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Hello my wonderful friend! Today's video is on 13  subtle signs she's waiting for you to make a move.   This is how to know if she likes you fast.  You're in that situation where you see that   gorgeous gal and you really want to get to know  her better. You really want to get her number   and you really want to ask her out. But it can  be a little bit intimidating, right? Especially   if you've tried to make a move in the past and it  hasn't gone well. You don't want to be rejected,   you don't want to make things awkward,  you don't want to be ghosted. Instead,   you want her attraction to grow for you and  you want her to want to go out with you,   right? Well you are about to learn the signs that  she wants you to make a move. And that makes it   a lot less intimidating because you already know  she's interested. We'll also be talking about how   to make a move so that it's successful and goes  really really well instead of tanking terribly.   Now each of these tips are really important and it  just gets better as you go along. As a matter of   fact, maybe the most powerful yet the most simple  sign is actually at the end of the video so make   sure you stay tuned to the end. Honestly it's  probably going to surprise you that this sign   is so powerful. Before we dive in make sure you  subscribe and ring that notification bell. My   name is Melannie. I'm a Christian dating coach  for men. This is the number one place for you to   learn how to find, attract, and keep the girl of  your dreams without any mind games or tricks or   pretending to be someone you aren't.So if you're  looking for that happy, lifelong relationship   make sure you subscribe and ring that notification  bell. With that, let's talk about these signs that   she's waiting for you to make a move. Now maybe  you've seen this video on where to meet women.   Maybe you're starting to get out, maybe you have  a certain gal in mind, and you're wondering if you   should make a move. Let me just explain why these  signs are subtle. Because as I mentioned earlier,   guys, I will never teach you mind games. They  just don't work. So this isn't about a mind   game. This is about body language. Just like you  feel intimidated and nervous and you're afraid of   being rejected, she is too. And as hard as it  can be for you to read women's body language,   guys, your body language is actually really hard  to read, okay? I'm going to be really honest with   you. It can be incredibly difficult to tell if a  guy is interested in you. So she can feel really   nervous and really really vulnerable. And so she  may not be quite as obvious but our body language   always gives us away. So you're going to find  a lot of body language signs in this list and   that's one of the things that makes it subtle.  Not because she's trying to play with your head,   but just because it is subtle. Thankfully as  you become aware of the signs they're simple   to pick up on and they make the relationship so  much easier for you and for her. So with that,   let's start with sign number one. You have her  attention when she's talking to you. If someone   doesn't want to talk to you, you can tell through  their body language. They'll kind of be pointed   away from you, even if they're facing you but  their body's kind of pointed the other way.   This is especially true of her feet. Or if  she gets distracted easy or she's looking   for somebody else to talk to or she conveniently  gets her her phone and she starts paying attention   to her phone if it goes off or something  then those are signs that she wants to   do something else. She wants to be somewhere  else. But if instead, you've got her attention   that's for a reason. Everything else going  on around her is not as important as talking   to you and paying attention to you. If she  is facing you and giving you her attention   that means she's focused on you. That is a sign  that she is interested and that she wants you   to make a move. Okay, our next subtle sign she's  waiting for you to make a move is if she mentions,   kind of hints, at having free time. Like, "Yeah,  I'm really looking forward to this weekend. I   actually don't have any plans. I don't know what  I'm going to do yet." She just left the door wide   wide open. For the most part if she didn't want to  do something with you she would have something she   was doing, okay? Even if she didn't actually  have something she was doing she would have   something to say. But if instead, she leaves that  door wide open it makes it sound like she has   plenty of time if someone wants to do something  with her. Yeah, that's a sign that she wants   you to make a move. Now something to remember  with this sign and really with all these signs   is that it's important that you pursue her.  Making a move, asking her out, getting her number,   whatever it is, that is a way you pursue her. If  you haven't yet seen this video and this video   on pursuing they're going to help you a lot with  this. I will put links in the description below.   