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Hello, my wonderful friend! Today's video is  on 9 cute things girls say when they like you.   This is how to tell a girl likes you fast. Have you ever been in that situation where  there's this really, really cute gal,   and you're hoping that she's noticed you too,  that she's interested, that she likes you? And maybe you've even seen videos like this video   that are on body language  signs that she likes you,   and you're looking for those signs, but you're  really struggling to read that body language. Has that ever happened to you?  That's actually really common. You wanna make sure you're reading  her body language correctly,   right? And so it can be a little nervous  to, like, trust yourself on that. This is one of the reasons why knowing what girls  say when they're interested in you is so helpful. You don't have to read her body language so  much, although I still highly recommend it.   You can also focus on the things  she says and what they mean. So if you want to become a pro at  knowing that a beautiful woman is   interested and that she likes  you, keep watching this video. Every woman is a little bit  different. So when you're the man   who can read as many signs as possible, you  are light years ahead of your competition. Before we dive in, make sure you subscribe  and ring the notification bell. My name is   Melannie. I'm a Christian dating coach for men  and creator of Attracting Lasting Love Academy. I'm your go-to source to learn how to find the  adorable love of your life, melt her heart,   make her fall madly in love with you so you can  spend the rest of your life with her by your side. So make sure to subscribe and ring the  notification bell. And if you'd like to   learn more about working with me in my  Academy, just go to coachmelannie.com As we get started with this, there are two other  videos I'm also going to mention that are going   to help you so so much. If you haven't  yet seen this video on hidden signs that   she really does like you, but she's scared  of rejection, you need to watch that one. And this video on 17 juicy secrets about women  that you did not expect. Like, they may or may   not give you butterflies. So I will put links to  both of those videos in the description below. So are you ready to know how to tell a girl  likes you fast just by what she says to you?   Let's dive in! The first type of thing she'll say is something  like, "I love spending time with you," or,   "I always feel so good when I'm around  you," or, "I always love seeing you." Basically, anything that expresses   that she enjoys it when you are around and  when she gets to talk to you and see you. This is something that can just slip  very naturally into a conversation.   She may not even really realize  that it slipped out of her mouth. However, it's a pretty bold way to show that she  is interested, that she wants to be with you more. There's a reason she feels this way. It's not  something you just randomly say to just anyone. It   means that you really want to spend more time with  that person, because you're interested in them. The second thing girls say when they like  you is, "Hey, we should do that sometime." Let's pretend you're talking about  your new favorite restaurant,   or a movie you just watched, or one of your  favorite places to go hang out, whatever it is. If she says, "Wow, that's really  cool. We should do that sometime,"   That is her totally inviting you to ask her out. That is her way of saying, "You know, if you asked  me out to go do that right now, I would say yes." You're not going to say something like that  unless you actually want to spend time with them. If she didn't necessarily want to do  that with you, then she would just   go try out the restaurant herself,  or just go to the movie herself. The fact that she's expressing  that she wants to do it with you   means that she's interested. She is trying  to make it super easy for you to ask her out. The third thing girls will say  when they like you, a clear way   to tell that she likes you, is if she says  something like, "Yeah, I just don't really   have anything to do this weekend. I don't  really have any plans. What about you?" Now she may ask, "What about you?" or she may just  mention she doesn't have any plans. Either way,   that is, again, her making it very easy for  you to say, "Hey, we should do something." She's letting you know that she's  available to spend time with you   and she wants to spend time with you. If she doesn't wanna spend  time with you, she is not   going to mention that she has nothing  to do. Like, she's not. She's not going   to leave that as a possibility just  to avoid any awkward situations. But if she's purposefully letting  you know, it's for a reason. Okay, I'm gonna let you in on a massive  secret that most people don't know. Are you ready to be one of the  insiders who knows this secret? Women pursue men. It's kind of a common thing where  people talk about men pursuing women. But what most people don't know   is that women totally pursue the  man they're interested in. Totally. However, Because she's a woman,   because she's feminine, which is the way you  want her to be, right? Because she's feminine,   she's going to pursue you in a feminine way. And  she needs you to pursue her in a masculine way. Now one of the ways a woman pursues  a man is she shows her interests   and makes it as easy as possible for