Mysterious Videos From Around The Internet [Vol.2]

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[Music] a weekly internet show the atheist experience has run for over a decade and generally sees the host debate with various colors over different religious matters however during a seemingly regular if not slightly intense call in 2014 there was a sudden bizarre and downright chilling moment live on air that's just a silly argument i mean i understand i agree with you i'm just trying to get it why it's a silly argument well i understand that that statement was originally said by carl sagan but who really cares about you know them requiring extraordinary claims and evidence so then you should believe i rose from the dead [Music] okay i terrified her with my awesome logic apparently as heard while the horse argue with the caller she abruptly lets out a blood-curdling scream and before we can hear anymore they disconnect the car disturbingly the screams sound uncomfortably real as though the woman was actually attacked in fact many viewers were so convinced the call was genuine that they asked ashore to track down the woman's address others thought i'm so convinced and content the scream was merely a sound effect still is it possible the woman was literally murdered on air okay [Music] a reality series is one of the last places you'd expect to find credible proof of life after death however one big brother contestant allegedly heard the voice of her dead sister still the mystery seems over when a fellow contestant claims responsibility yet things get even eerier when she secretly reveals it wasn't here [Music] where [Music] now this is all creepy enough on its own but what made the scenario truly bizarre was that around the time cedar heard her sister's voice she'd actually died a few minutes prior she'll view alexander could this mean that the voice was her ghost or was it perhaps some kind of psychic connection you decide in the previous look at mysterious videos i covered a plane supposedly frozen in the air to some this was evidence of the simulation theory while the skeptics it was just the wind however either way these so-called glitches in the matrix not only affect aircraft but also apparently birds now admittedly most of these videos are easily explained as normal hunting behavior yet what if the bird was dead and still somehow floating what is it what is it can you see it what the hell is that according to one onlooker nina kojan he watched it for at least two minutes but saw no movement whatsoever unsurprisingly the strange video has itself led to stranger theories the common consensus is that it's proof of the aforementioned artificial reality but alternative bizarre ideas claim it's a government drone or even a broken alien device leave your own fairies in the comments what the hell is that if you've spent any time in conspiracy circles you've likely heard of the chemtrail theory the idea is that many contrails are actually filled with undisclosed chemical substances these chemtrails then slowly poison the atmosphere with the overall purpose of human population control however an additional and downright bizarre theory posits that said chemicals are released via clot government plans now obviously this sounds ridiculous but believers have offered up some weird videos incredibly on july 17 2019 sky watcher eye of the beholder filmed this unexplained anomaly in bucharest romania [Music] still you might say this was just an optical illusion yet two days before this video was released amateur researcher linda miller captured another one of these plants do so could the impossible be true and the government actually use invisible planes hidden in the remote monitor valley of nevada lies the boiling hot spring the ants punch ball such extraordinary heat has led to the alternative name devil's cauldron but could there be an additional and dagger reason for this one person who may have stumbled upon the answer is the channel tex racks for years they tested the durability of multiple pieces of technology via different extreme situations as such the boiling cauldron was a perfect place to test the survival capabilities of the iphone 11. okay guys so check it out we're gonna slowly but surely dip it straight in the water still the experiment seems like a flop with texrax's first test however the second time texrak straps the fan he captures something truly chilling tex racks himself is at a loss to explain the screams but this hasn't stopped his viewers from claiming the cauldron is actually a portal to hell now obviously this theory is speculative at best but there's no doubt the sounds are unusual so what's really the answer be sure to let me know in the world of ufo research some self-proclaimed hunters often analyze live nasa feeds for proof unfortunately for the most part they're left with blurry pictures of normal space phenomena however every now and then the cameras pick up something that shouldn't be there the most recent example of this was on february 19th 2020 when ufologists spotted this bizarre object [Music] incredibly based on its size compared to that of the nearby planets the ufo appears to be massive on an unprecedented scale still despite such inspired speculation nasa claims the artifact anomaly is actually an internal reflection of venus intriguingly though researchers have noted the ufo's similarity to ezekiel's wheel long suspected to be proof of the ancient alien theory for those unaware the bible claims the prophet was visited by a flying chariot yet others believe it was a spare ship no doubt this sounds like blatant pseudoscience except the idea was surprisingly correlated by nasa chief joseph bloomrick sir is the solar anomaly proof that ezekiel's wheel has returned or was it really just a reflection of venus [Music] if this year didn't feel apocalyptic enough some believe a dragon has now been filmed in china in a scene sensationally described as hell on earth a sudden explosion recently hit the taxi district of chanyang a officially it was the result of a lightning strike however many are convinced it was some type of plasma weapon and even weirder still that it had a connection to this flying creature what's up it was hot it was hot it was [Music] hot [Music] mysteriously concurrent to the explosion you can clearly see what looks like a dragon silhouette behind the apartments covered by multiple cameras skeptics have claimed it's merely a piece of plastic debris it seems to flop its wings so is it possible this anomaly really is some unexplained creature and if so why was its appearance perfectly timed with the explosion is this proof they're related or was it just a bunch of debris and a few coincidences what's your opinion [Music] a video that bears unnerving similarity to that of the frozen bird clip this was taken back in september 2019 posted to facebook by morgan lyons she supposedly stumbled upon this crowd of seemingly frozen people this is definitely weird enough but even stranger that been nobody there 10 minutes earlier what the [ __ ] is happening gotta go get me out now this is certainly mysterious but could there be a simple explanation according to some comments the group is a class from dr joe dispenza's meditation retreat in which participants stand completely still in order to become fully immersed in the experience however others remain skeptical of this and question why they would freeze in such uncomfortable positions as well as why some members are stood nowhere near each other additionally viewers state that they couldn't all stand still without at least some instance of movement so if the people aren't from the meditation retreat could it perhaps be an elaborate prank or as a few far out theories postulate further evidence of the simulation hypothesis gotta go get me out [Music] early this year the city of bryan texas was rocked by a heart of banshee-like screams and although officials blamed the pressure release valve many residents are convinced of an overworldly explanation one of these is daniel robb who was one of the first to record the screams according to rob they apparently started around 8 30 in the midst of an unusually powerful thunderstorm and continued for an hour there's a sound screaming like it's like a it's like a scream it's so freaking loud and it's coming from up in the air like up there it's been going on now what is that i swear i saw like this thing when the lightning was flashing a second ago what the [ __ ] as heard the screams come in fairly regular intervals with an odd mixture of vibration sounds and streaks most inexplicably they seem to be extremely loud and yet somehow far in the distance that is so loud and so like eerie it's like a banshee blood curdling scream there it is again [Music] what is that fortunately however resident rusty epilida was able to get a much more close-up recording unfortunately his video only makes the screams that much more creepy [Applause] curiously the screams seem to end with an animalistic cry while around the same time there are a series of mysterious blue flashes eerily these screams sound like they're coming from something alive and not an object is overspeculated [Applause] so what was responsible for now we don't know but the answer probably lies in rob's over two videos interestingly the earlier clip shows the air force responding to an unidentified object in the exact same location where he later captured the screams [Music] meanwhile in the latter piece of footage it looks as if rob potentially captures that object it's coming from up there see that thing in this guy flashes what was this ufo however modification devices has been suggested or is there a more darker outlook [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Dark Matter
Views: 820,698
Rating: 4.8093534 out of 5
Keywords: mysterious videos, mysterious, caught on camera, mysterious things caught on camera, unexplained videos, elisa lam, scary videos, creepy videos, scary footage
Id: j10MpAYwlPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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