Just remember that if she wants you to pursue her,  if she wants you to make a move, and you don't   that's rejection to a woman, okay? Women tend to  be far better at reading body language than men.   And so she thinks she is being blatantly  obvious that she is interested, okay? And   she is to all the other girls, she just assumes  that you know. And if you don't make a move   that's rejection and she's probably not going  to put herself out again. She doesn't want to   be slapped in the face, so to speak, again.  This is why it's very important to pursue her.   Just make sure that you pursue her the right way  or it's going to get really awkward really fast.   Okay, the next sign she's waiting  for you to make a move is that she   laughs when she's around you a lot. Science  tells us when a woman is attracted to a man   she just tends to laugh more when she is around  him. Now this serves several different purposes.   It's a way for her to connect with you, it's a  way for her to get your attention, and frankly,   she just feels like giddy inside, okay?  She's got those butterflies and she's nervous   and it can make her much more giggly. And if you  notice that she laughs with you a lot, laughs at   your jokes a lot, that's a very very good sign  that she wants you to make a move. She likes   you. Okay, our next sign she wants you to make a  move is that she drops hints of things she enjoys   doing. Like, "Oh my goodness, I love Chipotle.  I could go there anytime. Like it's my favorite   place to go." No, this is not sponsored,I just  happen to love Chipotle so it came to my mind.   But you get the gist. If she, "Oh my goodness, I  love that movie. I would love to see it again."   "Oh my goodness, I love to go do that. I would  love to do that again soon." Those are ways for   her to leave the door wide open for you to say,  "Hey, let's go do that."That's what she's hoping   you will say. She wants to help you make the date  as enjoyable as possible. And dropping those hints   helps you know what she would enjoy doing and  what would be fun for you to do together. Okay,   our next sign is if she fixes her jewelry and her  clothes when she's around you. This is especially   true if she sees you like walk in the room or if  she sees you looking at her and then she starts   making sure her jewelry is okay, making sure her  clothes are looking nice and everything. It's   because she wants you to think she's attractive.  She wants you to notice her. Now real fast before   we get to the next sign we need to talk about  the elephant in the room for a minute, guys.   Why is it so scary to make a move? Because the  truth is, the whole point of these signs is for   you to make a move, right? It's for you to get  to know her better. The reason this or any other   part of dating and relationships can be scary is  because you don't know what you're doing. It's   kind of like when you first start learning how  to drive a car. Most of us are terrified,, right?   And if you're not terrified you are as soon as  you realize you have no idea what you are doing.   However, once you go through the training, once  you understand what to do, it's not scary anymore,   right? Why is it not scary anymore? It's because  you've become confident because you actually know   what you are doing. The way to become good at  making a move, good at asking her out, good   at attracting women is simply to just learn how.  Nothing is more terrifying than the unknown. This   is why the men who go through my program and apply  these amazing skills, this is why their confidence   just skyrockets. This is why this becomes simple  instead of terrifying and paralyzing. And it's all   because they understand how to do it. Understand  that women think differently than you do.   This is a little bit hard to shift your focus  to how a woman sees things, but let me see if   I can explain. She is very aware of the fact that  you're a man and she's a woman. She's very aware   of the fact that you're big and strong. And that's  one of the things she likes about you. However,   it can be a little bit scary too. As a matter  of fact, it can be really scary especially in   today's world. And so if something happens that  makes her feel awkward or a nervous, if you're   just winging it, if you have no idea what you're  doing, that's going to push her away because it   freaks her out. Now to you it's not going to  feel awkward. To you it's not going to feel   scary in any way. But that's because you're not a  woman. This is whyI literally have tons of emails   and tons of DMs and tons of comments every single  day from men asking, "Melannie, why did she ghost   me? Melannie, why did she just stop talking to  me? Melannie, why did we go on two dates and now   she won't talk to me?" And I'm like, "Okay, what  happened? Tell me about it." And I'm like, "Yeah,   I know exactly what happened." You cannot wing it.  You need to make sure you know what you're doing.   This is why dating and relationship skills are  critical if you want the girl of your dreams.   And that's really what you deserve.  This is what I teach in my program,   How To Get A Girlfriend. To learn more about that  make sure you go to coachmelannie.com/masterclass.   