you to   pursue her. She makes it as obvious as she can  and as easy as she can for you to pursue her. That's her way of saying  "I'm interested. Are you?" So when she says something like, "I don't  actually have anything going on this weekend,   what about you?" that's her way of saying, "Hey,   do you wanna pursue me? Are you interested enough  in me that you want to spend time with me?" And by the way, this actually  brings up a really good question. Have you ever wondered why maybe you see the  signs that a girl's really interested in you,   maybe you start to get to know her a little bit  and it's awesome and you think it's going great. And then all of a sudden, it completely  falls apart, and you have no idea why. Maybe she ghosts you, or she just rejects you  or turns you down, or maybe she puts you in the   friend zone, and you're like, "What happened?  I totally saw signs she was interested." Have you ever been in that situation? You're left confused and hurting  when that happens, right? There are two main reasons why this happens.  And if you want to be successful in love,   it is critical that you know what they are  and how to avoid these things from happening. Most men don't know this, and that's  what makes them feel hopeless in love. So the first reason why this happens  is that the man does not pursue her.   One of a woman's basic needs in  a relationship is to be pursued. You have basic needs in a relationship, right?  That's totally normal. Everyone has those needs.   And one of the needs that a  woman has is to be pursued. That's what makes her feel safe.  That's what makes her see you as sexy.   She just does. That's what makes her see you as  masculine and attractive and confident and the   kind of man she wants by her side forever. That's  the kind of man she wants to shower with kisses. She needs you to pursue her. However, if a man does not pursue her,  it's like a slap in the face. That's   outright rejection because  she's expressing her interest,   she's showing you that she's interested,  again, pursuing you in that feminine way. And when you don't act on  it and you don't pursue her,   ouch. She's embarrassed. She's hurt. She's  crushed. And she moves on. She's done. The second reason why this could happen   is that something happens when you approach  or when you are interacting with her   that makes her feel unsafe or feel  like the relationship wouldn't work. And when that happens, she doesn't wanna waste  your time, she doesn't wanna waste her time,   and so she'll just stop it from going any  further, whether it be the friend zone   or ghosting or whatever it is, she's  trying to save you both anymore pain. It's actually a lot more  common than most people think   that she feels uncomfortable or doesn't  feel like the relationship will go anywhere   because the interaction isn't working.  And so it causes her to just pull away. This is why I help you master pursuing a woman  and melting her heart quickly in my Academy. If you want long-term success in love with  an adorable woman who loves the real you,   there are 5 critical secrets  you must discover and apply. I just created a new free masterclass where I  teach you what three of these powerful secrets   are. If you want to be successful in love, you  need to make sure you watch it, like, ASAP. Just go to coachmelannie.com/masterclass  to watch this completely free masterclass.   I will also put a link in the description  below and a link in the pinned comment. Do you want to be successful in love? Do you want to make sure that  the attraction that's growing   just grows and grows and grows and  blossoms into real lasting love? You need to learn these secrets. So  make sure you watch that masterclass. That's a whole lot better than  watching that attraction just die,   right? So save yourself  some heartache and watch it. The next thing girls will say when they like  you is something along the lines of, "Wow,   how are you still single? Like, you're amazing!"  That's not something you just randomly say. There is an exception to this, and that  is if she's already in a relationship. Some people get a little confused about  why she would say something like that.   It's actually very common when people are  completely happy in their relationship, but   they're trying to compliment you. They're trying  to encourage you and help boost your confidence. So if she's already in a relationship  and she's saying something like that,   it's not weird or necessarily inappropriate  or anything, but don't read too far into it. However, if she is single,   that is another really blunt and bold way  for her to be like, "Wow, I have thought   about you in terms of how you would be as a  boyfriend or a husband, and I'm impressed." When you think about it, that's a really big deal.  If she's hinting or being flirty about you being   a great person to be in a relationship  with, it means she's thought about it. This is honestly the perfect  time to pursue her. Just, again,   make sure you know how to pursue effectively  and really make her feel safe with you. That's something I will talk a little  bit more about in that free masterclass,   so do make sure you watch it. The next thing a girl will say when she likes  you, when she thinks you're cute, is something   along the lines of, "Wow, you're really funny!"  