoes I think there were inside of so actually it's called Satyam larger it's a French company they crowd their shoes in our Mensa at the setter in Spain and I did something I rarely do it that I really wanted something very casual for this summer something that I would wear with a pair of jeans or something extremely casual if you following Saturday's you know that I I favored it more like classic shoes and Oxford's and derbies and boot but this time I wanted to go wild so that's what wild means to me and I show you this powerful but you know that I would draw so it's not a real an actual unboxing because I've been wearing it little bit is this beautiful pair called a Gatsby so it's a derby five eyelids as you can see and here the heaven I opponent is very beautiful because if you are a little bit educated in sudo if you are shoe lover you know that this part it's very complex and this you can see there's a double stitching made by hand on the April it's beautiful ok if you are from my generation in may be reminiscing for you from them the shoes were worn by the sky movement Muenster Bo and another if you remember that madness they were writing this kind of food which fix all because this beautiful shred blue suede shoes literally it's a blue suede shoes is constructed on a Vibram rubber sole well this is not the most refined and the most well let's say elegant should shoe in the world but for outside activities for the weekend this is absolutely fantastic and actually I think that the last works very well this is a beautiful shoe and you will see it's even more beautiful when you will hear the prices 245 euros so I don't know what it means in dollars I would say 280 dollars maybe something like that this is a fantastic brand satima najjar we really like them since a long time but I get that this show gonna be probably one of my favorite for this so this beautiful let's say outdoor derby with a double stitch by hand on the apron by setting national in France beautiful beautiful shoe and now we're going to move toward a third brand and this fur bra this is the first time we speak about it in satori talks I think we didn't even speak about it in Persian gentlemen because I don't know why actually I must confess I'm a little bit sorry that I'm gonna repair today because I've been overlooking these people since a couple of years and not not on purpose but I didn't know them and of course my friend Justin he's perfect one what I know Justin is always trying to find the best shoemaker all those I'm very grateful for that is a new wonderful job for that and also curvy Allison on his YouTube channel is doing a wonderful job also trying to scout and find you know the best makers and when those two people who are my friends you know it's a small world we all know and like each other and help each other by the way so I said I have to take a look at this brand and so I give them a call gave them a call and it's a brand called TLB Majorca TLD maraca as you can imagine it's in demand is the island of Majorca which is in the belayer island in Spain this is a very interesting island in Majorca if you are interested in Shu because it's a shoemaking on this little island is literally an institution there's a lot of different factories carmina that some of you may know the two sir also that Sonia favoured specifically for the woman line and TLB Majorca which is another institution on the island and they send me beautiful beautiful show and you will see that the quality/price ratio is absolutely stunning so we're on another price bracket you understand that we started with a very affordable price with CNES around less than $200 then we moved to set seminar with this crazy blue suede shoe that I love and even the other models that set enlarges it without around two hundred and eighty thousand three hundred dollars and now we move to a little bit moment at that it's $320 we move to the price back up just above but not very expensive because if you don't live in the European Economic Community AEC you can also have a reduction on the price you don't pay the vit and look at this model my table is full of shoes so I'm gonna try to catch it easier look at this beauty this is an austerity blog by tlb my Orca and it's an absolutely stupendous should look at this work you can feel immediately the quality the leather you can see and look up under this is how you recognize a higher quality shoe you see this here this what we call it prevailed waste this is the sign immediately of a high quality shoe and is you can see that this one is rounded inside and it rounded outside this is a sign of a high-quality shoe this is of course good you built it when why is it a sign of high quality shoes because to do this rounded it's a very complex movement because you understand that the lever at this moment is very close to the sole so when you work to round to make this round you it's very dangerous because you can damage potentially deliver so it's a sign of high quality look look at this so I didn't wear them for them I just tried them these are stupendous crazy the price of this beauty which is the axis tie line that is to say the highest level I think it's 425 euros so it means four hundred and sixty dollars but if you don't live in the European community there are a 350 euros that's honestly unheard of for this kind of quality that is to say three hundred under four hundred dollars for this quality I've never seen this in my life this is absolutely stunning this is probably the best quality price that I know of this quality on the rocket so till the America and they may need a surprise to send me another pair of the same artistic quality and this is an Adelaide Oxford with a capital as you can see it's kinda they send it to me because they consider it's their signature model same thing look under quality of it it's rounded look at the the world weighs absolutely well this is a closed channel for the people who understand this this is really impressive quality and same thing I mean if you endure if you're not in Europe you're gonna pay that 350 euros just to say less than 400 dollars and the main line the main line which is a little bit less with fountains always a stupendous quality is something around 300 euros there is two things one hundred and forty dollars Hannes feet tlb my upper look at those two beauties I'm gonna show you this one I'm sorry there's too many shoes on the table look at that okay well I'm sorry TLB Majorca that I forgot you for so long I overlooked you for so long now I hope I repair my mistake you are great shoemakers and these are beautiful beautiful shoe and for the price honestly I can see any competition in the world so thank you for listening as usual we're waiting for your commands for your react for your suggestion thank you so much for always participating so much in the life of subtly talk and we'll give you another appointment for the next episode probably we hope with our team or if not with Sonya and myself at home in boggle choose [Music] [Applause]
Views: 63,547
Rating: 4.9324894 out of 5
Keywords: great shoe brands, best shoe brands, affordable shoe brands, dress shoes, best dress shoes, elegant shoes, TLB mallorca, CNES, Septieme largeure, septieme largeur, 7eme largeur, 7 largeur, 7 largeure, quality shoes, shoe review, best shoe review, dress shoe review, CNES shoes, mallorca shoemaker, mallorca shoes, vietnam shoes, singapore shoe brand, vietnam shoe brand, mallorca shoe brand, french shoe brand, luxury shoes
Id: DpY68eBn3EQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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