I will put a link in the description below and a  link in the pinned comment. This is where you can   watch my free masterclass that's going to teach  you more about my program, teach you more about   what I teach, and why it works. So if you are  tired of being rejected and ghosted and tired of   it being a struggle to get your dream relationship  you need to know these things. So make sure again   you go to coachmelannie.com/masterclass. That,  my friend, is how you set yourself up for success   instead of failure. So make sure you check  out the link in the description below. Okay,   our next subtle sign she's waiting for  you to make a move is if she fixes her   hair when she is around you. Again, this is very  similar to fixing her clothes and her jewelry.   If you notice that she fixes her hair, makes sure  her hair looks good it's because she wants you   to notice it looks good, okay? She wants to look  attractive for you. And she's not going to do that   unless she wants you to make a move. Our next sign  is that she touches you. When we're attracted to   people we touch them. Makes sense, right? Now  sometimes this is a little bit more obvious,   other times it's much more subtle. For instance,  she may brush up against you when she walks past   you, she may touch your arm when she's talking  to you, she may stand really close to you,   she might sit close enough that you touch, she  might playfully push you, she might give you a hug   when she sees you. These are all ways for her to  touch you in a way that doesn't look creepy or   super desperate. Now again something to remember  with this sign and really all of the signs is   that each woman is a bit different. So if you  do not see all of these signs, that's okay.   Some women are more bold, some women are more  shy, some women don't know you as well, so this   is one of the reasons why it's good to be aware  of so many signs. I'm actually thinking about   making another video with additional body language  type signs, subtle signs that she is interested in   you and that she likes you. Would you like another  video on that? If you would, please let me know in   the comments by commenting "signs she likes you."  This helps me so so much so again if you want   more videos like this one, if you're enjoying this  video, make sure you comment "signs she likes you"   to let me know. Okay, our next sign she's waiting  for you to make a move is if she flirts with you.   We usually flirt with people for a reason, right?  It makes sense. And so if she is flirting with you   that is her way of, again, trying to invite you  to make a move. If you haven't yet seen this   video on signs she's flirting with you make sure  you give it a watch. I'll put a link to that in   the description below as well. Our next sign  she wants you to make a move is if she finds   ways to talk to you. If she goes out of her way to  talk to you, if maybe she texts you occasionally,   tries to keep the conversation going, tries to  start a conversation, maybe she walks by and   tries to talk to you when she walks by, if she's  looking for ways to contact you, to talk to you,   it's for a reason. And it's one way she leaves the  door wide open so you can make a move, so you can   ask her out, so you can flirt with her. Ultimately  it's her way of inviting you to pursue her. Okay,   our next sign is if she plays with her jewelry. We  already talked about how she'll fix her jewelry,   make sure it looks good. Well, she may also  play with it. This is actually one of the crazy,   crazy body language signs that is very  very effective. So if you notice she   plays with her jewelry a lot that's a really  good sign that she's interested and she thinks   you're cute and she wants you to notice she's cute  too. Our next sign is that she sits close to you.   Again, this kind of comes back to touch. If we are  attracted to someone we want to be close to them.   And if you notice she tends to sit close to you,  maybe she'll even lean in a little bit when she's   talking to you, that can be a really really good  sign that she's interested, that she likes you,   and that she's waiting for you to make a move.  Okay, our next sign is kind of a funny one. I've   mentioned it in a couple of other videos and you  guys always ask questions about it so I'm adding   it here as well. If she points her feet towards  you it is a sign that she's interested in you.   