or she'll compliment you on your sense of humor. It's kind of funny how this works. Women  are most attracted to men who they think   have a great sense of humor,  who they think are funny. And when she's attracted to you, she thinks  you're even more funny than maybe you actually   are. So it's kind of an interesting  cycle, kind of a snowball effect. So if she lets you know that she  really enjoys your sense of humor,   that can be a fabulous sign  of some strong attraction. That leads us right into the next thing a woman  will do. And it's not so much something she   will say, but it is something that comes  out of her mouth. So it kind of works. And that is that she will giggle  a lot and/or laugh nervously. This is honestly a massive  sign. It's one of the most   common signs that a girl is attracted  to you and interested in you. Now, a question I get asked a lot about   pretty much everything I teach is, "Does this  work with older women as well?" So say 50+. And the truth is, yeah, everything I teach because  it's based on science applies no matter her age. Yes, there are going to be a  few differences. For instance,   there are women in that age range who are  going to giggle, they just are. Some others   may just be a little bit more subtle  about it and so they may laugh nervously. But yes, this is definitely something women  do who are a little bit older as well. Okay, this next thing women will say  when they like you is kind of fun. This one is something along  the lines of, "Holy cow,   you're going to be the best husband,"  or the best boyfriend or whatever it is. Again, if she's thinking what you  would be like in a relationship,   that's a huge sign. That's not really  something you just do with any random person. Again, the exception would be if  she's already in a relationship,   she's just trying to compliment  you. Don't misunderstand that. But if she's not in a relationship, if  she's single and she's, "Oh my goodness,   you'd make the best husband," maybe she'll  even add to that, "How are you still single?"   Yeah, that's a really, really good sign that   she's interested and she thinks you're cute  and she wants you to think she's cute too. It's also a wonderful sign that maybe she's  without even realizing it trying to get you   to think about her in that light too. "Hmm, what  would it be like if we were in a relationship?" She's thinking about the two of you and obviously  hoping that you're thinking about the two of you. Before we get to our next things  girls say when they like you,   I have a question. Are you enjoying this video?  It's kind of been a fun one for me to make. Would you like more videos on things  girls say or do when they like you?   If that's something you would be  interested in, comment "saying"   in the comments below. I know it's kind of  a weird thing to comment, but do it anyway. This feedback really does help me  when I'm brainstorming ideas of   what to make a video on. So comment "saying"  if you'd like more videos like this one. And I just have to give a shout-out to  those of you who are using the Super Thanks.   I feel so humbled and so grateful that what I  work so hard to create matters enough to you   that you would use that and do that Super Thanks. So seriously, thank you. I think most people  don't realize how much it actually takes to   make these videos. It takes so much more than  you would think. Your support truly helps me   bring you week after week these high-quality,  appropriate, good videos. So thank you so much. I   really, really appreciate it. And if you would  like to use the Super Thanks on this video,   whether you've done a Super Thanks in the past or  not, I would really appreciate it, so thank you. Okay, the next thing girls will say when  they like you is she will talk in "we"   a lot. As in, in the conversation,  she will talk about "we" and "us." Whenever she's doing that, it's like a sign she's  thinking along the terms of "couple." And she   probably will have no idea she's even doing this.  It'll just slip naturally into the conversation. So pay attention when you're talking to her  and see if she says "we" a lot, or "us." And the next thing a girl will say   when she likes you is she will ask you a  ton of questions. Like, a ton of questions. If someone just asks you a couple  of questions, that's really just   being polite. Or maybe they happen to be  interested in the thing you're talking about. However, if she asks you a lot of  questions, that's a huge sign of interest. This is especially true of introvert  women. They love deep conversations. Now, when we're interested in someone, we're  interested in learning more about them. One, there are a couple of reasons for this. One,  we get to talk to them more. That's a lot of fun. Two, it also helps us really get to know  them and know who they are as a person. So this is a very, very common thing  girls do when they're interested in you,   is they'll ask you a lot of questions. So here's the big question. What do you do next? When you see these signs that she likes you,  that she's interested, what do you do next? Remember, the last thing  you want to do is reject her   and hurt her by not pursuing.  That's a need that women have. However, you also don't want to pursue  the incorrect and ineffective way. Which   to be perfectly honest is the way 99.9% of  people teach you how to pursue. It doesn't   work. It messes up relationships so bad. You want  to create more attraction rather than killing it. These secret strategies are things I  help you master quickly in my Academy,   so that you can have long-term  success with an adorable, sweet,   stunning woman and make her fall  deeply in love with the real you. If you are sick of being confused and  just ready for the answers upfront,   that's where you need to go. To learn more about this,  how to make her feel safe,   what your next steps are,  watch that free masterclass. Just go to coachmelannie.com/masterclass.   I'll put a link in the description  below and a link in the pinned comment. Real fast, let's recap all the  things girls say when they like you. Number one, something along the lines of,   "I love spending time with you. I love seeing  you. I always feel so good when I'm around you."   If she's expressing how she feels when she's  around you in a positive way, that's huge. Number two, "We should do that sometime."  That is her making it as easy as she can   for you to ask her out. "Yeah, let's do it." Number three, "I don't really have anything  to do this weekend. What about you?" If she's   letting you know that her weekend is free, it's  because she's hoping you get to spend it together. Number four, "How are you still  single?" This is her way of expressing   that you totally have what people want in a  relationship. You would be an amazing partner.   And so naturally those are traits she's  looking for in a relationship and in a partner. Number five, she tells you you're funny. A good  sense of humor is very attractive to women.   Like, very attractive. And if she likes yours,  that's a good sign that you're attractive to her. Number six, she laughs and/or giggles nervously.  A huge thing women do when they're around   someone they think is attractive. One,  because they think you're funny. And two,   they're nervous. Makes sense, right? Number seven is, "You're going to be a great  husband," or a great boyfriend or whatever it is.   If she's expressing that, again,  you have those desirable traits,   that's huge. I mean, think about it. Number eight, she says "we" a lot. This,  again, shows that she's in that mindset of   thinking in terms of a couple, the  two of you, you and her. That's big. And number nine, she asks a  lot of questions. This is a   good way for her to get to know you  better, to spend more time with you,   hopefully you'll notice her, and it  helps her really get to know you. Thank you so much for watching, my amazing friend!   Be sure to subscribe and  ring the notification bell. And I wanna hear from you in the comments.   Did you enjoy this video? Would you like more?  If you would, comment "saying" to let me know. Do you have a friend who would enjoy this video?   Make sure you share it with him. It helps me out  and I know it will help him out so much as well. If you don't yet follow me on social media, there  are links in the description below. And I share   exclusive content in my Instagram stories, so  make sure you especially follow me on Instagram. Thank you so much again, my amazing  friend, and have an amazing day. [blooper beep] [chuckle] That's kind  of a terrifying face. [laughter] It   looks like a Cheshire cat.  That's terrifying. [laughter] Let's do this. Let's go. I'm on the ball  today. I am on-the-ball-Melannie. I am on time,   super focused, super zen. Boom. Well, we're gonna  try it at least. We'll see how far we get. Okay.   Okay. Okay. He- Off to a good start.  See, told ya, super on the ball. Okay. Ouch. I just pulled a hair out.  I don't even know how I did that. Oh, I just had like a little mini heart attack.  I thought it said it'd only been filming   or recording for 59 seconds. And I was like,  "What!?" But it said 8 minutes and 59 seconds.   That's very different. That's very  different. [laughter] I can breathe again. Psst, hey, super-secret-rockstar-club, those  of you who watch to the end of the video   to learn our special, exclusive  word that nobody else knows,   how you doing? I'm doing good.  Hope you're doing fabulous.   Our word of the week is "lamp." [chuckle] Why  is it lamp? Because there's a lamp behind me   and I looked at it and I was like, "Hey,  lamp." [laughter] That makes good sense,   right? So if you're one of the exclusive rock  stars who make it to the end of the video,   comment "lamp," and never forget  you're a rock star and you're amazing   and I appreciate you and I love  reading your comments. So keep it up. I think that's everything.   I just had a song pop in my head that I was going  to sing, and then I was like, "That is so random."   But most of what I do, you know, in the  blooper reel, is pretty random. [laughter]   That's just where my brain goes. And I  don't know why. Okay, did I forget anything?   Nope, I think I'm good. Okay, bye. I don't  know why I just waved. I've never waved before.   It just felt like the right thing to do.  [laughter] Okay, bye. I gotta get off.
Channel: Coach Melannie
Views: 28,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to tell a girl likes you, things people say when they like you, 9 cute things girls say when they like you, how to tell a girl likes you fast, signs a girl likes you, signs she likes you, subtle signs she likes you, how to tell a girl likes you over text, hidden signs a girl likes you, hidden signs she likes you, how to tell if a girl likes you, signs a girl likes a guy, how to know if a girl likes you, does she like me, what women want in a man, Coach Melannie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 07 2022
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