Where our minds are, our feet will point,  okay? So kind of like I was telling you earlier   if she's talking to someone but she's interested  in something else, she's thinking about something   else, her feet will be pointed wherever it is  she's thinking about. For instance, if you see two   people talking and one person's foot is pointed  towards the door, it means they want to get out   of that conversation and they want to leave and  go through that door. So the same is true with   interest. She could be talking to someone else  but her feet be pointing towards you. She could be   sitting down across the room from you but her feet  be pointing towards you. And those are all signs   that she's interested. She wants you to make a  move because she's attracted to you. She's already   noticed you. Now if you are talking to her and  her feet are pointing at you that is a crazy crazy   good sign. Now sometimes people get a little  confused and they're like, "Okay, but what if   both feet aren't pointing at me?" Well the most  important foot is going to be her dominant foot,   okay? That's the foot we usually kind of lead  with. And it's very similar to our dominant hand,   so for most people that's going to be their right  foot. So don't panic if her left foot is pointing   a different direction. As long as her right foot  is pointing at you you're probably good. It kind   of is a funny sign, but it's actually crazy  effective. Pay attention to your own feet and   start noticing when your feet are pointing where  you want to go. Okay, this may be the single most   powerful body language sign. It is certainly one  of the most used, if not the most used. And this   is one that women totally think you understand. So  if you do not understand this one it's like a slap   in the face to her, okay? So pay close attention.  If she looks at you, smiles, and looks away   when you look at her. That is huge. The looking  away, especially if she looks down and away,   that's huge. That is her way of saying, "Oh, hey,  hi." "Oh, hey, you should come over here." "Oh,   hey, you're really cute." That is what she's  saying, okay? Now if you ignore that too many   times, if you see that too many times and you do  not make a move, "Okay, he doesn't like me. Okay,   I just embarrassed myself. He probably thinksI  look really ugly. Okay, I'm not gonna smile at   him anymore." That's what goes through her head.  So pay very very close attention to that sign.   Don't disregard it. It's okay to make sure  you're seeing that sign, because sometimes   your eyes just meet, right? Your eyes just meet  across the room and you look away and whatever.   So it's okay to try a couple of times, but if  you've seen it two to three times in a night   that's a really good sign and she probably  won't send them too many more times   if you don't at least try to make a move.  This is again why you need to make sure   you know what you're going to do. You need to  know how to walk over to her, how to ask her out,   what to say, what your body language should be,  how to make sure you ask her out in a way that   makes her feel comfortable. All of these things,  they become your game plan. And when you have a   game plan you're not afraid because you just go,  "Oh, yeah. Okay, so I do that." Oh, yeah. So I   do that." And then instead of being petrified and  awkward and freaked out, instead, you're confident   and you're masculine and you attract her like  you would not believe because nothing is more   attractive to a woman than confidence. This is  why I teach these skills in my program. So again,   when you are ready to just know how to make a  move simply and easily and avoid being ghosted   and avoid being rejected and avoid things being  awkward make sure you check out that program.   You can learn more about it by watching my free  masterclass at coachmelannie.com/masterclass. This   is for the men who are tired of being single  and just want to fast track it. You don't want   to make any more mistakes. You just want to get  results. So again, there's link in the description   below and a link in the pinned comment. Thank  you so much for watching my amazing friend! If   you learned something new and enjoyed what you saw  be sure to give me a big thumbs up and subscribe   and ring that notification bell if you haven't  yet. I want to hear from you in the comments.   Would you like more videos on signs she likes you  and body language signs that let you know if she   likes you? If you would, please comment "signs she  likes you" in the comments below to let me know.   Do you have a friend who needs to know the signs  that she wants you to make a move? Please share   this with him. It's going to save him so much  frustration. If we're not yet friends on social   media, there are links in the description below.  And I do share exclusive content in my Instagram   stories, so make sure you especially follow me  there. Thank you so much again for watching my   amazing friend and have an amazing day! [blooper  beep] Let's do this. I still, after 200 videos,   I still get like nervous butterflies in my  stomach every time I go to start. Here we go!
Channel: Coach Melannie
Views: 1,707,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: subtle signs she’s waiting for you to make a move, 13 subtle signs she’s waiting for you o make a move how to know if she likes you fast, how to know if she likes you, signs she wants you to make a move, how to make a move, signs she likes you, when to make a move, how to talk to girls, signs a girl likes you, how to tell if a girl likes you, body language signs she likes you, how to know if a girl likes you body language, how to know if a girl likes you, Coach Melannie
Id: Iy19iy63SJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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